New MacBook Pro with Touch Bar models arrive at select Apple stores



  • Reply 21 of 45
    Back to building a  hackintosh for me. Im wanting a powerful desktop not a laptop that has been lobotomised because of battery life.  
    Laptops are all about balance.  And while building a hackintosh was fun (I do miss being able to play with the innards) I didn't miss the reliability of a system that was tested.  Can't tell you the number of times the system would just crash in the wee hours of the morning when I was really wanting to be productive.  All that power, with huge amounts of time it would not work.  Not to mention the constant threat of wondering when the next crash would be.  Getting too old for that.
  • Reply 22 of 45
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,912member
    macwhat said:
    its a little ridiculous it took them 3 weeks to have them on display, let alone any reasonable inventory available the day these laptops were released.  Its not like they haven't had ample time since the last update.  Look at the pictures in these articles, showing off this computer like its god's gift to mankind.  I've been waiting to upgrade for over a year, but this whole limited supply BS and inflated pricing is a huge turnoff. 
    Here you go...

  • Reply 23 of 45
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,912member
    Back to building a  hackintosh for me. Im wanting a powerful desktop not a laptop that has been lobotomised because of battery life.  
    This comment makes no sense what so ever...
  • Reply 24 of 45
    macwhat said:
    its a little ridiculous it took them 3 weeks to have them on display, let alone any reasonable inventory available the day these laptops were released.  Its not like they haven't had ample time since the last update.  Look at the pictures in these articles, showing off this computer like its god's gift to mankind.  I've been waiting to upgrade for over a year, but this whole limited supply BS and inflated pricing is a huge turnoff. 
    I totally agree with you and then some! It's like apple is now a 100% "custom made to order only" company. 

    This is started with the very annoying release of iPhone 7 - which in my opinion was the worse roll out of a major product I've ever experienced. I watched the interview with Angela how she thought is was "degrading to have people stand in line to order a phone"  HELLO??  That standing in line is not only part of the mystique of each new release but it's like also like tailgating before a big game. It's grabs the attention of media (you know... those people who give us FREE publicity by sending out thousands of camera crews each year to cover the event - but this year it had an unexpected negative. Not only did it piss off every person wanting a PLUS, the 11 or 12 people left in the line after all the people wanting the PLUS went home, caused the media to report that no one wanted this one "look at the short lines!"  That's how our local media covered it. 

    Then the "NON LAUNCH" of the new Watch?  You can't actually call something "a launch" Angela when for 30 straight days you can't walk into an Apple Store see it and buy it. Every time I went to the store for a month they did not have it. She obviously does not have kids or teenagers. You can't tell them "I ordered it it will be here in 3-5 weeks and you certainly can NOT give them a birthday card with a receipt that looks like an IOU. "You're birthday is today. You're watch should be here in 3-5 weeks Honey!"

    and now the laptop launch from hell?  And don't start this "She's not in charge of supply chain crap" I heard her uppity ass tell the interviewer "This way is so much more civilized!  I mean people waiting in line for anything .   It's just so humiliating, don't you agree?" <insert fake smile>

    And Apple paid her 10 million last year for these stunning illuminated ideas?  Send HER uppity ass back to Burberry!

    if Apple continues this "non roll out" into the rest of they're product line going forward after these 3 disasters (not to mention the backlash of the laptop configuration as well) I see people just getting fed up altogether with them, stop buying and start thinking "screw this what I have will do I don't need a new one". I'm not saying they WONT buy Apple. They'll just stop upgrading with each new one and wait it out. That's what almost all of my friends did. 

    No no one needs to agree or disagree with me. I only wrote this because 9 people clicked "dislike" on this guys opinion and that should not be. It's a fact that they did/doing everything I mentioned. It needs to stop. They've become the Burger King:  "We don't make it till you order it"

    Side note:  I didn't forget the topic of this story is the new laptop. My 6 year old 17" laptop had 32GB of RAM. The new one is stuck in time at 16GB and is NOT a 17" and is $3,200 of which you get a smaller design (15") with 1TB drive??  I paid $2,400 for my 17". But don't worry. You get to pay $700 more for something they announced last month AND you now get to wait till January if you buy it today. 

