anyone else disappointed by MWSF?



  • Reply 21 of 44

    [quote]Originally posted by BuonRotto:

    <strong>I suppose if someone was waiting specifically for new Powermacs, they would have been disappointed by this Expo.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    i was hoping on new pmacs, but still overly wow'd by an apple branded browser, and 2 new pbooks.

    i think one contributing factor in my not being disappointed was the disappointing preshow suq reports.
  • Reply 22 of 44
    kecksykecksy Posts: 1,002member
    I'm dissapointed I didn't go.
  • Reply 23 of 44
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member

    Way to put it Matsu. Not so negative now? Even mighty Matsu succumbs to the RDF rays...I'm basking in them too...Yea I'm getting the mini AluBook. If you're getting a desktop I predict all you need is patience, the 970 looks yummy.
  • Reply 24 of 44
    These next few quarters just have to be good for Apple. Everyone and their mothers are talking about getting that 12 incher.
  • Reply 25 of 44
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Matsu upbeat about Apple? <img src="confused.gif" border="0">
  • Reply 26 of 44
    trevormtrevorm Posts: 841member
    Not here!

    MWSF was really good. Very happy with what Apple is doing.

    For example see my Signature!
  • Reply 27 of 44
  • Reply 28 of 44
    I'll say no too, just to pad my post count .

    In all seriousness however, what's not to like? Two VERY nice new notebooks, some new apps, and hopefully we will get 970 soon. I admit I would have been psyched to see maybe a 970 pre-announce, but as people point out it would kill new sales in the meanwhile. I give this MacWorld a solid two thumbs up.
  • Reply 29 of 44
    rodukroduk Posts: 706member
    I'll say yes, just to play devils advocate and join my fellow UK heretic

    Now the dust has settled, what did MWSF give us?

    A couple of new laptops (the only area in which Apple remains competitive), with larger and smaller screens and an inbuilt 10 dollar Bluetooth chip. Hardly innovative.

    Some existing iApps bundled together with a few integration enhancements. Again, hardly innovative.

    A web browser (that deletes your home folder) and a presentation tool. Again, hardly innovative.

    What didn't MWSF give us? New desktops, an upgrade to the iMac (now over a year old), any new killer apps or any new digital lifestyle devices.

    I guess you Americans are easily pleased...
  • Reply 30 of 44
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    [quote]Originally posted by Eugene:

    <strong>Matsu upbeat about Apple? :confused: </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Must be the PB12 anticipation, hahaha...

    A careful overview of my negative posts reveals that they are dominated by a few themes.

    Price: this can always be lower, but in the event that I can't get a mac for $1.50 with a cup of coffee, the structure should at least be intelligently laid out. A nice gradient of prices is needed. It doesn't do to have a cheaper but slow and less featured computer at one end and a VERY expensive "fast" (relatively) full featured machine at the other end with nothing in between. That problem is now fixed in the laptop line. Also fixed in FCP. Before iMovie to FCP. Classic cheap to obscene price jump. Now, iMovie, FCE, FCP: cheap, fair, expensive. Options are good. Result: Matsu happy.

    OSX performance. getting faster. Matsu happy.

    Browser. Have said it iDunno how many times. Standards running away from the mac could be disasterous, web services unsupported/slow, streaming media content patchy, etc etc. Safari is the most important software development for consumers so far, more important than any of the other iApps. Matsu happy.

    Office suite? The other thing I rant about. Need one, not AW, something fully "Office" compatible. Seems they're adding it in pieces. iCal, Keynote, iSync, Rendezvous... Getting happier

    Cheap expandable headless computer? Needed, badly. Seems nowhere in sight. G4 minimum, priced to match iBooks (899-1599, with better specs natch) fully upgradable (Vid card, PPC daughtercard, 2-4 open Dimms, user accessible HDD and optical bays, one PCI slot, or even Cardbus, just something to update the I/O when the time comes) Cube like, oh what a dream. Do it Apple, do it! I said gimme a cheaper PB or a G4 iBook and I'd buy, you did, and the order is in. Gimme a cube redux, and we'll be a 2 mac family before Steve gets off the stage. Or a CHEAP tower.

    Faster chips? Coming soon now

    Don't hedge us into narrow formulas, AIO's a great for some, but unless it's a laptop I find the idea of a computer that needs to be thrown away when it comes time to add a new feature or a little more speed simply repungnant. Sorry, that's me, and there are plenty more people who feel exactly the same, you won't sell us an iMac in liu of a reasonably priced tower or "cube" and you won't sell us a tower at those prices.

