Apple unveils all new 13-inch MacBook Air with Retina display, Thunderbolt 3 and more



  • Reply 121 of 181
    StrangeDaysstrangedays Posts: 13,139member

    ZeGerman said:

    I feel a lot of people think similar, I just don't get why Apple doesn't get it...

    You can "feel" whatever you want to believe. But here IRL, actual customers are voting with their actual wallets. Apple "isn't getting it" all the way to the bank....
     1Like 0Dislikes 1Informative
  • Reply 122 of 181
    StrangeDaysstrangedays Posts: 13,139member
    elijahg said:
    Speegs said:
    $1199 laptop with a base storage of 128gb in 2018 brehs. 

    This company is price gouging its customers more than ever before. 
    If true then surely the market will respond by shunning it. But nah, thy won't, because they aren't gouging. Value != "cheap". Stick to your Dell, bro.

    They're gouging. You can get the same specs elsewhere for $999. People will pay a bit more for the Apple premium, but not a lot more. If Apple charged $3999 for this you'd still say it's good value. 128GB SSD on a $1199 computer is good value? You've gotta be a troll. 

    Speegs said:
    $1199 laptop with a base storage of 128gb in 2018 brehs. 

    This company is price gouging its customers more than ever before. 
    If true then surely the market will respond by shunning it. But nah, thy won't, because that isn't happening. Value != "cheap". Stick to your Dell, bro.
    So what happened to Kuo’s prediction of a sub $1000 laptop? Also Windows laptops have gotten much better over the past few years. They’re not just cheap plastic anymore.

    The rMB & rMBA positioning is very odd. Unless the rMB will be the first Apple laptop to go ARM I don’t see what the point of it is anymore.

    It may well have have a $999 tag courtesy of marketing, but Cook saw this and couldn't resist another of his yearly $$$ bumps while rubbing his hands with glee.

    I also questioned why the rMBA is still around. It was a pretty pointless device anyway, essentially a slower MBA with a better screen. Weird.

    As others have said, PCs are nowhere as near as crap as they used to be. We're well past the bad press around Win 8, people are "alright" with Win 10. Build quality of midrange $799 PCs is still nowhere near Apple's, but it's good enough for most. Meanwhile Apple continues raising prices. Apologists can't use that as an excuse any more to justify Apple's prices. It used to be the case 5 or so years ago that people here complained about missing ports/RAM/CPU/GPU options, with the odd concern about price. Now it's predominantly a debate on how expensive Apple gear has become. That proves what a high proportion of people now think Apple's overpricing their gear. 

    Apple doesn't drop prices as devices age. Instead, they used to spec bump and keep prices the same. Cook's Apple doesn't drop prices as products age, but it does bump prices each time there's a spec bump. Will he ever be satisfied with the vast profits Apple makes?
    What’s embarrassing is the non-retina MBA is still in the lineup but at $999. 
    Embarrassing to whom? Not to Apple if people are continuing to buy it as the cheap option.

    You keep bringing up how PCs are cheaper (200 bucks, big whoop), as if that should be proof that Apple should match them dollar for dollar. They don't, they never have, and they likely never will. Macs are premium. PCs are cheap.
     1Like 0Dislikes 2Informatives
  • Reply 123 of 181
    StrangeDaysstrangedays Posts: 13,139member

    Johan42 said:
    Speegs said:
    $1199 laptop with a base storage of 128gb in 2018 brehs. 

    This company is price gouging its customers more than ever before. 
    If true then surely the market will respond by shunning it. But nah, thy won't, because they aren't gouging. Value != "cheap". Stick to your Dell, bro.
    Price gouging at its finest, and this coming from someone who loves Apple devices.

    And I’ve had Dells last me longer than Macs, so don’t spew so much nonsense.
    It's not gouging in the slightest. Do you know what the word means? Here let me help you:

    Price gouging is a pejorative term referring to when a seller spikes the prices of goods, services or commodities to a level much higher than is considered reasonable or fair, and is considered exploitative, potentially to an unethical extent far, the biggest "evidence" used by a whiner on this forum is that a similar PC by microsoft is $1000 and the MBA is $1200. That's two bucks. That is not higher than reasonable or fair, or even much higher at all, yet a considerably better machine, especially when the proven lower TCO is factored in, etc.

    So now you whiners are trying to claim that this is exploitive, which is absurd -- nobody is forcing anyone to buy a MBA. It's a minority market share...there can be no exploitation here. Get fucking real.

