Tim Cook to host fundraiser for House Speaker Paul Ryan, other Republicans



  • Reply 41 of 73
    davendaven Posts: 706member
    The last two days of Reichwing bullcrXX made me hunt for the ignore feature. Click on their name which brings you to a summary page of their postings. Look in the upper right quadrant to find the ignore option. Amazing how many Reichwing crazies are out there and so many either just appear out of nowhere or have thousands of posts and no real life.
  • Reply 42 of 73
    daven said:
    The last two days of Reichwing bullcrXX made me hunt for the ignore feature. Click on their name which brings you to a summary page of their postings. Look in the upper right quadrant to find the ignore option. Amazing how many Reichwing crazies are out there and so many either just appear out of nowhere or have thousands of posts and no real life.
    An effective tactic for those who cannot support their opinions with facts and evidence.
    patchythepiratetallest skil
  • Reply 43 of 73
    snovasnova Posts: 1,281member
    apple ][ said:
    flaneur said:

    A Trump nomination and the convention around it will be an obscene event, a laughing stock to the world, a public relations disaster to equal the worst kind in history, comparable to the early Neuremburg rallies in Germany. 
    And meanwhile, you'll still be voting for Hitlery, so you're in no position to make any comparisons to the Third Reich.
    Glad to see you finally came to your senses and changed your Avatar away from Trump.  Hopefully this means you won't be voting for him after all. 
    edited June 2016 baconstang
  • Reply 44 of 73

    Yes, the media and members of both parties are desperately trying to distort Trump's simple pro-USA platform:

    Secure the southern border to stop the flow of illegals and drugs.

    Streamline legal immigration of the best from other countries.

    End the "anchor-baby" and "sanctuary-city" loop-holes.

    Keep un-vetted migrants out of the USA. Setup safe-zones in their land.

    Build a very strong military.  Peace through strength.

    Fix our VA system and treat our vets better.

    Lower tax rates and simplify the tax code. Eliminate rich-only deductions.

    Destroy ISIS, not just contain them.

    Reduce federal waste and balance the federal budget.

    Utilize all forms of domestic energy for energy independence.

    Repeal Obamacare, replacing it with open competition-based reforms.

    Put states back in charge of things like education. No common core.

    Fund and fix our US transportation infrastructure.

    Negotiate better trade deals to address the USA's huge trade deficits.

    Prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power.  Protect Israel.

    Honor the 2nd-Amendment. Make carry permits universal across states.

    Defund Planned Parenthood unless they stop performing abortions.

    You left out Motherhood and Apple Pie. Wanting and getting are two different things. He would need Congress to do anything, and they don't respond well to bullying. 
    So you agree with Trump's pro-USA platform, but are skeptical he can accomplish it.  Which of these items do you think Congress would oppose?
  • Reply 45 of 73
    snovasnova Posts: 1,281member
    Perhaps not all gay people are single issue voters?
    Kinda like Jews in pre-war Germany raising money for Hitler to gain access to the political process?
    "An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."  
    -Winston Churchill

  • Reply 46 of 73
    As someone who cringes at both sides of the dominant political extremes, I'm extremely happy to hear about this fundraiser. Thank you Tim! Apple is clearly stating it's not picking ideological sides, while not being afraid to take strong, principled, and coherent stances on individual issues. A breath of fresh air. This is how we all should act.

    The amount of partisanship and ad hominems (conveniently avoiding a factual discussion) in this thread is just sad. The reflexive vitriol and immediate judgement levied against people based on their stance on a particular issue is sad. 

    There's no one ideology or perspective that applies to every single issue, but somehow people rationalize (typically the right) or intellectualize (typically the left) their way into conforming their stances on individual issues to their respective ideology, instead of judging the issues on their own merits.

    And that's why we can't have nice things.
  • Reply 47 of 73
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    lkrupp said:
    Let's just agree that they're both horrible.
    Unfortunately that’s our two choices this year. Hillary (gross) or Trump (horrible). Apple may not be doomed but the United States most certainly is.

    If the idiots in charge for the last 16 years couldn't destroy America, I doubt Trump will be that bad.

    oh, and this happened:
  • Reply 48 of 73
    As someone who cringes at both sides of the dominant political extremes, I'm extremely happy to hear about this fundraiser. Thank you Tim! Apple is clearly stating it's not picking ideological sides, while not being afraid to take strong, principled, and coherent stances on individual issues. A breath of fresh air. This is how we all should act.

