Apple expands iPhone XS and XR trade-in program countries around the world



  • Reply 41 of 71

    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:

    MplsP said:
    avon b7 said:
    Major discounting (which is what this amounts to) three days before Christmas has just one reading in my book: Lower than expected sales. The offer (in this case Spain) is totally in your face, front page, prices in black and white, marketing. Never seen this before.
    Apple has had in your face iphone ads on their store home page before. 

    IIRC, the iPhone 4s 'promotion' was simply the carrier pricing when you sign up for a 2 year contract (before everyone finally did away with that charade)

    You can argue that it's a trade in program, but the trade in values they are offering are significantly higher than offered by other outlets, so it ends up being a promotion/discount. For example, if I go to Gazelle, my 64 GB iPhone 6s is worth $90. On, they offer $200.

    Without actual sales data from Apple, there will never be certainty on how sales are doing, but if you look at all the data in aggregate, I really don't see any other, reasonable interpretation. Given the fact that it still requires interpretation, there are plenty of people who will disagree, whether because of their own biases or for other reasons, but it seems that taking an alternate interpretation is requiring more and more excuses and explanations. 
    Also this is comparing apples and oranges. The front page of is not the same as the Apple store or the sub site for the trade-in program. No one is suggesting the trade-in program didn’t previously exist. It did, but never before was it so prominently featured on the front page of And right now Verizon is running a promo where if you get an iPhone they’ll give you an XR for nothing. Now does that XR get counted as a sale from Apple’s perspective? Did Verizon have to get approval from Apple to do this promotion? I don’t know why it’s difficult to believe that the public might finally be balking at the price of smartphones. And what they have is probably good enough for what they use their phone for (messages/social media). Even the camera now is probably good enough where people don’t feel the need to upgrade just for that.
    I'm impressed that Apple is beaten up for daring to take advantage of new marketing strategies after blowing off analysts and investors by dropping reporting of unit sales numbers.

    Nobody could possibly have imagined the fucking rules that posters could come up with to admonish Apple; but then again, I certainly would have expected you to be in the forefront of any such movement.

    Couldn't be further from the truth. No one is beating Apple up for reducing pricing (albeit indirectly).

    People are simply looking at reality to gauge what might be happening with iPhone sales.

    Having a MAJOR promotion (an effective discount of around 135€ in my case) on your front page for the newest hardware (just three months old) and three days before Christmas (your biggest spike in yearly sales), sends out messages. People are simply interpreting them.

    Apple got me to upgrade in a last gasp effort. Truly last gasp in my case as the money for upgrading had already been spent elsewhere (as I had closed the door on Apple due to pricing).

    On pricing I have criticised Apple many times and refused to buy into the deal. It now might be the case that more and more people are following suit and not purchasing.

    Price is not the only possible reason for users not upgrading.  The cheap battery replacement offer is one reason.  iOS 12 making older iPhones much more usable is another.
    Sure it’s not the only reason but Apple really pushing the give back program (and increasing trade in values by $100) right now says to me they think price is a big factor in people not upgrading.
    Then they should permanently reduce them by $100 from now as opposed to next Fall when they traditionally would have reduced the prices.
  • Reply 42 of 71
    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    Major discounting (which is what this amounts to) three days before Christmas has just one reading in my book: Lower than expected sales. The offer (in this case Spain) is totally in your face, front page, prices in black and white, marketing. Never seen this before.
    Apple has had in your face iphone ads on their store home page before. 

    Remind me how far back you had to go to fish that one out! I cannot even remember the last time something like this happened and three days before Christmas no less.

    To top things off, we have just had the absolute worst Apple Store experience ever in a shop that was half empty when it should have been teeming with people.

    It now seems that the iTunes backup cannot be moved to the new phone and everything has been erased from the old phone - and they were warned before we even decided to go ahead with the purchase! According to them their is now no solution they can offer locally. So why didn't they check thoroughly before the sale? They were warned multiple times. They moved us to the Home Pod area to make the transaction but the music wouldn't stop. Siri had to be told over and over to stop the music only for it to start again and again.

