Apple CEO Tim Cook again touts benefits of AR over VR, says 'no substitute for human contact'



  • Reply 21 of 56
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    This is shot across the bow of virtual reality. Virtual reality is very much about escaping reality. AR is about helping the user within this reality—it's about assistance while remaining here. It's going to be big for Maps and mapping and it'll be hugely important to Apple Car. 

    On another note I was readlng this same story over on MacRumors. That community has gone to rack and ruin. FWP and spoiled children all rolled into one. Their incessant sarcasm is too much. They live to stroke their little egos with a few imaginary brownie points. And the people working over there encourage it with the titles and things they choose to write about. Sad indeed. I remember a time when that place was bearable. They have no clue about products. iPad Pro, Apple Pencil, AW, ATV4, iPhone 7 and 7 plus, iPhone SE, $10B spent on R&D (suggesting many great things coming), new headquarters, amazing new stores, the great design work Apple are doing across the company, working on a Car FFS, iPhone 8, actual Mac rumours, Tim Cook successfully fending off a gross encroachment on people's privacy by the US Government!!: none of it exists to them because they didn't get the single product or feature they want. They tried to claim the exploding Note 7 was a better product than iPhone 7. Let's see how they feel about that comment after one blows up burning down their house. They'd change their tune pretty quickly then wouldn't they? Where would their sarcasm be then? Their snide little jokes from the back of the classroom. Spoiled little farts. How about they move to Africa where they have no food and unclean water—how about the find something worthwhile to complain about. Ungrateful little shits.
    edited October 2016 brucemcdavencalinolamacguy
  • Reply 22 of 56
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,565member
    blastdoor said:
    I think it's weird that Cook keeps talking about this. Of all the future product directions to talk about, why this one? 

    And if he can talk about this, why can't he give us some guidance on where the Mac is going? 
    My assumption is he touting it as the "next big thing". Remember all the comments coming from Apple about wearables before the Apple Watch became "the next big thing"? A new Mac won't get big press. 
  • Reply 23 of 56
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    gatorguy said:
    blastdoor said:
    I think it's weird that Cook keeps talking about this. Of all the future product directions to talk about, why this one? 

    And if he can talk about this, why can't he give us some guidance on where the Mac is going? 
    My assumption is he touting it as the "next big thing". Remember all the comments coming from Apple about wearables before the Apple Watch became "the next big thing"? A new Mac won't get big press. 
    The New Macs are coming this year, we just need a little more patience.
  • Reply 24 of 56
    vmarksvmarks Posts: 762editor
    steven n. said:
    bitmod said:
    This reminds me of Balmer talking about the iPhone for some reason.
    I don't see the connection as they have completely different applications.

    Apple would be wise to facilitate a platform for both.
    AR done right is a pure superset of VR. VR is somewhat limited IMO unless the VR fully maps the environment in real time and superimpose the VR view into the mapped real view.
    Not really.

    No one wants to wear a goofy VR headset to carry the VR displays. There is no future where people wear headmounted displays a majority of the time. AR when it's contextually useful? Yes. You absolutely separate the two and pay attention to the one with broader applications.
  • Reply 25 of 56
    boredumbboredumb Posts: 1,418member
    Seems like an extension or broadening of things they are doing in iPhotos.
    Sort of pulling back the curtain on the information those categorizations run on...
  • Reply 26 of 56
    I've wondered if placing an iPhone's two cameras wider apart -- left edge, right edge -- would closely approximate human eye separation and thus allow capture of two video streams that could roll into a composite 3D video (or even hologram!).
  • Reply 27 of 56
    eightzeroeightzero Posts: 3,129member
    But but but...i don't *want* to have human contact...
  • Reply 28 of 56
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    eightzero said:
    But but but...i don't *want* to have human contact...
    Ha. They're looking for people like you at Oculus.
  • Reply 29 of 56
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,565member
    thedba said:
    bulk001 said:
    The Verge did a very on point and sadly pretty accurate story on Siri ( If they can't get something like Siri working like the competition can with their products, Apple really needs to up their game. Since the iPad, the only thing they have come up with is the Apple Watch which while nice is not yet the game changer that the iPod, iPhone and iPad have been. Yes, I know a lot of dislikes are coming but take the time to read the article. Mossberg is hardly an Apple hater and Apple has already made changes to provide better response to his questions which means they are at least taking the criticisms seriously. 
    Funny you bring this up because Gruber did a test of his own with Google assistant and it didn't fare much better.
    Here are his words.
    To be fair, I tried the same two-step sequence (when’s the next debate?; add it to my calendar) with Google Assistant running in the Allo app on Android, and it failed in the same way. I remain unconvinced that Siri is behind the competition, and even if it is, I don’t think it’s by much. ↩︎︎

