Apple rumored to introduce 5" 'iPhone 7s' in 2017 with vertical dual-lens array



  • Reply 21 of 38
    holyone said:

    holyone said:
    evilution said:
    Worth posting 3 times!
    The 6 looked like it was wearing a thong.

    The whole story sounds like a "release nonsense to find out where the leaks are coming from".
    The real problem is that Jony and team found absolutely nothing wrong with the hideous design of the antennae lines on the six thus it was released that way it's troubling when regular people have to point out to seasoned designers that something is wack, what exactly was so difficult with the iP6 having the iP7 antennae design, they are basically the same just that the 7's is more asthetically pleasing. My theory is that what's probably happening is that with ID having more power at Apple the team is now more involved with everything that makes the product including internal hardwear that should hav nothing to do with ID, they are now taking on hardwear engineering and trying to solve hardwear problems, as engineers care about it just working and ID want it to work in the smallest volume, too much time is spent considering technology and manufacturing processes, to me it seems like the designers are thinking more and more like hardwear guys, with a balance of the best compromises and the fundamental look and feel of Apple products are slipping to strictly utilitarian designs IMHO, just look at the magic mouse 2, from a utilitarian view the charging port is at the most optimum location, throw in an "awesome" feature like charge for 15min and get extra usage I case battery dies mid use, an engeneer looks at this and thinks "great days work" a designer looks at this and hurls, than he figures out a solution hey why not make the glass surface pop open and held up by stiff springs, a gap just big enough to fit a lightning connector in on either end, now you can charge while still using and when finished remove cable, pop the lid back down, done!!!
    1) If for some reason you didn't charge your mouse in the last month, it only takes 2 minutes to quick charge, not 15. I have never, ever, needed to use the mouse while plugged in. If you had one you'd realize this. 

    2) Are you honestly faulting Apple for having a 7 with better antenna placement than the 6, which came before it? You do realize they don't have a time machine, right? Antenna lines aren't simply an aesthetic choice, it's hardware engineering and with that comes constraints. In product development, things improve linearly. You build it one way first, then figure out ways to make it better. You can't magically make it the better way without having made it the first way first. That's why a Porche 911 today looks better than one from 20 years ago. But it's nonsensical to fault the older one for not being the newer one. 
    1) yes got my numbers confused there, but my point still stands that locations for the charging port isn't very esthetic, usable, but a better solution could have been devised. Again just because you never do something doesn't mean no one els does

    2) yes I am faulting Apple, you might not realize but the bands across the back of the six aren't all antenna as far as I'm aware, the designers were trying to keep and continue a generational look from the 5 & 5s forward, the bottom line now removed from the the 7 was just for aesthetics, if it was as important as you claim Apple would have made a bigger deal about the technical achievement of removing it, but phill mentioned the bands as going across at the top and being less visible inadvertently admitting that the old "design" decision was incorrect, but regardless Apple could have very easily made the 6 with the 7's design simply because as we all know Apple probably had the 7 design even befor releasing the 6 they don't develop iPhones in one year, right now they are likely finalizing models coming out two years from now, so that excuse is weak.
    1) Your fault is on paper and not in real world use. You dont have one, right? You never, ever have to use the mouse while plugged in. The charge lasts for over a month, and in the unlikely event you haven't charged it over night at some point, you can plug it in for 2 minutes for a day's work -- while you go get coffee, use the bathroom, etc. Things all people need to do. So there is no likely scenario where you can't charge it for at the very least 2 minutes before you begin your day.

    2) Please cite your claim that the antenna lines on the back of the 6 aren't functional and are just aesthetics. I've never, ever heard this before. You realize signal can't pass through solid metal very well, like an aluminum shell, right? That's why the 5 series had glass windows and the 6 series has non-metal antenna lines.

    Further, you can't claim that because the 7 was in development at the time of the 6 was released that they should have gone back and updated the 6 w/ the pending design of the 7. That isn't how releases work, in hardware or software. Your release is your release, and it exists outside the scope of future releases that yes, may overlap in development schedules. Otherwise nothing would ever get done as it would always be trying to integrate changes from the next version. That just isn't how it works.
  • Reply 22 of 38

    qwwera said:
    A 7s is a perfectly fine 2017 iPhone.
    No. Just what the hell are they doing in Cupertino then? At some point people are going to stop upgrading because the hardware inside is good enough. And if it looks the same on the outside there really is no point to upgrade.
    So you're asking apple to do change for change's sake? Contrary to their well documented corporate culture of not doing so, specifically? So bizarre. 

