DIVX windows media audio nonsense

in General Discussion edited January 2014

I've got some Divx files that use that horrific windows media encoding for their audio. Anyway my question is: "is there any way I can view these and get audio too? Either by using some sort of converter (tried avi2mow but it says it cant read windows media audio) or will *shudder* windows media player for mac view divx fine? I know i should really download and try that before asking but you know how it is I wanna keep the mac nice and clean so I would prefer just to download a codec to hear the godawful windows media compression or use some form of converter instead of risking an install of WMP (heard it takes over the comp a bit, which wouldnt supprise me cos the win ver did)"

Anyway thanks in advance


  • Reply 1 of 4
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    all the apps we hated, nay, loathed in OS 9 (like Real Player and Windows Media Player (WiMP hehe) are nice and self contained and actually work pretty nicely in OS X.

    Try installing them... they aint bad.

    In regards to DiVX playback. There basically three things you can do. All 3 of these will cover about 90% of all those damn encodings you find out there.

    1) Get VLC (Video Lan Client)

    2) go to <a href="http://www.3ivx.com"; target="_blank">www.3ivx.com</a> and download that codec and install

    3) go to <a href="http://www.divx.com"; target="_blank">www.divx.com</a> and install latest codec.

    DiVX wouldnt work with me until I RESTARTED the computer... not just simple login/out.

    I now either view all my movies with either VLC or Quicktime.

    I have bad luck with ASF files though... can't find any remedy for that
  • Reply 2 of 4
    Just use DivX doctor II:

    <a href="http://doctor.3ivx.com/"; target="_blank">http://doctor.3ivx.com/</a>;

    Works every time for me.

    And shame on Apple for not building in support for AVI into Quicktime. Why doesn't Apple support such a common format? It's really annoying....what about all the dumbasses that use Macs? They aren't going to know how to fix these files!
  • Reply 3 of 4
    Get the latest codec from divx.com...(alpha 3) This version finally support long files names, a must for someone like me who have almost 1TB of divx files...(mostly legal) Other than a few files from old codecs that wouldn't sync unless played on a PC, 99+% of them work fine.

    The biggest problem isn't divx anymore, it's actually the Windows migration to Xvid...it's a nice codec, but sometimes, not getting the newest codec will crash windows entirely...Either way, the nimo dude kicks a$$
  • Reply 4 of 4
    ahh thnaks everyone quite shocking that WiMP and real player can actually be half sensible hehe
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