Bonus Notches: Android smartphone vendors copy the striking design from Apple's iPhone X, ...



  • Reply 21 of 33
    airnerd said:
    I love it when companies run negative ad campaigns or even just have negative comments about a product and then are either stuck or have to eat their words.  Some common examples I can think of are Chevy trashing the F150 aluminum bed and now seeing the results and wanting to copy it (notice those ads aren't running anymore and they aren't poking fun at aluminum?) and Southwest Airlines "bags fly free" and then seeing how many billions the industry are making off bag fees and not being able to add those same fees.  
    Yeah except that’s a consumer friendly position - it’s not a mistake and it’s a selling point that they aren’t actively trying to screw their own customers. 
  • Reply 22 of 33

    waverboy said:
    It's amazing. It goes from "hideous" to widely copied and then inevitable and obvious. We've seen this pattern over and over.
    It's still hideous.  The notch is definitely striking, but not in a good way.  And the fact that this "feature" is being copycatted is both laughable and pathetic.
    Nah, it’s not hideous or bad in any way I’ve come across IRL. IMO the people who have a problem with it are not the same people who own one. I do, and it’s never, ever been a thought in my head during everyday use. Complete non-issue. Next. 
  • Reply 23 of 33
    macguimacgui Posts: 2,407member
    ' with 26% less Notch!'

    That really made me laugh when I saw that. All the wailing and gnashing of teeth, not to mention hate and discontent (even at this very forum) of the notch, then it's adopted but 'improved'? :major laughter:

    And to refer to Apple as the 'Fruit company'? I don't doubt that's deliberate subtext. Very cheap shot. Copy Apple and insult them on two levels.

    We've been at a point in awhile where, like cars, there is only so much individualization to possible. All cars (ok, most) have a round steering wheel, four wheels, include comfort and entertainment kit, and have two or four doors.

    So patenting rounded corners is a stretch, but I think it had some merit; regardless that ship has sailed.  To copy the notch, and claim it's only because that's what the People want?! Pretty funny.

    I didn't pay much attention to that keynote— does the Asus notch have all the same kit 'inside' it as Apple's Notch?

    And on the LéGoo... (tried to give it a little élan) Has that guy got elfin hands or is that phone yuuuuuge? It looks big. But then my next phone will probably be the SE II. I like the X but even that seems a little big for my taste. Maybe the Xs.  LOL
    edited February 2018 watto_cobra
  • Reply 24 of 33
    jbdragonjbdragon Posts: 2,312member
    wood1208 said:
    Selling argument from the android phone makers will be look our phone notch is smaller or thinner than iPhone X or Samsung who bad mouth Apple will say we can't copy notch but look we have traditional long black top bar to hide camera,sensors..

    The whole, our notch is this much smaller that that fruit company is such a DUMB argument. It lacks all of Apple's sensors which is why it's smaller. Then you have phones cutting stuff out because of the notch. This is a OS that was NOT designed with a phone having a notch. So Android is clueless, and 3rd party apps are just as clueless. This is just beyond dumb. More blindly copying Apple without any real thought put into it.

    Apple's Notch was a practical solution. Apple could have been like everyone else and just had a black bar going completely across the screen. Instead, they packed everything together as tight as they could to give a little extra screen on the left and right side. It also makes all 4 corners of the iPhone X uniform looking. So less bezel, as little as Apple could do it, and still keeping the uniform look of iPhones of the last. Where the Black Bar with TouchID was the same size as the top Black Bar. Then the screen in the middle. This is how most phones are including Samesung's new S9 which still has a top and bottom black bars.

    I sure as hell don't see how it's a TREND? Other then a TREND to copy Apple!!! If Apple could, they'd hide it all under the screen instead. That I assume would be Apple's ultimate goal. A camera popping out the top is not a very good solution, and besides Apple has a lot more than just a camera to deal with. FaceID requires more. A pop up camera is something mechanical that can fail. At some point it may get stuck and not want to pop up, or it doesn't way to stay down.
    edited February 2018 muthuk_vanalingamwatto_cobra
  • Reply 25 of 33
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,959member
    From the article:

    "Of course, Apple wasn't the first to the market with a device that noticeably cut into the top of the display,"

    It's important to remember that even though it avoids the word notch.

    The idea was always to maximise screen space on handsets. You can do that with or without a notch and we could say it was Sharp that really started playing with the concept with more interest first.

    They even tried integrating the earpiece into the display, effectively removing the forehead from the phone. Full top bezel but that meant the camera moving down to the chin. The audio quality wasn't great.