    So my wife now has the most slippery phone ever made - it literally had to be stopped slipping off the table FOUR times while trying to jump through all the hoops Apple put in front of us. All while one guy tried to configure the equipment of eight people at the same time. No wonder when face recognition failed to set up it took him a while to realise the plastic was still on the phone!

    We took the MBP in with us to be sure they knew what was planned and they were shocked to see a machine from 2011.

    In the end they said they couldn't do anything and recommended visiting a reseller as anything over four years old really couldn't be tackled at an Apple store.

    So now I'm traveling home, 725€ out of pocket, with a botched transfer to deal with and more headaches to resolve.

    Most important thing right now is a non-slip case.

    "It now seems that the iTunes backup cannot be moved to the new phone and everything has been erased from the old phone"

    Why is that?
  • Reply 43 of 71
    propod said:

    Hint: customers don’t like greedy companies.
    Customers like good products and Apple seems to be meeting those demands, pretty much better than all other companies, so they either disagree with you or they don't care as much as you think.
    propod said:

    Hint: other mobile companies accomplish this as well without being greedy.
    And make no money in the process, great recipe for success.

    Perhaps you should stop projecting your own issues onto Apple, its customers and its success, you're really not doing your own credibility here any favours by commenting on business success factors that are refuted so easily by reality. Pricing, product strategy and customer satisfaction aren't the armchair CEO's forte.
    They will care when they loose a big healthy customer base.

    Apple did extremely well before this money grab. This will backfire. How many will return?
  • Reply 44 of 71
    propod said:
    propod said:

    Hint: customers don’t like greedy companies.
    Customers like good products and Apple seems to be meeting those demands, pretty much better than all other companies, so they either disagree with you or they don't care as much as you think.
    propod said:

    Hint: other mobile companies accomplish this as well without being greedy.
    And make no money in the process, great recipe for success.

    Perhaps you should stop projecting your own issues onto Apple, its customers and its success, you're really not doing your own credibility here any favours by commenting on business success factors that are refuted so easily by reality. Pricing, product strategy and customer satisfaction aren't the armchair CEO's forte.
    They will care when they loose a big healthy customer base.

    Apple did extremely well before this money grab. This will backfire. How many will return?
    "Apple doom and gloom," one of the internet troll's favourite epithets to hurl. You definitely have a bright future ahead of you in the financial analyst industry, given how astute you seem to be with sales and customer predictions.
  • Reply 45 of 71
    propod said:
    propod said:

    Hint: customers don’t like greedy companies.
    Customers like good products and Apple seems to be meeting those demands, pretty much better than all other companies, so they either disagree with you or they don't care as much as you think.
    propod said:

    Hint: other mobile companies accomplish this as well without being greedy.
    And make no money in the process, great recipe for success.

    Perhaps you should stop projecting your own issues onto Apple, its customers and its success, you're really not doing your own credibility here any favours by commenting on business success factors that are refuted so easily by reality. Pricing, product strategy and customer satisfaction aren't the armchair CEO's forte.
    They will care when they loose a big healthy customer base.

    Apple did extremely well before this money grab. This will backfire. How many will return?
    "Apple doom and gloom," one of the internet troll's favourite epithets to hurl. You definitely have a bright future ahead of you in the financial analyst industry, given how astute you seem to be with sales and customer predictions.
    I just listen to the ground. My troll tip for you is that there is a Lot less iPhone sales this quarter.
    edited December 2018 williamlondonelijahg
  • Reply 46 of 71
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,965member
    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    Major discounting (which is what this amounts to) three days before Christmas has just one reading in my book: Lower than expected sales. The offer (in this case Spain) is totally in your face, front page, prices in black and white, marketing. Never seen this before.
    Apple has had in your face iphone ads on their store home page before. 

    Remind me how far back you had to go to fish that one out! I cannot even remember the last time something like this happened and three days before Christmas no less.

    To top things off, we have just had the absolute worst Apple Store experience ever in a shop that was half empty when it should have been teeming with people.

