Apple pushes out iOS 11.2 with Apple Pay Cash, 7.5-watt wireless charging, date bug fix



  • Reply 21 of 63
    ksecksec Posts: 1,569member
    iOS 11 and 11.1 were definitely slower on my iPhone 6s.  11.1 improved slightly, but was still slower then iOS 10.x

    11.2, however no longer lags. It feel smooth again, whether it is faster or the same as iOS 10.x, i cant remember. But at least i am satisfy with the performance now.

    As a matter of fact, ALL apps, not just iOS, feels snappier or back to what it was in iOS 10.x.

    As with most iOS release Apple has decided to disable some optimization for older iDevices until later release, a practice i cant quite understand.
    edited December 2017
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 22 of 63
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,958member
    ksec said:
    iOS 11 and 11.1 were definitely slower on my iPhone 6s.  11.1 improved slightly, but was still slower then iOS 10.x

    11.2, however no longer lags. It feel smooth again, whether it is faster or the same as iOS 10.x, i cant remember. But at least i am satisfy with the performance now.

    As a matter of fact, ALL apps, not just iOS, feels snappier or back to what it was in iOS 10.x.

    As with most iOS release Apple has decided to disable some optimization for older iDevices until later release, a practice i cant quite understand.
    How do you know they're disabling optimizations? Maybe its just that its not priority at the moment and after a dot release they work on this. Its more important to get the new feature set working IMO. 
     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 23 of 63
    StrangeDaysstrangedays Posts: 13,139member
    jcs2305 said:
    sekator said:
    I second
    As the iOs have been moving upward in number, the stability has been moving down. I think I'll pass and stick to 10.3.3.
    I second that. Sticking to 10.3.3, especially given the hit on device performance every major iOS upgrade brings - not worth the brought features.
    iPhone 8 Plus , 7 Plus and iPad Air 2 working with no issues on 11.1.2 ?  Every IOS update seems to have a few apps that kill battery and performance and people are afraid of updating ?  YouTube is the example. People have been howling since iOS 11 release about batter drain, and just this last week Google finally admitted they were working on the massive drain caused by the YouTube app. How many other app developers are aware of this same type of situation and take their time addressing it, while letting the Apple and the update take the hit for it?  Gordon Kelly over at Forbes has a field day with his “ Nasty Surprises” column every time a new iPhone or iOS is introduced. 

    Also as I have said here before...  restoring from old carried over backups is asking for issues. Some people get away with it some don’t and blame the new update. Every whole # update I update and set up as new and bring everything back from the cloud, not the previous back up. Works well for me and the devices in my home.  I began setting my devices up as new  with updates back with iOS 9, when AirPlay was almost unusable and the screen orientation kept getting stuck on my 6s Plus in landscape mode. 
    Refresh my memory - when you do this you set up as a new device, sign in with your apple id, and then... do your apps all begin to download with the same screen layouts?
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 24 of 63
    StrangeDaysstrangedays Posts: 13,139member
    ksec said:
    iOS 11 and 11.1 were definitely slower on my iPhone 6s.  11.1 improved slightly, but was still slower then iOS 10.x

    11.2, however no longer lags. It feel smooth again, whether it is faster or the same as iOS 10.x, i cant remember. But at least i am satisfy with the performance now.

    As a matter of fact, ALL apps, not just iOS, feels snappier or back to what it was in iOS 10.x.

    As with most iOS release Apple has decided to disable some optimization for older iDevices until later release, a practice i cant quite understand.
    With every release more stuff means more work for older hardware. Apple isn’t “disabling” optimizations at release time. Rather, it takes time and work to produce new optimization in code to allow it to run better. This is what programming is. 
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 25 of 63
    jcs2305 said:
    Gordon Kelly over at Forbes has a field day with his “ Nasty Surprises” column every time a new iPhone or iOS is introduced. 
    Oh tell me about it... his articles are insufferable, clickbait trash with headlines that rarely reflect the article content. I routinely abandon his articles the moment I spot his byline.
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 26 of 63
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    As the iOs have been moving upward in number, the stability has been moving down. I think I'll pass and stick to 10.3.3.
    Baloney. Not everything you read on the Internet is true you know. Millions of us are running iOS 11 and liking it. I just updated to iOS 11.2 and guess what? No problems, no issues that I can detect, see, or experience on my iPhone 6.
     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 27 of 63
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Soli said:
    jmg8650 said:
    Im not seeing Apple Cash card in wallet ? Am i missing anything ???
    Yes, you are missing something. Enable 2 factor authentication.
    1) I have 2FA enabled, which I again just verified by signing into That link even shows my Apple Pay Cash balance, but no virtual card in Wallet. I also have a passcode (and Touch ID) set on my iPhone, so that's not the issue.
    2) If I go to Wallet & Apple Pay in Settings on my iPhone there is no option to turn on/off Apple Pay Cash to the black card. However, if I go to the Watch app, and then to Wallet & Apple Pay Cash those options exist. Except for the black card being available on my Watch all the other CC and debit cards I have stored are synced. Finally, despite that existing in the Wallet app for my Series 3 Watch after a screen or two of agreements during the setup it says you can't use it until you update watchOS, which doesn't have a non-beta update that supports Apple Pay Cash.

