Install the AT&T 'Call Protect' app on your iPhone to cut way back on spam calls



  • Reply 41 of 53
    dysamoriadysamoria Posts: 3,430member
    gordy said:
    Most of the spam calls I receive are from numbers eerily similar to my number—I mean, the first 7 digits are usually identical.  The problem is the last 4 digits are always different.  I probably have over 100 blocked numbers on my phone that are similar to my phone number, and add more every day.  I do not see how this app will stop those calls from coming through.

    Now, I instinctively do not answer when I see this number pattern, then block the number afterwards. 
    That's not instinct. It's learned behavior. 
    StrangeDaystallest skil
  • Reply 42 of 53
    dysamoriadysamoria Posts: 3,430member

    aenghus said:
    I don't receive spam calls any longer. Only calls from my contacts. Anyone else who really wants to reach me can leave a message. Here's how:

    This looks like a solid technique but it basically breaks the "do not disturb" intention of the feature. Now you have to turn the cellular radio off to stop incoming calls from your contacts.
  • Reply 43 of 53
    cyberzombiecyberzombie Posts: 258member
    I have a long list in my recent calls of unanswered calls...I just check my Apple Watch when getting a call and hit decline if it's not on my contact list or I'm expecting a call from a given area code.

    I have yet to use this, but it's gotten some good reviews: "Burner - Private Calls & Texts, Free Phone Number" (no link - posting on my work PC...just search in the app store).
  • Reply 44 of 53
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,037member
    I have a long list in my recent calls of unanswered calls...I just check my Apple Watch when getting a call and hit decline if it's not on my contact list or I'm expecting a call from a given area code.
    The spammers know your area code and routinely send calls from it. This is problematic.
  • Reply 45 of 53
    krreagan2krreagan2 Posts: 75member
    White listing (sending calls not in my contact list directly to VMl) should be a option. The telephone companies need to enforce that the caller ID is also valid. If they suspect it is spoofed then block the call! Blocking by source location is another option. If the call originates outside the US then it should go to VM for example.

    The fact that we have to deal with SPAM in 2017 is totally a FAIL on the telephone companies and FCC! This is BS!
  • Reply 46 of 53
    krreagan2krreagan2 Posts: 75member
    The spammers know your area code and routinely send calls from it. This is problematic.
    The thing that is problematic is that the area code is spoofed and the telephone companies don't do anything about it. Enforce that caller ID is valid. It can be done! they just don't want to. This is what the FCC is for!
  • Reply 47 of 53
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    cali said:
    jd_in_sb said:
    I tried using the app and, after submitting my phone number and the PIN that was texted to me, it says my line is ineligible. I own an iPhone 6 Plus, purchased at Apple, and have been an AT&T customer for nearly 10 years. No where does it explain why my iPhone is ineligible and I have followed all the links and searched AT&T's web site. FAIL

    Try this free service:

    It it may be U.S. only.

    I did this on my old number and stopped receiving spam. That was years ago so I don't know if the robots got smarter since. I'm gonna register my new number now. 

    WHAT!!! If you get a caller you want blocked, simply go into "recent" in the phone app, click on the "i" in the circle on the righthand side - that takes you to a page that, at the bottom, gives you the option to Block Caller! The blocked caller's numbers are saved in a database on your phone. But, it's not surprising that there are a plethora of Apps and services that do this in some convoluted way, or actually make you pay for the service. All I can say is WTF!

    You don't understand. This is different. It blocks the number before they get a chance to call so you don't spend the rest of your life andwering spam and manually blocking every number.

    Do Not Call list is a shit. Telemarketers still call. If you want to report, you must fill out the complaint with date, time and duration of the calls...fck it. Who has time to fill out each report. Also, same telemarketers use different phone numbers too.
    at least this will show me an ID as "Telemarketer" instead of number so I can ignore!
  • Reply 48 of 53
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    Soli said:
    I maintain a $15/mo landline just for that purpose: 
    Whenever I'm asked by any business for a phone number I give them that.
    My cell phone # only goes to friends and critical functions…
    I used to have a paid Skype-In phone number (I think like $10/year), but then once Google Voice came out with a free option, I switched to it. It's the number I give everyone that isn't family or close friend. All businesses get this number.

    The number seamlessly forwards to my iPhone, but I rarely answer it. The transcribed emails can be odd (and funny) to read, but they include a audio link. No one gets my cell phone, expect when I have to call back. I could use the Google Voice app to call out with a small fee, but it's not an issue since you just tell people that the number they have on file is the best one.
    Thanks, I'll have to look into that.   Although, giving Google ANYTHING makes me slightly nauseous.
  • Reply 49 of 53
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    krreagan2 said:
    White listing (sending calls not in my contact list directly to VMl) should be a option. The telephone companies need to enforce that the caller ID is also valid. If they suspect it is spoofed then block the call! Blocking by source location is another option. If the call originates outside the US then it should go to VM for example.

    The fact that we have to deal with SPAM in 2017 is totally a FAIL on the telephone companies and FCC! This is BS!
    At this point the FCC is only there for the benefit of carriers...
  • Reply 50 of 53
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    fallenjt said:
    Do Not Call list is a shit. Telemarketers still call. If you want to report, you must fill out the complaint with date, time and duration of the calls...fck it. Who has time to fill out each report.
    They get fined for it. You don't want them to lose money?
  • Reply 51 of 53
    BSwayner1BSwayner1 Posts: 2unconfirmed, member
    Cell companies in Canada need to follow suit
  • Reply 52 of 53
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    I have to admit my knowledge of telephone systems is extremely limited.  I wonder how this sort of intercept works with those telemarketers / spammers that manage to use a different number every time they call, many apparently from your local area code even though I am sure they are not?  I also wonder how these a holes even do that?  It's a shame telephone numbers are not like IP addresses and more easily traced and blocked or can they be?  

    The latest spammers are using pre recorded human voice plus AI (like a Siri sort of)  seem to be having a conversation even though they are not.  One company trying to sell me a house alarm system does this and uses different numbers to call from several times a day but use the same woman's voice which is easily recognizable.  On the rare occasions I am bored these AI systems can be entertaining, they even have responses to questions like "Are you a human".  
  • Reply 53 of 53
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member

    thisisasj said:
    jd_in_sb said:
    Hopefully iOS 11 has this functionality built in
    The ability to block unwanted voice calls, FaceTime calls and iMessages is already built into iOS.
    True but I use a simpler system.  I use my own white lists system ... if I don't know the caller I don't answer ... period.  My message says if you know me email me.  That's it.  Works fine for me.  :)  If I answer an unknown caller these days it's for fun, I know I'm going to be messing with an AI robo-call, so see previous post!
    edited May 2017
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