How Apple's iPhone X TrueDepth AR waltzed ahead of Google's Tango



  • Reply 21 of 32
    This article & the earlier companion piece are INCREDIBLY well-written, informative, and interesting.

    Just wanted to acknowledge good tech journalism in a landscape that seems to favor sensationalism & hyperbole.
    kudos & thanks!
  • Reply 22 of 32
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,037member

    $1000 for device that makes phone calls, etc. is ridiculous.  AR has the potential to use some of the capability of the phone, if it goes unused it’s a waste.  Therefore expediting AR with a promotion makes sense.  It would cost Apple practically nothing and give them a multi year lead.
    Absurd, that’s like saying this of a desktop computer: “$2000 for a device that does word processing is ridiculous”. well yeah, it does, but of course that isn’t all that it does...
    edited October 2017 watto_cobraRayz2016
  • Reply 23 of 32
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,037member

    Fully strapped in and waiting for the fun to begin !
    So you’re admitting these articles are just click bait. ;)
    they aren’t, but history has shown us the haters, knockoff defenders, and fandroids can’t resist them. 
  • Reply 24 of 32
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member

    Fully strapped in and waiting for the fun to begin !
    So you’re admitting these articles are just click bait. ;)
    they aren’t, but history has shown us the haters, knockoff defenders, and fandroids can’t resist them. 
    Monday is the official announcement of the Huawei Mate 10, so expect a post on AI, and a shit ton of the usual contra posters.
  • Reply 25 of 32
    tmay said:

    Fully strapped in and waiting for the fun to begin !
    So you’re admitting these articles are just click bait. ;)
    they aren’t, but history has shown us the haters, knockoff defenders, and fandroids can’t resist them. 
    Monday is the official announcement of the Huawei Mate 10, so expect a post on AI, and a shit ton of the usual contra posters.

    Can’t wait. So the 970 has a neural processor. Big deal. It’s still running off-the-shelf ARM cores, which are vastly inferior to Apple cores.
  • Reply 26 of 32
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,959member
    tmay said:

    Fully strapped in and waiting for the fun to begin !
    So you’re admitting these articles are just click bait. ;)
    they aren’t, but history has shown us the haters, knockoff defenders, and fandroids can’t resist them. 
    Monday is the official announcement of the Huawei Mate 10, so expect a post on AI, and a shit ton of the usual contra posters.

    Can’t wait. So the 970 has a neural processor. Big deal. It’s still running off-the-shelf ARM cores, which are vastly inferior to Apple cores.
    Yes. And we already know that the Kirin 970 runs around 20% faster than the Kirin 960 so you might as well take any questions on CPU speed as already answered. Put another way, I haven't seen one single complaint about the 960's speed so you might as well forget that aspect.

    You think the NPU isn't a big deal. That's ok. I disagree because I've already seen some examples of it in real world situations and the difference is simply spectacular. These are just the first steps and software needs to be written to really leverage it but it really is a big deal even if you don't get it and we haven't hit full stride. Everything begins somewhere. This is the beginning.

    As people (myself included) have said in the Pixel thread, what really counts is how the phone performs in your hand and what you expect from it. If you were a businessman travelling frequently on high speed rail networks you might just fall in love with the Mate 10 as it will probably outperform anything out there in terms of call quality, data throughput and connection stability. The NPU plays a role there too. If photo motion blur on fast moving objects is a problem for you, the Mate 10 might give you some nice assistance in reducing it. The NPU plays a role there too. The NPU plays a role in managing the phone internally too.

    I'm curious to see what will be presented on Monday even though I won't be able to afford one.

    Huawei is always OTT in its marketing but the Mate 10 might just turn out to be a nice little package.
    muthuk_vanalingamsuddenly newton
  • Reply 27 of 32
    cali said:
    Popcorn ready and one-post moron ready. 
    I think you might find no one really cares.  What has happened to AppleInsider?  I get the sense of a tumble weed moment as all the articles get no comments on them nowadays.  Maybe you guys shouldn't have put all your money behind Dilger and not let him turn every article into something which ends in an attack on Android.

    Oh well there's still 9to5Mac and Macrumors.  I really hope this site doesn't become another!
    gatorguysuddenly newton
  • Reply 28 of 32
    kevin keekevin kee Posts: 1,289member
    One example of an awesome use of iPhone AR is a cinematic experience by this guy.

    Toying around with ARKit and Unity3D, independent game developer Duncan Walker has created a stunning augmented reality film experiment that literally puts virtual robot commanders on the street side by side with real humans.

    Cinematic experiences
  • Reply 29 of 32
    cali said:
    Popcorn ready and one-post moron ready. 
    I think you might find no one really cares.  What has happened to AppleInsider?  I get the sense of a tumble weed moment as all the articles get no comments on them nowadays.  Maybe you guys shouldn't have put all your money behind Dilger and not let him turn every article into something which ends in an attack on Android.

    Oh well there's still 9to5Mac and Macrumors.  I really hope this site doesn't become another!
    Gimme a break. MR is an awful hive of haters and trolls. Please, take it. 

    As for AI their stories get plenty of comments. Quality not quantity. 
    edited October 2017
  • Reply 30 of 32
    From the AR apps I've seen so far, there doesn't seem to be anything that will help Apple sell more iPhones. Of course, that's probably not Apple's intentions. I'm only taking a personal near-term look at the technology and there may be a lot more to AR than I realize. I just don't see hordes of people rushing out to buy iPhones to play with the simple AR apps that are now available.
    ARkit apps are only now just hitting the market. However no one needs to rush out and buy an iPhone to run the AR apps, Apple has already hundreds of millions of iPhones on the market that can run AR apps, just fine, thank you very much. And it it this rich plethora of iPhones already in users hands that separate iOS from Android today... it would seem that Android may take 50 years before they reach the level of current-day users of AR kit apps. Meanwhile, Apple will pour on even more differentiators...
  • Reply 31 of 32
    here are two other very informative links comparing ARKit (Apple) to ARCore (Google).

    Read them for yourself and you'll begin to understand why ARKit is better for now. 
    But IMHO: We need both platforms on parity. And the problem with Android is that different manufacturers aren't on board yet. 
  • Reply 32 of 32
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,566member
    dnadavid said:
    here are two other very informative links comparing ARKit (Apple) to ARCore (Google).

    Read them for yourself and you'll begin to understand why ARKit is better for now. 
    But IMHO: We need both platforms on parity. And the problem with Android is that different manufacturers aren't on board yet. 
    Nice articles. Hadn't seen those until now. 

    On the Android side Samsung earlier this week announced they'd be partnering with and supporting Google on ARCore so that brings 10's of millions of devices into the fold, tho still under Apple numbers. 
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