    3) Since they were rolling out Apple Pay Cash in stages to those using the 11.2 beta, not making it an available part of all 11.2 beta users, it's likely that Apple is still doing the same thing.
    Okay, according to Rene Ritchie the code is in the 11.2 release but the service won’t be made active until next week.
     1Like 0Dislikes 2Informatives
  • Reply 28 of 63
    No issues with my iPhone 7 (that I noticed) with any “version” of iOS 11. 

    Also, no calendar issue for me, but I uploaded and installed the latest patch a few hours ago, and no (negative) issues that
    I’ve noticed, so far. The battery life/usage appears to be the same. 



     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 29 of 63
    I updated and so far not seeing any issues. Fingers crossed!
     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 30 of 63
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    jmg8650 said:
    Im not seeing Apple Cash card in wallet ? Am i missing anything ???
    Neither am I. And I did look at the instructions:

    But when viewing that video, I don't have that Plus sign in Wallet, at the top right corner, so can't 'add a card' (which I don't want to do as I already have a Credit Card added to Wallet). Yet the 11.2 update for me here in The Netherlands clearly stated that Apple Pay Cash was added with this release.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 31 of 63
    Solisoli Posts: 10,038member
    jmg8650 said:
    Im not seeing Apple Cash card in wallet ? Am i missing anything ???
    Neither am I. And I did look at the instructions:

    But when viewing that video, I don't have that Plus sign in Wallet, at the top right corner, so can't 'add a card' (which I don't want to do as I already have a Credit Card added to Wallet). Yet the 11.2 update for me here in The Netherlands clearly stated that Apple Pay Cash was added with this release.
    Pull down and I think the + will show up for adding a regular card. 
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 32 of 63
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,761member
    I still can't believe there is no simple way to with one tap disable ^#$@! notifications.  Even DND doesn't do it (!!)
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 33 of 63
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,761member
    StrangeDays said:
    Refresh my memory - when you do this you set up as a new device, sign in with your apple id, and then... do your apps all begin to download with the same screen layouts?
    Only if you restore from backup :(

    With all the apps that sync data now, other than preserving the "state" of the phone there is zero reason to restore from backup.   Since I find I have far fewer problems if I start fresh, I no longer restore from backup.  Also picking what apps to re-download helps me dramatically clean out app clutter too.  But it's far from idea.  I wish there was a middle ground - restore just the app layout from a previous device or backup, but let the phone re-sync the apps and data.  

    Heck you don't need to restore from backup to preserve passwords now so yeah, full backups are definitely not nearly as desirable except for preserving your App mix and layout.
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 34 of 63
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    Soli said:
    jmg8650 said:
    Im not seeing Apple Cash card in wallet ? Am i missing anything ???
    Yes, you are missing something. Enable 2 factor authentication.
    1) I have 2FA enabled, which I again just verified by signing into That link even shows my Apple Pay Cash balance, but no virtual card in Wallet. I also have a passcode (and Touch ID) set on my iPhone, so that's not the issue.

    [pic removed]

    2) If I go to Wallet & Apple Pay in Settings on my iPhone there is no option to turn on/off Apple Pay Cash to the black card. However, if I go to the Watch app, and then to Wallet & Apple Pay Cash those options exist. Except for the black card being available on my Watch all the other CC and debit cards I have stored are synced. Finally, despite that existing in the Wallet app for my Series 3 Watch after a screen or two of agreements during the setup it says you can't use it until you update watchOS, which doesn't have a non-beta update that supports Apple Pay Cash.

    1) 2FA isn't a requirement, according to this piece by Apple:

    2) I took a peek at and saw that the payment method is a bit screwed (normally it displays my Master Card):
    2a) You have an Apple Pay setting in Settings? I don't have that. Then again, we haven't had Apple Pay over here to begin with, so for us Dutchies it's a double-whammy when it becomes available.
    2b) In fact, when I open Wallet, there is no Plus sign to add a card.