    I just tested it myself while driving (and navigating!), same results as Gruber. . . BUT, if I follow the first Google Now debate time query with "remind me about it"  I get "OK, 8pm. Your reminder is set".

    Perhaps Calendar is asking for the range of time you want set aside. Reminders only needs a time and/or place. 

    EDIT: Yes I was stopped at a traffic light. I don't interact with my phone when driving.
    edited October 2016
  • Reply 30 of 56
    holyoneholyone Posts: 398member
    palegolas said:
    The day Tim can say "in fact, these glasses that I'm wearing right now are AR glasses, and nobody even notices. It's not a barrier. They don't look or feel intrusive. They feel just like part of the real world."
    I think the technology is getting there. But there's still a long way to go from the big Hololens to something light and slick that feel not much different than a regular pair of glasses.
    Agreed but my question then becomes is everybody then expected to wear glasses ? Tim probably is not wearing those for fashion, not everyone likes or wants to wear glasses, so how is AR less of a niche than VR ? I mean I like the tech but just can see a mass adoption here, it's like everyone's so excited about the tech that it's actual usefulness is being overlooked, but I'm sure Apple has soothing in mind though. INMO this would be more useful on a future Apple car's windshield screen where apps like maps wouldn't just show you arrows for directions but overlay a complete wire frame of the entire visible view including objects and cars in front of you in slightly transparent graphic, to visualize 5 to 6 cars in front like a kind of X-Ray vision to help drivers avoid all the crazy maniacs out there and useful information is presented as though it's literally painted on the tarmac, now that be cool
  • Reply 31 of 56
    bulk001 said:
    The Verge did a very on point and sadly pretty accurate story on Siri ( If they can't get something like Siri working like the competition can with their products, Apple really needs to up their game. Since the iPad, the only thing they have come up with is the Apple Watch which while nice is not yet the game changer that the iPod, iPhone and iPad have been. Yes, I know a lot of dislikes are coming but take the time to read the article. Mossberg is hardly an Apple hater and Apple has already made changes to provide better response to his questions which means they are at least taking the criticisms seriously. 
    Walt Mossberg has become a joke and I have not hesitated to call him out about the content of his articles. He decided to block me from following him on Twitter because of my call outs.

    So I will now point out a few things Mossberg most likely purposely chose to do to make Siri appear weak compared to the competition.

    Mossberg wrote about having a Tim D Cook card in his Contacts. When he asked Siri who Tim D Cook was, Siri presented the card, the competition ignored the card and brought up a Wikipedia page. Mossberg considered this a failure for Siri and a success for the competition. Why did the competition ignore the local information?  How would the competition know to present local information instead of Web information? Well, Mossberg would have to rephrase his question to be more specific. So, I rephrased Mossberg's question for Siri and asked "Show me the bio of Tim D Cook" and Siri responded differently. Not one person who agreed with Mossberg thought to ask how would the competition present local information.

    On the Crete temperature request, Siri showed the temperature of Crete, Illinois while the competition showed the temperature for Crete, Greece. How would anyone ever learn about the temperature of Create, Illinois? Well, once again they would have to rephrase their question to be more specific. So, I asked Siri, "What is the temperature of Crete, Greece" and Siri responded with correctly. Hmmm.... Mossberg chose not to mention this about the competition because doing so would have lessened the skew of negativity against Siri.