    It now seems that the iTunes backup cannot be moved to the new phone and everything has been erased from the old phone - and they were warned before we even decided to go ahead with the purchase! According to them their is now no solution they can offer locally. So why didn't they check thoroughly before the sale? They were warned multiple times. They moved us to the Home Pod area to make the transaction but the music wouldn't stop. Siri had to be told over and over to stop the music only for it to start again and again.

    So my wife now has the most slippery phone ever made - it literally had to be stopped slipping off the table FOUR times while trying to jump through all the hoops Apple put in front of us. All while one guy tried to configure the equipment of eight people at the same time. No wonder when face recognition failed to set up it took him a while to realise the plastic was still on the phone!

    We took the MBP in with us to be sure they knew what was planned and they were shocked to see a machine from 2011.

    In the end they said they couldn't do anything and recommended visiting a reseller as anything over four years old really couldn't be tackled at an Apple store.

    So now I'm traveling home, 725€ out of pocket, with a botched transfer to deal with and more headaches to resolve.

    Most important thing right now is a non-slip case.

    "It now seems that the iTunes backup cannot be moved to the new phone and everything has been erased from the old phone"

    Why is that?
    As this was a giveback purchase Apple deletes the contents of the phone you are giving back.

    We warned them  various times that the backup was in iTunes on an older system but the guy was there only to handle the purchase and erasing of the phone we were giving back. After that we were moved onto another guy (with the old iPhone now erased). We took the MBP with us so they could see anything they wanted.

    First step. Upgrade to iTunes 12.8 on the MBP.
    Second Step. Plug in the XR.
    Third step. The phone requires an OS upgrade before it can connect to iTunes.
    Fourth step. Mac App store to upgrade the OS. Result: No upgrades found. AppleStore guy stumped. He consulted with a colleague who was also stumped. Conclusion: unable to restore from the backup in iTunes. Proposed solution: Find an Apple reseller to see if they can install an older OS compatible with the XR as the Apple Store considers all Macs vintage at four years. I asked the girl to repeat that and she stood by her claim.

    A really poor experience with even poorer results.

    From them being informed on the situation multiple times but not checking compatibility first, through to one guy having to configure a table full of users, to the poor advice given, it really was a disaster made unnecessarily worse by Apple as they make it very cumbersome to download older supported versions of MacOS. They are actively hidden from users. A pointless move as there are users with very valid reasons to want older versions.

    I'm currently downloading the Sierra installer via the Mac App store after jumping through more hoops to find it. I'll install it on a clone of the MBP and restore from there and see how things go.

    There is no good reason why iTunes 12.8 could run on my system but not restore to a new phone.
    edited December 2018 gatorguyelijahg
  • Reply 47 of 71
    propod said:
    propod said:
    propod said:

    Hint: customers don’t like greedy companies.
    Customers like good products and Apple seems to be meeting those demands, pretty much better than all other companies, so they either disagree with you or they don't care as much as you think.
    propod said:

    Hint: other mobile companies accomplish this as well without being greedy.
    And make no money in the process, great recipe for success.

    Perhaps you should stop projecting your own issues onto Apple, its customers and its success, you're really not doing your own credibility here any favours by commenting on business success factors that are refuted so easily by reality. Pricing, product strategy and customer satisfaction aren't the armchair CEO's forte.
    They will care when they loose a big healthy customer base.

    Apple did extremely well before this money grab. This will backfire. How many will return?
    "Apple doom and gloom," one of the internet troll's favourite epithets to hurl. You definitely have a bright future ahead of you in the financial analyst industry, given how astute you seem to be with sales and customer predictions.
    I just listen to the ground. My troll tip for you is that there is a Lot less iPhone sales this quarter.
    Not saying you're wrong but what are you basing this on? Just word on the street?
  • Reply 48 of 71
    propod said:
    propod said:
    propod said:

    Hint: customers don’t like greedy companies.
    Customers like good products and Apple seems to be meeting those demands, pretty much better than all other companies, so they either disagree with you or they don't care as much as you think.
    propod said:

    Hint: other mobile companies accomplish this as well without being greedy.
    And make no money in the process, great recipe for success.