     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 35 of 63
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    docno42 said:
    With all the apps that sync data now, other than preserving the "state" of the phone there is zero reason to restore from backup.
    Only thing I can think of is restoring iMessages/SMS. Can't restore those other than from backup. Or 3rd party, which has varying results.
     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 36 of 63
    No issues that I can see with iOS 11.2.  I did notice they changed the Stocks app to have a darker green color but no other undocumented changes besides that. 
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 37 of 63
    dr. xdr. x Posts: 282member
    Soli said:
    jmg8650 said:
    Im not seeing Apple Cash card in wallet ? Am i missing anything ???
    Yes, you are missing something. Enable 2 factor authentication.
    1) I have 2FA enabled, which I again just verified by signing into That link even shows my Apple Pay Cash balance, but no virtual card in Wallet. I also have a passcode (and Touch ID) set on my iPhone, so that's not the issue.
    2) If I go to Wallet & Apple Pay in Settings on my iPhone there is no option to turn on/off Apple Pay Cash to the black card. However, if I go to the Watch app, and then to Wallet & Apple Pay Cash those options exist. Except for the black card being available on my Watch all the other CC and debit cards I have stored are synced. Finally, despite that existing in the Wallet app for my Series 3 Watch after a screen or two of agreements during the setup it says you can't use it until you update watchOS, which doesn't have a non-beta update that supports Apple Pay Cash.

    3) Since they were rolling out Apple Pay Cash in stages for those using the 11.2 beta, it's likely that Apple is still doing the same thing with the official release.
    I logged into my Apple ID account and don't see a line item for Apple Pay Cash Balance under Payment & Shipping, are you or were you one of the public beta testers?

    I have 2FA enabled and updated to iOS 11.2 an hour ago.
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 38 of 63
    magman1979magman1979 Posts: 1,301member
    docno42 said:
    With all the apps that sync data now, other than preserving the "state" of the phone there is zero reason to restore from backup.
    Only thing I can think of is restoring iMessages/SMS. Can't restore those other than from backup. Or 3rd party, which has varying results.
    You’re also forgetting Health and HomeKit data can only be restored from backup, which for me is very important which makes me stick with backups.

    That’s one thing I wish Apple provided, an ability to selective,y choose which items to restore from which backup / backup source, been wanting that for years!
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 39 of 63
    jdgazjdgaz Posts: 408member
    jcs2305 said:
    sekator said:
    I second
    As the iOs have been moving upward in number, the stability has been moving down. I think I'll pass and stick to 10.3.3.
    I second that. Sticking to 10.3.3, especially given the hit on device performance every major iOS upgrade brings - not worth the brought features.
    iPhone 8 Plus , 7 Plus and iPad Air 2 working with no issues on 11.1.2 ?  Every IOS update seems to have a few apps that kill battery and performance and people are afraid of updating ?  YouTube is the example. People have been howling since iOS 11 release about batter drain, and just this last week Google finally admitted they were working on the massive drain caused by the YouTube app. How many other app developers are aware of this same type of situation and take their time addressing it, while letting the Apple and the update take the hit for it?  Gordon Kelly over at Forbes has a field day with his “ Nasty Surprises” column every time a new iPhone or iOS is introduced. 

    Also as I have said here before...  restoring from old carried over backups is asking for issues. Some people get away with it some don’t and blame the new update. Every whole # update I update and set up as new and bring everything back from the cloud, not the previous back up. Works well for me and the devices in my home.  I began setting my devices up as new  with updates back with iOS 9, when AirPlay was almost unusable and the screen orientation kept getting stuck on my 6s Plus in landscape mode. 
    Personally I try to stay away from Google anything including YouTube. Have not had any issues with battery drain in the 11+ releases.
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 40 of 63
    lkrupp said:
    Soli said:
    jmg8650 said:
    Im not seeing Apple Cash card in wallet ? Am i missing anything ???
    Yes, you are missing something. Enable 2 factor authentication.
    1) I have 2FA enabled, which I again just verified by signing into That link even shows my Apple Pay Cash balance, but no virtual card in Wallet. I also have a passcode (and Touch ID) set on my iPhone, so that's not the issue.
    2) If I go to Wallet & Apple Pay in Settings on my iPhone there is no option to turn on/off Apple Pay Cash to the black card. However, if I go to the Watch app, and then to Wallet & Apple Pay Cash those options exist. Except for the black card being available on my Watch all the other CC and debit cards I have stored are synced. Finally, despite that existing in the Wallet app for my Series 3 Watch after a screen or two of agreements during the setup it says you can't use it until you update watchOS, which doesn't have a non-beta update that supports Apple Pay Cash.

    3) Since they were rolling out Apple Pay Cash in stages to those using the 11.2 beta, not making it an available part of all 11.2 beta users, it's likely that Apple is still doing the same thing.
    Okay, according to Rene Ritchie the code is in the 11.2 release but the service won’t be made active until next week.
    I just got off the phone with Apple Support, confirmed that the service is not available yet.
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