    Pitiful rip off in my opinion  
    edited November 2016 macwhat
  • Reply 25 of 45
    Received my 15" with touch bar fully spec'd today. Its my first Mac and probably overkill for what I will use it for, but am enjoying it so far.
    Fully spec'd as in: "2 Tb ssd" as well? Also really curious how the Radeon 460 stacks up against the 450 and 455...
    I went with 1TB. I love it so far. Speakers are nice but not as loud as touted. 
  • Reply 26 of 45
    So this is interesting, the touch bar gets pretty hot, noticeably hot, anyone else?  When scrolling items it get's a bit uncomfortable.
  • Reply 27 of 45
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    noraa1138 said:
    I really hope these machines flop.  Apple desperately needs a wake up call.  They've been treating their pro users like crap for years now, these MBP's feel like the final nail in that coffin.
    "After just five days of online sales, the newest Apple laptop is close to matching a year and half of Apple's ultralight model."

    "We are proud to tell you that so far our online store has had more orders for the new MacBook Pro than any other pro notebook before," added Schiller."

    Looks like your fantasy has zero chance of happening. In 5 days, sales have more than TRIPLED Microsoft's ultra hyped Surface book sales spanning an entire YEAR. Yeah, Apple clearly needs to "wake up".   Yeah, you can go cry in a fucking corner now, you troll. 
    edited November 2016 williamlondon
  • Reply 28 of 45
    AppleBumAppleBum Posts: 37unconfirmed, member

    I picked up my 15" MBP from UPS yesterday. It's the 2.6GHz model with the SSD increased to 512GB. After learning that the SSD is soldered on the motherboard, this turned out to be a good plan. I pretty much just set it up and did a little surfing, as well as checking out compatibility with the HooToo USB-C dock I bought. The card reader in the dock works and the profiler showed a USB3.0 hub and a USB2.0 hub after plugging it in, so I have little doubt that USB devices will work. I'll try with some devices tonight and I'll try plugging it into my HDTV to test the video output.

    I decided to start with a more-or-less clean slate this time rather than using the Migration Assistant. I've accumulated a lot of junk over the years and with the SSD being non-upgradable, I wanted to get rid of what I wasn't using. It's been a bit of a pain setting up third party apps again, and I still have more to go, but I think I'll benefit in the long run.

    edited November 2016 williamlondon
  • Reply 29 of 45
    Hey, AI, you need to step in and get rid of these fucking trolls, they are ruining this site very quickly, just as happened at MacRumors. Please do something, this thread is a perfect example of some people that need to be shown the door, and quick, lest you turn off all your other long term members who will inevitably grow tired of the trolls and their sycophantic juvenile followers and go elsewhere. Please, the internet has enough MacRumors forums, protect this one and do it quick!

    edit: maybe impose some rules, such that if your dislikes exceed your likes, all posts are held for moderation, and if you post something negative within your first few posts, you are banned permanently, or if you rack up x number of dislikes within x number of your first posts, you are banned. Rules like that seem reasonable, and if the trolls can't abide, they can go elsewhere, it's not as if they're going to be clicking on the ads on this site anyway, your advertisers won't miss them.
    Hey williamlondon, so is a "troll" anyone that has a different view than an Apple cheerleader?  I left your expletive out, but nice touch.  Hysterical how far you take it to use foul language to emphasize your thought-control post.  Maybe you grew up in China?  Anyhow, my point was that Apple has supply-chain and manufacturing bottlenecks, the timing and execution of this MBP launch is a huge disappointment.  Supply-chain and demand forecasting is a vital part of their business beyond innovation. I ask you, would Steve have permitted a laptop launch that wasn't in stores immediately following the Keynote or available online for purchase post-Keynote?  ~3 weeks until they arrive for display in stores and if you didn't order within the first few days online, the ship time is over a month.  Disappointing to say the least.  I think Steve would have made sure that supply was adequate post-Keynote to meet demand. I don't recall a computer release by Apple in recent history that had such poor timing and availability.  Open to correction here williamlondon, but try and frame your Apple hyper-enthusiasm with actual realistic context.  You're reactionary "ban new members" rhetoric does not seem productive. 

