Apple plans new iMac configurations targeting pro users for later this year



  • Reply 21 of 61
    larz2112larz2112 Posts: 291member
    New iMacs targeted at pro users? Kind of like I predicted back in October....

  • Reply 22 of 61
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,037member
    Exactly how is a glued shut, skinny iMac with soldered in memory and on board Vampire Video GPUs going to serve a Pro Market or have any shelf life?

    The very all in one concept of the iMac or a laptop serves the constant churn that may be profitable for Apple, but not what more than a few want or need. The workstation form factor is still the most flexible design and that is precisely what Apple abandoned with the Trashcan and pushing people to the iMac.

    I do not want cables running all over the place for external storage or external GPUs and I sure do not want all my stuff in the Cloud. The cloud is fine for many things, but not everything.
    While that's a nice thought for you, Apple has data that says otherwise. And while I'm just an anecdote, I slot into their data set -- I'm a pro software engineer on an iMac (MBP for portable). A 2011 iMac, no less (nearly maxed out w/ SSD, 20GB RAM, 2GB VRAM). Still happy, haven't had a need to replace it yet. But when I do there will be a 5k monitor in the new mac for me, great. So maybe the other users in Apple's real world data set show the same -- we don't need to upgrade nearly as often as you seem to believe we do.
    edited April 2017 Soliargonautbaconstangwatto_cobra
  • Reply 23 of 61
    rob53rob53 Posts: 3,283member
    tundraboy said:
    steven n. said:
    Exactly how is a glued shut, skinny iMac with soldered in memory and on board Vampire Video GPUs going to serve a Pro Market or have any shelf life?

    The very all in one concept of the iMac or a laptop serves the constant churn that may be profitable for Apple, but not what more than a few want or need. The workstation form factor is still the most flexible design and that is precisely what Apple abandoned with the Trashcan and pushing people to the iMac.

    I do not want cables running all over the place for external storage or external GPUs and I sure do not want all my stuff in the Cloud. The cloud is fine for many things, but not everything.
    As a "Pro user" of macs, I have no problem with a "glued shut, skinny iMac with soldered in memory" iMac. I am amazed at how little people know about "pro users".
    Obviously, you haven't been reading the rule book updates.  You're not a "real Pro" if you don't tinker with your box at least once a week.
    Actually, that's the definition of a nerd. A "real Pro" doesn't tinker with their box but they do change what's connected to it depending on their current needs. A nerd is someone who constantly changes things inside a gray/black box because they feel it's more important (to them) to have the latest and fastest whatever instead of actually getting any work done.

    edited April 2017 Rayz2016doozydozenfairwweatherwatto_cobra
  • Reply 24 of 61
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,037member
    macxpress said:

    steven n. said:
    Exactly how is a glued shut, skinny iMac with soldered in memory and on board Vampire Video GPUs going to serve a Pro Market or have any shelf life?

    The very all in one concept of the iMac or a laptop serves the constant churn that may be profitable for Apple, but not what more than a few want or need. The workstation form factor is still the most flexible design and that is precisely what Apple abandoned with the Trashcan and pushing people to the iMac.

    I do not want cables running all over the place for external storage or external GPUs and I sure do not want all my stuff in the Cloud. The cloud is fine for many things, but not everything.
    As a "Pro user" of macs, I have no problem with a "glued shut, skinny iMac with soldered in memory" iMac. I am amazed at how little people know about "pro users".
    Maybe this is a bad assumption, but I would assume that most Pro's just want to get work done, not screw around with the inside's of a computer. I would think most Pro users don't have time to tinker around with what's inside. If I were a Pro, I'd rather get a new Mac once it no longer serves my needs, or if there's an issue, get a professional to look at it instead of trying to troubleshoot something yourself. 
    Bingo. My days of DIY PC building are behind me. Just want my tools to work and then clock out.
  • Reply 25 of 61
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,037member
    This is Apple's response to many pro users complaints, make a "pro"version of the iMac. Oh boy, unless they are redesigning it so the user can easily add at least a second flash storage drive or upgrade the RAM in all versions of iMac. (instead of only the 27" 5K iMac as it exists today) Allowing for the GPU's to be easily upgradable or eliminating currently used ports for the futuristic ports (USB-C/TB3 ports) without any consideration of a transitional period.  Apple will only be doing what it always does to shut up their pro customers. This is a stop gap measure for them. All Apple is doing is adding to an existing brand a "Pro" version in name only. Apple added the "Pro"moniker to the iPad Pro and only did minor improvements to it. The current 2016 Macbook Pro is just a glorified  rendition of the Macbook. It is basically a stripped down version of what  a Macbook Pro is supposed to be. It just has 3 more USB-C ports than the current Macbook. People do not fall for Apple's scam.   
    Nonsense. MBP is selling very well according to Schiller, so I guess people are pretty happy with them. 