    Do do you expect your notebook to have new shell designs each year? Your TV? Blender? Obviously not. Then why this tool?

    The suggestion that they're not doing any work because same shell is, simply, absurd. Nearly all the tech in these devices gets better and better each year. They don't improve themselves.
    It isn't a bad thing to expect change of look because as all of us know, mobile phones have become a trend and most people wish to carry something beautiful or investing in a new model of the same model when it offers great design along with exceptional software.
    Then you will be disappointed by Apple hardware, plain and simple. Ive has gone on record -- "We do not do change for change's sake" (I paraphrase). That isn't their philosophy and it isn't how they roll. They believe the design is improved until it can't be, but the reasons for improving it are based on the idea that "design is not just how something looks, but also how it works". This is ancient history when it comes to Apple's design ethos.

    (and btw I'm not referring to colors variants one one year to the next)
  • Reply 23 of 38
    qwwera said:
    A 7s is a perfectly fine 2017 iPhone.
     if it looks the same on the outside there really is no point to upgrade.
    If tried all week, I couldn't come up with a dumber or less true thing to say. The iPhone has looked like an iPhone for 10 fucking years. Its not changing to look like a Samsung instead. Get over it.
    anthony pattonwatto_cobramacpluspluscaliStrangeDays
  • Reply 24 of 38
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    For those who don't understand the mouse charging thing:

    I figured this out shortly after it released. I too thought it was a dumb idea until I realized the average joe is dumber.
    The reason Apple placed the charging port under the mouse is so people wouldn't think it needed to be plugged in to work.
    Average Joe logic would tell you that a back facing port means it needs to be plugged in to work, this in turn would give Apple a bad look aesthetically. To eliminate any confusion the port was moved.

    I actually have a friend who is well versed in tech and he had his keyboard connected to his new iMac.
    now imagine grandma....
  • Reply 25 of 38
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    qwwera said:
    A 7s is a perfectly fine 2017 iPhone.
     if it looks the same on the outside there really is no point to upgrade.
    If tried all week, I couldn't come up with a dumber or less true thing to say. The iPhone has looked like an iPhone for 10 fucking years. Its not changing to look like a Samsung instead. Get over it.
    True but Samsung looks like the original iPhone. No one seems to remember they made flip phones before. 
  • Reply 26 of 38
    qwwera said:
    A 7s is a perfectly fine 2017 iPhone.
    No. Just what the hell are they doing in Cupertino then? At some point people are going to stop upgrading because the hardware inside is good enough. And if it looks the same on the outside there really is no point to upgrade.
    So you're asking apple to do change for change's sake? Contrary to their well documented corporate culture of not doing so, specifically? So bizarre. 

    Do do you expect your notebook to have new shell designs each year? Your TV? Blender? Obviously not. Then why this tool?

    The suggestion that they're not doing any work because same shell is, simply, absurd. Nearly all the tech in these devices gets better and better each year. They don't improve themselves. 
    I'm not denying there are improvements. But I think they're incremental and not enough to get people to upgrade. But a new look might. And it wouldn't be change for change's sake. One could argue what they did with the 7 was that; minor cosmetic change. What was the point of the antenna band change other than to make the back of the device look more aesthetically pleasing? And if Apple comes out with some amazing new design I doubt anyone here will say it was change for change's sake. ;)
  • Reply 27 of 38
    qwwera said:
    A 7s is a perfectly fine 2017 iPhone.
     if it looks the same on the outside there really is no point to upgrade.
    If tried all week, I couldn't come up with a dumber or less true thing to say. The iPhone has looked like an iPhone for 10 fucking years. Its not changing to look like a Samsung instead. Get over it.
    So you think the 3GS and the 4 look the same? Hmmm..ok.
  • Reply 28 of 38

    qwwera said:
    A 7s is a perfectly fine 2017 iPhone.
    No. Just what the hell are they doing in Cupertino then? At some point people are going to stop upgrading because the hardware inside is good enough. And if it looks the same on the outside there really is no point to upgrade.
    So you're asking apple to do change for change's sake? Contrary to their well documented corporate culture of not doing so, specifically? So bizarre. 