    Perhaps you should stop projecting your own issues onto Apple, its customers and its success, you're really not doing your own credibility here any favours by commenting on business success factors that are refuted so easily by reality. Pricing, product strategy and customer satisfaction aren't the armchair CEO's forte.
    They will care when they loose a big healthy customer base.

    Apple did extremely well before this money grab. This will backfire. How many will return?
    "Apple doom and gloom," one of the internet troll's favourite epithets to hurl. You definitely have a bright future ahead of you in the financial analyst industry, given how astute you seem to be with sales and customer predictions.
    I just listen to the ground. My troll tip for you is that there is a Lot less iPhone sales this quarter.
    You think that proves something? Other than progressing the silly narrative of yours that you are spreading here like shit on shingles, your "inside information" means nothing that you think it means.
  • Reply 49 of 71
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    Major discounting (which is what this amounts to) three days before Christmas has just one reading in my book: Lower than expected sales. The offer (in this case Spain) is totally in your face, front page, prices in black and white, marketing. Never seen this before.
    Apple has had in your face iphone ads on their store home page before. 

    Remind me how far back you had to go to fish that one out! I cannot even remember the last time something like this happened and three days before Christmas no less.

    To top things off, we have just had the absolute worst Apple Store experience ever in a shop that was half empty when it should have been teeming with people.

    It now seems that the iTunes backup cannot be moved to the new phone and everything has been erased from the old phone - and they were warned before we even decided to go ahead with the purchase! According to them their is now no solution they can offer locally. So why didn't they check thoroughly before the sale? They were warned multiple times. They moved us to the Home Pod area to make the transaction but the music wouldn't stop. Siri had to be told over and over to stop the music only for it to start again and again.

    So my wife now has the most slippery phone ever made - it literally had to be stopped slipping off the table FOUR times while trying to jump through all the hoops Apple put in front of us. All while one guy tried to configure the equipment of eight people at the same time. No wonder when face recognition failed to set up it took him a while to realise the plastic was still on the phone!

    We took the MBP in with us to be sure they knew what was planned and they were shocked to see a machine from 2011.

    In the end they said they couldn't do anything and recommended visiting a reseller as anything over four years old really couldn't be tackled at an Apple store.

    So now I'm traveling home, 725€ out of pocket, with a botched transfer to deal with and more headaches to resolve.

    Most important thing right now is a non-slip case.

    "It now seems that the iTunes backup cannot be moved to the new phone and everything has been erased from the old phone"

    Why is that?
    As this was a giveback purchase Apple deletes the contents of the phone you are giving back.

    We warned them  various times that the backup was in iTunes on an older system but the guy was there only to handle the purchase and erasing of the phone we were giving back. After that we were moved onto another guy (with the old iPhone now erased). We took the MBP with us so they could see anything they wanted.

    First step. Upgrade to iTunes 12.8 on the MBP.
    Second Step. Plug in the XR.
    Third step. The phone requires an OS upgrade before it can connect to iTunes.
    Fourth step. Mac App store to upgrade the OS. Result: No upgrades found. AppleStore guy stumped. He consulted with a colleague who was also stumped. Conclusion: unable to restore from the backup in iTunes. Proposed solution: Find an Apple reseller to see if they can install an older OS compatible with the XR as the Apple Store considers all Macs vintage at four years. I asked the girl to repeat that and she stood by her claim.

    A really poor experience with even poorer results.

    From them being informed on the situation multiple times but not checking compatibility first, through to one guy having to configure a table full of users, to the poor advice given, it really was a disaster made unnecessarily worse by Apple as they make it very cumbersome to download older supported versions of MacOS. They are actively hidden from users. A pointless move as there are users with very valid reasons to want older versions.

    I'm currently downloading the Sierra installer via the Mac App store after jumping through more hoops to find it. I'll install it on a clone of the MBP and restore from there and see how things go.

