Great things to come from....APPLE, begin with this week,NAB.

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014

It has been a while. This board became quiet slow.

I would like to light a bit.

Here we go.

The promise of Great Apple's born again will be begin with this time.

Here is list of what you have to think about it.

1) Apple has been talking about great things about MPEG-4. It has been a while since QuickTime is announced and

Nothing great has been happened ...yet.

2) Apple has been talking about Internet broadcasting with MPEG-4 and Steve jobs had president of SONY-Erickson, Hand-phone maker, to Macworld guest. The SONY- Erickson will begin G3 Telecom service this year.

What Apple has been saying about this?


3) The Digital Hub is great for Audio with Music, still image with Picture, and Video creation with DV&DVD.

But what about Video itself?

Do you use Tivo at home? Do you like PVR?

Do you have Set Top Box for Cable TV?

Do you wish to have inexpensive Set top box with PVR function for DTV, which is including HDTV?

What Apple has been talked about this part of Digital Hub?

Nothing¡¦. yet.

4) Apple has been talked about high-end post process system to several Hollywood production makers. The professional people have been using high-speed system from SGI and other high speed PC based workstation vendors. And the response from the professional people was very very positive.

Do you think this people were impressed with Dual 1.5Ghz PowerPC systems? NO¡¦

What did Apple showed to them and what has Apple told to us about this?

Nothing¡¦. Yet

5) Apple announced Clustering node system as new Xserver configuration. Do you see any use of this clustering node except very special DNA project or big scientific project, which need high number of calculation?

When was Apple made special system like Xserver Clustering node for such a small niche Market?

Never before¡¦until Now.

6) We are beginning to see the end of road for clock speed race for CPU. Apple was still behind of PC¡¯s clock speed race, so far.

Even with New 970 CPU, Apple will reach to limit of Clock speed barrier.

Yes, it is possible to make faster clock speed CPU system. However it will need very large Heat pump for cooling and great power consumption, like hot pod, even with PowerPC architecture.

What will be the answer for this and What APPLE was talked about this matter?


7) When Apple bought Next as core for it¡¯s future operating system, Next OS had great functionality of best of Unix.

Such as Multitasking, Multi-user, and Clustering.

Do we see many of features in current Apple OSX?

Not much ¡¦. Yet.

Now what do you think?

It is like a Puzzle. We need some clue to put things together and this week and NAB will be beginning of the change.

So, What am I talking about?

I will tell you words for clue and you put it together.

P.S.: Where is matsu?


  • Reply 1 of 122
    kormac77kormac77 Posts: 197member
    Here are words.

    1) Clustering ¡© Grid computing.

    2) MPEG-4 with H.264

    3) MPEG-2 with Transportation Stream

    4) Broadcasting over Wi-Fi

    5) Multi-User: Net boot


    7) HDTV as Monitor and TV: 30inch LCD.

    8) OPEN GL with Quartz Extreme

    9) PCI-X

    10) Bluetooth: Hand Phone

    11) 64 Bit Computing: 970

    12) Tablet form fact :I****v2

    13) DNA¡¦ I wish

    And there will be more but it will be slow to come.

    Have a nice day¡¦
  • Reply 2 of 122
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member

    Originally posted by kormac77

    Here are words.

    1) Clustering ¡© Grid computing.

    2) MPEG-4 with H.264

    3) MPEG-2 with Transportation Stream

    4) Broadcasting over Wi-Fi

    5) Multi-User: Net boot


    7) HDTV as Monitor and TV: 30inch LCD.

    8) OPEN GL with Quartz Extreme

    9) PCI-X

    10) Bluetooth: Hand Phone

    11) 64 Bit Computing: 970

    12) Tablet form fact :I****v2

    13) DNA¡¦ I wish

    And there will be more but it will be slow to come.

    Have a nice day¡¦

    Yummy list....obviously handling DV through iGrid published to settop (?) i**** devices. Broadcasting over WiFi? Hmmmm. 30" LCD obviously the replacement for HDTV and monitor.

    Sounds like several new products that we've been talking about for some time. Would be a nice replacement for a cable TV system, eh? I, for one, am sick of paying for Cable TV (minimal HD availability) and broadband internet. Currently, my bill is $110.00/month! I like Apple, not AOL/Time Warner. I would switch...
  • Reply 3 of 122
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member
  • Reply 4 of 122

    Originally posted by kim kap sol

  • Reply 5 of 122
    nitzernitzer Posts: 115member
    Apple HD PVR with free (or .Mac) TV listings would be so sweet!