    Do do you expect your notebook to have new shell designs each year? Your TV? Blender? Obviously not. Then why this tool?

    The suggestion that they're not doing any work because same shell is, simply, absurd. Nearly all the tech in these devices gets better and better each year. They don't improve themselves.
    It isn't a bad thing to expect change of look because as all of us know, mobile phones have become a trend and most people wish to carry something beautiful or investing in a new model of the same model when it offers great design along with exceptional software.
    Then you will be disappointed by Apple hardware, plain and simple. Ive has gone on record -- "We do not do change for change's sake" (I paraphrase). That isn't their philosophy and it isn't how they roll. They believe the design is improved until it can't be, but the reasons for improving it are based on the idea that "design is not just how something looks, but also how it works". This is ancient history when it comes to Apple's design ethos.

    (and btw I'm not referring to colors variants one one year to the next)
    So why did they change the design of the antenna band for the 7? As far as we know the 6S antenna design worked perfectly fine. Of course I thought one of the reasons people liked Apple is because they didn't just care how something worked but also how it looked. What was the point of the nanocromatic iPods other than making a fashion statement? Let's face it phones these days are fashion statements. And the internal improvements are mostly incremental now. Phones are fast enough for what most people use them for. The camera on my 7 is good but not blow away better than my 6S. I don't think Apple should change for change's sake but at the same time I doubt Ive thinks the current iPhone is as good as the iPhone can ever be.
  • Reply 29 of 38

    Every iPhone I ever had was a rectangle with curved edges. Why the f hasn't Apple changed the form factor? Lazy bastards are just resting on their laurels!


  • Reply 30 of 38
    holyone said:

    holyone said:
    evilution said:
    Worth posting 3 times!
    The 6 looked like it was wearing a thong.

    The whole story sounds like a "release nonsense to find out where the leaks are coming from".
    The real problem is that Jony and team found absolutely nothing wrong with the hideous design of the antennae lines on the six thus it was released that way it's troubling when regular people have to point out to seasoned designers that something is wack, what exactly was so difficult with the iP6 having the iP7 antennae design, they are basically the same just that the 7's is more asthetically pleasing. My theory is that what's probably happening is that with ID having more power at Apple the team is now more involved with everything that makes the product including internal hardwear that should hav nothing to do with ID, they are now taking on hardwear engineering and trying to solve hardwear problems, as engineers care about it just working and ID want it to work in the smallest volume, too much time is spent considering technology and manufacturing processes, to me it seems like the designers are thinking more and more like hardwear guys, with a balance of the best compromises and the fundamental look and feel of Apple products are slipping to strictly utilitarian designs IMHO, just look at the magic mouse 2, from a utilitarian view the charging port is at the most optimum location, throw in an "awesome" feature like charge for 15min and get extra usage I case battery dies mid use, an engeneer looks at this and thinks "great days work" a designer looks at this and hurls, than he figures out a solution hey why not make the glass surface pop open and held up by stiff springs, a gap just big enough to fit a lightning connector in on either end, now you can charge while still using and when finished remove cable, pop the lid back down, done!!!
    1) If for some reason you didn't charge your mouse in the last month, it only takes 2 minutes to quick charge, not 15. I have never, ever, needed to use the mouse while plugged in. If you had one you'd realize this. 

    2) Are you honestly faulting Apple for having a 7 with better antenna placement than the 6, which came before it? You do realize they don't have a time machine, right? Antenna lines aren't simply an aesthetic choice, it's hardware engineering and with that comes constraints. In product development, things improve linearly. You build it one way first, then figure out ways to make it better. You can't magically make it the better way without having made it the first way first. That's why a Porche 911 today looks better than one from 20 years ago. But it's nonsensical to fault the older one for not being the newer one. 
    1) yes got my numbers confused there, but my point still stands that locations for the charging port isn't very esthetic, usable, but a better solution could have been devised. Again just because you never do something doesn't mean no one els does

