Review: Sonos One brings high fidelity to smartspeakers



  • Reply 41 of 59
    YvLy said:
    What wrong with your Volvo V60? 

    It’s a nice car and there’s not really anything wrong with it. It’s just a car without any flair, at least the one I have :)

    I’m experiencing many Bluetooth problems and I don’t like the car system interface. But it drives very well and has a minimalistic dashboard which I really like. It’s an older model (5 years old) and I heard newer cars have an entirely different system which I never used. CarPlay should make things much better also.
    edited December 2017
  • Reply 42 of 59
    bsimpsen said:
    Would appleinsider writers please stop using the words "High Fidelity" unless they fully understand what the term means. There is no way on Earth this Sonos One speaker nor an Apple HomePod will ever produce High Fidelity audio. Never, never, ever...
    "High Fidelity" is a subjective term, first used in the late 1940s to describe audio reproduction nobody today would call "high fidelity".

    bloodshotrollin'red said:
    You couldn't be more wrong. It is the term "musicality", which entered the audio enthusiasts vocabulary in the 1980's, that is open to subjective interpretation. Companies started using the  noun liberally to inveigle the increasing number of technically incompetent audio equipment reviewers who simply could not comprehend the science which supported the discipline of rational technical specifications. This complete volte-face from objective to subjective analysis of audio equipment was quickly established as the preeminent marketing strategy by companies which had no credible technical expertise in sound reproduction equipment.

  • Reply 43 of 59
    It's amazing how many people are getting hung up on "high fidelity" and assigning it more meaning than it has.  All it means here is that it's a smart speaker that can sound good, rather than adequate.  It doesn't mean that it'll replace your pristine-sounding $5,000 audiophile setup; it doesn't mean that music producers will be listening to masters with one.

    And for that matter, too many self-proclaimed audiophiles deliberately interpret terms like "high fidelity" in a way that creates barriers and preserves that sense of being part of an exclusive club.  You're not allowed to enjoy the sound of a speaker unless it has this kind of frequency range or that kind of bass response.  We should be happy that the Sonos One is ushering in smart speakers that you actually want to listen to for music, rather than trying to find reasons why it shouldn't be counted as a good speaker.
  • Reply 44 of 59
    polymniapolymnia Posts: 1,080member
    bsimpsen said:
    Would appleinsider writers please stop using the words "High Fidelity" unless they fully understand what the term means. There is no way on Earth this Sonos One speaker nor an Apple HomePod will ever produce High Fidelity audio. Never, never, ever...
    "High Fidelity" is a subjective term, first used in the late 1940s to describe audio reproduction nobody today would call "high fidelity".

    bloodshotrollin'red said:
    You couldn't be more wrong. It is the term "musicality", which entered the audio enthusiasts vocabulary in the 1980's, that is open to subjective interpretation. Companies started using the  noun liberally to inveigle the increasing number of technically incompetent audio equipment reviewers who simply could not comprehend the science which supported the discipline of rational technical specifications. This complete volte-face from objective to subjective analysis of audio equipment was quickly established as the preeminent marketing strategy by companies which had no credible technical expertise in sound reproduction equipment.

    Everyone within earshot walks away. Except that one guy who was unfortunate enough to make eye contact. 

    Who invited this guy?
  • Reply 45 of 59
    I'd buy the Sonos One immediately if it fully supported Alexa. But if it can't even do reminders I'll stick with my Echo.
  • Reply 46 of 59
    k2kwk2kw Posts: 2,077member

    mavemufc said:
    Don't see the big deal in no Bluetooth receiver or Headphone jack, This looks like a really good speaker, and $150 cheaper than the HomePod, Alexa is better than Siri as well, Bet Apple are really kicking themselves that they had to delay the HomePod!
    Alexa, dear Alexa. She was created to divest you of your salary faster than Apple.

    Sleep well and remember not to speak out loud when you dream as Amazon may deliver more than you could ever dream up.