    I've been using Dells for decades, and they suck. I have one sitting on my desk right now, and it sucks, from build quality to performance to noisy fans that spin up all day.

     1Like 0Dislikes 1Informative
  • Reply 124 of 181
    elijahg said:
    Speegs said:
    $1199 laptop with a base storage of 128gb in 2018 brehs. 

    This company is price gouging its customers more than ever before. 
    If true then surely the market will respond by shunning it. But nah, thy won't, because they aren't gouging. Value != "cheap". Stick to your Dell, bro.

    They're gouging. You can get the same specs elsewhere for $999. People will pay a bit more for the Apple premium, but not a lot more. If Apple charged $3999 for this you'd still say it's good value. 128GB SSD on a $1199 computer is good value? You've gotta be a troll. 

    Speegs said:
    $1199 laptop with a base storage of 128gb in 2018 brehs. 

    This company is price gouging its customers more than ever before. 
    If true then surely the market will respond by shunning it. But nah, thy won't, because that isn't happening. Value != "cheap". Stick to your Dell, bro.
    So what happened to Kuo’s prediction of a sub $1000 laptop? Also Windows laptops have gotten much better over the past few years. They’re not just cheap plastic anymore.

    The rMB & rMBA positioning is very odd. Unless the rMB will be the first Apple laptop to go ARM I don’t see what the point of it is anymore.

    It may well have have a $999 tag courtesy of marketing, but Cook saw this and couldn't resist another of his yearly $$$ bumps while rubbing his hands with glee.

    I also questioned why the rMBA is still around. It was a pretty pointless device anyway, essentially a slower MBA with a better screen. Weird.

    As others have said, PCs are nowhere as near as crap as they used to be. We're well past the bad press around Win 8, people are "alright" with Win 10. Build quality of midrange $799 PCs is still nowhere near Apple's, but it's good enough for most. Meanwhile Apple continues raising prices. Apologists can't use that as an excuse any more to justify Apple's prices. It used to be the case 5 or so years ago that people here complained about missing ports/RAM/CPU/GPU options, with the odd concern about price. Now it's predominantly a debate on how expensive Apple gear has become. That proves what a high proportion of people now think Apple's overpricing their gear. 

    Apple doesn't drop prices as devices age. Instead, they used to spec bump and keep prices the same. Cook's Apple doesn't drop prices as products age, but it does bump prices each time there's a spec bump. Will he ever be satisfied with the vast profits Apple makes?
    What’s embarrassing is the non-retina MBA is still in the lineup but at $999. 
    Embarrassing to whom? Not to Apple if people are continuing to buy it as the cheap option.

    You keep bringing up how PCs are cheaper (200 bucks, big whoop), as if that should be proof that Apple should match them dollar for dollar. They don't, they never have, and they likely never will. Macs are premium. PCs are cheap.
    That’s complete bullshit. What’s cheap is selling an old computer with an old design and crappy TN panel for $999. 
    elijahgfreethinkingcanukstormKITAavon b7
     5Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 125 of 181
    elijahg said:
    Speegs said:
    $1199 laptop with a base storage of 128gb in 2018 brehs. 

    This company is price gouging its customers more than ever before. 
    If true then surely the market will respond by shunning it. But nah, thy won't, because they aren't gouging. Value != "cheap". Stick to your Dell, bro.

    They're gouging. You can get the same specs elsewhere for $999. People will pay a bit more for the Apple premium, but not a lot more. If Apple charged $3999 for this you'd still say it's good value. 128GB SSD on a $1199 computer is good value? You've gotta be a troll. 

    Speegs said:
    $1199 laptop with a base storage of 128gb in 2018 brehs. 

    This company is price gouging its customers more than ever before. 
    If true then surely the market will respond by shunning it. But nah, thy won't, because that isn't happening. Value != "cheap". Stick to your Dell, bro.
    So what happened to Kuo’s prediction of a sub $1000 laptop? Also Windows laptops have gotten much better over the past few years. They’re not just cheap plastic anymore.

    The rMB & rMBA positioning is very odd. Unless the rMB will be the first Apple laptop to go ARM I don’t see what the point of it is anymore.

    It may well have have a $999 tag courtesy of marketing, but Cook saw this and couldn't resist another of his yearly $$$ bumps while rubbing his hands with glee.

