Tim Cook to host fundraiser for House Speaker Paul Ryan, other Republicans



  • Reply 61 of 73
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member
    Might be a smart move, but seriously what is an adult gay man doing fundraising for a major Republican?
    Last week, 100+ gay peole were systematically shot by an ISIS Jihadist at a nightclub in Orlando. Our Democrat President failed to to prevent this terrorist attack. There were plenty of advanced warnings, but his FBI declared these warnings to be Islamaphobia. They determined this ISIS Jihadist was a victim, free to purchase any guns he wanted. And now, instead of blaming ISIS, the Demorat party is only blaming the RNC and the NRA. Now they're even redacting/editing the 911 transcripts to not implicate ISIS and Islam:


    Pretty much guarantees that something similar will happen again. The DNC is good at protecting gay people from Christian pastry chefs who won't bake for them, but the DNC is very very bad at protecting gay people from slaughter by Islamic jihadists.
    And yet another example of the dumbing down of America coming from this clown fish. Would someone please remind this mental light weight that it was in fact Bush /Chenney that destabilized the entire Middle East with their deceit and deception that drug us into 2 unjustifiable wars, which also resulted in the birth of ISIS.
  • Reply 62 of 73
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    maestro64 said:
    Might be a smart move, but seriously what is an adult gay man doing fundraising for a major Republican?

    That was the first thing that came to my mind... A curious situation going on here considering the Democrats claim Republicans hate gay people and only Democrats support gays causes. The problem is there is those 10% deeply religious (who happen to be Republican) who make the entire party look like homophobe. This real issue is all the politicians will pander to any group if it helps they get elected.

    Then again, Apple is not supporting Trump but he had made it clear he can not be bought. It is hard to buy off a person who is worth more than the people trying to buy them off. I wonder if Cook is trying  to have level of influence.

    It's possible that Tim is laying ground for his eventual exit from Apple and entry into politics, which I suspect he will want to get into next. Remember, this isn't Apple putting on a fundraiser, it's Cook himself.
    tallest skil
  • Reply 63 of 73
    frankiefrankie Posts: 381member
    Need to end the collusion between corporations and politicians before we have a planet left.

    Bernie Sanders is the only person running who wants to do this.
  • Reply 64 of 73
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    frankie said:
    Need to end the collusion between corporations and politicians before we have a planet left.

    Bernie Sanders is the only person running who wants to do this.
    Ron Paul recognized our corporatist system for what it is and he had the benefit of not being a self-avowed "Democratic" Socialist. Socialism is a complete fraud.

    edited June 2016 tallest skil
  • Reply 65 of 73
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    jungmark said:
    The media isn't misrepresenting Trump. Trump opens his mouth and racist/bigoted crap keeps pouring out. 
    Citation or take your libel elsewhere.

    daven said:
    You seem mentally challenged. Do you truly suffer from the delusion that fascism is a right-wing ideology? Or do you just have nothing other than portmanteaux for an “argument”?

    jungmark said:
    The previous presidents were looking out for the country.
    Wilson, Roosevelt (plural), Truman, and everyone since Carter prove you wrong.
    theothergeoff said:
    it's an entire religion
    The book says to slaughter everyone not part of the religion. So yes, it’s the entire religion. Educate yourself on its contents sometime.
    frankie said:
    Need to end the collusion between corporations and politicians before we have a planet left.

    Bernie Sanders is the only person running who wants to do this.
    He was literally never running. Ever. He was a puppet made to make it appear as though Hillary had opposition. Hillary received the 2016 nomination in exchange for stepping down in 2008.
    freerange said:
    it was in fact Bush /Chenney that destabilized the entire Middle East with their deceit and deception that drug us into 2 unjustifiable wars, which also resulted in the birth of ISIS.
    So who attacked the US in 2001?
    edited June 2016 SpamSandwichpatchythepirate
  • Reply 66 of 73
    Tim Cook is gay.  If this were 1968, this would be like a Black CEO raising money for George Wallace, brushing it off by saying, "Well, at least he'll lower my taxes."

    Ryan's record on gay issues and Civil Rights,  is well known and is, at best, mixed.  While Cook may be able to justify supporting Ryan with his own conscience, he needs to explain that support to the LGBT and other minority employees and customers of Apple, which touts itself as a progressive, LGBT friendly company.

    The subtle - and not so subtle - rhetoric by Ryan has created a climate that has resulted in a marked increase in violence against LGBTs.

    At some point, Apple's rhetoric on equality has to match its actions.  After Orlando, I have absolutely no patience for anyone that talks out of both sides of their mouth about LGBT rights or the ability of LGBTs to simply exist without being publicly demonized.
  • Reply 67 of 73
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    maestro64 said:
    The evidence states otherwise.