    I haven't bought anything because of Alexa - I use it for home automation , its easier and better than Siri (what Siri should have been able to do long time ago)
    But I have bought a lot of stuff at because of the combination of Price and convenience.   Amazon is often cheaper than iTunes for music and movies.
    This is part of why Amazon (not Apple) is the most trusted corporation in America now and this was before ThrottleGate.   
    I think that Amazon is tougher competitor than Google so Apple should not underestimate them.

    If you know of any specific cases where Alexa has not done what it should have, please let us know
  • Reply 47 of 59
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    Rayz2016 said:
    Blunt said:
    Thanks for the review, much appreciated.

    With this product out there, it doesn’t make a lotta sense to me to buy the Homepod, especially since Apple is boycotting Spotify through Siri. After years(!) I still can’t tell Siri (which by itself is a pretty terrible voice assistant) to play song X in Spotify. They should be sued for blocking competition on their platform. 

    All your posts are negative about Apple. You should switch.
    No, you get me all wrong. I’m often negative about Apple because it’s a brand I am in touch with on a daily basis and therefore one I care about. I’m also often an AppleInsider critic because I think they can get ‘over biased’, seemingly defending the brand at all cost and reading the articles can become cringeworthy. However similarly, it’s a site I check multiple times per week and appreciate its legacy. I have no incentive to post on an Android forum because I never use Android products nor care about them.

    However if you are uncomfortable with me and my opinion just because it’s not yours or if I’m being too harsh, I respectfully propose to simply ignore me.

    As far as I know a forum is a discussion platform where people are allowed to express their opinions, it’s not some fanboys drooling over a brand that solely exists to make money, keeping each other in check for ‘other opinions’. In that case let’s remove HTML text areas and instead allow users to respond with template answers rendered on buttons: ‘Apple rules!’, ‘great product’’, and so forth.
    The moment people get banned for having alternative opinions or being critics is the moment the whole forum is bankrupt as an idea.  
    No, I think he's got you bang to rights.

    The problem with concern trolls is that they seem to forget that how easy it is to check their posting history.  You dropped a poster-child of an example right here:

    I have no incentive to post on an Android forum because I never use Android products nor care about them.

    But a quick look at your posting history leads to this message:

    Where you say:

    AirPods for free is kinda crazy, but a 5-watt charger is an insult. It doesn't cost them that much to provide a fast-charger. I got a fast-charger with the Samsung S7 (which I only use for development purposes) and it's probably less than $1 extra to include that thing.

    There's a big difference between using an Android product for development purposes and never using or caring about them.

    So which is it?

    Wow, you really don’t have anything to do on Christmas Eve, don’t you? What’s your point? You come across like a frustrated detective without a murder case to solve, checking my post history :smile:  
    To address your concerns - I have a Samsung S7 to test Gear VR games & Android ports of multi platform games (developed with Unity, on a Mac btw, I love it!). Still I don’t care about Android, except it being an additional revenue stream. I also own a Volvo V60, which I also don’t care about a lot, as well as a Weber barbecue that I don’t care about that much either.

    Is ‘concern troll’ a new word for ‘someone with a different opinion’ that’s easier to dismiss as unacceptable? 
    Oh, this site makes it easy, especially since I had a vague recollection of you saying you owned some sort of Android device. Tap the user name and there it was. 

    Oh, and my concern is not addressed. You said you don’t use or care about Android phones, when you clearly use them. 

    A ‘concern troll’ is actually two words, and I don’t tend to use the phrase as often because a difference of opinion doesn’t make anyone a troll. In your case, I used the term because you chose to lie to make your point. 
  • Reply 48 of 59
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,582member
    Rayz2016 said:
     I don’t tend to use the phrase as often because a difference of opinion doesn’t make anyone a troll. 
    Yes, you are certainly one of the "good guys", generally respectful even when you disagree. Wish there were more like you here. Best Holiday Wishes sir :)
  • Reply 49 of 59
    As it appears to be embarked upon by so many haters am I pleased I don't do christmas or any other religious festivity.