    I also questioned why the rMBA is still around. It was a pretty pointless device anyway, essentially a slower MBA with a better screen. Weird.

    As others have said, PCs are nowhere as near as crap as they used to be. We're well past the bad press around Win 8, people are "alright" with Win 10. Build quality of midrange $799 PCs is still nowhere near Apple's, but it's good enough for most. Meanwhile Apple continues raising prices. Apologists can't use that as an excuse any more to justify Apple's prices. It used to be the case 5 or so years ago that people here complained about missing ports/RAM/CPU/GPU options, with the odd concern about price. Now it's predominantly a debate on how expensive Apple gear has become. That proves what a high proportion of people now think Apple's overpricing their gear. 

    Apple doesn't drop prices as devices age. Instead, they used to spec bump and keep prices the same. Cook's Apple doesn't drop prices as products age, but it does bump prices each time there's a spec bump. Will he ever be satisfied with the vast profits Apple makes?
    What’s embarrassing is the non-retina MBA is still in the lineup but at $999. 
    Embarrassing to whom? Not to Apple if people are continuing to buy it as the cheap option.

    You keep bringing up how PCs are cheaper (200 bucks, big whoop), as if that should be proof that Apple should match them dollar for dollar. They don't, they never have, and they likely never will. Macs are premium. PCs are cheap.
    That’s complete bullshit. What’s cheap is selling an old computer with an old design and crappy TN panel for $999. 
    Actually, I have to agree with you on this. Usually, when Apple does this, it drops the price of the prior gen.

    I am sure it must be an oversight.
     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 126 of 181
    Does anyone know if the keyboard on this new MacBook Air has more key travel than the current MacBook range? I really hope it does - then I’ll buy one ASAP. Otherwise I’ll stick to my older MacBook. But perhaps the 3rd generation butterfly keyboards are more functional now. 
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 127 of 181
    elijahg said:
    Speegs said:
    $1199 laptop with a base storage of 128gb in 2018 brehs. 

    This company is price gouging its customers more than ever before. 
    If true then surely the market will respond by shunning it. But nah, thy won't, because they aren't gouging. Value != "cheap". Stick to your Dell, bro.

    They're gouging. You can get the same specs elsewhere for $999. People will pay a bit more for the Apple premium, but not a lot more. If Apple charged $3999 for this you'd still say it's good value. 128GB SSD on a $1199 computer is good value? You've gotta be a troll. 

    Speegs said:
    $1199 laptop with a base storage of 128gb in 2018 brehs. 

    This company is price gouging its customers more than ever before. 
    If true then surely the market will respond by shunning it. But nah, thy won't, because that isn't happening. Value != "cheap". Stick to your Dell, bro.
    So what happened to Kuo’s prediction of a sub $1000 laptop? Also Windows laptops have gotten much better over the past few years. They’re not just cheap plastic anymore.

    The rMB & rMBA positioning is very odd. Unless the rMB will be the first Apple laptop to go ARM I don’t see what the point of it is anymore.

    It may well have have a $999 tag courtesy of marketing, but Cook saw this and couldn't resist another of his yearly $$$ bumps while rubbing his hands with glee.

    I also questioned why the rMBA is still around. It was a pretty pointless device anyway, essentially a slower MBA with a better screen. Weird.

    As others have said, PCs are nowhere as near as crap as they used to be. We're well past the bad press around Win 8, people are "alright" with Win 10. Build quality of midrange $799 PCs is still nowhere near Apple's, but it's good enough for most. Meanwhile Apple continues raising prices. Apologists can't use that as an excuse any more to justify Apple's prices. It used to be the case 5 or so years ago that people here complained about missing ports/RAM/CPU/GPU options, with the odd concern about price. Now it's predominantly a debate on how expensive Apple gear has become. That proves what a high proportion of people now think Apple's overpricing their gear. 

    Apple doesn't drop prices as devices age. Instead, they used to spec bump and keep prices the same. Cook's Apple doesn't drop prices as products age, but it does bump prices each time there's a spec bump. Will he ever be satisfied with the vast profits Apple makes?
    What’s embarrassing is the non-retina MBA is still in the lineup but at $999. 
    Embarrassing to whom? Not to Apple if people are continuing to buy it as the cheap option.