    So, Siri could not respond with the date of the next Presidential debate and the competition could. Guess what? This ability lack was mentioned with the first Presidential debate which was held quite a while before Mossberg's decided to publish his article about Siri being unable to answer the question. Soon after reading Mossberg's drama, I queried Siri and got the answer. So, when did Apple update Siri to respond correctly? Mossberg sure as hell will not tell the world this answer because once again it would skew his negativity against Siri.

    Now take a look at the languages Siri supports. I think it is approximately 20. Compare the number of languages Siri supports versus the competition. Guess what? As Siri gets smarter (or dumber as Mossberg would love for everyone to believe), every language gets smarter at the same time. Understand the enormity of what I just wrote. Every language gets smarter at the same time. Every iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Apple TV that supports the latest version of iOS gets smarter simultaneously. Apple has crossed the 57% worldwide threshold of iOS devices having iOS 10. This means every one of those devices will have the same Siri. Guess what? Can you say the same thing for the competition? Will Android devices in the USA have the same assistant in South Korea, China, India, UK, Spain, Australia, etc.? Or will Android devices have different versions of an assistant?

    I ask you and others to never hesitate to think about what Mossberg and other are not writing. And, do not hesitate to ask why they are choosing to ignore facts. It was easy for me to strip Mossberg's article of its false praise of the competition against Siri. It will be just as easy for everyone else to do the same thing IF they just take a moment to carefully read what is written.

  • Reply 32 of 56
    fracfrac Posts: 480member
    gatorguy said:
    thedba said:
    bulk001 said:
    The Verge did a very on point and sadly pretty accurate story on Siri ( If they can't get something like Siri working like the competition can with their products, Apple really needs to up their game. Since the iPad, the only thing they have come up with is the Apple Watch which while nice is not yet the game changer that the iPod, iPhone and iPad have been. Yes, I know a lot of dislikes are coming but take the time to read the article. Mossberg is hardly an Apple hater and Apple has already made changes to provide better response to his questions which means they are at least taking the criticisms seriously. 
    Funny you bring this up because Gruber did a test of his own with Google assistant and it didn't fare much better.
    Here are his words.
    To be fair, I tried the same two-step sequence (when’s the next debate?; add it to my calendar) with Google Assistant running in the Allo app on Android, and it failed in the same way. I remain unconvinced that Siri is behind the competition, and even if it is, I don’t think it’s by much. ↩︎︎

    I just tested it myself while driving (and navigating!), same results as Gruber. . . BUT, if I follow the first Google Now debate time query with "remind me about it"  I get "OK, 8pm. Your reminder is set".

    Perhaps Calendar is asking for the range of time you want set aside. Reminders only needs a time and/or place. 

    EDIT: Yes I was stopped at a traffic light. I don't interact with my phone when driving.
    I concur about Google Now tho' it's flaky on my Sony. Siri has no problem whereas Cortana on a Nokia 640 is 'still' thinking about it with its network connection issues.
    More notable, an own goal well saved.
  • Reply 33 of 56
    holyoneholyone Posts: 398member
    flaneur said:
    eightzero said:
    But but but...i don't *want* to have human contact...
    Ha. They're looking for people like you at Oculus.
    All those people wearing those things on their faces look like dorks and Look at that smile on that doofus, man imagine a world with no Apple this would be the epitommy of cool, we wouldn't know any better, before the iPhone Black Berry was the shirt, and nothing could have been any better, how scary is that thought, you look at this and are privledged to say "can't wait for the APPLE VESION"
  • Reply 34 of 56
    holyoneholyone Posts: 398member
    flaneur said:
    eightzero said:
    But but but...i don't *want* to have human contact...
    Ha. They're looking for people like you at Oculus.
    All those people wearing those things on their faces look like dorks and Look at that smile on that doofus, man imagine a world with no Apple this would be the epitommy of cool, we wouldn't know any better, before the iPhone Black Berry was the shirt, and nothing could have been any better, how scary is that thought, you look at this and are privledged to say "can't wait for the APPLE VESION"
  • Reply 35 of 56
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,565member
    bulk001 said:
    The Verge did a very on point and sadly pretty accurate story on Siri ( If they can't get something like Siri working like the competition can with their products, Apple really needs to up their game. Since the iPad, the only thing they have come up with is the Apple Watch which while nice is not yet the game changer that the iPod, iPhone and iPad have been. Yes, I know a lot of dislikes are coming but take the time to read the article. Mossberg is hardly an Apple hater and Apple has already made changes to provide better response to his questions which means they are at least taking the criticisms seriously. 
    Walt Mossberg has become a joke and I have not hesitated to call him out about the content of his articles. He decided to block me from following him on Twitter 