  • Reply 29 of 45
    Hey, AI, you need to step in and get rid of these fucking trolls, they are ruining this site very quickly, just as happened at MacRumors. Please do something, this thread is a perfect example of some people that need to be shown the door, and quick, lest you turn off all your other long term members who will inevitably grow tired of the trolls and their sycophantic juvenile followers and go elsewhere. Please, the internet has enough MacRumors forums, protect this one and do it quick!

    edit: maybe impose some rules, such that if your dislikes exceed your likes, all posts are held for moderation, and if you post something negative within your first few posts, you are banned permanently, or if you rack up x number of dislikes within x number of your first posts, you are banned. Rules like that seem reasonable, and if the trolls can't abide, they can go elsewhere, it's not as if they're going to be clicking on the ads on this site anyway, your advertisers won't miss them.
    williamlondon your reply to any dissenting view on Apple is to "ban new users"?  I am a new poster to AI, but have been an avid reader for years. Nice touch with your explicit language, truly earns everyone's respect.  Did you grow up in a country where opposing views are banned?  That would certainly change this "discussion board" to a cheerleader board.  Perhaps you should start your own site to do that and continue living in a bubble. 

    I was disappointed with the supply constraints post launch on a new MBP.  I don't recall a time under Steve's watch when Apple introduced a computer that was not almost immediately available in stores and online post-Keynote.  ~3 weeks until they show up in stores?  and 4-5 weeks until shipping unless you ordered in the first few days?  Supply-chain is a vital part of any manufacturing business and this launch seems to show their current inefficiencies.  Perhaps a strategy to build even more demand, but that seems a little redundant as demand and sales to date are off the charts.  I actually drove to an Apple store following the keynote and would've have ordered one then and there had I been able to see it first-hand.  spending 2-3k sight unseen for a computer is not within my comfort zone. 

    In terms of your "thought-policing" you might consider giving that a rest, it immediately exposes your immature mental state and reactionary thoughtlessness.  Then again, feel free to start your own endeavor and scrub anything that doesn't match your ideology.  I'm sure it will be HUGE.
  • Reply 31 of 45
    Fully spec'd as in: "2 Tb ssd" as well? Also really curious how the Radeon 460 stacks up against the 450 and 455...
    Indeed there seems a dearth of independent performance data so far for such an anticipated release - what I found

     ~91k  AMD Radeon HD D700 (pro)
     ~86k  AMD Radeon R9 M295x/M395x (imac)
     ~66k  AMD Radeon 460

    Or perhaps arguably more helpful

    ~135k    GeForce GTX 1080 may also be a notable raw performance graphics number for comparison on the upcoming irrespective of the innumerable other factors to consider... :0

  • Reply 32 of 45
    macwhat said:
    Hey, AI, you need to step in and get rid of these fucking trolls, they are ruining this site very quickly, just as happened at MacRumors. Please do something, this thread is a perfect example of some people that need to be shown the door, and quick, lest you turn off all your other long term members who will inevitably grow tired of the trolls and their sycophantic juvenile followers and go elsewhere. Please, the internet has enough MacRumors forums, protect this one and do it quick!

    edit: maybe impose some rules, such that if your dislikes exceed your likes, all posts are held for moderation, and if you post something negative within your first few posts, you are banned permanently, or if you rack up x number of dislikes within x number of your first posts, you are banned. Rules like that seem reasonable, and if the trolls can't abide, they can go elsewhere, it's not as if they're going to be clicking on the ads on this site anyway, your advertisers won't miss them.
    williamlondon your reply to any dissenting view on Apple is to "ban new users"?  I am a new poster to AI, but have been an avid reader for years. Nice touch with your explicit language, truly earns everyone's respect.  Did you grow up in a country where opposing views are banned?  That would certainly change this "discussion board" to a cheerleader board.  Perhaps you should start your own site to do that and continue living in a bubble. 