    Words... When both have the same meaning; true to the source, fidelity is simply a better use of the language than faithful... High Faithful sounds too devotional, dontchathink?
    edited December 2017
  • Reply 50 of 59
    commodus said:
    It's amazing how many people are getting hung up on "high fidelity" and assigning it more meaning than it has.  All it means here is that it's a smart speaker that can sound good, rather than adequate.  It doesn't mean that it'll replace your pristine-sounding $5,000 audiophile setup; it doesn't mean that music producers will be listening to masters with one.

    And for that matter, too many self-proclaimed audiophiles deliberately interpret terms like "high fidelity" in a way that creates barriers and preserves that sense of being part of an exclusive club.  You're not allowed to enjoy the sound of a speaker unless it has this kind of frequency range or that kind of bass response.  We should be happy that the Sonos One is ushering in smart speakers that you actually want to listen to for music, rather than trying to find reasons why it shouldn't be counted as a good speaker.
    I'll agree with everything except "it doesn't mean that music producers will be listening to masters with one". My Son does mixing/mastering through a $10K pair of Barefoot studio monitors, but also checks the mix on Yamaha NS-10s, Sonus Play 5s, a Bose Soundlink Mini and several other systems that he rotates in and out on a regular basis. He listens to his work on mass market speakers because that's what people have.
  • Reply 51 of 59
    k2kw said:
    evilution said:
    k2kw said:
    I was going to get a Pair of HomePods originally but not now because of ThrottleGate.
    I'm pissed I got an iPhone 8 too. 
    Spot the idiot troll.

    ”throttlegate” rollseyes!

    Try not just reading the headlines from websites and letting your hate write the story for you.
    Apple’s battery management reduces processor activity for a matter of clock cycles. It’s not continuous, it’s not minutes, it’s not even seconds.
    It’s to stop the excess processor power from crashing the phone.

    Would you prefer the phone to crash?

    Don’t rewrite the actual facts to fit your bullshit narrative.
    I would prefer the phone to let me know there is a problem with the battery and give me the choice of getting it replaced or operating in limp mode.   Why didn't they do that?   Probably because they wanted to save money on replacements under warrantee or AppleCare.     At this point there are probably many users who upgraded out of frustration with their slow phones like I did with my 6SE or have limped along under the Throttled software and now are out of warrantee/appleCare now that several months have passed.    Even if a phone was out of warrantee or past the AppleCare coverage, it would be better if the phone let the user know that they could get their battery replaced for $79 and get their original performance back.

    I haven't rushed out to get an android because no one has even investigated it see if they do the same thing (and I am not talking about the "lag" that comes with almost all Android phones).
    You and the other so called 'throttlegate' accusers would do well to read the transcript of this excellent podcast the other day at iMore in which Rene Ritchie interviews the founder of Geekbench and a couple of other experts about Apple slowing down the CPUs. The long and short of it is that there's a very complex set of issues to consider:
  • Reply 52 of 59

    The Sonos One is an unoriginal uninspired white speaker that is intentionally hobbled by both Sonos and Amazons restrictive anti open -source allowance of Alexa in 3rd Party hardware. 

    Also, while your unscientific exploration of its far field mic system is particularly lazy - I will share what so many have discovered hoping that they’d bought an echo dot and an amazing speaker. 

    Its neither. It won’t hear u like the Echo and these blog readers *surprise* mostly live Apple Music now Amazon. And Spotify doesn’t have full functionality yet. But they promise...


    -No Reminders
    -Only 25% skill execution from The Amazon offerings 
    -No Directions (although to be fair only Garmin does this skill)
    -No iOS skill integration with 3rd Party apps that off device will copy themselves into or ToDoist without ur input after I’ve said them aloud
    -No Apple Music unless u use the app which defeats the entire purpose of Alexa and Ambient Computing - u know “skills”

    this is why mine went back:

    The speaker itself (as u noted) a entry level Play:1 except its lacking what could be considered the Sonos’ most magical differential feature.

    sonos is a competent diy home theatre setup after some very expensive accessorizing (ie one speaker per channel) and the app coordinates this and the sound design while not real channeled sound is a gorgeous approximation that neither the HomePod or Max or Invoke will have... 