    2) yes I am faulting Apple, you might not realize but the bands across the back of the six aren't all antenna as far as I'm aware, the designers were trying to keep and continue a generational look from the 5 & 5s forward, the bottom line now removed from the the 7 was just for aesthetics, if it was as important as you claim Apple would have made a bigger deal about the technical achievement of removing it, but phill mentioned the bands as going across at the top and being less visible inadvertently admitting that the old "design" decision was incorrect, but regardless Apple could have very easily made the 6 with the 7's design simply because as we all know Apple probably had the 7 design even befor releasing the 6 they don't develop iPhones in one year, right now they are likely finalizing models coming out two years from now, so that excuse is weak.
    1) Your fault is on paper and not in real world use. You dont have one, right? You never, ever have to use the mouse while plugged in. The charge lasts for over a month, and in the unlikely event you haven't charged it over night at some point, you can plug it in for 2 minutes for a day's work -- while you go get coffee, use the bathroom, etc. Things all people need to do. So there is no likely scenario where you can't charge it for at the very least 2 minutes before you begin your day.

    2) Please cite your claim that the antenna lines on the back of the 6 aren't functional and are just aesthetics. I've never, ever heard this before. You realize signal can't pass through solid metal very well, like an aluminum shell, right? That's why the 5 series had glass windows and the 6 series has non-metal antenna lines.

    Further, you can't claim that because the 7 was in development at the time of the 6 was released that they should have gone back and updated the 6 w/ the pending design of the 7. That isn't how releases work, in hardware or software. Your release is your release, and it exists outside the scope of future releases that yes, may overlap in development schedules. Otherwise nothing would ever get done as it would always be trying to integrate changes from the next version. That just isn't how it works.
    You clearly are on a crusade I never claimed the mouse need to be used while plugged in that is you're conclusion you've chosen to latch on to to drive this narrative that whatever Apple does has a very clear and infallible reason just because it's Apple, and is not to be questioned ever. Again my criticism is the God Danm "LOCATION" of the port not the time it takeks to charge the mouse, a point you craft fully avoid as there isn't as pessionate defense available there, if the top glass part of the mouse opened to facilitate charging for the "two minutes for a days work" you keep going on about like that makes up for having to plug a cable at the bottom of you're mouse which looks wack even if it was for 60 seconds, Apple could have achived a cleaner desing, they can do better than that, I'm not sure of you're motivation in glorifying mediocrity, but, Apple is flippin better than this, that design is unsightly no matter how well you can justify it, just because you can't imagine a better way this could have been done that doesn't mean Apple should just stick to whatever solution pops up first just because the got it to work, it has to do more than that it has to be elegant, simple sufistcation.

    to the point about the antenna lines of the 6 yes I realize the bands are there for signal transmission, I never said they were "just" for aesthetics only part which was an estimation considering the design, the point I was making is that there are two lines one going straight across and one going around the edge connecting to the one going across and into the shell, this design was a terrible one, and again, a better solution could have been found, if the phone needed two bands, than Appple should have doubled one and make it thicker ether the one going across or one going around the edges then they could have archive a look similar to the current 7, just one band and one line at the bottom and top of the phone. Are you asserting that these simple solutions I have provide we're so monumental that they were beyond Apple ? Or are you like most at first with the knee jerk reaction at any critism laid against Apple just because they are so much better than all the other tech companies and we should all just take what ever they give us, be thankful and shut the hell up ?
  • Reply 31 of 38
    cali said:
    For those who don't understand the mouse charging thing:

    I figured this out shortly after it released. I too thought it was a dumb idea until I realized the average joe is dumber.
    The reason Apple placed the charging port under the mouse is so people wouldn't think it needed to be plugged in to work.
    Average Joe logic would tell you that a back facing port means it needs to be plugged in to work, this in turn would give Apple a bad look aesthetically. To eliminate any confusion the port was moved.

    I actually have a friend who is well versed in tech and he had his keyboard connected to his new iMac.
    now imagine grandma....
    And this couldn't have been resolved with a simple notification "magic mouse fully charged please unplug" ?
  • Reply 32 of 38
    qwwera said:
    A 7s is a perfectly fine 2017 iPhone.
    No. Just what the hell are they doing in Cupertino then? At some point people are going to stop upgrading because the hardware inside is good enough. And if it looks the same on the outside there really is no point to upgrade.
    So you're asking apple to do change for change's sake? Contrary to their well documented corporate culture of not doing so, specifically? So bizarre. 