    Don't like Macs? Don't buy one. Pretty simple.
  • Reply 26 of 61
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,037member

    larz2112 said:
    New iMacs targeted at pro users? Kind of like I predicted back in October....

    Not quite right -- the Pro is still here and will be refreshed as well.

    But why do you need the validation? It's easy to make predictions.
  • Reply 27 of 61
    I like iMacs and I hope Apple will build some that are attractive to more desktop users. All I ask for in an iMac is a more powerful GPU and whatever the best mobile GPU possible for a CTO iMac. I know a desktop GPU isn't possible, but I can live with that. I definitely intend to buy a new iMac this year and I may not wait for a 2018 iMac unless I can be convinced otherwise. I don't expect to pay any more than $3200 (for the specs I need) and I hope Apple can offer something decent at that price. It will last me for five years like my present iMac.
  • Reply 28 of 61
    larz2112larz2112 Posts: 291member

    larz2112 said:
    New iMacs targeted at pro users? Kind of like I predicted back in October....

    Not quite right -- the Pro is still here and will be refreshed as well.

    But why do you need the validation? It's easy to make predictions.
    Why did you ask such a rhetorical question and feel the need to reply at all? Did you feel the need for your opinion to be heard, maybe for some kind of validation?
  • Reply 29 of 61
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    larz2112 said:

    larz2112 said:
    New iMacs targeted at pro users? Kind of like I predicted back in October....

    Not quite right -- the Pro is still here and will be refreshed as well.

    But why do you need the validation? It's easy to make predictions.
    Did you feel the need for your opinion to be heard, maybe for some kind of validation?
    Didn't you just posted a screenshot of comments you made last year to validate your opinion? :confused: 

  • Reply 30 of 61
    jumpcutterjumpcutter Posts: 100member
    Nonsense. MBP is selling very well according to Schiller, so I guess people are pretty happy with them. 

    Don't like Macs? Don't buy one. Pretty simple.
    Of course the MBP is selling well. Phil Schiller said so! It must be true. This is the same guy that said "Can't Innovate my ass!" and now look at the Mac desktop line up. It is in a state of confusion. Oh by the way, I have 3 Macs... I like what Macs used to be before the iOS devices kicked in. The last Macs I bought was the Mac Pro and Macbook Pro in 2008. We were able to upgrade components such as RAM and Hard Drives if needed back then. Now Apple is about money and expanding their sales margins. This attempt  by Apple may be too late. Many professionals have migrated to PC's such has the Dell,HP and Lenovo workstations because of the flexibility it allows. So stop thinking everyone is bashing Apple... What I expressed is my opinion on what Apple may be overlooking. I believe they think they can do no wrong. If the MBP is selling very well then why is Apple still in fifth place in sales of computers. Something is wrong with your perception of Apple.  
    edited April 2017 toranaga
  • Reply 31 of 61
    larz2112larz2112 Posts: 291member
    Soli said:
    larz2112 said:

    larz2112 said:
    New iMacs targeted at pro users? Kind of like I predicted back in October....

    Not quite right -- the Pro is still here and will be refreshed as well.

    But why do you need the validation? It's easy to make predictions.
    Did you feel the need for your opinion to be heard, maybe for some kind of validation?
    Didn't you just posted a screenshot of comments you made last year to validate your opinion? :confused: 

    Obviously my reply was too obtuse for some, so let me break it down...

    "Why did you ask such a rhetorical question and feel the need to reply at all? (Meaning: Everyone needs validation, and it is often why people feel the need to post their opinions).  Did you feel the need for your opinion to be heard, maybe for some kind of validation? (Meaning: Reinforcing the point I was making in my previous sentence and insinuating a 'pot calling the kettle black' scenario)"

    Bottom line, I've been waiting to pull the trigger on a new iMac, and now it looks like I will probably have to wait until October.  :(
  • Reply 32 of 61
    What, and then they will go under their cone of silence for another 4 years? No thanks. 30 years with Mac now 5 months with Windows--virtually no difference and no reason to go back to a company that banked on, took advantage of, and forgot customer loyalty.