    You keep bringing up how PCs are cheaper (200 bucks, big whoop), as if that should be proof that Apple should match them dollar for dollar. They don't, they never have, and they likely never will. Macs are premium. PCs are cheap.
    That’s complete bullshit. What’s cheap is selling an old computer with an old design and crappy TN panel for $999. 
    Are you a joke? Find another Thunderbolt equipped laptop @ 999 then come again. Don't forget to look for NVMe SSD, i5, i7, LPDDR 3 RAM, 4K display support...

    Just because it still sells... What's your problem with a best selling product? Don't worry in this shopping season Apple will exhaust all of that "old computer with an old design and crappy TN panel" stock and you'll be relieved by missing a milestone product in the computing history.
    edited October 2018
     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 128 of 181
    eightzeroeightzero Posts: 3,162member
    Trying to figure out Apple's pricing strategy here.  The regular 12-inch MacBook is inferior in almost every way to this new MacBook Air.  Only advantages it has are a slightly smaller/thinner/lighter size and that it starts with 256GB SSDs instead of 128.  But everything else...

    Smaller screen
    One USB-C port vs two
    Processor power
    Older integrated graphics
    Shorter battery life
    Lesser Facetime camera inferior to the new MBA

    Yet it starts at $1299 vs $1199 for the MBA.  Que?
    Because Apple couldn’t be bothered to drop the price. Same as the iPad mini 4 which is more expensive than the new iPad announced back in March.
    ya know, they did say their iPad lineup included the iPad mini...and then apparently with a straight face haven't changed the price on it. It should be $199. 
    edited October 2018
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 129 of 181
    elijahg said:
    Speegs said:
    $1199 laptop with a base storage of 128gb in 2018 brehs. 

    This company is price gouging its customers more than ever before. 
    If true then surely the market will respond by shunning it. But nah, thy won't, because they aren't gouging. Value != "cheap". Stick to your Dell, bro.

    They're gouging. You can get the same specs elsewhere for $999. People will pay a bit more for the Apple premium, but not a lot more. If Apple charged $3999 for this you'd still say it's good value. 128GB SSD on a $1199 computer is good value? You've gotta be a troll. 

    Speegs said:
    $1199 laptop with a base storage of 128gb in 2018 brehs. 

    This company is price gouging its customers more than ever before. 
    If true then surely the market will respond by shunning it. But nah, thy won't, because that isn't happening. Value != "cheap". Stick to your Dell, bro.
    So what happened to Kuo’s prediction of a sub $1000 laptop? Also Windows laptops have gotten much better over the past few years. They’re not just cheap plastic anymore.

    The rMB & rMBA positioning is very odd. Unless the rMB will be the first Apple laptop to go ARM I don’t see what the point of it is anymore.

    It may well have have a $999 tag courtesy of marketing, but Cook saw this and couldn't resist another of his yearly $$$ bumps while rubbing his hands with glee.

    I also questioned why the rMBA is still around. It was a pretty pointless device anyway, essentially a slower MBA with a better screen. Weird.

    As others have said, PCs are nowhere as near as crap as they used to be. We're well past the bad press around Win 8, people are "alright" with Win 10. Build quality of midrange $799 PCs is still nowhere near Apple's, but it's good enough for most. Meanwhile Apple continues raising prices. Apologists can't use that as an excuse any more to justify Apple's prices. It used to be the case 5 or so years ago that people here complained about missing ports/RAM/CPU/GPU options, with the odd concern about price. Now it's predominantly a debate on how expensive Apple gear has become. That proves what a high proportion of people now think Apple's overpricing their gear. 

    Apple doesn't drop prices as devices age. Instead, they used to spec bump and keep prices the same. Cook's Apple doesn't drop prices as products age, but it does bump prices each time there's a spec bump. Will he ever be satisfied with the vast profits Apple makes?
    What’s embarrassing is the non-retina MBA is still in the lineup but at $999. 
    Embarrassing to whom? Not to Apple if people are continuing to buy it as the cheap option.

    You keep bringing up how PCs are cheaper (200 bucks, big whoop), as if that should be proof that Apple should match them dollar for dollar. They don't, they never have, and they likely never will. Macs are premium. PCs are cheap.
    That’s complete bullshit. What’s cheap is selling an old computer with an old design and crappy TN panel for $999. 
    Are you a joke? Find another Thunderbolt equipped laptop @ 999 then come again. Don't forget to look for NVMe SSD, i5, i7, LPDDR 3 RAM, 4K display support...
    I know you're being sarcastic but anyway -
    Pairing thunderbold & dual core is usable for?
    Integrated graphics & 4k support?
    Nvme is standard these days, lpddr3, dual core, 4k support - roflmao
    edited October 2018
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 130 of 181
    mocseg said:
    elijahg said:
    Speegs said:
    $1199 laptop with a base storage of 128gb in 2018 brehs. 