    There is no good reason why iTunes 12.8 could run on my system but not restore to a new phone.
    Your lack of planning is not the fault of Apple's, especially when you had a deprecated MBP and you didn't update your wife's iPhone 6 to iOS 12 prior to the trade, which would have made it considerably easier to set up a temporary account on a current MBP, or any current Mac for that matter, where you could have  backed up her iPhone 6.

    Here's a list of Mac's that support Mac OSX 10.14.2 Mojave;

    That's at least six years, going on seven, of official support for the MBP.

    You might be unaware of this, but there are actually a number of posters here that would have provided both insight and help prior to the purchase of the iPhone XR.

    edited December 2018 williamlondonwatto_cobra
  • Reply 50 of 71
    AppleExposedAppleExposed Posts: 1,805unconfirmed, member
    propod said:
    propod said:
    Apples greed has put them in this position, was it worth 50 billion $ in lower valuation? How much has their greed cost in trust? The stockholders can’t be happy with this strategy. 

    Oops, another guy ignorant with how Apple manages. Hint: it doesn’t manage to the stock price. It manages to delighting the customer, period. Read up. 

    “The Dumbest Idea In The World: Maximizing Shareholder Value”

    Hint: customers don’t like greedy companies.
    You have no clue dude.

    You reek of the typical brain-dead iKnockoff fan who only wakes up to bash Apple.

    First you bring up stockholders, who have 0 influence on Apple or their profits, then you quickly shift focus on customers and blame them.

    You're the type who thinks Apple should give away their products and only call Apple "greedy" for making a profit while dismissing the millions of other companies who also run on profits.
  • Reply 51 of 71
    will they take my X ? this phone is 1) overpriced - yes its a great phone but way overpriced and 2) way too heavy so easily breakable. why build a phone out of steel wneh it makes the phone much easier to drop and therefor break? answer? AppleCare. and the Xr is heavier? nonsense. Am i in the minority I don't think so tim. X gestures are amazing though... F ID is great and kinda blows at the same time.
  • Reply 52 of 71
    AppleExposedAppleExposed Posts: 1,805unconfirmed, member
    larryjw said:
    This time, Apple's promotions seem different. This promotion belies Apple's position that it would no longer break out iPhone sales during their quarterly reports because Apple is more than just an iPhone/hardware company. 
    So Apple can't do anything different without a panic attack from the media? wow.

    Also, Apple just broke world records again. I doubt Apple predicted the future and thought they would sell very little right after breaking records.

    Like all the other phone companies, Apple decided to hide sales and rightfully so. Hiding Apple Watch sales confused the competition and prevented them from making knockoffs(sort of).
  • Reply 53 of 71
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,965member
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    Major discounting (which is what this amounts to) three days before Christmas has just one reading in my book: Lower than expected sales. The offer (in this case Spain) is totally in your face, front page, prices in black and white, marketing. Never seen this before.
    Apple has had in your face iphone ads on their store home page before. 

    Remind me how far back you had to go to fish that one out! I cannot even remember the last time something like this happened and three days before Christmas no less.

    To top things off, we have just had the absolute worst Apple Store experience ever in a shop that was half empty when it should have been teeming with people.

    It now seems that the iTunes backup cannot be moved to the new phone and everything has been erased from the old phone - and they were warned before we even decided to go ahead with the purchase! According to them their is now no solution they can offer locally. So why didn't they check thoroughly before the sale? They were warned multiple times. They moved us to the Home Pod area to make the transaction but the music wouldn't stop. Siri had to be told over and over to stop the music only for it to start again and again.

    So my wife now has the most slippery phone ever made - it literally had to be stopped slipping off the table FOUR times while trying to jump through all the hoops Apple put in front of us. All while one guy tried to configure the equipment of eight people at the same time. No wonder when face recognition failed to set up it took him a while to realise the plastic was still on the phone!

    We took the MBP in with us to be sure they knew what was planned and they were shocked to see a machine from 2011.

    In the end they said they couldn't do anything and recommended visiting a reseller as anything over four years old really couldn't be tackled at an Apple store.

