Tim Cook to host fundraiser for House Speaker Paul Ryan, other Republicans



  • Reply 21 of 73
    apple ][ said:
    Pretty much guarantees that something similar will happen again. The DNC is good at protecting gay people from Christian pastry chefs who won't bake for them, but the DNC is very very bad at protecting gay people from slaughter by Islamic jihadists.
    Gays can expect more Orlandos to happen, that goes without saying. In case they haven't noticed, there is a war going on, and it didn't begin yesterday.

    And the Democrats will still be blaming every single thing in the world, while they all do their best to ignore the huge elephant in the room, that's standing right in front of them. I don't see how any sane gay person could even vote for that party. It's like gay people are voting for their own extinction. How dumb can gays be?

    The best gays are found on the right these days. I mentioned this guy before in the previous thread, but a gay person like Milo is one of the few courageous gays around, and he definitely knows what the real deal is.

    All liberal gays are on the wrong side of history at the moment, and they'll be mocked in the future, for being so naive and just plain dumb.
    AMERICA has to worry that more Orlando attacks might happen.  Not just gay people.  Can we stop making this a divisive political issue, as if Republicans had something to do with the horrible Orlando attack?
  • Reply 22 of 73
    but [Obama's] FBI declared these warnings to be Islamaphobia. 
    What's your source or evidence that the FBI declared these warnings to be Islamaphobia?  I haven't heard that and I've been paying attention.

  • Reply 23 of 73
    I'm sorry, because of rotten Obama I am completely sick and broke. I don't have health insurance because of pre-existing conditions and I couldn't keep my doctor, and also death panels are after me. Also I can no longer afford to buy gas for my car since it's at $10/gallon. And to make matters worse Obama has taken away all my guns. Thank god donald trump will save us all and bring the golden (well, Cheetos-Colored) age to this country, build a wall to keep those damn Mexicans out. For the muslims we still need to figure something out but it will be very sane and very humane so I'm not worried. All hail President Trump!
    Meanwhile, considering what Paul Ryan said after the Orlando mass murder, I find Tim Cook's personal fund raiser to be absolutely distasteful.
  • Reply 24 of 73
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    razormaid said:
    So I guess the last 24 hour backlash of apples decision of "choosing sides" didn't sit good with someone near the top - probably the board of directors. The internet was flooded with both parties lambasting this move of "not supporting the republicsn convention" Supporting one party over the other In the corporate world when you chop off the hand that feeds you (1/2 of your potential sales: in the case aka republicans) you're going to loose money.
    Just if they choose to do the reverse and not support the democrstes.

    It's not his company to decide these things. He can give money personally but there are share holders involved when you start down the "pick who you want to win" road and hopefully he realized it's not republicans getting the free government handouts - after all you can't buy an iPhone with good stamps (well maybe you can now in California. <Lol> )
    Thank you for not getting it, so it can be pointed out once again. 

    A Trump nomination and the convention around it will be an obscene event, a laughing stock to the world, a public relations disaster to equal the worst kind in history, comparable to the early Neuremburg rallies in Germany. Pick one or more, or make up some of your  own.

    As Gruber said today, Trump is radioactive. No well-managed company, especially Apple, would want to be associated with this guy's "success."

    To make the point clear, Apple will throw a little good will to the saner Republicans. Just good sense.

    It's not about losing money if they don't, it's cheap insurance if there's still a viable Republican party in the future. It's also a hint that the Valley knows that the nomination will be contested.
    edited June 2016 mknelsonbaconstanglordjohnwhorfinstourquedavendsdbrucemc
  • Reply 25 of 73
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    flaneur said:

    A Trump nomination and the convention around it will be an obscene event, a laughing stock to the world, a public relations disaster to equal the worst kind in history, comparable to the early Neuremburg rallies in Germany. 
    And meanwhile, you'll still be voting for Hitlery, so you're in no position to make any comparisons to the Third Reich.
    edited June 2016
  • Reply 26 of 73
    jbdragonjbdragon Posts: 2,312member
    That's a smart business move.
    Apple is free to support whoever they want. They are a way left leaning company, so I see no reason why they should support anything GOP. Since their home base is in CA, with about the highest tax rates in the country. They should be for Taxing themselves a lot more. Why they play these tax games in other country's. For such a lefty company, they sure fight to hold onto their money anyway they can instead of the money going to Government which they like being on the left. Which is turn mostly gets wasted and a little to help the poor with services and Illegals. Hell they should be paying more then their fair share being the leftest company that they are. It's really Illogical.
  • Reply 27 of 73
    Nothing "ISIS" about him. The president couldn't do anything to prevent it. Congress could have, but they bend over and take it when the NRA says to, so they didn't. 

    If if you get "news" from Breitbart you will remain ignorant. 