    Lastly whats considered the the most important and Apple beating HomePod killing feature - the “far field” mic is not even equitable to the 30$ Dot - meaning unless ur in the room and willing to speak to it - non conversationally - ur screaming at it above all other sound and if she heard u she won’t remind u, she may change ur magic lites, but will not 1 out 5 times and perhaps you’ll have an Ethernet Cord running into your kitchen where it’s aesthetically appropriate since non of the home theatre speakers or hardware is white - so buy it in black and while it’s wifi as would be expected it’s unclear why the Ethernet connection simplifies it’s skill execution. Then it may change the lights. 

    Its been hobbled because Sonos needs and intends to still sell itself before its exclusivity is over. Bose is hot on its trail and frankly isn’t risky technology - also they aren’t jumping on the computer friend bandwagon in thier too if the line competitor. And it’s Bose. 

    This is isn’t my experience it’s a known issue on and in forums inside and outside the US and after 5 months still hasn’t been addressed or changed. 

    They also promised Spotify and a ridiculous potential for other streaming music - and Apple won’t share ever. 

    Dont buy buy it it’s vaporware that manifested but it’s execution is at best lazy. 

    Like almost every review of anything that Apple didn’t make. 

    Conclusion? Yes please... Alexa is fantastic, ubiquitous and very popular. Even better she works! If only Siri and the effort still lacking in her crap ass implementation had been put in... much has been written about how Amazon’s phone failure somehow leap frogged Apples superior ai assitant and that’s fine that’s not actually what Amazon did. 

    Amazon sells anything that will sell- Chinese phone cords, car stuff, dildos, whatever... they’re scrappy and Apple is trapped by its gorgeous and unsustainable privacy marketing strategy. Sure everything in the walled garden won’t sell u in the street to whoever needs to run an ad but this strategy is both soon to be unlawful as the FBI has stated is its intention and Congress is on thier side.., Apple in theory may be in the right but let’s be honest - does anyone think that if something else blows up and it will and evidence exists behind that iPhone Face ID that the FBI won’t win? 

    So so this was about a Sonos speaker but it’s really about the assistant this speaker was built to sit upon and it’s competitors still underwhelming articulations. 

    This speaker will sell sell because it’s the only one not unlike how SONOS sells everything until they’re not and then they become expensive irrelevant speakers that require an additional cable in spite of the fact they’re WiFi and listening to you...

    Homepod will destroy all the others but only because it rides upon the iphones success. And what a lazy uninspired choice. People aren’t going to buy two in a room and they aren’t going to rip out thier home theaters for another version of Siri that thinks being snarky and not swearing are more useful than reminders. 

    These ambient computer ladies may very well be the OS of our futures but there’s a reason they only lock  ur smart locks... not unlock. Not even the OEMS think they’re safe and secure. 

    But a dot and hook it up to a Dolby 5.1 or similar legacy rca audio cord with an optical male side and only to a system that is always on (the Razer
    Leviathin and strictly Bluetooth sTuff is out) 

    buy 3 and put one in every room and voila - Sonos for under 100$ bux. Sure the Sonos sound is gorgeous but it won’t hear you, Siri will render it garbage on scale alone despite how over priced it’s hardware was advertised as and she can’t hear you either and if you say Siri shut up instead of shutting up she gets offended. At least Alexa will shut up and after screaming at either (on this hardware) shut up often becomes STFU. 


    we dont need computer lady friends people - we needs simple tasks, actions and admin offloaded with the use of our voice never twice, in any language and on every single thing we need or want ... cut the bullshit and build things that work

  • Reply 53 of 59

    mavemufc said:
    Don't see the big deal in no Bluetooth receiver or Headphone jack, This looks like a really good speaker, and $150 cheaper than the HomePod, Alexa is better than Siri as well, Bet Apple are really kicking themselves that they had to delay the HomePod!
    Alexa, dear Alexa. She was created to divest you of your salary faster than Apple.

    Sleep well and remember not to speak out loud when you dream as Amazon may deliver more than you could ever dream up.