    So now I'm traveling home, 725€ out of pocket, with a botched transfer to deal with and more headaches to resolve.

    Most important thing right now is a non-slip case.

    "It now seems that the iTunes backup cannot be moved to the new phone and everything has been erased from the old phone"

    Why is that?
    As this was a giveback purchase Apple deletes the contents of the phone you are giving back.

    We warned them  various times that the backup was in iTunes on an older system but the guy was there only to handle the purchase and erasing of the phone we were giving back. After that we were moved onto another guy (with the old iPhone now erased). We took the MBP with us so they could see anything they wanted.

    First step. Upgrade to iTunes 12.8 on the MBP.
    Second Step. Plug in the XR.
    Third step. The phone requires an OS upgrade before it can connect to iTunes.
    Fourth step. Mac App store to upgrade the OS. Result: No upgrades found. AppleStore guy stumped. He consulted with a colleague who was also stumped. Conclusion: unable to restore from the backup in iTunes. Proposed solution: Find an Apple reseller to see if they can install an older OS compatible with the XR as the Apple Store considers all Macs vintage at four years. I asked the girl to repeat that and she stood by her claim.

    A really poor experience with even poorer results.

    From them being informed on the situation multiple times but not checking compatibility first, through to one guy having to configure a table full of users, to the poor advice given, it really was a disaster made unnecessarily worse by Apple as they make it very cumbersome to download older supported versions of MacOS. They are actively hidden from users. A pointless move as there are users with very valid reasons to want older versions.

    I'm currently downloading the Sierra installer via the Mac App store after jumping through more hoops to find it. I'll install it on a clone of the MBP and restore from there and see how things go.

    There is no good reason why iTunes 12.8 could run on my system but not restore to a new phone.
    Your lack of planning is not the fault of Apple's, especially when you had a deprecated MBP and you didn't update your wife's iPhone 6 to iOS 12 prior to the trade, which would have made it considerably easier to set up a temporary account on a current MBP, or any current Mac for that matter, where you could have  backed up her iPhone 6.

    Here's a list of Mac's that support Mac OSX 10.14.2 Mojave;

    That's at least six years, going on seven, of official support for the MBP.

    You might be unaware of this, but there are actually a number of posters here that would have provided both insight and help prior to the purchase of the iPhone XR.

    How about if the 'experts' had simply made things crystal clear from the outset? They were informed of everything and had the hardware in front of them.

    This was a rushed decision as if I didn't go yesterday I wouldn't have had time. The offer was 'time limited' but no cut-off was given. It went live the day before.

    No option to upgrade to iOS 12 as we didn't know for sure if the final price would coincide with the one we expected until we were in store. If they hadn't proposed the price we had calculated we would have abandoned.

    Like I said, there is no good reason for iTunes 12.8 not to be able to restore an existing backup to a new iPhone if it can be installed on an older system. 

    Likewise, it is ridiculous for Apple to hide older OS versions from users who have legitimate reasons to not be on the latest and greatest version.

    The restore process is almost complete. So much for the experts telling me I would have to visit an Apple reseller.
  • Reply 54 of 71
    adamcadamc Posts: 583member
    The funny part is if Apple want buyers to upgrade they should have a program aiming at the owners of the 6 and 6S but they are not interested in them so I am not sure what is the point of this write up except to put more bad news into AAPL.
  • Reply 55 of 71
    adamc said:
    The funny part is if Apple want buyers to upgrade they should have a program aiming at the owners of the 6 and 6S but they are not interested in them so I am not sure what is the point of this write up except to put more bad news into AAPL.
    Not mentioned in the article but in the uk at least the 6 and 6s is also included in the enhanced trade-in offer. 