    The amount of partisanship and ad hominems (conveniently avoiding a factual discussion) in this thread is just sad. The reflexive vitriol and immediate judgement levied against people based on their stance on a particular issue is sad. 

    There's no one ideology or perspective that applies to every single issue, but somehow people rationalize (typically the right) or intellectualize (typically the left) their way into conforming their stances on individual issues to their respective ideology, instead of judging the issues on their own merits.

    And that's why we can't have nice things.
    The problem with this reasoning is that it only applies to reasonable, balanced parties that are open to discussion. Sadly the GOP has been taken over by extremist tea baggers who only want to destroy the government. Take a look at Brownback's Kansas if you want to see what a GOP president and congress would do to the country.
  • Reply 49 of 73
    stanthemanstantheman Posts: 332member
    Ryan has been critical of Trump. Tim Cook's financial support of Ryan will encourage Ryan to continue to separate himself from The Donald.
  • Reply 50 of 73
    badmonkbadmonk Posts: 1,318member
    May I remind this discussion that one of Apple's biggest privacy supporter is Darrell Issa, Republican Senator from California.

    And some Democrats are horrible to Apple.
  • Reply 51 of 73
    calfotocalfoto Posts: 70member
    That's a smart business move.
    Pretty much what Donald Trump said when asked why he supported politicians both left & right

    decondos said:
    Bribery will get you access. Access will get you anything. Wish I could buy congress people.
    Guess you weren't a Bernie Supporter

    Might be a smart move, but seriously what is an adult gay man doing fundraising for a major Republican?
    Although you may question Tim's seriousness, strange as it may seem there are actually Major Republicans who are gay men (and women)

    I think Tim just wants the Republican party to know Apple doesn't support "All" Republicans with blind allegiance
  • Reply 52 of 73
    There are no republicans or democrats in Big Business, really big business.  In fact there are no countries in big business.   If the CEO of a company that chooses not to fund a coming out party for a crazy candidate, but then he personally funds the presumptive true ideological leader of the 'mainstream' of that party, and the one that controls 1/2 of Congress, AND, is probably the most fiscally sharp stick in the bunch, that's a good hedge, and keeps 280 odd votes on the Hill 'open' to Apples' issues.

    As for tying this to Orlando.   You can't stop crazy.  And like Gretzky skated to the puck was going to be, Apple/Cook has to look 2-3 shifts ahead on the ice, and can't punish your 'ice mates' (while you may be competing, you're all part of the game), if a crazy fan tosses an octopus on the ice, causing an injury to someone.  As for Trump, the crazy goon, on the other team, well, you can avoid him, and pick your competition with someone else.

    Cook can't expect to manage Obama down to the Orlando FBI field office, nor can he swing a Gay Anti-Gun bill through congress, because a) he's focused on other things, things that are important to his 'owners' and b) it's not one crazy in Florida....  It's 300+Million people who let crazy happen, on both sides of the political divide, because they want gays/blacks/latinos/syrians/muslims/transgenders/oldpeople/youngpeople/poorpeople  off their lawn.   Because they feel someone is gonna take their stuff, when in fact, it's the people who sell you stuff, people who convince you that you are special and different and deserving, people who tell you how to get to heaven, and the people who want your vote that take the most from you.

  • Reply 53 of 73
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    As someone who cringes at both sides of the dominant political extremes, I'm extremely happy to hear about this fundraiser. Thank you Tim! Apple is clearly stating it's not picking ideological sides, while not being afraid to take strong, principled, and coherent stances on individual issues. A breath of fresh air. This is how we all should act.

    The amount of partisanship and ad hominems (conveniently avoiding a factual discussion) in this thread is just sad. The reflexive vitriol and immediate judgement levied against people based on their stance on a particular issue is sad. 

    There's no one ideology or perspective that applies to every single issue, but somehow people rationalize (typically the right) or intellectualize (typically the left) their way into conforming their stances on individual issues to their respective ideology, instead of judging the issues on their own merits.

    And that's why we can't have nice things.
    The problem with this reasoning is that it only applies to reasonable, balanced parties that are open to discussion. Sadly the GOP has been taken over by extremist tea baggers who only want to destroy the government. Take a look at Brownback's Kansas if you want to see what a GOP president and congress would do to the country.
    Don't confuse the citizenry and the land (the combination of which I'd consider "the country"), with those self-serving people in Washington.