    They make phones now.
    edited April 2017 toranaga
  • Reply 33 of 61
    jkichlinejkichline Posts: 1,369member
    I'll just say this again and maybe Apple will listen to this idea :)

    I want the portability of a laptop and the power of a MacPro with a nice beautiful display when I sit at my desk.

    I propose a system whereby connecting a laptop via a single TB3 cable will.

    a) Power the laptop device.
    b) Output to a 4K or 5K display.
    c) Provide access to the compute power of the secondary device (CPU, GPU and RAM).
    d) Provide access to additional drive space and backup.
    e) Provide access to other connected peripherals or high-speed networking.
    f)  Make resources on the MacPro accessible via iCloud if needed on the road.

    Just some thoughts.
  • Reply 34 of 61
    jkichlinejkichline Posts: 1,369member

    tundraboy said:
    steven n. said:
    Exactly how is a glued shut, skinny iMac with soldered in memory and on board Vampire Video GPUs going to serve a Pro Market or have any shelf life?

    The very all in one concept of the iMac or a laptop serves the constant churn that may be profitable for Apple, but not what more than a few want or need. The workstation form factor is still the most flexible design and that is precisely what Apple abandoned with the Trashcan and pushing people to the iMac.

    I do not want cables running all over the place for external storage or external GPUs and I sure do not want all my stuff in the Cloud. The cloud is fine for many things, but not everything.
    As a "Pro user" of macs, I have no problem with a "glued shut, skinny iMac with soldered in memory" iMac. I am amazed at how little people know about "pro users".
    Obviously, you haven't been reading the rule book updates.  You're not a "real Pro" if you don't tinker with your box at least once a week.
    LOL! I hate to tell them but real pros don't have time to tinker... they have work to do.  What he's looking for is a computer that he can service as an IT professional.  But Apple doesn't cater to new-world mechanics... they cater to people that are useful to the profitability of a company.  You buy a computer to meet the needs of your workers.  Buy the RAM you need to have it last for the usable lifespan and depreciate it accordingly.  Once it's lost it's depreciable lifespan, you usually want to sell it anyway and purchase new to continue to depreciate business assets.  Apple's products maintain their resale value making them a great choice for actual professionals.
  • Reply 35 of 61
    tipootipoo Posts: 1,154member
    6-8 core Xeons and Radeon pros for the iMac then, mayhaps? 

    Even the Macbook Pro 15 moved to a Radeon Pro, albeit the distinction is a bit moot under macOS 
  • Reply 36 of 61
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    How long have we been asking for this? A long, long time.
  • Reply 37 of 61
    doozydozendoozydozen Posts: 539member
    Apple may brand this mechine "iMac Pro," which might ship in two metal finishes, and include a wireless TouchBar keyboard. I wonder what silicon Apple settles with, all things considered?
  • Reply 38 of 61
    doozydozendoozydozen Posts: 539member
    jkichline said:
    I'll just say this again and maybe Apple will listen to this idea :)

    I want the portability of a laptop and the power of a MacPro with a nice beautiful display when I sit at my desk.

    I propose a system whereby connecting a laptop via a single TB3 cable will.

    a) Power the laptop device.
    b) Output to a 4K or 5K display.
    c) Provide access to the compute power of the secondary device (CPU, GPU and RAM).
    d) Provide access to additional drive space and backup.
    e) Provide access to other connected peripherals or high-speed networking.
    f)  Make resources on the MacPro accessible via iCloud if needed on the road.

    Just some thoughts.
    Sooooo, a Mac Mini Pro?
  • Reply 39 of 61
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    Apple may brand this mechine "iMac Pro," which might ship in two metal finishes, and include a wireless TouchBar keyboard. I wonder what silicon Apple settles with, all things considered?
    Nothing about an iMac would force the inclusion or exclusion of a wireless keyboard with or without a Touch Bar, Touch ID, and Apple Pay that the iMac itself would need to be labeled Pro.
  • Reply 40 of 61
    netroxnetrox Posts: 1,475member
    Biggest mistake I see with photographers - they buy Mac Pro thinking it's a better buy when in fact, 5K iMac is often faster with Photoshop and LR in many tasks and it comes with gorgeous display at a lower price. Mac Pro makes sense for video editing since software allocates each frame of video to each core but photography? No.
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