    This company is price gouging its customers more than ever before. 
    If true then surely the market will respond by shunning it. But nah, thy won't, because they aren't gouging. Value != "cheap". Stick to your Dell, bro.

    They're gouging. You can get the same specs elsewhere for $999. People will pay a bit more for the Apple premium, but not a lot more. If Apple charged $3999 for this you'd still say it's good value. 128GB SSD on a $1199 computer is good value? You've gotta be a troll. 

    Speegs said:
    $1199 laptop with a base storage of 128gb in 2018 brehs. 

    This company is price gouging its customers more than ever before. 
    If true then surely the market will respond by shunning it. But nah, thy won't, because that isn't happening. Value != "cheap". Stick to your Dell, bro.
    So what happened to Kuo’s prediction of a sub $1000 laptop? Also Windows laptops have gotten much better over the past few years. They’re not just cheap plastic anymore.

    The rMB & rMBA positioning is very odd. Unless the rMB will be the first Apple laptop to go ARM I don’t see what the point of it is anymore.

    It may well have have a $999 tag courtesy of marketing, but Cook saw this and couldn't resist another of his yearly $$$ bumps while rubbing his hands with glee.

    I also questioned why the rMBA is still around. It was a pretty pointless device anyway, essentially a slower MBA with a better screen. Weird.

    As others have said, PCs are nowhere as near as crap as they used to be. We're well past the bad press around Win 8, people are "alright" with Win 10. Build quality of midrange $799 PCs is still nowhere near Apple's, but it's good enough for most. Meanwhile Apple continues raising prices. Apologists can't use that as an excuse any more to justify Apple's prices. It used to be the case 5 or so years ago that people here complained about missing ports/RAM/CPU/GPU options, with the odd concern about price. Now it's predominantly a debate on how expensive Apple gear has become. That proves what a high proportion of people now think Apple's overpricing their gear. 

    Apple doesn't drop prices as devices age. Instead, they used to spec bump and keep prices the same. Cook's Apple doesn't drop prices as products age, but it does bump prices each time there's a spec bump. Will he ever be satisfied with the vast profits Apple makes?
    What’s embarrassing is the non-retina MBA is still in the lineup but at $999. 
    Embarrassing to whom? Not to Apple if people are continuing to buy it as the cheap option.

    You keep bringing up how PCs are cheaper (200 bucks, big whoop), as if that should be proof that Apple should match them dollar for dollar. They don't, they never have, and they likely never will. Macs are premium. PCs are cheap.
    That’s complete bullshit. What’s cheap is selling an old computer with an old design and crappy TN panel for $999. 
    Are you a joke? Find another Thunderbolt equipped laptop @ 999 then come again. Don't forget to look for NVMe SSD, i5, i7, LPDDR 3 RAM, 4K display support...
    I know you're being sarcastic but anyway -
    Pairing thunderbold & dual core is usable for?
    Integrated graphics & 4k support?
    Nvme is standard these days, lpddr3, dual core, 4k support - roflmao
    Thunderbolt has nothing to do with the number of cores, it is driven by the Intel integrated graphics. Yes integrated graphics and 4K support this is what that "old computer" delivers, provided that you have Thunderbolt. You can roll as much as you want but not before seeing the actual prices of your "standard these days".
     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 131 of 181
    elijahg said:
    Speegs said:
    $1199 laptop with a base storage of 128gb in 2018 brehs. 

    This company is price gouging its customers more than ever before. 
    If true then surely the market will respond by shunning it. But nah, thy won't, because they aren't gouging. Value != "cheap". Stick to your Dell, bro.

    They're gouging. You can get the same specs elsewhere for $999. People will pay a bit more for the Apple premium, but not a lot more. If Apple charged $3999 for this you'd still say it's good value. 128GB SSD on a $1199 computer is good value? You've gotta be a troll. 

    Speegs said:
    $1199 laptop with a base storage of 128gb in 2018 brehs. 

    This company is price gouging its customers more than ever before. 
    If true then surely the market will respond by shunning it. But nah, thy won't, because that isn't happening. Value != "cheap". Stick to your Dell, bro.
    So what happened to Kuo’s prediction of a sub $1000 laptop? Also Windows laptops have gotten much better over the past few years. They’re not just cheap plastic anymore.