    Both the DNC and GOP are deeply corrupt organizations which need to be taken on by a bull in the china shop and hopefully that bull is Trump, because Hillary certainly has no interest in shaking things up.
    edited June 2016
  • Reply 54 of 73
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    Might be a smart move, but seriously what is an adult gay man doing fundraising for a major Republican?

    That was the first thing that came to my mind... A curious situation going on here considering the Democrats claim Republicans hate gay people and only Democrats support gays causes. The problem is there is those 10% deeply religious (who happen to be Republican) who make the entire party look like homophobe. This real issue is all the politicians will pander to any group if it helps they get elected.

    Then again, Apple is not supporting Trump but he had made it clear he can not be bought. It is hard to buy off a person who is worth more than the people trying to buy them off. I wonder if Cook is trying  to have level of influence.

  • Reply 55 of 73
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    Might be a smart move, but seriously what is an adult gay man doing fundraising for a major Republican?
    Last week, 100+ gay peole were systematically shot by an ISIS Jihadist at a nightclub in Orlando. Our Democrat President failed to to prevent this terrorist attack. There were plenty of advanced warnings, but his FBI declared these warnings to be Islamaphobia. They determined this ISIS Jihadist was a victim, free to purchase any guns he wanted. And now, instead of blaming ISIS, the Demorat party is only blaming the RNC and the NRA. Now they're even redacting/editing the 911 transcripts to not implicate ISIS and Islam:


    Pretty much guarantees that something similar will happen again. The DNC is good at protecting gay people from Christian pastry chefs who won't bake for them, but the DNC is very very bad at protecting gay people from slaughter by Islamic jihadists.
    Nothing "ISIS" about him. The president couldn't do anything to prevent it. Congress could have, but they bend over and take it when the NRA says to, so they didn't. 

    If if you get "news" from Breitbart you will remain ignorant. 

    Actually, lets put this in perspective, The NRA did not kill those people, nor did the gun, as much as this guy was not any sort of Jihadist. If anyone wants to believe this guy was some sort of ISIS surrogate, think again.  It is no better than the guy who kills people and claims god made him do it. For every time someone invoked God as the reason to kill lots of people we should have out law religions long ago, think about all the hate language used in most religious writings. It is also like the people who blame Elmer Fudd for the reason kids killed other kids, no the kid had issues long before he saw Elmer shot the rabbit.

    All the above are just easy excuses to blame something other than the real cause which no one wants to face. If you look back at ever single mass killing they all have one thing in common, the person doing the killing was mentally unstable. Every single one of them had some sort of issue. Thanks to all the liberals saying we are not allow to label people and it bad to say someone has some sort of mental defect and you can not lock them away because they are unstable. It is inhumane to lock away or limit access to the general public by someone who is mentally disturb. However it is okay to let these potential killers walk the streets among us just waiting for some event which will set them off. These individual rights are seen as far more important that the community at large. Until the mental health issues are address you will keep seeing these kind of events.

    I hate to say this, the reason 49 people die this time is because the all ran an hid in the bathroom. Like they have been taught by our schools. The same thing happen in the elementary school. Both case the killer just have to point and shot in to the crowd in the corner. It did not matter what kind of gun he had, no one was going to try and run away.

    All you folks can through blame around looking for the easy answer, but if you are not willing to accept the fact the person was hell bent of destruction and was going to be successful no matter what, you are going to keep seeing the same problem over and over again.

    edited June 2016
  • Reply 56 of 73
    mac_128mac_128 Posts: 3,454member
    Might be a smart move, but seriously what is an adult gay man doing fundraising for a major Republican?
    Perhaps not all gay people are single issue voters?
    I't never ceases to amaze me how enlightened you are ...

    edited June 2016
  • Reply 57 of 73
    maestro64 said:

    Actually, lets put this in perspective, The NRA did not kill those people, nor did the gun, as much as this guy was not any sort of Jihadist. If anyone wants to believe this guy was some sort of ISIS surrogate, think again.  It is no better than the guy who kills people and claims god made him do it. 

    The evidence states otherwise.