    Do do you expect your notebook to have new shell designs each year? Your TV? Blender? Obviously not. Then why this tool?

    The suggestion that they're not doing any work because same shell is, simply, absurd. Nearly all the tech in these devices gets better and better each year. They don't improve themselves. 
    I'm not denying there are improvements. But I think they're incremental and not enough to get people to upgrade. But a new look might. And it wouldn't be change for change's sake. One could argue what they did with the 7 was that; minor cosmetic change. What was the point of the antenna band change other than to make the back of the device look more aesthetically pleasing? And if Apple comes out with some amazing new design I doubt anyone here will say it was change for change's sake. ;)
    But you're conflating cosmetic/aesthetic improvements with frivolous, change-for-changes-sake. the two are not the same. Changes to make it more pleasing have meaning and are not just for the sake of *changing*. That's the difference.

    As for "incremental" improvements -- well, yes, that's 100% exactly how Apple rolls. You know this. As a Gruber follower I know you've read his essay about this very thing written almost 7 years ago:
  • Reply 33 of 38

    holyone said:
    holyone said:

    holyone said:
    evilution said:
    Worth posting 3 times!
    The 6 looked like it was wearing a thong.

    The whole story sounds like a "release nonsense to find out where the leaks are coming from".
    The real problem is that Jony and team found absolutely nothing wrong with the hideous design of the antennae lines on the six thus it was released that way it's troubling when regular people have to point out to seasoned designers that something is wack, what exactly was so difficult with the iP6 having the iP7 antennae design, they are basically the same just that the 7's is more asthetically pleasing. My theory is that what's probably happening is that with ID having more power at Apple the team is now more involved with everything that makes the product including internal hardwear that should hav nothing to do with ID, they are now taking on hardwear engineering and trying to solve hardwear problems, as engineers care about it just working and ID want it to work in the smallest volume, too much time is spent considering technology and manufacturing processes, to me it seems like the designers are thinking more and more like hardwear guys, with a balance of the best compromises and the fundamental look and feel of Apple products are slipping to strictly utilitarian designs IMHO, just look at the magic mouse 2, from a utilitarian view the charging port is at the most optimum location, throw in an "awesome" feature like charge for 15min and get extra usage I case battery dies mid use, an engeneer looks at this and thinks "great days work" a designer looks at this and hurls, than he figures out a solution hey why not make the glass surface pop open and held up by stiff springs, a gap just big enough to fit a lightning connector in on either end, now you can charge while still using and when finished remove cable, pop the lid back down, done!!!
    1) If for some reason you didn't charge your mouse in the last month, it only takes 2 minutes to quick charge, not 15. I have never, ever, needed to use the mouse while plugged in. If you had one you'd realize this. 

    2) Are you honestly faulting Apple for having a 7 with better antenna placement than the 6, which came before it? You do realize they don't have a time machine, right? Antenna lines aren't simply an aesthetic choice, it's hardware engineering and with that comes constraints. In product development, things improve linearly. You build it one way first, then figure out ways to make it better. You can't magically make it the better way without having made it the first way first. That's why a Porche 911 today looks better than one from 20 years ago. But it's nonsensical to fault the older one for not being the newer one. 
    1) yes got my numbers confused there, but my point still stands that locations for the charging port isn't very esthetic, usable, but a better solution could have been devised. Again just because you never do something doesn't mean no one els does

    2) yes I am faulting Apple, you might not realize but the bands across the back of the six aren't all antenna as far as I'm aware, the designers were trying to keep and continue a generational look from the 5 & 5s forward, the bottom line now removed from the the 7 was just for aesthetics, if it was as important as you claim Apple would have made a bigger deal about the technical achievement of removing it, but phill mentioned the bands as going across at the top and being less visible inadvertently admitting that the old "design" decision was incorrect, but regardless Apple could have very easily made the 6 with the 7's design simply because as we all know Apple probably had the 7 design even befor releasing the 6 they don't develop iPhones in one year, right now they are likely finalizing models coming out two years from now, so that excuse is weak.
    1) Your fault is on paper and not in real world use. You dont have one, right? You never, ever have to use the mouse while plugged in. The charge lasts for over a month, and in the unlikely event you haven't charged it over night at some point, you can plug it in for 2 minutes for a day's work -- while you go get coffee, use the bathroom, etc. Things all people need to do. So there is no likely scenario where you can't charge it for at the very least 2 minutes before you begin your day.