    Awww. The invoke was mentioned in my post ... . Poor Cortana. So that’s the Xbox and a speaker and Alexa will soon drive Fords. Good job MS. Harmon guess u won’t be the anti bose I’d hoped ... never be late since there’s no next time with Alexa. Idiots. 

    Ugh. I’d rather she buy shit I can return in a box that’s postage was paid instead of getting lost because Siri can’t open Google Maps and Apple spends time mapping small European cities and the indoor of Airport bathrooms instead of - u know - sending etas, lane changes and 3D rendering that isn’t 3rd person.,,

    its better and still sucks and Alexa may send u done additional Tide pods. Siri crashes ur car because instead of a lake there’s a building - and then ur dead. 
  • Reply 54 of 59

    Rayz2016 said:
    Blunt said:
    Thanks for the review, much appreciated.

    With this product out there, it doesn’t make a lotta sense to me to buy the Homepod, especially since Apple is boycotting Spotify through Siri. After years(!) I still can’t tell Siri (which by itself is a pretty terrible voice assistant) to play song X in Spotify. They should be sued for blocking competition on their platform. 

    All your posts are negative about Apple. You should switch.
    No, you get me all wrong. I’m often negative about Apple because it’s a brand I am in touch with on a daily basis and therefore one I care about. I’m also often an AppleInsider critic because I think they can get ‘over biased’, seemingly defending the brand at all cost and reading the articles can become cringeworthy. However similarly, it’s a site I check multiple times per week and appreciate its legacy. I have no incentive to post on an Android forum because I never use Android products nor care about them.

    However if you are uncomfortable with me and my opinion just because it’s not yours or if I’m being too harsh, I respectfully propose to simply ignore me.

    As far as I know a forum is a discussion platform where people are allowed to express their opinions, it’s not some fanboys drooling over a brand that solely exists to make money, keeping each other in check for ‘other opinions’. In that case let’s remove HTML text areas and instead allow users to respond with template answers rendered on buttons: ‘Apple rules!’, ‘great product’’, and so forth.
    The moment people get banned for having alternative opinions or being critics is the moment the whole forum is bankrupt as an idea.  
    No, I think he's got you bang to rights.

    The problem with concern trolls is that they seem to forget that how easy it is to check their posting history.  You dropped a poster-child of an example right here:

    I have no incentive to post on an Android forum because I never use Android products nor care about them.

    But a quick look at your posting history leads to this message:

    Where you say:

    AirPods for free is kinda crazy, but a 5-watt charger is an insult. It doesn't cost them that much to provide a fast-charger. I got a fast-charger with the Samsung S7 (which I only use for development purposes) and it's probably less than $1 extra to include that thing.

    There's a big difference between using an Android product for development purposes and never using or caring about them.

    So which is it?

    Wow, you really don’t have anything to do on Christmas Eve, don’t you? What’s your point? You come across like a frustrated detective without a murder case to solve, checking my post history :smile:  
    To address your concerns - I have a Samsung S7 to test Gear VR games & Android ports of multi platform games (developed with Unity, on a Mac btw, I love it!). Still I don’t care about Android, except it being an additional revenue stream. I also own a Volvo V60, which I also don’t care about a lot, as well as a Weber barbecue that I don’t care about that much either.

    Is ‘concern troll’ a new word for ‘someone with a different opinion’ that’s easier to dismiss as unacceptable? 
    Rayz2016 said:
    Blunt said:
    Thanks for the review, much appreciated.

    With this product out there, it doesn’t make a lotta sense to me to buy the Homepod, especially since Apple is boycotting Spotify through Siri. After years(!) I still can’t tell Siri (which by itself is a pretty terrible voice assistant) to play song X in Spotify. They should be sued for blocking competition on their platform. 

    All your posts are negative about Apple. You should switch.
    No, you get me all wrong. I’m often negative about Apple because it’s a brand I am in touch with on a daily basis and therefore one I care about. I’m also often an AppleInsider critic because I think they can get ‘over biased’, seemingly defending the brand at all cost and reading the articles can become cringeworthy. However similarly, it’s a site I check multiple times per week and appreciate its legacy. I have no incentive to post on an Android forum because I never use Android products nor care about them.