    I was disappointed with the supply constraints post launch on a new MBP.  I don't recall a time under Steve's watch when Apple introduced a computer that was not almost immediately available in stores and online post-Keynote.  ~3 weeks until they show up in stores?  and 4-5 weeks until shipping unless you ordered in the first few days?  Supply-chain is a vital part of any manufacturing business and this launch seems to show their current inefficiencies.  Perhaps a strategy to build even more demand, but that seems a little redundant as demand and sales to date are off the charts.  I actually drove to an Apple store following the keynote and would've have ordered one then and there had I been able to see it first-hand.  spending 2-3k sight unseen for a computer is not within my comfort zone. 

    In terms of your "thought-policing" you might consider giving that a rest, it immediately exposes your immature mental state and reactionary thoughtlessness.  Then again, feel free to start your own endeavor and scrub anything that doesn't match your ideology.  I'm sure it will be HUGE.
    It's funny when you talk about immaturity, actually more ironic, in that you seem to have no idea what discourse is all about. I come on here to discuss Apple's products and the tech within them, while a whole slew of people (growing sadly every day) come on here to whine endlessly about Apple and their products in ways that are neither constructive nor logical. "Thought-policing," "born in China," and a litany of personal attacks, you are doing nothing to demonstrate you know anything about what makes for good discourse. This place used to be so much better, MacRumors before the asylum patients took over used to be great too, but they succumbed and now I fear AI is succumbing and that is a sad day for tech discourse. If you disagree with me, you are part of the problem and the fact you're lecturing me about this site after 1 post, you really aren't improving things around here at all.

    Disagreement is one thing, in fact it makes discourse great, but trolling negativity is another entirely. If you don't know the difference, learn it quickly or perhaps you should simply take a step back or go elsewhere where Apple bashing is more welcome. I'm merely trying to protect this place from the likes of those who want to tear it down.
  • Reply 33 of 45
    macwhat said:
    Hey, AI, you need to step in and get rid of these fucking trolls, they are ruining this site very quickly, just as happened at MacRumors. Please do something, this thread is a perfect example of some people that need to be shown the door, and quick, lest you turn off all your other long term members who will inevitably grow tired of the trolls and their sycophantic juvenile followers and go elsewhere. Please, the internet has enough MacRumors forums, protect this one and do it quick!

    edit: maybe impose some rules, such that if your dislikes exceed your likes, all posts are held for moderation, and if you post something negative within your first few posts, you are banned permanently, or if you rack up x number of dislikes within x number of your first posts, you are banned. Rules like that seem reasonable, and if the trolls can't abide, they can go elsewhere, it's not as if they're going to be clicking on the ads on this site anyway, your advertisers won't miss them.
    williamlondon your reply to any dissenting view on Apple is to "ban new users"?  I am a new poster to AI, but have been an avid reader for years. Nice touch with your explicit language, truly earns everyone's respect.  Did you grow up in a country where opposing views are banned?  That would certainly change this "discussion board" to a cheerleader board.  Perhaps you should start your own site to do that and continue living in a bubble. 

    I was disappointed with the supply constraints post launch on a new MBP.  I don't recall a time under Steve's watch when Apple introduced a computer that was not almost immediately available in stores and online post-Keynote.  ~3 weeks until they show up in stores?  and 4-5 weeks until shipping unless you ordered in the first few days?  Supply-chain is a vital part of any manufacturing business and this launch seems to show their current inefficiencies.  Perhaps a strategy to build even more demand, but that seems a little redundant as demand and sales to date are off the charts.  I actually drove to an Apple store following the keynote and would've have ordered one then and there had I been able to see it first-hand.  spending 2-3k sight unseen for a computer is not within my comfort zone. 