    2) Please cite your claim that the antenna lines on the back of the 6 aren't functional and are just aesthetics. I've never, ever heard this before. You realize signal can't pass through solid metal very well, like an aluminum shell, right? That's why the 5 series had glass windows and the 6 series has non-metal antenna lines.

    Further, you can't claim that because the 7 was in development at the time of the 6 was released that they should have gone back and updated the 6 w/ the pending design of the 7. That isn't how releases work, in hardware or software. Your release is your release, and it exists outside the scope of future releases that yes, may overlap in development schedules. Otherwise nothing would ever get done as it would always be trying to integrate changes from the next version. That just isn't how it works.
    You clearly are on a crusade I never claimed the mouse need to be used while plugged in that is you're conclusion you've chosen to latch on to to drive this narrative that whatever Apple does has a very clear and infallible reason just because it's Apple, and is not to be questioned ever. Again my criticism is the God Danm "LOCATION" of the port not the time it takeks to charge the mouse, a point you craft fully avoid as there isn't as pessionate defense available there, if the top glass part of the mouse opened to facilitate charging for the "two minutes for a days work" you keep going on about like that makes up for having to plug a cable at the bottom of you're mouse which looks wack even if it was for 60 seconds, Apple could have achived a cleaner desing, they can do better than that, I'm not sure of you're motivation in glorifying mediocrity, but, Apple is flippin better than this, that design is unsightly no matter how well you can justify it, just because you can't imagine a better way this could have been done that doesn't mean Apple should just stick to whatever solution pops up first just because the got it to work, it has to do more than that it has to be elegant, simple sufistcation.

    to the point about the antenna lines of the 6 yes I realize the bands are there for signal transmission, I never said they were "just" for aesthetics only part which was an estimation considering the design, the point I was making is that there are two lines one going straight across and one going around the edge connecting to the one going across and into the shell, this design was a terrible one, and again, a better solution could have been found, if the phone needed two bands, than Appple should have doubled one and make it thicker ether the one going across or one going around the edges then they could have archive a look similar to the current 7, just one band and one line at the bottom and top of the phone. Are you asserting that these simple solutions I have provide we're so monumental that they were beyond Apple ? Or are you like most at first with the knee jerk reaction at any critism laid against Apple just because they are so much better than all the other tech companies and we should all just take what ever they give us, be thankful and shut the hell up ?
    I have no idea what you're talking about -- you're loading your post with all sorts of baggage and projecting a mindset on me that has never been expressed.

    My issue is with your weak argument, which boils down to -- "Apple should have made it better from Day 1 and it's gotta be easy, right?!". I know it's a weak argument because as a product developer I've heard people say it countless times, and it's basically: "Why can't you just..." blah blah. What people like you fail to realize -- ideas are the easy part. So easy they are effectively worthless. Implementation is the hard part. Where the rubber meets the road and where you run into hard truths, challenges, and constraints. Ideas are simple and perfect and live in a bubble. Implementation and engineering is where the work is and the bubble bursts. That's why things are the way they are. That's why 1000 guys on this forum say "I had this idea years ago!" but cannot say "I built this." 

    Your going ons about the antenna lines are just more of that. 
  • Reply 34 of 38
    wozwozwozwoz Posts: 263member
    Good opportunity to bring back the 3.5mm jack.
  • Reply 35 of 38

    holyone said:
    holyone said:

    holyone said:
    evilution said:
    Worth posting 3 times!
    The 6 looked like it was wearing a thong.

