Video: John Oliver's 'Last Week Tonight' sides with Apple in encryption debate



  • Reply 21 of 31
    thh21044 said:
    Oliver made the best argument possible in favor of Apple, but I am still going to support the rule of law (after fifty years in the ACLU). If the courts say  "do it," then Apple should do it.
    The FBI doesn't create our laws, plus Apple has every right to contest this up to the Supreme Court. What exactly were you doing at the ACLU if you weren't there protecting the rights of Americans?
    He was the Devil's Advocate.
  • Reply 22 of 31
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    The FBI doesn't create our laws, plus Apple has every right to contest this up to the Supreme Court. What exactly were you doing at the ACLU if you weren't there protecting the rights of Americans?
    He was the Devil's Advocate.
    Sure seems like it.
  • Reply 23 of 31
    Director Comey wants to be a big deal and the FBI since 9/11 is not as sharp or honest and far more scrappy as a result of that root event. Hes a hack. Since the Patriot act- also passed in a climate of fear and all the drip drip drip since i think its important to remember the quote: The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.- Jefferson I don't care how people get blown up, how many children get molested or sold into slavery or if ISIS starts picking our Avocados since Trump will fire all of the Mexicans. I just dont care. The plight of the innocent and patriot and citizen alike are lesser than the whole and Justice reflects this when administered wisely. Our individual rights are more important than our individual lives.... Which is my point.That doesn't mean justice or prosecution should be lessened it means America needs protection from our government. Because its broken. Criminals always should be sought to bring to justice. Limited. Some people will always get away and accepting that rarirty is a check and balance. Not a call to Orweillian police states. We can look at a coke can from outer space with a smudged telescope and NO ONE but Apple can make this happen? Thats Tim Cooks lie. What theyre not revealing is that iOS 9 was an improvement in encryption but iOS 10 will truly redine the entire discussion but im sure theres a way to lock it up so that it simply cant be locked and so you will they will annualy out run the government simply beacuse anyone can... I mean Dianne Fienstien is a major player in Intelligence ? Reealllllly ? This is garbage government. Just because the framers didnt have iPhones didnt mean they didnt understand the idea and value of keeping a secret (Ethan Allan hung from a tree for keeping his) and how wildly different a secret could be... from dick pics to iphone 5c with nothing on them but the Quaran in iBooks to the British are coming with lamps to imessage. The more the stupid are allowed to allow the government to direct thier lives thru "comfort" "welfare" and and our nationalize malaise /unmotivated anti curiousty to learn grows the syupid will multply and they will multiply and someday no one will be educated or the ones that are arent American and then I hope we are destroyed because these rights are the only reason we exist. End of story. Im Done with amplified platitudes used and only deemed worthy if the correct ampount of fear can be a wedge or used as leverage to "inform" the dumb when the FBI cant just do it in the dark. We are nothing with out our abiity to enjoy celebrate and save these rights for ourselves. Will that be bastardized ? Of course. Does that matter ? Nope. So long as people remember why it is why we have these rights and the many that died to birth them Sure airplanes falling out of skies, raped 7 year olds, Muslims wear bombs filled with Nails.... If you dont know already - its all coming. And much much worse than any time before. The oceans no longer protect us and soon will open a new front of Danger... Erosion on continental scale? Sounds scarier than child porn frankly or muslims... Amd America - Jesus isnt coming. Whatever you believe about this issue the real issure belying all our conversatoins now boil down to muscular christianity and when not directly the issue it doesnt take long to see how the Jesus freaks will side and is it a coincidence that those that believe in a poorly translated collection of fables (probably about Aliens) and a Jewish Zombie / Deadbeat dad "oh im back again." No becasuse hhere isi no such thing. Simple can only understand simple things. Whatever salvation is I promise its not Jesus 2.0 and World Peace. Averting this inevitabilty in every sphere (this debate amoung them) should be exercised, Our government cant even talk to itself so it just turns off the lights when Ted Cruz makes it and so then your choices are to be afraid and if your an idiot enjoy that; if you choose to not be afraid and defend with every possible way your capable of and maintain direct access to the Bill of Rights.... and the promises we were made. You have nothing to fear. If you break a law you should expect on consequence. Because thats all thier is. No Bad. No Evil. No Righteous. Just Action and Consequence. Consequence isnt good or bad its a promise. Its not about this phone. The FBI knows the "All Writs" is garbage in courts and needs a offensive weapon as parts of plan to outwit criminal activinty as the web gets darker.... and there have always been dark places and the FBI is running out of ideas. And the man just lied before Congress under oath. Nothing about this is equitabe or debateable. Hes a criminal. We will lose cities, and everyone dies - letting all of that go and focusing instead on how we treat one another. how much love we freely express. how much Beauty and Arrt we see beyond ourselves and obeserve in others and all the while doing so with grace and humilty that is what Humanity could become - the American government and Christianity stand in the way. The government is not on our side. But can we still be on each others.
  • Reply 24 of 31
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member
    dmdev said:
    zoetmb said:
    There's one out for Apple, since the FBI insists this is just a "one-off".   Apple goes ahead and creates the version of the OS that won't wipe the phone after 10 password attempts, but they build it with a 72-hour self destruct.   (Although I don't know how you get that new OS onto the phone without entering a password first anyway).   And then Apple destroys all copies of the code.   
    You can't build a self-destruct into software. As a binary image that will need to be installed, it can be copied elsewhere, which makes susceptible to modifications that can extend or disable the self destruct. And when the rest of the world knows this effort is about to happen, Apple will be the target of attacks that will seek to steal the code as it is written. Or perhaps Apple employees or their families will be susceptible to kidnapping and ransom attempts. As an engineer I'd say no thank you -- you may go ahead and fire me.
    As an engineer, I would say exactly the same thing. NO. No way no how. Just NO!
  • Reply 25 of 31
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    Director Comey wants to be a big deal and the FBI since 9/11 is not as sharp or honest and far more scrappy as a result of that root event. Hes a hack. Since the Patriot act- also passed in a climate of fear and all the drip drip drip since i think its important to remember the quote: The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.- Jefferson I don't care how people get blown up, how many children get molested or sold into slavery or if ISIS starts picking our Avocados since Trump will fire all of the Mexicans. I just dont care. The plight of the innocent and patriot and citizen alike are lesser than the whole and Justice reflects this when administered wisely. Our individual rights are more important than our individual lives.... Which is my point.That doesn't mean justice or prosecution should be lessened it means America needs protection from our government. Because its broken. Criminals always should be sought to bring to justice. Limited. Some people will always get away and accepting that rarirty is a check and balance. Not a call to Orweillian police states. We can look at a coke can from outer space with a smudged telescope and NO ONE but Apple can make this happen? Thats Tim Cooks lie. What theyre not revealing is that iOS 9 was an improvement in encryption but iOS 10 will truly redine the entire discussion but im sure theres a way to lock it up so that it simply cant be locked and so you will they will annualy out run the government simply beacuse anyone can... I mean Dianne Fienstien is a major player in Intelligence ? Reealllllly ? This is garbage government. Just because the framers didnt have iPhones didnt mean they didnt understand the idea and value of keeping a secret (Ethan Allan hung from a tree for keeping his) and how wildly different a secret could be... from dick pics to iphone 5c with nothing on them but the Quaran in iBooks to the British are coming with lamps to imessage. The more the stupid are allowed to allow the government to direct thier lives thru "comfort" "welfare" and and our nationalize malaise /unmotivated anti curiousty to learn grows the syupid will multply and they will multiply and someday no one will be educated or the ones that are arent American and then I hope we are destroyed because these rights are the only reason we exist. End of story. Im Done with amplified platitudes used and only deemed worthy if the correct ampount of fear can be a wedge or used as leverage to "inform" the dumb when the FBI cant just do it in the dark. We are nothing with out our abiity to enjoy celebrate and save these rights for ourselves. Will that be bastardized ? Of course. Does that matter ? Nope. So long as people remember why it is why we have these rights and the many that died to birth them Sure airplanes falling out of skies, raped 7 year olds, Muslims wear bombs filled with Nails.... If you dont know already - its all coming. And much much worse than any time before. The oceans no longer protect us and soon will open a new front of Danger... Erosion on continental scale? Sounds scarier than child porn frankly or muslims... Amd America - Jesus isnt coming. Whatever you believe about this issue the real issure belying all our conversatoins now boil down to muscular christianity and when not directly the issue it doesnt take long to see how the Jesus freaks will side and is it a coincidence that those that believe in a poorly translated collection of fables (probably about Aliens) and a Jewish Zombie / Deadbeat dad "oh im back again." No becasuse hhere isi no such thing. Simple can only understand simple things. Whatever salvation is I promise its not Jesus 2.0 and World Peace. Averting this inevitabilty in every sphere (this debate amoung them) should be exercised, Our government cant even talk to itself so it just turns off the lights when Ted Cruz makes it and so then your choices are to be afraid and if your an idiot enjoy that; if you choose to not be afraid and defend with every possible way your capable of and maintain direct access to the Bill of Rights.... and the promises we were made. You have nothing to fear. If you break a law you should expect on consequence. Because thats all thier is. No Bad. No Evil. No Righteous. Just Action and Consequence. Consequence isnt good or bad its a promise. Its not about this phone. The FBI knows the "All Writs" is garbage in courts and needs a offensive weapon as parts of plan to outwit criminal activinty as the web gets darker.... and there have always been dark places and the FBI is running out of ideas. And the man just lied before Congress under oath. Nothing about this is equitabe or debateable. Hes a criminal. We will lose cities, and everyone dies - letting all of that go and focusing instead on how we treat one another. how much love we freely express. how much Beauty and Arrt we see beyond ourselves and obeserve in others and all the while doing so with grace and humilty that is what Humanity could become - the American government and Christianity stand in the way. The government is not on our side. But can we still be on each others.
  • Reply 26 of 31
    aaarrrggghaaarrrgggh Posts: 1,609member
    Great laugh.  Hope it helps more people understand the real issue.  It is far from a fine line.