    However if you are uncomfortable with me and my opinion just because it’s not yours or if I’m being too harsh, I respectfully propose to simply ignore me.

    As far as I know a forum is a discussion platform where people are allowed to express their opinions, it’s not some fanboys drooling over a brand that solely exists to make money, keeping each other in check for ‘other opinions’. In that case let’s remove HTML text areas and instead allow users to respond with template answers rendered on buttons: ‘Apple rules!’, ‘great product’’, and so forth.
    The moment people get banned for having alternative opinions or being critics is the moment the whole forum is bankrupt as an idea.  
    No, I think he's got you bang to rights.

    The problem with concern trolls is that they seem to forget that how easy it is to check their posting history.  You dropped a poster-child of an example right here:

    I have no incentive to post on an Android forum because I never use Android products nor care about them.

    But a quick look at your posting history leads to this message:

    Where you say:

    AirPods for free is kinda crazy, but a 5-watt charger is an insult. It doesn't cost them that much to provide a fast-charger. I got a fast-charger with the Samsung S7 (which I only use for development purposes) and it's probably less than $1 extra to include that thing.

    There's a big difference between using an Android product for development purposes and never using or caring about them.

    So which is it?

    Wow, you really don’t have anything to do on Christmas Eve, don’t you? What’s your point? You come across like a frustrated detective without a murder case to solve, checking my post history :smile:  
    To address your concerns - I have a Samsung S7 to test Gear VR games & Android ports of multi platform games (developed with Unity, on a Mac btw, I love it!). Still I don’t care about Android, except it being an additional revenue stream. I also own a Volvo V60, which I also don’t care about a lot, as well as a Weber barbecue that I don’t care about that much either.

    Is ‘concern troll’ a new word for ‘someone with a different opinion’ that’s easier to dismiss as unacceptable? 
    Troll means Republican
    Snowflake means Democrst 
    Concerned Troll is some combination of both. 

    And all 3 should die or walk in traffic. 
  • Reply 55 of 59
    Before you buy SONOS, pleas listen to Bang and Olufsen. So much better SOUND!

    Much more clear sound!
  • Reply 56 of 59
    mac_128 said:
    k2kw said:
    k2kw said:

    I was going to get a Pair of HomePods originally but not now because of ThrottleGate.
    I'm pissed I got an iPhone 8 too. 
    Yeah right. Cool story bro. When should we let you in on a secret? HomePods aren’t even out nor is there a release date. 

    Why dont you just sell your iphone, pick up a knockoff, load it up with removable batteries and external storage, yet still replace it more often due to the shorter useful lifespan of its hardware and software, and stop whining about Apple on an Apple site? Sounds reasonable, right?

    But you won’t. 
    While HomePods aren’t out they were announced at WWDC to arrive by the end of this year.   And whether you like it or not Apple pulled “used car salesman” move with the Throttling.   Now if I could get a full refund for my iPhone7 or iPhone8 I would get a Pixel 2 (Not the XL).

    I don’t expect that we will know the full truth about these lemon phones’ batteries considering Apple impressive secrecy -
    Such is the state tech journalism even with some of the extremely knowledgeable guys that write for AI.

    I’ve learned to ignore the koolaide drinkers.

    They also promised Amazon App for the Apple TV "later this year" back in early September and waited until a week before Christmas to release it. They also promised Dolby Atmosphere in the same time frame and that's yet to appear. There seems to be a lot more products being announced with features they will have, or should have, as an enducement to buy them, rather than what they have upon release, and a lot more release dates being missed ... That's atypical behavior for Apple.

    And your best bet is to block some people on these forums. 
    OMG, how is it you follow Apple news but fail to understand Apple isn’t responsible for Amazon’s app releases? Apple didn’t “wait” nor “realesse” the Prime viewer app. Amazon did. Amazon could have released it years ago but didn’t. That’s how iOS and tvOS development works.
  • Reply 57 of 59
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    mac_128 said:
    k2kw said:
    k2kw said:

    I was going to get a Pair of HomePods originally but not now because of ThrottleGate.
    I'm pissed I got an iPhone 8 too. 
    Yeah right. Cool story bro. When should we let you in on a secret? HomePods aren’t even out nor is there a release date. 