    During the attack, Omar told the authorities that he was an ISIS surrogate.  After the attack, ISIS told the authorities that Omar was an ISIS surrogate. In a dozen Muslim countries (representing about 100 million people) the sentence for homosexuality is death. Omar's family came from one of those countries. These Muslim countries have no Christian counterparts where homosexuality warrants a death sentence. Omar's family attended mosques where Imams openly preach that it's ok to kill homosexuals.  No Christian churches teach such things. No Christian bishops teach such things. Omar's entire family knew of his plans to become a martyr. That's why Omar gave his house to his sister before the attack, and why he was communicating with his wife during the attack. They were ok with his plans, and now they're covering for him. That's why they didn't go to the authorities, and why his wife will soon be arrested.
    Actually the guy was a nut case and you're trying to use logic to explain what a crazy person did. You like most, you can not blame the crazy guy so you have to have other things to blame. BYW the Christian churches do talk about homosexuality and how it wrong, I grew up Christian and head it all the time at church, they did not say kill people. But a crazy person can not reason between right and wrong and which things is worse. Then again hate speech is protected along with your guns.
    My church rarely talked about gays except for gay marriage. The church also says divorce is a sin as well. No one shot up divorced people. 
  • Reply 68 of 73
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    maestro64 said:
    Actually the guy was a nut case and you're trying to use logic to explain what a crazy person did. You like most, you can not blame the crazy guy so you have to have other things to blame. BYW the Christian churches do talk about homosexuality and how it wrong, I grew up Christian and head it all the time at church, they did not say kill people. But a crazy person can not reason between right and wrong and which things is worse. Then again hate speech is protected along with your guns.
    And there is a racial dynamic:  when Dylan Roof kills 9 christian Blacks, we don't blame his membership with the the KKK (which at it's core is a full of christian religious symbolism).... No,  He's a troubled, and confused young man.  Columbine, Oklahoma City, rinse and repeat.

    But a 1st generation immigrant name Omar, who goes to a church that requires prayer rugs...it's an entire religion  (let alone a splinter religious terrorist group) that is the root cause, not that fact that he 'self-radicalized' (no recruitment, no training, no documented communications).

    (We, as I am one) Whites tend to ignore that.
    With the Charleston killer, they blamed the Confederacy. 

    With columbine, OKC, Denver, Sandy Hook did we hear those murders praising God prior to the killings? 

    While we shouldn't blame Islam, there a violent radical group that declared war on non Muslims. He was inspired by them. 

    Let's Be real hear, mass murders are disturbed. 
  • Reply 69 of 73
    stourquestourque Posts: 364member
    So who attacked the US in 2001?
    Saudi Arabia.
  • Reply 70 of 73
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Tim Cook is gay.  If this were 1968, this would be like a Black CEO raising money for George Wallace, brushing it off by saying, "Well, at least he'll lower my taxes."

    Ryan's record on gay issues and Civil Rights,  is well known and is, at best, mixed.  While Cook may be able to justify supporting Ryan with his own conscience, he needs to explain that support to the LGBT and other minority employees and customers of Apple, which touts itself as a progressive, LGBT friendly company.

    The subtle - and not so subtle - rhetoric by Ryan has created a climate that has resulted in a marked increase in violence against LGBTs.

    At some point, Apple's rhetoric on equality has to match its actions.  After Orlando, I have absolutely no patience for anyone that talks out of both sides of their mouth about LGBT rights or the ability of LGBTs to simply exist without being publicly demonized.
    No group of Americans deserves special rights. The goal is for the Federal government to treat everyone the same, otherwise "equal treatment under the law" is violated, but I think we all know unequal treatment is standard, not the exception since politicians and political parties gain power by exploiting the demands of groups seeking special treatment.
    edited June 2016 tallest skil
  • Reply 71 of 73
    libertyforalllibertyforall Posts: 1,418member

    Where's the fundraiser for Libertarians, Apple?!  It would seem Apple has a bias only towards the two halves of American monopoly politics, instead of encouraging REAL CHOICE IN ELECTIONS.  We need the Libertarian in the Presidential debates and better media/press coverage!  

    TODAY! -CNN Libertarian Presidential Town Hall hosted by Chris Cuomo w/Gary Johnson and William Weld 

    part 1:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0oo5u-geMA

    part 2:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6hs3H2fTdE

    part 3:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBoBfjDFsYs

    part 4:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zz4kdERkg2E


  • Reply 72 of 73
    Might be a smart move, but seriously what is an adult gay man doing fundraising for a major Republican?
    A lot of Republicans don't have any issues at all with sexual orientation. It's the Evangelicals that screw things up for the rest of the brand. The left has its pariahs as well like the Nanny Staters who only want to live your life for you, or the soft bigotry of low expectations as regards Americas minorities.
    Long and short of it Trump is an idiot and Hillary is as corrupt as they come, more so actually. I'm not voting for Trump. I'm voting against Hillary. I'll have to hold my nose when I do it, but I'll do it.
  • Reply 73 of 73
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    rugbyrich said:
    Might be a smart move, but seriously what is an adult gay man doing fundraising for a major Republican?
    A lot of Republicans don't have any issues at all with sexual orientation. It's the Evangelicals that screw things up for the rest of the brand. The left has its pariahs as well like the Nanny Staters who only want to live your life for you, or the soft bigotry of low expectations as regards Americas minorities.
    Long and short of it Trump is an idiot and Hillary is as corrupt as they come, more so actually. I'm not voting for Trump. I'm voting against Hillary. I'll have to hold my nose when I do it, but I'll do it.
    Actually, I understand Trump has no issues with gay people. He's from New York.
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