    The rMB & rMBA positioning is very odd. Unless the rMB will be the first Apple laptop to go ARM I don’t see what the point of it is anymore.

    It may well have have a $999 tag courtesy of marketing, but Cook saw this and couldn't resist another of his yearly $$$ bumps while rubbing his hands with glee.

    I also questioned why the rMBA is still around. It was a pretty pointless device anyway, essentially a slower MBA with a better screen. Weird.

    As others have said, PCs are nowhere as near as crap as they used to be. We're well past the bad press around Win 8, people are "alright" with Win 10. Build quality of midrange $799 PCs is still nowhere near Apple's, but it's good enough for most. Meanwhile Apple continues raising prices. Apologists can't use that as an excuse any more to justify Apple's prices. It used to be the case 5 or so years ago that people here complained about missing ports/RAM/CPU/GPU options, with the odd concern about price. Now it's predominantly a debate on how expensive Apple gear has become. That proves what a high proportion of people now think Apple's overpricing their gear. 

    Apple doesn't drop prices as devices age. Instead, they used to spec bump and keep prices the same. Cook's Apple doesn't drop prices as products age, but it does bump prices each time there's a spec bump. Will he ever be satisfied with the vast profits Apple makes?
    What’s embarrassing is the non-retina MBA is still in the lineup but at $999. 
    Embarrassing to whom? Not to Apple if people are continuing to buy it as the cheap option.

    You keep bringing up how PCs are cheaper (200 bucks, big whoop), as if that should be proof that Apple should match them dollar for dollar. They don't, they never have, and they likely never will. Macs are premium. PCs are cheap.
    That’s complete bullshit. What’s cheap is selling an old computer with an old design and crappy TN panel for $999. 
    Are you a joke? Find another Thunderbolt equipped laptop @ 999 then come again. Don't forget to look for NVMe SSD, i5, i7, LPDDR 3 RAM, 4K display support...

    Just because it still sells... What's your problem with a best selling product? Don't worry in this shopping season Apple will exhaust all of that "old computer with an old design and crappy TN panel" stock and you'll be relieved by missing a milestone product in the computing history.
    It’s obvious Apple is keeping it in the lineup to fill the $999 price point. Hopefully once the stock is depleted it’s gone.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 132 of 181
    chasmchasm Posts: 3,679member
    mac_128 said:
    Still has a 100 year old headphone jack. Curious to see if the iPad rumors come true now ...

     But no FaceID. Maybe next year...

    Edit: yup. No headphone jack on the iPad Pro. Gonna be a lot of dongles hanging off that sucker ... 
    No there won't. At most, one.

    Just as with the iPhone, the Note 9, and an increasing number of smartphones and tablets, the lack of a headphone jack is only an issue to old-man tech pundits and trolls. Five years ago I'd have been a "wah, no headphone jack" person because Bluetooth wasn't really up to par for audio.

    That stopped being true about four years ago. AI did a story quite a while back about how well BT headphones were doing -- across the entire audio market -- compared to wired headphones. Since BT 4 came out, this has been a non-issue for the vast majority of people, the same way point-and-shoots used to be something people bought and don't any more.
     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 133 of 181
    eightzero said:
    Trying to figure out Apple's pricing strategy here.  The regular 12-inch MacBook is inferior in almost every way to this new MacBook Air.  Only advantages it has are a slightly smaller/thinner/lighter size and that it starts with 256GB SSDs instead of 128.  But everything else...

    Smaller screen
    One USB-C port vs two
    Processor power
    Older integrated graphics
    Shorter battery life
    Lesser Facetime camera inferior to the new MBA

    Yet it starts at $1299 vs $1199 for the MBA.  Que?
    Because Apple couldn’t be bothered to drop the price. Same as the iPad mini 4 which is more expensive than the new iPad announced back in March.
    ya know, they did say their iPad lineup included the iPad mini...and then apparently with a straight face haven't changed the price on it. It should be $199. 
    Of course the respond is the storage configs but surely Apple could adjust those, no? I mean the new iPad introduced in March starts at $329 with 32GB storage. iPad Mini 4 has one storage option - 128GB. Why not drop the storage to 32GB or 64GB and reduce the price $100 or $150? The fact that it is more expensive than the much better 9.7” device is crazy. 
     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 134 of 181
    mocseg said:
    elijahg said:
    Speegs said:
    $1199 laptop with a base storage of 128gb in 2018 brehs. 