    The shooter said he was ISIS:

    And ISIS said he was ISIS:

    He was a very devout Muslim, even travelling to Saudio Arabia for pilgrimages twice:

    In the mosques near Orlando, Imams preach that gay people should be killed:

    To be any more ISIS, Omar would need a white Toyota Tundra with a machine-gun mount.  
  • Reply 28 of 73
    netrox said:
    No one seems to get it... It's Trump himself that Apple won't back. 
    I think everyone does understand that. Apple said it very clearly.
  • Reply 29 of 73
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Might be a smart move, but seriously what is an adult gay man doing fundraising for a major Republican?
    Why wouldn't he? There are gay republicans. More so the winds of change are blowing and Apple needs to be prepared. Beyond all of that most of Apple problems with government has cropped up with a very leftist adninistration made up of the worst sort of Denocrats. As a business Apple needs to make sure it's business interests are looked after.
    apple ][baconstang
  • Reply 30 of 73
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member

    but [Obama's] FBI declared these warnings to be Islamaphobia. 
    What's your source or evidence that the FBI declared these warnings to be Islamaphobia?  I haven't heard that and I've been paying attention.
    From my understanding the FBI ignored at least 4 instances to do something constructive with this guy because of Obamas policies. They are apparently still ignoring the teachings of the Iman at the Mosque the shooter attended. Make no mistake here this situation could have been prevented if it was for the current politically correct environment in Washington.
    apple ][patchythepirate
  • Reply 31 of 73
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    lkrupp said:
    Not anymore horrible or gross than Barack Obama.
    Let's just agree that they're both horrible.
    Unfortunately that’s our two choices this year. Hillary (gross) or Trump (horrible). Apple may not be doomed but the United States most certainly is.

    The choices aren't ideal, I don't think anybody can argue differently. However Trump isn't as bad as the media makes him out to be. It is pretty obvious the media is heavily biased against republicans in any form.

    It is especially obvious when the media calls Trump a racist when he wants to secure our borders. Think about it what are you suppose to call the people on our southern border if not Mexicans. There are many problems with unsecured borders and frankly some of them are directly related to terrorism. What is America going to think when car bombs become the order of the day.
  • Reply 32 of 73
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Might be a smart move, but seriously what is an adult gay man doing fundraising for a major Republican?
    Last week, 100+ gay peole were systematically shot by an ISIS Jihadist at a nightclub in Orlando. Our Democrat President failed to to prevent this terrorist attack. There were plenty of advanced warnings, but his FBI declared these warnings to be Islamaphobia. They determined this ISIS Jihadist was a victim, free to purchase any guns he wanted. And now, instead of blaming ISIS, the Demorat party is only blaming the RNC and the NRA. Now they're even redacting/editing the 911 transcripts to not implicate ISIS and Islam:


    Pretty much guarantees that something similar will happen again. The DNC is good at protecting gay people from Christian pastry chefs who won't bake for them, but the DNC is very very bad at protecting gay people from slaughter by Islamic jihadists.
    Nothing "ISIS" about him. The president couldn't do anything to prevent it. Congress could have, but they bend over and take it when the NRA says to, so they didn't. 

    If if you get "news" from Breitbart you will remain ignorant. 
    It is an event directly related to ISIS, no sane person would think otherwise. As for the NRA I'm glad they are on the side of freedom. As Americans we will need to learn to protect ourselves because ISIS isn't going away anytime soon and they are actively pursuing ways to attract this country. Further there is evidence that they are training people to attack soft targets, that is places frequented by people not likely to defend themselves.
  • Reply 33 of 73
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    lkrupp said:
    Unfortunately that’s our two choices this year. Hillary (gross) or Trump (horrible). 

    More enlightened commentary from know-nothing techie crowd. But let me guess, you didn't need to vet any of her proposals or pay attention to what she's been saying during the primaries because you just **know** so much. 

    Of the two candidates that are likely to be running Hilliary is by far the worst example.    She has a public record that is shameful even disgraceful.   More than anything else she isn't trustworthy.  It isn't a question of being enlightened, it is a question of the public record.  
  • Reply 34 of 73
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,014member
    Might be a smart move, but seriously what is an adult gay man doing fundraising for a major Republican?
    Perhaps not all gay people are single issue voters?
    Kinda like Jews in pre-war Germany raising money for Hitler to gain access to the political process?
  • Reply 35 of 73
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,014member
    From The Advocate: "Ryan’s voting record is solidly anti-LGBT. He voted twice to amend the U.S. Constitution to ban same-sex marriage, voted against LGBT-inclusive hate-crimes legislation, voted against repealing “don’t ask, don’t tell,” and voted to ban adoption by same-sex couples in the District of Columbia, over which Congress exerts some control."

  • Reply 36 of 73
    From The Advocate: "Ryan’s voting record is solidly anti-LGBT. He voted twice to amend the U.S. Constitution to ban same-sex marriage, voted against LGBT-inclusive hate-crimes legislation, voted against repealing “don’t ask, don’t tell,” and voted to ban adoption by same-sex couples in the District of Columbia, over which Congress exerts some control."

