Apple to forge 'iPhone 8' chassis from stainless steel, report says



  • Reply 41 of 51
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,037member
    All this attention on the appearance and thinness of the phone is a bit ridiculous...

    Not only does it violate the Jobs principle of 'making people's lives better' but, more ridiculous is the fact that the last time most people ever see the back of their phone is the day take it out of the box and immediately encase in a thick, ugly case. A case that makes a mockery of all of Apple's efforts to produce a thin phone with a beautiful back.

    If Apple wants to do something to make people's lives better, let them design a phone that doesn't need a case!
    Personal preference. Because the jet black is sticky, i'm case less. And when i do use one it's the Peel, which is next to nothing. Thin is great.
  • Reply 42 of 51
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,037member
    kiowavt said:
    True or not,

    Oh Apple, please stop with the thinness.  Yes, it's the bragging point of the universe, but we are there at the great paradise of thinness in laptop and phone and pad. Headphone jack removal meant I cannot buy any new iPhones (I am on my phone all day for work) so the thinning of the phone lost one sale, and likely I have to hold onto my 6s forever.  At this wonderful current thinness (before 7 and Touchbar) most folks add cases anyway.  Make the phone much thinner and I will cut myself on it.  :-)  Battery life and function are at this stage far far far far more important to me and most others than the bragging rights of the thinnest out there.  Yes yes, Steve Jobs pulled the Air out of a paper envelope and that was impressive.  Even he would have known not to carry this on forever.  Now the latest laptop is missing so much many might buy something from OWC that adds back thickness and function.  Trouble is they also had to first pay the super high premium price for the thinning of the laptop.  Oh, and a case with a headphone jack.  Yep, the same there too.  There comes a point where you have arrived, but even Apple failed to notice that.  Add AR.  Increase battery life to the moon. But stop before you go anorexic.  Please.  That also takes courage.  

    (The trick would have been to addict everyone to the AirPods and then, after a few Generations of AirPod improvement, THEN ditch the headphone jack).  
    Apple isn't the only company chasing "thinness." There are many other companies who are claiming having the thinnest smartphones, notebooks and tablets. I'm definitely not behind this push for thinness but companies see it as a great marketing ploy and in a way it can save on materials especially when a product is being produced in the millions of units. I think most companies have gone too far with trying to have the thinnest products but that's just me. I'd always take a more robust battery over a few ounces of weight savings or having to have a thinner case. Not as though anyone cares what I'd prefer. I honestly think Apple is trying to save on materials more than anything because the company seems to be really into saving the ecology. Think of all those years when computers were made of those big metal cases which were mostly empty inside. That was a huge waste of materials. Most card slots were never used.
      Nope. it's not a marketing ploy and it's not about saving material costs. Thinner laptops are less volume which means less weight, exactly what i want in a portable. ipads are still very heavy for extended reading. And thick phones don't work well in bigger sizes; thinner feels better in my pocket and again weighs less. 
  • Reply 43 of 51
    brucemcbrucemc Posts: 1,541member
    How many complaining about reducing the thickness of the iPhone 7 also said the same thing at the time of the 4 series, or 5 series?  Back then the mantra from the same people was "make me a phone with longer battery, I don't care how thin it is".  Can you imagine a phone of the 7+ screen being as thick as the iPhone 4?

    Yes, likely "most" people do put a case on their phone, but a thinner phone does allow for a smaller overall size, no?  

    My experience after having moved from 5s to 7 (4.7") is that the battery life is fantastic.  Best on any iPhone to date (not a plus).  I am not a power user (some music, maybe a couple of hours of calls during a day, texting/email & surfing, with small amount of navigation and podcasts in vehicle), but I often have 40-50% remaining at bedtime.  Yes, even better battery life would help with more heavy use on some days, but it is already to the point of very good.  
  • Reply 44 of 51
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    Soli said:
    kiowavt said:
    True or not,

    Oh Apple, please stop with the thinness.  Yes, it's the bragging point of the universe, but we are there at the great paradise of thinness in laptop and phone and pad. Headphone jack removal meant I cannot buy any new iPhones (I am on my phone all day for work) so the thinning of the phone lost one sale, and likely I have to hold onto my 6s forever.  At this wonderful current thinness (before 7 and Touchbar) most folks add cases anyway.  Make the phone much thinner and I will cut myself on it.  :-)  Battery life and function are at this stage far far far far more important to me and most others than the bragging rights of the thinnest out there.  Yes yes, Steve Jobs pulled the Air out of a paper envelope and that was impressive.  Even he would have known not to carry this on forever.  Now the latest laptop is missing so much many might buy something from OWC that adds back thickness and function.  Trouble is they also had to first pay the super high premium price for the thinning of the laptop.  Oh, and a case with a headphone jack.  Yep, the same there too.  There comes a point where you have arrived, but even Apple failed to notice that.  Add AR.  Increase battery life to the moon. But stop before you go anorexic.  Please.  That also takes courage.  