    Moving the camera back up top but without a forehead meant using a notch and that's what they did, finding room for the earpiece too so the notch was very small.

    Apple faced exactly the same problem and tackled it in the same way. The only difference being that Apple wanted to put more components into it so it is simply bigger than previous notches on other phones. Apple also had more media echo too, for obvious reasons. That's why some will copy the 'wide' Apple implementation even if they put little inside it, while others will simply be doing the same as Apple, and before them, Sharp and Essential (and maybe others I don't know of).

    As the notch itself, as more of a design compromise than a design element, it will probably get smaller over time and possibly disappear at some point. I think we could even see a move away from the notch to an ever so small, slightly raised bump in the top part of the frame, lending the handset an elegant curve and making the screen rectangular but retaining the sensation of a completely bezeless phone.

    Huawei also needs to put more into that space on some of its phones but rumours point to higher resolution, smaller components so we may already see notch space reducing and display area increasing relatively soon. I would imagine the next Apple design to get smaller too.

    The notch isn't something that bothers me personally. I can fully appreciate why some manufacturers will want to give the sensation of a 'floating' screen. I can also understand why it bothers some people. Some don't like the visual aspect. Others don't like FaceID or find its not there preferred biometric option.

    In these cases companies will have to decide if they go the iPhone X way (one biometric) or if they choose to include alternative options like fingerprint scanners on the front, side or back.

    Or, If rumours play out, the Sharp Aquos Crystal 3 might end up being a design worth taking into account, curved OLED and all,
    edited February 2018 muthuk_vanalingam
  • Reply 26 of 33
    hexclockhexclock Posts: 1,300member
    “smaller than Fruit Phone X”

    “compared to the fruit company” they admire Apple enough to ape their designs, but not enough to use its name? Is it an attempt to disrespect Apple or what? Weird.

    Anyway, what’s the point of a notch if they’re still going to have chins on the bottom!? And the icon margins against the corners seems clumsy. LOL at the icons clipped by the notch or corners. Keep trying, guys. 

    It’s one thing to see forum trolls refer to Apple as the Fruit company. But to see an actual company use the same terms? Very unprofessional. Just makes them look stupid. 
    Especially coming from a company called ASSus. 
  • Reply 27 of 33
    “smaller than Fruit Phone X”

    “compared to the fruit company” they admire Apple enough to ape their designs, but not enough to use its name? Is it an attempt to disrespect Apple or what? Weird.

    Anyway, what’s the point of a notch if they’re still going to have chins on the bottom!? And the icon margins against the corners seems clumsy. LOL at the icons clipped by the notch or corners. Keep trying, guys. 
    Reminds me of some of the old-style IT companies calling Amazon the Book Shop when they got into cloud. But I've never seen it in a public presentation. How childish can they be?
  • Reply 28 of 33
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,450member
    volcan said:
    The reason the "Fruit" phone notch is wider is because Facial ID needs two cameras with sufficient distance between them for accurate 3D recognition.
    I don't think that's how it works at all. The Dot Projector is on the right side, the Infrared Camera that reads those dots is on the left. Inset on the left next to that is the infrared Flood Illuminator, and to the right of the speaker is the FaceTime camera. I don't believe there's any stereoscopic action happening with the Infrared and FaceTime cameras.
  • Reply 29 of 33
    chasmchasm Posts: 3,496member
    Apple does something new, and then:

    1. Competitors doubt that it will work as well as claimed. But then it does.

    2. Competitors make fun of it. Claim they will NEVER do such a thing.

    3. Competitors notice sales figures and ASP.

    4. Competitors launch devices with [copied feature] with marginal variation from Apple's.

    5. Competitors extol virtues of [copied feature] to their audiences as though Apple had never started the whole thing.

    6. [Copied feature] turns out not to work as well as Apple's version.

    7. Go back to step 1.

    Now of course occasionally its not Apple that has a given innovation in first, so this rule is not absolutely and always universally true, BUT: how many innovations can you think of ... just in recent years ... where the above applies perfectly?
    edited March 2018
  • Reply 30 of 33
    mr omr o Posts: 1,046member
    I <3 Apple's notch!

    I hope it makes it on the upcoming iPad Pro.

  • Reply 31 of 33
    tipootipoo Posts: 1,154member
    It's hilarious that they copied the notch, and still have a bottom chin and no FaceID, missing the entire point of the notch. Such cargo culting. 
  • Reply 32 of 33
    evilutionevilution Posts: 1,399member
    The iPhone 8 has infinity smaller notch than the iPhone X, that doesn’t make it better.
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