    In terms of your "thought-policing" you might consider giving that a rest, it immediately exposes your immature mental state and reactionary thoughtlessness.  Then again, feel free to start your own endeavor and scrub anything that doesn't match your ideology.  I'm sure it will be HUGE.
    It's funny when you talk about immaturity, actually more ironic, in that you seem to have no idea what discourse is all about. I come on here to discuss Apple's products and the tech within them, while a whole slew of people (growing sadly every day) come on here to whine endlessly about Apple and their products in ways that are neither constructive nor logical. "Thought-policing," "born in China," and a litany of personal attacks, you are doing nothing to demonstrate you know anything about what makes for good discourse. This place used to be so much better, MacRumors before the asylum patients took over used to be great too, but they succumbed and now I fear AI is succumbing and that is a sad day for tech discourse. If you disagree with me, you are part of the problem and the fact you're lecturing me about this site after 1 post, you really aren't improving things around here at all.

    Disagreement is one thing, in fact it makes discourse great, but trolling negativity is another entirely. If you don't know the difference, learn it quickly or perhaps you should simply take a step back or go elsewhere where Apple bashing is more welcome. I'm merely trying to protect this place from the likes of those who want to tear it down.
    Ok williamlondon, lets try again.  I simply stated that I was disappointed Apple released a long-awaited refresh to their MBP line, however, supply is severely constrained, evident by the fact, that it took 3 weeks for it to show up in "select" Apple Stores. Even when it is on display it likely won't be available to purchase. To which you insinuated that I was "trolling" and Apple "bashing" and ruining your AI experience.  Sorry dude, but grow up, unless of course you're still an adolescent.  Impossible to know.  I  then go on to ask if you can recall a time under Steve's watch when a refreshed computer was introduced but faced such severe supply constraints.  I simply pointed out that the recent release seems a misstep, especially in light of the fact that this was a long long awaited refresh.  Of course I'm open to correction and new information, but you simply didn't provide any.  Instead, you reply "If you disagree with me, you are part of the problem..."  right, is that how we have an open discussion?  i'm free to say anything as long as don't disagree with you?  interesting.  I didn't take this down a hostile road, you did, reread your first post.  You used explicit language and didn't provide original thought about Apple or its products.  This by the way, is site and forum for both Apple the Company and its excellent products.  They are intertwined, so please don't consider it a site that is solely focused on "Apple's products and the tech within them."   If in fact you want to improve this site and its discussion, perhaps reply constructively, rather than stating "ban the trolls"  nothing i wrote meets the definition of a troll.   and your response is nothing less than hostile.

    I'm as free as anyone else to lament that most of us must continue to wait 4-5 weeks to receive a computer we ordered sight unseen.  That is not the Apple I grew up with, nor the company I converted family and friends to  Show me otherwise, but please don't reply with your own lament of how this site is going down hill thanks to "trolls" .  I don't see it at all.  The content is excellent and the majority of comments are constructive. Your protectionist reaction is perhaps the biggest turnoff. 

  • Reply 34 of 45
    macwhat said:
    macwhat said:
    Hey, AI, you need to step in and get rid of these fucking trolls, they are ruining this site very quickly, just as happened at MacRumors. Please do something, this thread is a perfect example of some people that need to be shown the door, and quick, lest you turn off all your other long term members who will inevitably grow tired of the trolls and their sycophantic juvenile followers and go elsewhere. Please, the internet has enough MacRumors forums, protect this one and do it quick!

    edit: maybe impose some rules, such that if your dislikes exceed your likes, all posts are held for moderation, and if you post something negative within your first few posts, you are banned permanently, or if you rack up x number of dislikes within x number of your first posts, you are banned. Rules like that seem reasonable, and if the trolls can't abide, they can go elsewhere, it's not as if they're going to be clicking on the ads on this site anyway, your advertisers won't miss them.
    williamlondon your reply to any dissenting view on Apple is to "ban new users"?  I am a new poster to AI, but have been an avid reader for years. Nice touch with your explicit language, truly earns everyone's respect.  Did you grow up in a country where opposing views are banned?  That would certainly change this "discussion board" to a cheerleader board.  Perhaps you should start your own site to do that and continue living in a bubble. 

