Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypad order delays fuel speculation about new model for iMac ...



  • Reply 21 of 32
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    The MacBook Pro keyboard is the best I’ve ever used, but I can touch type. 
    The stand-alone keyboard with numeric keypad is probably the worst. 
  • Reply 22 of 32

    But aren't bean-counters more likely to be Windows-oriented?

    Not if they want their math to be true. /s
  • Reply 23 of 32
    camccamc Posts: 45member
    loquitur said:
    I haven't seen anyone use a numeric keypad since the days of the IBM 029 keypunch.
    Where is the demand coming for this?   For that matter, why hasn't the caps lock key also
    have gone the way of the dodo bird?
    As a professional InDesign user I couldn't live without the numeric pad: there sits the vast majority of custom made shortcuts that make my work shorter and, you know, profitable. Such a keyboard to me is just as needed as an external monitor, which in some way explains why I have three external monitors and.. uh, three keyboards, two of them extended - just in case one might fail :-)
    king editor the grate
  • Reply 24 of 32
    While there is potential for the introduction of the Touch Bar to the accessory, it would seem to be more likely for Apple to offer the Touch Bar as part of an update to the smaller Magic Keyboard alongside the Numeric Keypad variant, rather than just for the larger model.”

    Geez, you suppose it’s possible they willstill just sell a little one without a touch bar? 
  • Reply 25 of 32
    loquitur said:
    I haven't seen anyone use a numeric keypad since the days of the IBM 029 keypunch.
    Where is the demand coming for this?
    I can't speak for anyone else, but in my case it's for Pro Tools. The keys on the numeric pad are not mirrors of the ones on the left, they're treated as separate keys. Many functions just can't be accomplished anywhere close to efficiently without the numeric keypad. Ask any Pro Tools editor about trying to access memory points with the mouse and watch them cringe. I no longer bother even trying to use Pro Tools on my laptop without an external full-size keyboard.
    king editor the grate
  • Reply 26 of 32
    felix01felix01 Posts: 297member
    loquitur said:
    I haven't seen anyone use a numeric keypad since the days of the IBM 029 keypunch.
    Where is the demand coming for this?   
    Clearly you aren’t around anyone who uses Excel or Numbers or does any other spreadsheet-type work.
    zroger73king editor the grate
  • Reply 27 of 32
    mike1mike1 Posts: 3,406member
    loquitur said:
    I haven't seen anyone use a numeric keypad since the days of the IBM 029 keypunch.
    Where is the demand coming for this?   For that matter, why hasn't the caps lock key also
    have gone the way of the dodo bird?
    Kidding, right? Anybody who does work that involves numbers in some way would prefer a keyboard with numeric keypad. Millions of people use Excel/Numbers every day. It's the reason, I could never use an Apple wireless keyboard before.
    king editor the grate
  • Reply 28 of 32
    mike1mike1 Posts: 3,406member
    wizard69 said:
    loquitur said:
    I haven't seen anyone use a numeric keypad since the days of the IBM 029 keypunch.
    Where is the demand coming for this?   For that matter, why hasn't the caps lock key also
    have gone the way of the dodo bird?

    The numeric keypad is extremely useful for any bulk numeric entry you will need to do.   Likewise the caps lock key solves a lot of finger tangling issues for long string of caps and reduces entry errors.    Try that caps lock someday and you might better understand. 
    He clearly just sees his tiny world and then puts blinders on to make is point-of-view even more narrow.
    jony0king editor the grate
  • Reply 29 of 32
    loquitur said:
    I haven't seen anyone use a numeric keypad since the days of the IBM 029 keypunch.
    Where is the demand coming for this?   For that matter, why hasn't the caps lock key also
    have gone the way of the dodo bird?
    Are you high, Clairee?

    As an engineer, I'm constantly entering numbers in AutoCAD, bills of material, and spreadsheets. At home, I enter numbers in personal accounting software and spreadsheets. My productivity would drop dramatically without a numeric keypad.

    jony0king editor the grate
  • Reply 30 of 32
    dwidwi Posts: 10member
    loquitur said:
    I haven't seen anyone use a numeric keypad since the days of the IBM 029 keypunch.
    Where is the demand coming for this?   For that matter, why hasn't the caps lock key also
    have gone the way of the dodo bird?
    I don't use the numeric pad much, my main reason for using the numeric keypad is to get a forward delete key :-)
    king editor the grate
  • Reply 31 of 32
    pscooter63pscooter63 Posts: 1,081member
    loquitur said:
    I haven't seen anyone use a numeric keypad since the days of the IBM 029 keypunch.
    Where is the demand coming for this?
    I can't speak for anyone else, but in my case it's for Pro Tools. The keys on the numeric pad are not mirrors of the ones on the left, they're treated as separate keys. Many functions just can't be accomplished anywhere close to efficiently without the numeric keypad. Ask any Pro Tools editor about trying to access memory points with the mouse and watch them cringe. I no longer bother even trying to use Pro Tools on my laptop without an external full-size keyboard.
    The same argument can be made for Finale.
  • Reply 32 of 32
    macguimacgui Posts: 2,410member
    FFS Apple... BACKLIT KEYS!!!!
    This ^ !

    I like an extended keyboard. I do use a 10-key and would snap this keyboard up if it were illuminated.  

    Another feature I'd like to see is a mini-track pad built-in like the old Adesso keyboards. This will never happen with an Apple keyboard as it would make it too wide/deep instead of the narrow version we have now.

    When not needing a 10-key, I use a Logitech K811keyboard because it's aluminates and controls my three Macs (that's be a great TV show).

    What I'd really like is a built-in track pad with it so that as I switch Macs the trackpad switches with it. It's a drag working with three computers and three input devices. I've tried teleport with two computers and just couldn't use it seamlessly.

    Yeah, FWPs.
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