    The whole story sounds like a "release nonsense to find out where the leaks are coming from".
    The real problem is that Jony and team found absolutely nothing wrong with the hideous design of the antennae lines on the six thus it was released that way it's troubling when regular people have to point out to seasoned designers that something is wack, what exactly was so difficult with the iP6 having the iP7 antennae design, they are basically the same just that the 7's is more asthetically pleasing. My theory is that what's probably happening is that with ID having more power at Apple the team is now more involved with everything that makes the product including internal hardwear that should hav nothing to do with ID, they are now taking on hardwear engineering and trying to solve hardwear problems, as engineers care about it just working and ID want it to work in the smallest volume, too much time is spent considering technology and manufacturing processes, to me it seems like the designers are thinking more and more like hardwear guys, with a balance of the best compromises and the fundamental look and feel of Apple products are slipping to strictly utilitarian designs IMHO, just look at the magic mouse 2, from a utilitarian view the charging port is at the most optimum location, throw in an "awesome" feature like charge for 15min and get extra usage I case battery dies mid use, an engeneer looks at this and thinks "great days work" a designer looks at this and hurls, than he figures out a solution hey why not make the glass surface pop open and held up by stiff springs, a gap just big enough to fit a lightning connector in on either end, now you can charge while still using and when finished remove cable, pop the lid back down, done!!!
    1) If for some reason you didn't charge your mouse in the last month, it only takes 2 minutes to quick charge, not 15. I have never, ever, needed to use the mouse while plugged in. If you had one you'd realize this. 

    2) Are you honestly faulting Apple for having a 7 with better antenna placement than the 6, which came before it? You do realize they don't have a time machine, right? Antenna lines aren't simply an aesthetic choice, it's hardware engineering and with that comes constraints. In product development, things improve linearly. You build it one way first, then figure out ways to make it better. You can't magically make it the better way without having made it the first way first. That's why a Porche 911 today looks better than one from 20 years ago. But it's nonsensical to fault the older one for not being the newer one. 
    1) yes got my numbers confused there, but my point still stands that locations for the charging port isn't very esthetic, usable, but a better solution could have been devised. Again just because you never do something doesn't mean no one els does

    2) yes I am faulting Apple, you might not realize but the bands across the back of the six aren't all antenna as far as I'm aware, the designers were trying to keep and continue a generational look from the 5 & 5s forward, the bottom line now removed from the the 7 was just for aesthetics, if it was as important as you claim Apple would have made a bigger deal about the technical achievement of removing it, but phill mentioned the bands as going across at the top and being less visible inadvertently admitting that the old "design" decision was incorrect, but regardless Apple could have very easily made the 6 with the 7's design simply because as we all know Apple probably had the 7 design even befor releasing the 6 they don't develop iPhones in one year, right now they are likely finalizing models coming out two years from now, so that excuse is weak.
    1) Your fault is on paper and not in real world use. You dont have one, right? You never, ever have to use the mouse while plugged in. The charge lasts for over a month, and in the unlikely event you haven't charged it over night at some point, you can plug it in for 2 minutes for a day's work -- while you go get coffee, use the bathroom, etc. Things all people need to do. So there is no likely scenario where you can't charge it for at the very least 2 minutes before you begin your day.

    2) Please cite your claim that the antenna lines on the back of the 6 aren't functional and are just aesthetics. I've never, ever heard this before. You realize signal can't pass through solid metal very well, like an aluminum shell, right? That's why the 5 series had glass windows and the 6 series has non-metal antenna lines.

    Further, you can't claim that because the 7 was in development at the time of the 6 was released that they should have gone back and updated the 6 w/ the pending design of the 7. That isn't how releases work, in hardware or software. Your release is your release, and it exists outside the scope of future releases that yes, may overlap in development schedules. Otherwise nothing would ever get done as it would always be trying to integrate changes from the next version. That just isn't how it works.
    You clearly are on a crusade I never claimed the mouse need to be used while plugged in that is you're conclusion you've chosen to latch on to to drive this narrative that whatever Apple does has a very clear and infallible reason just because it's Apple, and is not to be questioned ever. Again my criticism is the God Danm "LOCATION" of the port not the time it takeks to charge the mouse, a point you craft fully avoid as there isn't as pessionate defense available there, if the top glass part of the mouse opened to facilitate charging for the "two minutes for a days work" you keep going on about like that makes up for having to plug a cable at the bottom of you're mouse which looks wack even if it was for 60 seconds, Apple could have achived a cleaner desing, they can do better than that, I'm not sure of you're motivation in glorifying mediocrity, but, Apple is flippin better than this, that design is unsightly no matter how well you can justify it, just because you can't imagine a better way this could have been done that doesn't mean Apple should just stick to whatever solution pops up first just because the got it to work, it has to do more than that it has to be elegant, simple sufistcation.