    Why dont you just sell your iphone, pick up a knockoff, load it up with removable batteries and external storage, yet still replace it more often due to the shorter useful lifespan of its hardware and software, and stop whining about Apple on an Apple site? Sounds reasonable, right?

    But you won’t. 
    While HomePods aren’t out they were announced at WWDC to arrive by the end of this year.   And whether you like it or not Apple pulled “used car salesman” move with the Throttling.   Now if I could get a full refund for my iPhone7 or iPhone8 I would get a Pixel 2 (Not the XL).

    I don’t expect that we will know the full truth about these lemon phones’ batteries considering Apple impressive secrecy -
    Such is the state tech journalism even with some of the extremely knowledgeable guys that write for AI.

    I’ve learned to ignore the koolaide drinkers.

    They also promised Amazon App for the Apple TV "later this year" back in early September and waited until a week before Christmas to release it. They also promised Dolby Atmosphere in the same time frame and that's yet to appear. There seems to be a lot more products being announced with features they will have, or should have, as an enducement to buy them, rather than what they have upon release, and a lot more release dates being missed ... That's atypical behavior for Apple.

    And your best bet is to block some people on these forums. 
    OMG, how is it you follow Apple news but fail to understand Apple isn’t responsible for Amazon’s app releases? Apple didn’t “wait” nor “realesse” the Prime viewer app. Amazon did. Amazon could have released it years ago but didn’t. That’s how iOS and tvOS development works.
    I'd even wager that Apple fast-tracked the Amazon Video app through the App Store as it was 1) high profile, and 2) would help sell some extra Apple TVs for the holiday season.

    I think it's even highly possible that Apple contacted Amazon about getting their app completed so they can get it on the App Store, and even potentially helped them for the aforementioned second reason, as well as Apple having stated that the Amazon app for tvOS would be available before the end of the year, which was clearly something Amazon had promised Apple.
  • Reply 58 of 59
    bsimpsen said:
    I'll agree with everything except "it doesn't mean that music producers will be listening to masters with one". My Son does mixing/mastering through a $10K pair of Barefoot studio monitors, but also checks the mix on Yamaha NS-10s, Sonus Play 5s, a Bose Soundlink Mini and several other systems that he rotates in and out on a regular basis. He listens to his work on mass market speakers because that's what people have.
    Sadly, b, I've yet to meet a good sound engineer who hasn't completely buggered their ears. They tend to monitor at unhealthy SPL's and lose most of their high frequency sensitivity because of the abuse. The best sound engineers I've met monitor at less than 80dB, never use headphones and equip their studios with speakers which have as flat a frequency response as they can afford to purchase. Engineers who monitor (and balance) using "mass market" loudspeakers will invariably mess a recorded performance up. Play a well recorded and engineered piece of music through reference speakers and the performance will be astounding. The same recording remastered/reengineered using low fidelity speakers will sound dreadful when played through that same reference loudspeaker system.

    A top engineer will work hard to maintain the balance and performance the recording artist intended. Artists who allow their music to be rough handled by tone deaf tinnitus riddled engineers are generally in the business for monetary gain not for the betterment of their art. These people have producers and managers who care only about the music sounding okay via cheap and inaccurate loudspeakers. They serve the lowest common denominator.
  • Reply 59 of 59
    wiseywisey Posts: 31member
    I have a fairly substantial collection of songs that I bought through Apple iTunes over the past decade.  I have Apple Music.  For many years, I listen to Pandora and when I find a song they I really like, I buy the song and add it to my collection and put it on an iPod that I plug into a Tivoli Songbook, which has great radio reception and stereo apeakers.  For people like me, the HomePod is the ideal device to replace the Tivoli SongBook.  It can play all my music from iCloud, Apple Music and Pandora.  I can get the radio stations through internet.  There must be many millions of people like me.  The only thing that worries me is that it is dependent on internet.  If my WiFi or Internet went down, that means my radio and music would be gone as well. 
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