    (The trick would have been to addict everyone to the AirPods and then, after a few Generations of AirPod improvement, THEN ditch the headphone jack).  
    1) While Apple could've made the iPhone 7 series thicker to allow for the headphone and all the other new components, the point of the removing the headphone jack wasn't about making the device thinner. And you speak as if there was no option for playing back music via headphones with the iPhone 7. Not only did they include Lightning headphones there have been hundreds of products on the market for years that did just that. Frankly, I wish they had done it years ago.

    2) You'll forego better performance, new HW features, and eventually a new version of iOS with all its improved security and features because the iPhone 6S went from 0.28" thick to 0.28" thick. Isn't that the same thickness as before? Also keep in mind that the iPhone 6S was a little thicker than the iPhone 6. Additionally, Apple Watch Series 2 is thicker than the original. So what's this about Apple only caring obsessed with thinness without any consideration for utility or marketability before of some "bragging point of the universe"? But, hey, if you want to make false statements that make you look stupid, go right ahead.
    The "xS" model is always an update to internals without a change to form factor -- so that's not a valid comparison.  And, last year, even the "7", although much improved inside, was essentially a 6SS rather than a new phone (as we typically think of them).
    Every year it's a new phone. Your argument that the external casing didn't visually change enough for you call it "new" is erroneous on multiple levels.
  • Reply 45 of 51
    Well I guess I'm an idiot then because my iPhone is in a case and always will be. I want it to be pristine so it can easily be sold for top dollar.
    I never have my phone in a case, however the people that get my handme downs do use cases. Any scuff marks I added are hidden by the case.....
  • Reply 45 of 51
    AI_liasAI_lias Posts: 436member
    sog35 said:
    AI_lias said:
    foggyhill said:
    All this attention on the appearance and thinness of the phone is a bit ridiculous...

    Not only does it violate the Jobs principle of 'making people's lives better' but, more ridiculous is the fact that the last time most people ever see the back of their phone is the day take it out of the box and immediately encase in a thick, ugly case. A case that makes a mockery of all of Apple's efforts to produce a thin phone with a beautiful back.

    If Apple wants to do something to make people's lives better, let them design a phone that doesn't need a case!
    You don't really need a case, AL 7000 is tough enough for anything, I'd gather stainless steel will show scratches more.
    I think a Ceramic (or ceramic composite) back with the edge being stainless is the best. Only an idiot would put a case on that though people will still do it anyway.

    It's not the aluminum that's the problem, but the glass which is at the edge, and not recessed. So, it is the design with the curved glass, which does not provide a good grip because the edges are so rounded, and once dropped, the glass which is not recessed. Remember that guy on TV that just bought one of the first Iphone 6 Plus-es, and dropped it on live TV?
    You can design to eliminate stupid and careless.

    I've had my 6+ for over 2 years without a case and my 5s for a year before that.

    Take care of your stuff and not having a case is zero problem.

    In fact having a case may lead to more drops because you are not as careful and it also adds bulk, which leads to drops.
    I am neither stupid not careless, and neither are the people who drop their phones. I remember from my iPhone 4 (my first iPhone) and from iPhone 5, that they were really easy to grip due to the sharp square edges. And I also remember seeing people having to replace iPhone 6 screens during the initial few days' grace period after buying it (Apple replaced it for free) because they were dropped before they got a chance to buy a case. They're very easy to slip our of your hand, and out of your pocket (ex. when getting out of a low car). I know Ive went for the rounded edges because it makes a bigger phone feel smaller in hand. Maybe they should have made the aluminum and glass edges more abrasive somehow, if they were going to go with this design. I don't think it is a good compromise between all factors at play.
  • Reply 47 of 51
    macxpress said:
    macxpress said:
    So basically recycling the iPhone 4 design? Call me skeptical.
    Is there a particular reason why you're always so negative toward every story? 
    So we're supposed to trust DigiTimes now?? And yes I am skeptical that Apple will recycle the iPhone 4 design. How is that being negative?
    They way it was worded made it sound to me that you were being skeptical toward Apple, thus my negative comment. Had you said mentioned something about Digitimes we wouldn't be having this conversation. 
    Well yes I am skeptical that Apple will recycle the iPhone 4 design for the next iPhone.
  • Reply 48 of 51
    ksecksec Posts: 1,569member
    May be i am the minority who want a thinner phone. At 6.7mm is still little too thick, I know 4mm will be too thin, but may be somewhere between 5 to 6 mm.

    I dont have battery problem on the Plus. And it is only a matter of time before Solid Battery moves in offering double the battery life. 

    I would much rather paid an extra $100 for a thinner and solid battery iPhone then settling for less. And i constantly wonder why Apple dont move in on this?  
  • Reply 49 of 51
    badmonkbadmonk Posts: 1,326member
    sflocal said:
    If Apple comes out with a modern version of the iPhone4 chassis, I'll be the first one in line to get one.  It's still by far (imho) the most elegant, gorgeous phone ever made.  Just as Steve Jobs said, "Like an old Leica".  
    and it caused me to buy an old school Leica camera too.  Loved my old 4S.  I wished I would have kept it.
  • Reply 50 of 51
    boredumbboredumb Posts: 1,418member
    I was hoping they'd make a limited edition where each phone is hewn from a single giant redwood.
    Well, if they regress far enough on materials,
    they may soon be unveiling the iStone...
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