    His reaction to the shooting was despicable, and in the light of this so is Cook's fundraiser. Yes, a Jew for Hitler.
  • Reply 37 of 73
    wizard69 said:

    The choices aren't ideal, I don't think anybody can argue differently. However Trump isn't as bad as the media makes him out to be. It is pretty obvious the media is heavily biased against republicans in any form.

    It is especially obvious when the media calls Trump a racist when he wants to secure our borders. Think about it what are you suppose to call the people on our southern border if not Mexicans. There are many problems with unsecured borders and frankly some of them are directly related to terrorism. What is America going to think when car bombs become the order of the day.

    Yes, the media and members of both parties are desperately trying to distort Trump's simple pro-USA platform:

    Secure the southern border to stop the flow of illegals and drugs.

    Streamline legal immigration of the best from other countries.

    End the "anchor-baby" and "sanctuary-city" loop-holes.

    Keep un-vetted migrants out of the USA. Setup safe-zones in their land.

    Build a very strong military.  Peace through strength.

    Fix our VA system and treat our vets better.

    Lower tax rates and simplify the tax code. Eliminate rich-only deductions.

    Destroy ISIS, not just contain them.

    Reduce federal waste and balance the federal budget.

    Utilize all forms of domestic energy for energy independence.

    Repeal Obamacare, replacing it with open competition-based reforms.

    Put states back in charge of things like education. No common core.

    Fund and fix our US transportation infrastructure.

    Negotiate better trade deals to address the USA's huge trade deficits.

    Prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power.  Protect Israel.

    Honor the 2nd-Amendment. Make carry permits universal across states.

    Defund Planned Parenthood unless they stop performing abortions.

  • Reply 38 of 73
    stourquestourque Posts: 364member
    wizard69 said:
    Might be a smart move, but seriously what is an adult gay man doing fundraising for a major Republican?
    Why wouldn't he? There are gay republicans. More so the winds of change are blowing and Apple needs to be prepared. Beyond all of that most of Apple problems with government has cropped up with a very leftist adninistration made up of the worst sort of Denocrats. As a business Apple needs to make sure it's business interests are looked after.
    Sure there are gay republicans, as I'm sure there are black and Muslim republicans. Just not very many. In case you haven't noticed the party has been overrun with God fearing uneducated right wing evangelical conservative Tea Partiers.
  • Reply 39 of 73
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,014member
    wizard69 said:

    The choices aren't ideal, I don't think anybody can argue differently. However Trump isn't as bad as the media makes him out to be. It is pretty obvious the media is heavily biased against republicans in any form.

    It is especially obvious when the media calls Trump a racist when he wants to secure our borders. Think about it what are you suppose to call the people on our southern border if not Mexicans. There are many problems with unsecured borders and frankly some of them are directly related to terrorism. What is America going to think when car bombs become the order of the day.

    Yes, the media and members of both parties are desperately trying to distort Trump's simple pro-USA platform:

    Secure the southern border to stop the flow of illegals and drugs.

    Streamline legal immigration of the best from other countries.

    End the "anchor-baby" and "sanctuary-city" loop-holes.

    Keep un-vetted migrants out of the USA. Setup safe-zones in their land.

    Build a very strong military.  Peace through strength.

    Fix our VA system and treat our vets better.

    Lower tax rates and simplify the tax code. Eliminate rich-only deductions.

    Destroy ISIS, not just contain them.

    Reduce federal waste and balance the federal budget.

    Utilize all forms of domestic energy for energy independence.

    Repeal Obamacare, replacing it with open competition-based reforms.

    Put states back in charge of things like education. No common core.

    Fund and fix our US transportation infrastructure.

    Negotiate better trade deals to address the USA's huge trade deficits.

    Prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power.  Protect Israel.

    Honor the 2nd-Amendment. Make carry permits universal across states.

    Defund Planned Parenthood unless they stop performing abortions.

    You left out Motherhood and Apple Pie. Wanting and getting are two different things. He would need Congress to do anything, and they don't respond well to bullying. 
    davenstourquesingularityspliff monkey
  • Reply 40 of 73
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    wizard69 said:
    lkrupp said:
    Unfortunately that’s our two choices this year. Hillary (gross) or Trump (horrible). Apple may not be doomed but the United States most certainly is.

    The choices aren't ideal, I don't think anybody can argue differently. However Trump isn't as bad as the media makes him out to be. It is pretty obvious the media is heavily biased against republicans in any form.

    It is especially obvious when the media calls Trump a racist when he wants to secure our borders. Think about it what are you suppose to call the people on our southern border if not Mexicans. There are many problems with unsecured borders and frankly some of them are directly related to terrorism. What is America going to think when car bombs become the order of the day.
    The media isn't misrepresenting Trump. Trump opens his mouth and racist/bigoted crap keeps pouring out. 
    davenstourquebaconstangsnovadsdlordjohnwhorfinsingularityspliff monkey
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