FBI using Israeli firm Cellebrite to help break into San Bernardino terrorist's iPhone



  • Reply 41 of 49
    sockrolidsockrolid Posts: 2,789member
    ... Should Cellebrite's option not work, courts may once again have to test the FBI's interpretation of the All Writs Act. ...
    Last resort = this guy.

  • Reply 42 of 49
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    ireland said:
    And yet if the shooters were Christian this whole case wouldn't exist. Such hypocrisy."

    An entirely baseless comment. This is a criminal investigation, not a religious persecution issue.
    You think this whole thing is really fracking to find what's on this phone? The fucking FBI already said there is likely nothing.
    They nearly bricked the god damn phone themselves by their shear incompetence.

    The FBI guy in his dozens of interviews said that precedent was a main goal.

    The fact they haven't tried this with dozens of mass shootings happening in the US, and the 10 other case pending that the FBI has in its pipeline and asked Apple to unlock (but didn't use All Writs), makes it clear they're using the "evil muslims" (tm)  scarecrow as a way to get what they want.

    They are clearly separating this crime, from all other murders (when it is in now way different), and using people's prejudice against Muslims to get what they want.;
    So, cynical use of xenophobia as a PR tool is pretty damning.
    edited March 2016
  • Reply 43 of 49
    ireland said:
    And yet if the shooters were Christian this whole case wouldn't exist. Such hypocrisy.
    I think you mean "lone wolfs"
  • Reply 44 of 49
    quinney said:
    As soon as any evidence from that phone is used in any case anywhere, there'll be a defendant. The defendant's lawyer will demand "chain of custody" to see how the evidence used to accuse his(her) client was obtained. They'll demand detailed specifications on all of Cellebrite's hardware and software. If any of that is not forthcoming, the evidence will be thrown out. If it *is* revealed - to the judge, the law teams on both sides, their expert witnesses (etc.) - then it'll probably leak, and whatever the flaw is can be patched. If it doesn't leak the first time, it'll leak eventually. That's why Apple refused to create such a tool - I wonder what Cellebrite is thinking?

    The thing is, I don't think the FBI intends to use the data as evidence.  I believe they intend to use the data as potential probable cause for obtaining more search warrants.  
    So if this Israeli company can successfully unlock the phone... does that mean the FBI will keep going back to the Israeli company to unlock future iPhones?  

    That seems like a win for Apple... they don't want to be in the forensics business.
    edited March 2016
  • Reply 45 of 49
    19831983 Posts: 1,225member
    ireland said:
    And yet if the shooters were Christian this whole case wouldn't exist. Such hypocrisy.
  • Reply 46 of 49
    macarenamacarena Posts: 365member
    If this was as simple as "removing the unlock limit", and trying 10000 times, this would have been done way earlier. FBI doesnt need anyone's help to do this.

    The problem is that without the passcode, it is not even possible to update the software, even for Apple. The phone has to explicitly Trust a connection - and before you trust a connection, it needs to be unlocked.

    Secondly, the decryption key is not in the Flash memory, it is in the Processor itself - similar to how Touch ID is stored. So even if you copy the NAND Flash, you cant do anything with it.

    Thirdly, the way whole disk encryption works in iOS, the Processor needs to allow you access - not the OS. Thats the reason even for Apple this is a technical impossibility.

    The only approach that will work - and the one that is being tried, is to brute force the finger print recognition of TouchID. The only weakness in Apple's armour, is that there is no limit on wrong Finger Print attempts, nor is there is any delay after several unsuccessful attempts.

    The FBI has a humongous database of FingerPrints, and their Israeli consultants have figured out a way to quickly take a FingerPrint image and trick TouchID into believing that it is a valid human finger. This is the reason the FBI doesnt need Apple, but they dont know if and when they can crack TouchID.

    This is actually technically a much more complicated process - but there is a problem with TouchID because of which this becomes possible. TouchID cannot obviously be 100% precise - because human fingerprints also get damaged and worn out over time, people position their finger slightly differently each time, etc. Because of this, TouchID actually matches when there is even a somewhat reasonable match!
  • Reply 47 of 49
    latifbplatifbp Posts: 544member
    BobLong said:
    Now if the favorite phone company of the terrorist had just helped the FBI when first asked then the probably would have only cracked this phone which may, and probably will save American lives and even gained more support from Americans as a great company. But now that we know Apple = Islamic terrorist, the FBI had to develop a tool to crack every phone they so chose.
    Bob Long Nuts folks!
  • Reply 48 of 49
    birkobirko Posts: 60member
    birko said:

    There is a widespread Christian problem of violence and killings, particularly on the African continent, but it is not global. These violent groups tend to focus their activities only in their more immediate environment.
    right, but, depending on who you talk to, they'll tell you the christians are reacting to previous treatment by muslims. you began to see the uprising of christians only after Michel Djotodia stepped down.
    This has been going on in multiple locations on all over the African continent for for decades. I am not just talking Christian against Muslim, but also Christian against Christian. The largest genocide in last 30 years was perpetrated by Christians in Rwanda.

    Outside of African continent we have genocide committed by catholics against muslims and serb orthodox christians against muslims in the former Yugoslavia. The verdict against Radovan Karadzic is due to be handed down today. 

    You could argue that that was in retaliation for previous injustices committed by the Ottoman Empire, and this was used as part of propaganda by the christians,  but there was 80 years of peace since the last battle, and the Ottoman Empire were effectively driven out of the area 180 years before the genocide. The same war also saw catholics against serb orthodox in Croatia. And in 1999 the serbs attacked the mostly catholic Kosovo Albanians, trying to drive them out of Serbia.

    ANd you have the persecution of muslims in Sri Lanka, India, Burma, China, Tibet, tajikistan, etc etc
  • Reply 49 of 49
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    birko said:
    right, but, depending on who you talk to, they'll tell you the christians are reacting to previous treatment by muslims. you began to see the uprising of christians only after Michel Djotodia stepped down.
    This has been going on in multiple locations on all over the African continent for for decades. I am not just talking Christian against Muslim, but also Christian against Christian. The largest genocide in last 30 years was perpetrated by Christians in Rwanda.

    Outside of African continent we have genocide committed by catholics against muslims and serb orthodox christians against muslims in the former Yugoslavia. The verdict against Radovan Karadzic is due to be handed down today. 

    You could argue that that was in retaliation for previous injustices committed by the Ottoman Empire, and this was used as part of propaganda by the christians,  but there was 80 years of peace since the last battle, and the Ottoman Empire were effectively driven out of the area 180 years before the genocide. The same war also saw catholics against serb orthodox in Croatia. And in 1999 the serbs attacked the mostly catholic Kosovo Albanians, trying to drive them out of Serbia.

    ANd you have the persecution of muslims in Sri Lanka, India, Burma, China, Tibet, tajikistan, etc etc
    Valuable comment, seems to me. Perspective.
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