    I was disappointed with the supply constraints post launch on a new MBP.  I don't recall a time under Steve's watch when Apple introduced a computer that was not almost immediately available in stores and online post-Keynote.  ~3 weeks until they show up in stores?  and 4-5 weeks until shipping unless you ordered in the first few days?  Supply-chain is a vital part of any manufacturing business and this launch seems to show their current inefficiencies.  Perhaps a strategy to build even more demand, but that seems a little redundant as demand and sales to date are off the charts.  I actually drove to an Apple store following the keynote and would've have ordered one then and there had I been able to see it first-hand.  spending 2-3k sight unseen for a computer is not within my comfort zone. 

    In terms of your "thought-policing" you might consider giving that a rest, it immediately exposes your immature mental state and reactionary thoughtlessness.  Then again, feel free to start your own endeavor and scrub anything that doesn't match your ideology.  I'm sure it will be HUGE.
    It's funny when you talk about immaturity, actually more ironic, in that you seem to have no idea what discourse is all about. I come on here to discuss Apple's products and the tech within them, while a whole slew of people (growing sadly every day) come on here to whine endlessly about Apple and their products in ways that are neither constructive nor logical. "Thought-policing," "born in China," and a litany of personal attacks, you are doing nothing to demonstrate you know anything about what makes for good discourse. This place used to be so much better, MacRumors before the asylum patients took over used to be great too, but they succumbed and now I fear AI is succumbing and that is a sad day for tech discourse. If you disagree with me, you are part of the problem and the fact you're lecturing me about this site after 1 post, you really aren't improving things around here at all.

    Disagreement is one thing, in fact it makes discourse great, but trolling negativity is another entirely. If you don't know the difference, learn it quickly or perhaps you should simply take a step back or go elsewhere where Apple bashing is more welcome. I'm merely trying to protect this place from the likes of those who want to tear it down.
    Ok williamlondon, lets try again.  I simply stated that I was disappointed Apple released a long-awaited refresh to their MBP line, however, supply is severely constrained, evident by the fact, that it took 3 weeks for it to show up in "select" Apple Stores. Even when it is on display it likely won't be available to purchase. To which you insinuated that I was "trolling" and Apple "bashing" and ruining your AI experience.  Sorry dude, but grow up, unless of course you're still an adolescent.  Impossible to know.  I  then go on to ask if you can recall a time under Steve's watch when a refreshed computer was introduced but faced such severe supply constraints.  I simply pointed out that the recent release seems a misstep, especially in light of the fact that this was a long long awaited refresh.  Of course I'm open to correction and new information, but you simply didn't provide any.  Instead, you reply "If you disagree with me, you are part of the problem..."  right, is that how we have an open discussion?  i'm free to say anything as long as don't disagree with you?  interesting.  I didn't take this down a hostile road, you did, reread your first post.  You used explicit language and didn't provide original thought about Apple or its products.  This by the way, is site and forum for both Apple the Company and its excellent products.  They are intertwined, so please don't consider it a site that is solely focused on "Apple's products and the tech within them."   If in fact you want to improve this site and its discussion, perhaps reply constructively, rather than stating "ban the trolls"  nothing i wrote meets the definition of a troll.   and your response is nothing less than hostile.

    I'm as free as anyone else to lament that most of us must continue to wait 4-5 weeks to receive a computer we ordered sight unseen.  That is not the Apple I grew up with, nor the company I converted family and friends to  Show me otherwise, but please don't reply with your own lament of how this site is going down hill thanks to "trolls" .  I don't see it at all.  The content is excellent and the majority of comments are constructive. Your protectionist reaction is perhaps the biggest turnoff. 

    There are signals that people who have been on these forums for years can easily use to identify an internet troll (in fact there used to be a post in the forums with a list - perhaps someone else can locate that list and post a link). It goes something like this: 1) Posting overly or gratuitously negative comments, (that raises big alarm bells). 2) Using the meme, "Steve wouldn't do this or that." Add to those two infractions the fact that you just got started; your first post garnered 9 dislikes (so far) and not a single like. At this point the only way you can escape people thinking you're a troll is to stop acting like one. You're not off to a good start.
  • Reply 35 of 45
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,666member
    I suspect that a number of these trolls are refugees from other boards where they were banned for not being able to discuss a topic without getting personal.