    Now take a look at the languages Siri supports. I think it is approximately 20. Compare the number of languages Siri supports versus the competition. Guess what? As Siri gets smarter (or dumber as Mossberg would love for everyone to believe), every language gets smarter at the same time. Understand the enormity of what I just wrote. Every language gets smarter at the same time. Every iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Apple TV that supports the latest version of iOS gets smarter simultaneously. Apple has crossed the 57% worldwide threshold of iOS devices having iOS 10. This means every one of those devices will have the same Siri. Guess what? Can you say the same thing for the competition? Will Android devices in the USA have the same assistant in South Korea, China, India, UK, Spain, Australia, etc.? Or will Android devices have different versions of an assistant?

    I would suspect Google Assistant to gradually replace Google Now everywhere so no I don't think there will be different versions but who knows for certain yet? The Pixels and Google Home are the first pieces of hardware with it baked in. The inclusion of it in Allo which is available to most existing Android devices is a poor substitute for system-wide integration in the new Google devices. 
  • Reply 36 of 56
    Pushing for AR after his visit in Asia! Maybe Cook is pushing for Pokémon Series 2,
  • Reply 37 of 56
    MediaBaronMediaBaron Posts: 1unconfirmed, member
    Say hello to the AR world:
  • Reply 38 of 56
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    There was a fellow that made the argument that the AirPods are A/R already. With the embedded sensors, AirPods could, in theory anyway, track head movements in relation to a screen, for instance. Not as good a technique tracking eye movements, but not requiring glasses either. 

    The AirPods could also be used for tracking origins of particular words, sounds or noises, or filtering for particular frequencies, giving the user enhanced, "owl" like capabilities. Of course, an iPhone would be required for the heavy lifting at this point in time.
    edited October 2016 cali
  • Reply 39 of 56
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    I care what Apple does, not what Tim Cook says. What the company does in the products they release tells me more than anything Cook says in an interview.


    Apple says things. Steve Jobs said things... and then sometimes reversed himself later. 

    We need to focus on what Apple actually does. Apple can say anything they like, whether it's true, or they're playing the media, or leading the competition to believe something other than what's really going on. 
  • Reply 40 of 56
    bulk001 said:
    The Verge did a very on point and sadly pretty accurate story on Siri ( If they can't get something like Siri working like the competition can with their products, Apple really needs to up their game. Since the iPad, the only thing they have come up with is the Apple Watch which while nice is not yet the game changer that the iPod, iPhone and iPad have been. Yes, I know a lot of dislikes are coming but take the time to read the article. Mossberg is hardly an Apple hater and Apple has already made changes to provide better response to his questions which means they are at least taking the criticisms seriously. 

    Now take a look at the languages Siri supports. I think it is approximately 20. Compare the number of languages Siri supports versus the competition. Guess what? As Siri gets smarter (or dumber as Mossberg would love for everyone to believe), every language gets smarter at the same time. Understand the enormity of what I just wrote. Every language gets smarter at the same time. Every iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Apple TV that supports the latest version of iOS gets smarter simultaneously. Apple has crossed the 57% worldwide threshold of iOS devices having iOS 10. This means every one of those devices will have the same Siri. Guess what? Can you say the same thing for the competition? Will Android devices in the USA have the same assistant in South Korea, China, India, UK, Spain, Australia, etc.? Or will Android devices have different versions of an assistant?

    Assistant comes in Allo and it's same no matter which version of Android you're running so yeah, I think you can assume that no matter which phone you have, which Android version you run, and in which language, you'll have the same Assistant on Android. Even though they have talked a lot about Assistant, it's pretty much the same thing as Now - I've asked both the same questions and gotten the same answers back. Just slightly different use cases. Now never changed with Android versions and I assume Assistant won't either.
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