Apple acquires song identifying app Shazam for undisclosed sum



  • Reply 41 of 48

    ignomini said:
    Shazam, purely for identifying and buying music, is one of the few apps I have found useful from its inception to today. I expect Apple will change all that. Too bad.
    Then your expectations are whack. But hey, there's always Android, rite?
  • Reply 42 of 48
    Notsofast said:
    razorpit said:
    Seems like a steal compared to the Beats purchase.
    Lots of misconceptions about the Beats purchase.  In hindsight, it was a genius move financially by Tim Cook.  Apple not only got a streaming service that has enabled them to zoom to the #2 Music streaming service in the world, it gained one of the most recognizable culturally relevant brands in the world.  Moreover, the fact that most people don't recognize is the enormous profits that have rolled into Apple from the headphone side of the business.  Thanks to the Beats purchase,   Apple is now the largest seller of wireless devices in the entire world.  They also own the vast majority of the market in premium (>$200.00) headphones in the entire world.  Even aside from the brand value and the streaming business,  the purchase of Beats headphone and speaker business has more than paid for the purchase and is a money printing machine for Apple.
    Clearly the OP doesn't understand the Beats purchase.
  • Reply 43 of 48
    docno42 said:
    I'm still beyond disappointed Apple didn't acquire Waze, letting Google snap it up instead :disappointed: 
    Definitely a mistake, in hindsight.  As is the Netflix non-purchase when it was at a reasonable valuation.
  • Reply 44 of 48
    Lol @ TERRIBLE headline!!!!!

    I don’t think Apple bought the App... pretty sure the App was free anyways.

    From what I hear, Apple bought the COMPANY.
    Jesus... tech “journalists” are getting more & more sloppy.
  • Reply 45 of 48
    razorpit said:
    Seems like a steal compared to the Beats purchase.
    Apple is still making Money from Beats. I only bought the BeatsX thanks to the W1 chip & lightning charging 
    Still doesn’t make sense to me. Apple has the smarts to make its own headphones (see Air Pods) and probably better ones than Beats (no audiophile recommends Beats). Iovine, Dre and Reznor were not worth $3B. But because $3B is pocket change for Apple nobody cares.
    But why? If you already have a product they see as reasonable enough for them to buy and improve upon, instead of creating from scratch, why bother wasting resources on inventing a wheel? When you buy a product, you already know you buy THAT MUCH product for this much money. When you R&D something into existence, that is not the case, tho.
    edited December 2017
  • Reply 46 of 48
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,385member
    This might finally become a completed purchase. Reuters is reporting the EU is very close to signing off on it, and without adding restrictions. 
    edited August 2018 Soli
  • Reply 47 of 48
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Hmm. Breaking news... FROM DECEMBER 2017.

    Would really love the ability to block threads, especially those that are resurrected by spammers or noobs.
    edited August 2018
  • Reply 48 of 48
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,385member
    Hmm. Breaking news... FROM DECEMBER 2017.

    Would really love the ability to block threads, especially those that are resurrected by spammers or noobs.
    Your were a little quick on the trigger Spam. This one is actually "Breaking News". The Apple purchase of Shazam is still not a done deal even now in August of 2018.

    edited August 2018 Soli
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