     It's a fucking tool, representing a fixed set of compromises, just like any other tool. Those compromises are made according to priorities and long-term product strategies.

    If you're up for a purchase, choose the tool that most aligns with your own priorities and be done with it. If nothing aligns with your priorities at all, then you either don't really need any of the available tools right now, or you might have to reassess your priorities - or just wait for the next round.

     For the record, my priorities are how well and how hassle-free a machine will help me make a living for the next five years or so, and I've managed to stretch my last (dying) laptop just long enough for the new machines to be released. The last-generation Retina books didn't fit the bill as well as the new ones do: the quad-core 15" being the same weight and only slightly larger than my 2011 dual-core 13" MBP is really what I was looking for, and I get Thunderbolt 3, which I'd hoped for.
    edited November 2016 williamlondon
  • Reply 36 of 45
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    Hey, AI, you need to step in and get rid of these fucking trolls, they are ruining this site very quickly, just as happened at MacRumors. Please do something, this thread is a perfect example of some people that need to be shown the door, and quick, lest you turn off all your other long term members who will inevitably grow tired of the trolls and their sycophantic juvenile followers and go elsewhere. Please, the internet has enough MacRumors forums, protect this one and do it quick!

    edit: maybe impose some rules, such that if your dislikes exceed your likes, all posts are held for moderation, and if you post something negative within your first few posts, you are banned permanently, or if you rack up x number of dislikes within x number of your first posts, you are banned. Rules like that seem reasonable, and if the trolls can't abide, they can go elsewhere, it's not as if they're going to be clicking on the ads on this site anyway, your advertisers won't miss them.
    It's not the members making respectful even if unpopular posts that drive visitors away from the forums and discourage conversations. It's the personal attacks, completely unnecessary language and excessive intolerance of opposing views some members demonstrate that do more damage.  Mirror mirror sir. With the number of members here who profess to be both intelligent and educated we should do better than junior high behavior. 
  • Reply 37 of 45
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,666member
    macwhat said:
    I don't recall a time under Steve's watch when Apple introduced a computer that was not almost immediately available in stores and online post-Keynote.  ~3 weeks until they show up in stores?  and 4-5 weeks until shipping unless you ordered in the first few days?  Supply-chain is a vital part of any manufacturing business and this launch seems to show their current inefficiencies.  Perhaps a strategy to build even more demand, but that seems a little redundant as demand and sales to date are off the charts.  I actually drove to an Apple store following the keynote and would've have ordered one then and there had I been able to see it first-hand.  spending 2-3k sight unseend the fact you're lecturing me about this site after 1 post, you really aren't improving things around here at all.

    Disagreement is one thing, in fact it makes discourse great, but trolling negativity is another entirely. If you don't know the difference, learn it quickly or perhaps you should simply take a step back or go elsewhere where Apple bashing is more welcome. I'm merely trying to protect this place from the likes of those who want to tear it down.
    ..."  right, is ;

    Steve introduced PLENTY of machines that would ship "two weeks from now", that you could "preorder starting today", or even "preorder starting next Friday". That you don't recall them just means that you're obviously new to Apple.

    So: Welcome!

    In fact, I can hardly remember ANY Apple product launch (and I've been following them pretty closely since about 2000, and was actually in sales myself from 2004-2012) where the products were available immediately. That's pretty rare.

    Any normal person cannot be expected to spend three thousand dollars sight unseen. Of course, the normal consequence is to just wait until they're available, check them out and walk out of the store with your purchase - or not. Unless it's urgent.

    Schiller explicitly said in the keynote you watched that they would be on order "today", and that the Touch Bar models would be shipping "in 2-3 weeks" (1:18:24 into the keynote on the Apple site).

    What is it with you people making Apple out to be this weird evil power that forces people to buy stuff
  • Reply 38 of 45
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,666member
    macwhat said:
    I don't recall a time under Steve's watch when Apple introduced a computer that was not almost immediately available in stores and online post-Keynote.  ~3 weeks until they show up in stores?  and 4-5 weeks until shipping unless you ordered in the first few days?  Supply-chain is a vital part of any manufacturing business and this launch seems to show their current inefficiencies.  Perhaps a strategy to build even more demand, but that seems a little redundant as demand and sales to date are off the charts.  I actually drove to an Apple store following the keynote and would've have ordered one then and there had I been able to see it first-hand.  spending 2-3k sight unseend the fact you're lecturing me about this site after 1 post, you really aren't improving things around here at all.