    to the point about the antenna lines of the 6 yes I realize the bands are there for signal transmission, I never said they were "just" for aesthetics only part which was an estimation considering the design, the point I was making is that there are two lines one going straight across and one going around the edge connecting to the one going across and into the shell, this design was a terrible one, and again, a better solution could have been found, if the phone needed two bands, than Appple should have doubled one and make it thicker ether the one going across or one going around the edges then they could have archive a look similar to the current 7, just one band and one line at the bottom and top of the phone. Are you asserting that these simple solutions I have provide we're so monumental that they were beyond Apple ? Or are you like most at first with the knee jerk reaction at any critism laid against Apple just because they are so much better than all the other tech companies and we should all just take what ever they give us, be thankful and shut the hell up ?
    I have no idea what you're talking about -- you're loading your post with all sorts of baggage and projecting a mindset on me that has never been expressed.

    My issue is with your weak argument, which boils down to -- "Apple should have made it better from Day 1 and it's gotta be easy, right?!". I know it's a weak argument because as a product developer I've heard people say it countless times, and it's basically: "Why can't you just..." blah blah. What people like you fail to realize -- ideas are the easy part. So easy they are effectively worthless. Implementation is the hard part. Where the rubber meets the road and where you run into hard truths, challenges, and constraints. Ideas are simple and perfect and live in a bubble. Implementation and engineering is where the work is and the bubble bursts. That's why things are the way they are. That's why 1000 guys on this forum say "I had this idea years ago!" but cannot say "I built this." 

    Your going ons about the antenna lines are just more of that. 
    Clearly you're on some holier than thou mission, almost all you're posts here are some kind of reflection of you're falsely extensive know-how and sudo-Apple expertise, some attempt to show how you know Apple better than all here, you've address non of my points, poorelly attempted to reduce them to some ridiculously anecdotal blathering not representative of what I said at all, non of what I suggested is technically deficult, the challege is not that of engeneering but of "DESIGN" just better design solutions, not technology ideas, designs, and yes Apple should endeavor to make things the best they can from day one, poor design is inexcusable even on a fist itteration, but clearly you're not a designer and faile to truly apresiate the immense impact it has had on Apple's successes. People like you fail to realize that Apple was built on great design fare more than it was on engeneering and by fare that is the one thing Apple has over everybody els, when that fails Apple will fail, AGAINE MY POINT IS ABOUT DESIGN.
  • Reply 36 of 38
    19831983 Posts: 1,225member
    This doesn't make any sense. Why introduce a slightly larger 5" iPhone variant in addition to the 4.7" and 5.5" versions with exactly the same internal spec? I'm sticking with Kuo's more logical description for a third potential variant.
  • Reply 37 of 38
    k2kwk2kw Posts: 2,077member
    qwwera said:
    I'm going to guess there will not be anything other than 7s variants. 
    Whatever the supposed oled 8 was supposed to be is NOT going to be ready. And like this time last year when it was becoming apparent that the 7 would be a 6 variant, that's not necessarily a bad thing. Rushing a product that's not ready can blow up in people's face. Literally.

    Not only that, I love my 7 and SE. I'm glad I skipped the ugly 6 series. Looking at my 5S the 6 series always felt like a downgrade. 
    A 7s would not be the worst thing in the world. It's not like a junky Pixel or S8 would take the spotlight and take sales. 

    A 7s is a perfectly fine 2017 iPhone.
    Absent an OLED based redesigned iPhone, the iPhone will probably continue to sell around the same number of as the iPhone 6& 6Plus.    Same with for the iPhone 7/7+.
    They will outsell the 6S/6S+.    The difference is that there will be a higher percentage of people with the bigger phone for a bigger average selling price and bigger profit.

    A whole new redesigned phone in 2017 could bump sales up by 15-20 million.
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