    Hopefully the next generation of the Secure Enclave will close a few more holes and make this harder to do in the future from a technical perspective.  We just keep too much data on our phones now to not have it as secure as possible.
  • Reply 27 of 31
    Sign the Whitehouse petition here:

    Hurry, there are currently 23,000 signatures. 100,000 are needed by March 18 to require a Whitehouse response.
    The title of the petition is: 

    Halt efforts that compel Apple and other device makers to create a "backdoor" for the Government to access citizens data

  • Reply 28 of 31
    observer1 said:
    Sign the Whitehouse petition here:

    Hurry, there are currently 23,000 signatures. 100,000 are needed by March 18 to require a Whitehouse response.
    The title of the petition is: 

    Halt efforts that compel Apple and other device makers to create a "backdoor" for the Government to access citizens data

    Sure, they will respond if you get enough signatures. Their response? "Apple is helping terrorists. It's just one phone! You can destroy the backdoor after we use it. Apple has billions and billions and doesn't pay their taxes - they can afford this. Did we mention the children that will be saved by this?"
  • Reply 29 of 31
    zoetmbzoetmb Posts: 2,655member
    thh21044 said:
    Oliver made the best argument possible in favor of Apple, but I am still going to support the rule of law (after fifty years in the ACLU). If the courts say  "do it," then Apple should do it.
    No...because this is not just about Apple breaking into the phone or bypassing the password.   This is about forcing Apple to write a modified version of the operating system in order to facilitate the FBI investigation.   I don't believe there's any parallel to that in our history.   Furthermore, under our system of law, Apple has the right to appeal, which is what they've done.  Even if it reaches the Supreme Court, I don't think they can force Apple to write an OS.   Congress would have to pass a new law requiring a backdoor and it would have to be applied retroactively.   But I don't think they can get it passed because those on the far left and those on the far right would be opposed to this government intrusion.   You imply that Apple isn't following the law - but they are - they're going through the legal process. 

    Unfortunately, both government agencies and the general public think in the short term, not the long term.  One terrorist incident happens, everyone is scared and they're willing to give up their freedom to stop it.   Thousands of people a year are killed by guns and no one gives a crap because we're willing to live with that risk in the name of freedom.     Notice how no one is really asking how this terrorist got guns inside the building?   Who cares whether some hateful bastard in Syria, Iraq, Iran or Afghanistan told this guy to go kill Americans - what difference does that make?   There are always going to be evil people who encourage other people to do terrible things to others. 

    And they're not thinking about what having that backdoor means in the long term in terms of our overall security and privacy even aside from government intrusion.   
  • Reply 30 of 31
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Hopefully the next generation of the Secure Enclave will close a few more holes and make this harder to do in the future from a technical perspective.  We just keep too much data on our phones now to not have it as secure as possible.
    *iOS introduction keynote*
    Now I’d like to move on to security. In iOS 10, we’re switching our encryption over to RSA-4096, up from 256. This will happen automatically when you update...
    Cook: iPhone 7 also comes with an amazing new chip, building on the successes of our Secure Enclave in previous years. We call it the “Fuck You: You Know Who You Are”. It takes the RSA-4096 from iOS itself and goes a step further. The RSA encryption key for your personal information is fed into the FYYKWYA (pronounced Fike-wa) and used as the seed for another 4096-bit encryption. The resulting number is fed into an algorithm alongside 256 random bytes of data taken from your personal information. Not all from one place, just one byte–algorithmically separated–from a bunch of locations in the sum total of your data.
    What’s the point of this? That data is almost always changing. Which means your encryption is always recalibrating itself on the fly. The act of using your iPhone will keep your data in a constant state of updating security. Nothing short of a quantum computer could break it, and we’re working on one of those...
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