    During the attack, Omar told the authorities that he was an ISIS surrogate.  After the attack, ISIS told the authorities that Omar was an ISIS surrogate. In a dozen Muslim countries (representing about 100 million people) the sentence for homosexuality is death. Omar's family came from one of those countries. These Muslim countries have no Christian counterparts where homosexuality warrants a death sentence. Omar's family attended mosques where Imams openly preach that it's ok to kill homosexuals.  No Christian churches teach such things. No Christian bishops teach such things. Omar's entire family knew of his plans to become a martyr. That's why Omar gave his house to his sister before the attack, and why he was communicating with his wife during the attack. They were ok with his plans, and now they're covering for him. That's why they didn't go to the authorities, and why his wife will soon be arrested.
    patchythepiratetallest skil
  • Reply 58 of 73
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,926member
    lkrupp said:
    Unfortunately that’s our two choices this year. Hillary (gross) or Trump (horrible). Apple may not be doomed but the United States most certainly is.

    If the idiots in charge for the last 16 years couldn't destroy America, I doubt Trump will be that bad.

    oh, and this happened:
    The previous presidents were looking out for the country. Trump only looks out for himself. 
  • Reply 59 of 73
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    maestro64 said:

    Actually, lets put this in perspective, The NRA did not kill those people, nor did the gun, as much as this guy was not any sort of Jihadist. If anyone wants to believe this guy was some sort of ISIS surrogate, think again.  It is no better than the guy who kills people and claims god made him do it. 

    The evidence states otherwise.

    During the attack, Omar told the authorities that he was an ISIS surrogate.  After the attack, ISIS told the authorities that Omar was an ISIS surrogate. In a dozen Muslim countries (representing about 100 million people) the sentence for homosexuality is death. Omar's family came from one of those countries. These Muslim countries have no Christian counterparts where homosexuality warrants a death sentence. Omar's family attended mosques where Imams openly preach that it's ok to kill homosexuals.  No Christian churches teach such things. No Christian bishops teach such things. Omar's entire family knew of his plans to become a martyr. That's why Omar gave his house to his sister before the attack, and why he was communicating with his wife during the attack. They were ok with his plans, and now they're covering for him. That's why they didn't go to the authorities, and why his wife will soon be arrested.
    Actually the guy was a nut case and you're trying to use logic to explain what a crazy person did. You like most, you can not blame the crazy guy so you have to have other things to blame. BYW the Christian churches do talk about homosexuality and how it wrong, I grew up Christian and head it all the time at church, they did not say kill people. But a crazy person can not reason between right and wrong and which things is worse. Then again hate speech is protected along with your guns.
  • Reply 60 of 73
    theothergeofftheothergeoff Posts: 2,081member
    maestro64 said:
    The evidence states otherwise.

    During the attack, Omar told the authorities that he was an ISIS surrogate.  After the attack, ISIS told the authorities that Omar was an ISIS surrogate. In a dozen Muslim countries (representing about 100 million people) the sentence for homosexuality is death. Omar's family came from one of those countries. These Muslim countries have no Christian counterparts where homosexuality warrants a death sentence. Omar's family attended mosques where Imams openly preach that it's ok to kill homosexuals.  No Christian churches teach such things. No Christian bishops teach such things. Omar's entire family knew of his plans to become a martyr. That's why Omar gave his house to his sister before the attack, and why he was communicating with his wife during the attack. They were ok with his plans, and now they're covering for him. That's why they didn't go to the authorities, and why his wife will soon be arrested.
    Actually the guy was a nut case and you're trying to use logic to explain what a crazy person did. You like most, you can not blame the crazy guy so you have to have other things to blame. BYW the Christian churches do talk about homosexuality and how it wrong, I grew up Christian and head it all the time at church, they did not say kill people. But a crazy person can not reason between right and wrong and which things is worse. Then again hate speech is protected along with your guns.
    And there is a racial dynamic:  when Dylan Roof kills 9 christian Blacks, we don't blame his membership with the the KKK (which at it's core is a full of christian religious symbolism).... No,  He's a troubled, and confused young man.  Columbine, Oklahoma City, rinse and repeat.

    But a 1st generation immigrant name Omar, who goes to a church that requires prayer rugs...it's an entire religion  (let alone a splinter religious terrorist group) that is the root cause, not that fact that he 'self-radicalized' (no recruitment, no training, no documented communications).

    (We, as I am one) Whites tend to ignore that.
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