    It still doesn’t go far enough for me. The value they will give me for my 6S plus has changed from insulting to a good price, but doesn’t really improve on me selling my old phone to MusicMagpie. 
  • Reply 56 of 71
    “In the U.S., customers can receive up to $450 when trading in an iPhone X, $350 for an iPhone 8 Plus or $300 for an iPhone 8 or iPhone 7 Plus.” Whether it’s a cell phone or a car, the manufacturers know the true value of their product. Why should people pay more?
  • Reply 57 of 71
    propod said:
    propod said:

    Hint: customers don’t like greedy companies.
    Customers like good products and Apple seems to be meeting those demands, pretty much better than all other companies, so they either disagree with you or they don't care as much as you think.
    propod said:

    Hint: other mobile companies accomplish this as well without being greedy.
    And make no money in the process, great recipe for success.

    Perhaps you should stop projecting your own issues onto Apple, its customers and its success, you're really not doing your own credibility here any favours by commenting on business success factors that are refuted so easily by reality. Pricing, product strategy and customer satisfaction aren't the armchair CEO's forte.
    They will care when they loose a big healthy customer base.

    Apple did extremely well before this money grab. This will backfire. How many will return?
    Oh I see, the "One day, Gadget!" troll trope. Yeah no, people like you have been whining about Apple for 40 years, predicting doom. Still here, still thriving. Most successful company and product in human history. Oops. And the new pricing of the X killed it, despite your whines then. Oops again.
  • Reply 58 of 71

    will they take my X ? this phone is 1) overpriced - yes its a great phone but way overpriced and 2) way too heavy so easily breakable. why build a phone out of steel wneh it makes the phone much easier to drop and therefor break? answer? AppleCare. and the Xr is heavier? nonsense. Am i in the minority I don't think so tim. X gestures are amazing though... F ID is great and kinda blows at the same time.
    It's too heavy? Time to get to the gym, my guy. I love the weight of the X, nor is it overpriced. If you add up all the devices it replaces, it comes in under-priced. Again. 
  • Reply 59 of 71

    microbe said:
    “In the U.S., customers can receive up to $450 when trading in an iPhone X, $350 for an iPhone 8 Plus or $300 for an iPhone 8 or iPhone 7 Plus.” Whether it’s a cell phone or a car, the manufacturers know the true value of their product. Why should people pay more?
    Wow, talk about total ignorance. OK here's why the trade-in credit is lower on those older devices than what they cost new:

    - they're older devices and no longer new
    - they're used
    - convienence 
    - they will be resold again after refurbishing, at a higher price than the trade-in credit

    ...don't like trade-in prices? Happily, you are 100% free to sell it on your own for more. It's more work, but you will take home more. See how that works?
  • Reply 60 of 71
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,965member
    propod said:
    propod said:

    Hint: customers don’t like greedy companies.
    Customers like good products and Apple seems to be meeting those demands, pretty much better than all other companies, so they either disagree with you or they don't care as much as you think.
    propod said:

    Hint: other mobile companies accomplish this as well without being greedy.
    And make no money in the process, great recipe for success.

    Perhaps you should stop projecting your own issues onto Apple, its customers and its success, you're really not doing your own credibility here any favours by commenting on business success factors that are refuted so easily by reality. Pricing, product strategy and customer satisfaction aren't the armchair CEO's forte.
    They will care when they loose a big healthy customer base.

    Apple did extremely well before this money grab. This will backfire. How many will return?
    Oh I see, the "One day, Gadget!" troll trope. Yeah no, people like you have been whining about Apple for 40 years, predicting doom. Still here, still thriving. Most successful company and product in human history. Oops. And the new pricing of the X killed it, despite your whines then. Oops again.
    I thought this was about iPhone.

    iPhone hasn't been thriving - for years, now. Unless raising prices is 'thriving' as there is a limit to how far you can go. That's why the company is boosting efforts in other areas.

    We may be seeing Apple hitting the price ceiling. If they do, it isn't unreasonable to imagine a situation where sales drop off (as opposed to remaining flat). From there it is up to Apple to react. 

    Perhaps the recent hikes in give back value - direct from Apple and right before Christmas - are an early indicator of that reaction.

    iPhone remains a major piece of the Apple pie. Just last week it was revealed that a ban on iPhone sales in China would be so catastrophic for the company that it would basically have to concede before QC.
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