    This company is price gouging its customers more than ever before. 
    If true then surely the market will respond by shunning it. But nah, thy won't, because they aren't gouging. Value != "cheap". Stick to your Dell, bro.

    They're gouging. You can get the same specs elsewhere for $999. People will pay a bit more for the Apple premium, but not a lot more. If Apple charged $3999 for this you'd still say it's good value. 128GB SSD on a $1199 computer is good value? You've gotta be a troll. 

    Speegs said:
    $1199 laptop with a base storage of 128gb in 2018 brehs. 

    This company is price gouging its customers more than ever before. 
    If true then surely the market will respond by shunning it. But nah, thy won't, because that isn't happening. Value != "cheap". Stick to your Dell, bro.
    So what happened to Kuo’s prediction of a sub $1000 laptop? Also Windows laptops have gotten much better over the past few years. They’re not just cheap plastic anymore.

    The rMB & rMBA positioning is very odd. Unless the rMB will be the first Apple laptop to go ARM I don’t see what the point of it is anymore.

    It may well have have a $999 tag courtesy of marketing, but Cook saw this and couldn't resist another of his yearly $$$ bumps while rubbing his hands with glee.

    I also questioned why the rMBA is still around. It was a pretty pointless device anyway, essentially a slower MBA with a better screen. Weird.

    As others have said, PCs are nowhere as near as crap as they used to be. We're well past the bad press around Win 8, people are "alright" with Win 10. Build quality of midrange $799 PCs is still nowhere near Apple's, but it's good enough for most. Meanwhile Apple continues raising prices. Apologists can't use that as an excuse any more to justify Apple's prices. It used to be the case 5 or so years ago that people here complained about missing ports/RAM/CPU/GPU options, with the odd concern about price. Now it's predominantly a debate on how expensive Apple gear has become. That proves what a high proportion of people now think Apple's overpricing their gear. 

    Apple doesn't drop prices as devices age. Instead, they used to spec bump and keep prices the same. Cook's Apple doesn't drop prices as products age, but it does bump prices each time there's a spec bump. Will he ever be satisfied with the vast profits Apple makes?
    What’s embarrassing is the non-retina MBA is still in the lineup but at $999. 
    Embarrassing to whom? Not to Apple if people are continuing to buy it as the cheap option.

    You keep bringing up how PCs are cheaper (200 bucks, big whoop), as if that should be proof that Apple should match them dollar for dollar. They don't, they never have, and they likely never will. Macs are premium. PCs are cheap.
    That’s complete bullshit. What’s cheap is selling an old computer with an old design and crappy TN panel for $999. 
    Are you a joke? Find another Thunderbolt equipped laptop @ 999 then come again. Don't forget to look for NVMe SSD, i5, i7, LPDDR 3 RAM, 4K display support...
    I know you're being sarcastic but anyway -
    Pairing thunderbold & dual core is usable for?
    Integrated graphics & 4k support?
    Nvme is standard these days, lpddr3, dual core, 4k support - roflmao
    Thunderbolt has nothing to do with the number of cores, it is driven by the Intel integrated graphics. Yes integrated graphics and 4K support this is what that "old computer" delivers, provided that you have Thunderbolt. You can roll as much as you want but not before seeing the actual prices of your "standard these days".
    I like your sarcasm. Keep on groovin :)
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 135 of 181
    xixoxixo Posts: 451member
    lewchenko said:
    In the uk it’s 1199 to start with only 8Gb and 128Gb. 
    And a ridiculous £200 to upgrade to the next model which has a 256Gb drive (nothing else different).  Go to 16Gb and it’s £1579. Wow. 
    All dual core processors too. 
    Silly money.

    My 2013 dual core Mac book pro with retina , 16Gb, 512Gb SSD cost less than these. 

    You can buy a MS Surface Laptop 2 with 8GB, 128GB SSD, Retina-class display for $999 USD (base model).  Granted it doesn't have TB3 / USB-C and it runs Windows 10 but still that's a good value.
    and, the MS Surface Laptop 2 has a touch screen, no mac laptop does.

    nothing that apple makes that runs OS X (MacOS, whatever) has a touchscreen unless it's 3rd party.

    installed MacOS on a touchscreen hackintosh and it was nice.

    really wish apple eventually realizes not everyone who uses apple wants iOS.
    edited October 2018
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  • Reply 136 of 181
    mac_128mac_128 Posts: 3,454member
    chasm said:
    mac_128 said:
    Still has a 100 year old headphone jack. Curious to see if the iPad rumors come true now ...

