Apple called 'modern tape pirate' in copyright lawsuit



  • Reply 21 of 23
    spice-boy said:
    Why does Appleinsider bothers with articles like this, everyone here always ignores the possibility that Apple may be wrong and blindly defends Apple then insults the plaintiff with mean girl ferocity
    I take it you find that annoying? One could make a similar argument about those who constantly take a pessimistic stance on every story, assuming fault by default, etc. I find those comment streams annoying. In my observation Apple actually does seem to try to do the right thing, so I find the optimistic stance more likely to be true than the pessimistic. 
  • Reply 22 of 23
    DAalseth said:
    Music copyright is a mess. You wright it, he records it, they put out the record, someone else converts it to a download or a stream. Everyone is entitled to a cut right down to the backup horn player that played one note. Unless of course someone along the way signed away their rights or bought the rights from someone else, or inherited the rights from their long lost uncle Friggy who arranged the piece. Add a few mergers and acquisitions, and copyright expirations, and it's damn near impossible to know who owns what. Somebody comes to you with a document saying they have the rights to this song, would you put it on iTunes, how the hell are you to know if it's real, fake, a partial ownership, or what?
    This answers all your questions ^^^^^

    Apple would need an army of lawyers to figure out who owns what.  My question is: Did they contact Apple first to get this resolved or did they go directly to a lawsuit?  It’s not really a big deal that this is going to court... besides wasting the courts time.  They should have brought in an independent arbitrator...
    Apple is not required to know who all the license holders are, they are only selling the physical music they are not creating and selling it.  It is like going to any store who sells music, they are only granted the right to sell. The record label are the license holder and assume all responsibilities. It would like suing all the radio station, record player manufactures, and recording equipment manufactures because some one use all those things to profit from content they pirated or did not get the correct licensing. Apple is just the Digital store shelf and digital cash register. Apple got dragged in to put pressure on the record label to pay their licensing bill.

  • Reply 23 of 23
    I guess that tape pirates would pay for 99.99999% of their music just so they could blatantly steal the last 0.00001% of them.
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