Here are the best ways to stream local TV to your Apple TV or iPhone from an antenna



  • Reply 21 of 25
    Or you can download the Locast App, on your iOS device, or FireTV, and signup for free. It gives you all of the local channels for FREE. 
  • Reply 22 of 25
    Or you can download the Locast App, on your iOS device, or FireTV, and signup for free. It gives you all of the local channels for FREE. 
    They only cover 9 cities. That leaves a lot of Americans out. 
  • Reply 23 of 25
    I use a Tablo and works fantastically for me with apple TVs and a 1Tb external drive
  • Reply 24 of 25
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,944administrator
    Or you can download the Locast App, on your iOS device, or FireTV, and signup for free. It gives you all of the local channels for FREE. 
    I personally like Locast, as I am within one of the very small service areas.

    However, the geofencing on it is pretty rough, and very tight. When you hit that line, even when you can still pick up the channels on a cheap antenna, you've got nothing.
  • Reply 25 of 25
    BobBaneBobBane Posts: 1unconfirmed, member
    I have a Bolt, primarily because I bought a TiVo with lifetime support ages ago and have taken advantage of "transfer your lifetime support" deals twice since then.

    Two things you should be aware of about the Bolt:

    1. The Bolt has one input for cable/antenna, so it can do signal from an antenna OR from a cable company - not both.  If you have cable and your company duplicates your local OTA stations, this isn't a problem.
    2. The native apps for streaming are of ... varying quality.  I have my Bolt attached to a 4K screen, and the Netflix app routinely flips me off saying "Can't show this content right now".  Error messages beyond that are not informative - I don't think it's complaining about 4K content I'm not paying for, but I cant' tell.  Rebooting the Bolt fixes it sometimes, but is not worth it as a routine solution as it takes minutes to restart.  My older Apple TV shows the same content without complaint.

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