     But no FaceID. Maybe next year...

    Edit: yup. No headphone jack on the iPad Pro. Gonna be a lot of dongles hanging off that sucker ... 
    No there won't. At most, one.

    Just as with the iPhone, the Note 9, and an increasing number of smartphones and tablets, the lack of a headphone jack is only an issue to old-man tech pundits and trolls. Five years ago I'd have been a "wah, no headphone jack" person because Bluetooth wasn't really up to par for audio.

    That stopped being true about four years ago. AI did a story quite a while back about how well BT headphones were doing -- across the entire audio market -- compared to wired headphones. Since BT 4 came out, this has been a non-issue for the vast majority of people, the same way point-and-shoots used to be something people bought and don't any more.
    Nope. Quality of audio is the least of the problem, and seems to be solely your concern as though nothing else matters. There is no wireless BT audio solution for Apple devices that doesn't suffer unacceptable latency issues, unsuitable for gaming and audio production. Neither are "old-man tech pundit" issues.  Whether it affects you, or a large part of the market for iPads or not, it is an issue which those working with  audio and gamers will have to deal with.  Someone recording with a Mic plugged into the iPad, now has no place to plug in headphones to monitor the track, without adding another dongle to plug them in, and they might need another dongle to plug in power. These are just the facts. The iPad is a fantastic device capable of running pro-level audio, and apparently games. The lack of a headphone jack may be an issue for some, and push them in the direction of the MacBook instead, where they might otherwise prefer a tablet. But it's all good, so long as Apple gets the money, I suppose?
     5Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 137 of 181
    Apple should introduce air quotes to the product line, ie: iPad “pro” “mac book” air.

    First thing I thought on seeing the headline, “how many useful features did cost cutter Tim remove.

     3Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 138 of 181
    lewchenko said:
    In the uk it’s 1199 to start with only 8Gb and 128Gb. 
    And a ridiculous £200 to upgrade to the next model which has a 256Gb drive (nothing else different).  Go to 16Gb and it’s £1579. Wow. 
    All dual core processors too. 
    Silly money.

    My 2013 dual core Mac book pro with retina , 16Gb, 512Gb SSD cost less than these. 

    You can buy a MS Surface Laptop 2 with 8GB, 128GB SSD, Retina-class display for $999 USD (base model).  Granted it doesn't have TB3 / USB-C and it runs Windows 10 but still that's a good value.
    And the Surface Laptop is using the U series processor where as the rMBA is using Y series Amber Lake professor.
     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 139 of 181
    irelandireland Posts: 17,801member
    ireland said:
    rMBA! Just what everybody wanted, right? Will be curious to see what happens w/ the MB. 
    This is more like a 13” MB. They should get rid of the 12” MB.

    Keyboard, MagSafe, SD Card reader and long battery life in a non-chubby form factor are the reasons why I personally like my MBA. Three of those things are now gone on this model.

    Also, dongletown has many streets, but I’d rather not live there. 
    Another moronic "dongle" comment. Haters just love using that word. Here IRL, you dont need dongles as you can buy native cables. About the only thing that demands a dongle (or dock) is an ethernet adapter, the rest you can use normal cable (now USB-C) to connect to as we have for decades. 
    Ok, cables then. Name it whatever you want. I can take a photo with my DSLR and without needing to look for a cable up stairs off in some bag or wherever, I can pop the SD card into the computer and import my photos. I can do what I want to do with my computer without needing an additional connector, dongle or cable. I simply use the storage medium I took the photos on. No doubt you will tell me how I am somehow not forward thinking as I'm doing this, but I will edit my photos while you look for your cable.

    And I'm not a hater. I love my MBA with its differing ports and keyboard I can eat a fucking piece of toast over and it keeps trucking. I'm a lover, not a hater. My lid is closed, my laptop is charged, I can see—handy to know. Good luck in dongletown.
    edited October 2018
     3Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 140 of 181 Posts: 5unconfirmed, member
    My current 2014 MBA has 256GB storage and only 20GB left. 125GB is just too small. You have to add about $300 for 256GB and another $200 for 512. Any other solutions?
    edited October 2018
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