    Display prices are still obscene, fix them. The discount bundles ought to describe the regular price, quit being such an indian giver, Apple.

    So negativities linger but [megalomaniac mode activated] Apple at least shows some signs of listening to me [/end megalomaniac mode]
  • Reply 31 of 44
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member
    [quote]Originally posted by Matsu:


    Faster chips? Coming soon now

    Don't hedge us into narrow formulas, AIO's a great for some, but unless it's a laptop I find the idea of a computer that needs to be thrown away when it comes time to add a new feature or a little more speed simply repungnant. Sorry, that's me, and there are plenty more people who feel exactly the same, you won't sell us an iMac in liu of a reasonably priced tower or "cube" and you won't sell us a tower at those prices.

    Display prices are still obscene, fix them. The discount bundles ought to describe the regular price, quit being such an indian giver, Apple.


    Funny, it seems like we've been here before. About the time when the iBooks (white) were first launched. They were so damn sweet and priced right. Nothing in the PC world came close to it.

    Apple was poised to surge ahead. Then came the Cube. And we know what happened there.

    Yes, bring the prices of AIO's (still relevant in my view) and towers down to decent levels. Keep the momentum going.

    Let's hope Apple doesn't shoot itself in the foot again with another overpriced offering.
  • Reply 32 of 44
    jbljbl Posts: 555member
    [quote]Originally posted by Kecksy:

    <strong>I'm dissapointed I didn't go. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    I will second that. I did allow myself to get my hopes up a little about a potential tablet or cell phone (both of which I really want). However, I got Keynote (which I probably need more than a tablet).
  • Reply 33 of 44

    Would have liked to see a digital device but when I saw the 12'' PowerBook, that made up for the no show.
  • Reply 34 of 44
  • Reply 35 of 44
    spookyspooky Posts: 504member
    Looks like most folks here are well satisfied.

    I'm kinda with RodUK!

    I was hoping for power and innovation but then I guess I'm still recovering from "way beyond . . . "

    what did we get?

    two tweaked powerbooks. one that is basically a G4 ibook in an aluminium case and the other has a 17" studio display attached to it for a king's ransom. No Innovation. no new technology, no new way of interacting with portables. how come firewire2 has a different connector. its nice ( ) to have lots of adapters sticking out of my sleek, beautifully designed new powerbook.

    iApps bundled together for a fee. ok . . .

    Final Cut Express. this set my pulse racing for a while until I found out that it didn't work with AE plug ins making it useless for us. what realistically is the problem with a better iMovie instead?

    Safari. God, I hate the name. it conjures images of upper class british twits with big facial hair, pith helemts and elephant guns. this could be deadly for the mac especially if macromeidia falls to microsoft. I found it on a par with IE (that in itself is not enough for me to jump in joy about - if it felt 4x faster than IE I'd love it). Flash crawls. oh, and the HD trashing bit. what happens if MS changes something in IE? will web developers continue to support the mac via safari?

    I'm just pi**ed cos there was no earth shattering, belief defying, life the universe and everything PowerMac on offer.

    someone put in touch with some good prescriptionm medication.
  • Reply 36 of 44
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    [quote]Originally posted by spooky:


    Safari. God, I hate the name. it conjures images of upper class british twits with big facial hair, pith helemts and elephant guns. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    That's kinda what I liked about it! I'm hoping for an ivory theme to go with Jaguar.
  • Reply 37 of 44
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    No offense, but it's totally in your head.
  • Reply 38 of 44
    [quote]Originally posted by spooky:

    <strong>iApps bundled together for a fee. ok . . . </strong><hr></blockquote>Don't you realize that ALL of the iApp updates are free except for iDVD? <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
  • Reply 39 of 44
    aries 1baries 1b Posts: 1,009member

    I'm not disappointed with the keynote (or with Keynote, for that matter).

    I am just tired of the continued absence of an Apple Tablet. I will not purchase a new computer to take advantage of the SW goodies relesed at MW, until I can have an Apple Tablet to go with it (in parallel with it, actually).

    Aries 1B
  • Reply 40 of 44
    [quote]Originally posted by Matsu:

    <strong>And yet differentiation is finally happening. Laptops, the one area where their chips are competitive, now sport 5 distinct models with evenly distributed prices from 999 all the way up to 3299. Rather than try to force mid range customers to accept a low end machine or ante up for a high end feature set, they've provided a middle ground to catch all those people who are willing to pay a "little more" for better features while not getting fisted in the a$$. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    I think they've finally picked up on how many iBooks and PowerBooks have popped up in the Linux/Unix ubergeek circles.
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