    Ahh, to dream...
  • Reply 6 of 122

    Originally posted by kim kap sol

    Anybody got any stats on Kormac77's track record?

    ... is this just another guy who admires Yoda a little too much?
  • Reply 7 of 122
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member

    Originally posted by OverToasty

    Anybody got any stats on Kormac77's track record?

    ... is this just another guy who admires Yoda a little too much? kormac has always been a bit of a whirlwind: You can see it, but not touch it. A true AppleInsider if there ever were....
  • Reply 8 of 122
    robsterrobster Posts: 256member

    Originally posted by Nitzer

    Apple HD PVR with free (or .Mac) TV listings would be so sweet!


    Ahh, to dream...

    Yeah and if you're in the UK/Europe how long will it take to get any of this? We're still waiting to be able to order prints thru iPhoto and to get any meaningful services from Sherlock. Apple have to consider that there are a lot of sales to be made outside America....

    UK is a perfect market to do this TV stuff, not too many channels and a few competing companies to carry this system.
  • Reply 9 of 122
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Hell I'm loving that PVR action. With Soniblue going down in flames though would Apple tempt this I have my doubts.

    What I want to see if

    advancement of




    Fruits from the Rayz and Prismo deal.

    And one new Apple Hardware device.
  • Reply 10 of 122
    willoughbywilloughby Posts: 1,457member
    Matsu...paging Matsu....

  • Reply 11 of 122
    willoughbywilloughby Posts: 1,457member

    Originally posted by kormac77


    The promise of Great Apple's born again will be begin with this time.

    me speakee engrish rerry rerry good
  • Reply 12 of 122
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member

    Originally posted by OverToasty

    Anybody got any stats on Kormac77's track record?

    ... is this just another guy who admires Yoda a little too much?

    Let's just say he spews out things that that never come to fruition. This time, however, he's regurgitated things that have been talked about extensively except, he's done so in a vague manner so that whenever something comes close to what he's vomited, he'll say "I told you so".
  • Reply 13 of 122
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    And we're off! Not to spoil your fun or anything, but I'd really rather not have this thread degenerate into Yet Another Debate over kormac's legitimacy, OK? FH is for speculation, and he's speculating.

    Carry on.
  • Reply 14 of 122
    robsterrobster Posts: 256member
    well, i'm gonna be uncharacteristically gloomy....

    I just don't think Apple has the resources the get 970 PowerMac, out the door, get OS X to 64bits, develop a TV hub box, get WiFi MPEG4 off the ground, build a new Lifestyle device....need I go on?...

    They seem to always be a little bit behind at the moment, excepting 802.11g.

    I'd love it all to be true...maybe all the acquisitions they've made have given them the beans to carry it all off, but it's a tall order that you don't see many other companies attempting....
  • Reply 15 of 122

    Originally posted by robster

    I just don't think Apple has the resources the get 970 PowerMac, out the door, get OS X to 64bits, develop a TV hub box, get WiFi MPEG4 off the ground, build a new Lifestyle device....need I go on?...

    *Waves hand in an appleshapelooking kind of way*

    "You do not need to see proof."
  • Reply 16 of 122
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Holy shjt! I'm late...

  • Reply 17 of 122
    kormac77==gimmick account.

    Get over whatever he says. His track record is poorer than UCLA's basketball record this year.

    "I am pleased to be telling you about this Mac I am having..." Give me a break.
  • Reply 18 of 122
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member
    Part 5...from last years time machine thread does say pretty much the same thing....

    Kormac, if only I could believe...\
  • Reply 19 of 122
    mrmistermrmister Posts: 1,095member
    Bah. I'm tired of this hocus-pocus form of giving info--"oooh, I can't say much, but here are some words..."

    B*llsh!t. If you can speak, speak. If you can't, don't. I can't believe that anyone who knew this much would get away with saying all this--I think it's crud.

    I just want the PPC970 and Pather.

  • Reply 20 of 122
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member
    Not only that...I doubt that a korean would know much about Apple's plans: a US company in which even the employees are oblivious to Apple's strategies.

    If you know much about Apple's plans, large chances are that you're American, and you actually sit down for Thanksgiving diners at Steve Jobs' house...oh and Steve Jobs is drunk.
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