    Disagreement is one thing, in fact it makes discourse great, but trolling negativity is another entirely. If you don't know the difference, learn it quickly or perhaps you should simply take a step back or go elsewhere where Apple bashing is more welcome. I'm merely trying to protect this place from the likes of those who want to tear it down.
    ..."  right, is ;

    Steve introduced PLENTY of machines that would ship "two weeks from now", that you could "preorder starting today", or even "preorder starting next Friday". That you don't recall them just means that you're obviously new to Apple.

    So: Welcome!

    In fact, I can hardly remember ANY Apple product launch (and I've been following them pretty closely since about 2000, and was actually in sales myself from 2004-2012) where the products were available immediately. That's pretty rare.

    Any normal person cannot be expected to spend three thousand dollars sight unseen. Of course, the normal consequence is to just wait until they're available, check them out and walk out of the store with your purchase - or not. Unless it's urgent.

    Schiller explicitly said in the keynote you watched that they would be on order "today", and that the Touch Bar models would be shipping "in 2-3 weeks" (1:18:24 into the keynote on the Apple site).

    What is it with you people making Apple out to be this weird evil power that forces people to buy stuff
  • Reply 39 of 45
    gatorguy said:
    Hey, AI, you need to step in and get rid of these fucking trolls, they are ruining this site very quickly, just as happened at MacRumors. Please do something, this thread is a perfect example of some people that need to be shown the door, and quick, lest you turn off all your other long term members who will inevitably grow tired of the trolls and their sycophantic juvenile followers and go elsewhere. Please, the internet has enough MacRumors forums, protect this one and do it quick!

    edit: maybe impose some rules, such that if your dislikes exceed your likes, all posts are held for moderation, and if you post something negative within your first few posts, you are banned permanently, or if you rack up x number of dislikes within x number of your first posts, you are banned. Rules like that seem reasonable, and if the trolls can't abide, they can go elsewhere, it's not as if they're going to be clicking on the ads on this site anyway, your advertisers won't miss them.
    It's not the members making respectful even if unpopular posts that drive visitors away from the forums and discourage conversations. It's the personal attacks, completely unnecessary language and excessive intolerance of opposing views some members demonstrate that do more damage.  Mirror mirror sir. With the number of members here who profess to be both intelligent and educated we should do better than junior high behavior. 
    Haughty and self-righteous indignation, how lovely. But what's even sweeter is the utter irony of your rushing to the defence of trolls in these forums.
  • Reply 40 of 45
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    gatorguy said:
    Hey, AI, you need to step in and get rid of these fucking trolls, they are ruining this site very quickly, just as happened at MacRumors. Please do something, this thread is a perfect example of some people that need to be shown the door, and quick, lest you turn off all your other long term members who will inevitably grow tired of the trolls and their sycophantic juvenile followers and go elsewhere. Please, the internet has enough MacRumors forums, protect this one and do it quick!

    edit: maybe impose some rules, such that if your dislikes exceed your likes, all posts are held for moderation, and if you post something negative within your first few posts, you are banned permanently, or if you rack up x number of dislikes within x number of your first posts, you are banned. Rules like that seem reasonable, and if the trolls can't abide, they can go elsewhere, it's not as if they're going to be clicking on the ads on this site anyway, your advertisers won't miss them.
    It's not the members making respectful even if unpopular posts that drive visitors away from the forums and discourage conversations. It's the personal attacks, completely unnecessary language and excessive intolerance of opposing views some members demonstrate that do more damage.  Mirror mirror sir. With the number of members here who profess to be both intelligent and educated we should do better than junior high behavior. 
    Haughty and self-righteous indignation, how lovely. But what's even sweeter is the utter irony of your rushing to the defence of trolls in these forums.
    ...and point made. 
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