Apple TV+ review: don't wake up for 'The Morning Show' just yet

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in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited December 2019
Apple's "The Morning Show" packs all the power, pageantry and prestige you'd expect from a series anchoring the launch of the company's new Apple TV+ streaming service, but it sadly has yet to find its voice.

Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon in "The Morning Show," premiering November 1 on Apple TV+. (Photo courtesy of Apple)

Ever since The Morning Show was first announced two years ago, it's been pretty clear that the series represents Apple's bid for a star-studded, prestige drama series, the kind of ultra-expensive, buzzed-about show that would get the service on the map, get people talking, and ultimately contend for Emmys and Golden Globes.

The show has three A-list actors in Jennifer Anniston, Steve Carrell, and Reese Witherspoon on top of a cast otherwise filled with recognizable names. It has the sort of premise likely to get it a lot of media attention, as shows about the media tend to do. All this comes at a cost -- The Morning Show reportedly had a $300 million price tag for the two seasons ordered to date, making it the most expensive TV series in history on a per-episode basis.

The show, based on the three episodes that AppleInsider has seen, is a well-acted and handsomely-produced effort. Aniston and Witherspoon -- who played sisters on a couple of episodes of Friends -- work well together. But what the show doesn't have is much of a distinct voice or point of view, nor does it have much of note to say about cable news, media, or any of its other ostensible subjects.

Stars assemble

Reese Witherspoon in "The Morning Show," premiering November 1 on Apple TV+. (Courtesy of Apple)

The show stars Aniston -- in her first TV series role since Friends went off the air 15 years ago -- as Alex Levy, the longtime anchor of The Morning Show, a Today-like network TV show. In the first episode, her longtime co-anchor Mitch Kessler (Steve Carell) is fired due to a sexual misconduct scandal, leading to turmoil -- especially after we learn that her bosses (Mark Duplass and Billy Crudup) were plotting to push Alex out prior to Mitch's firing.

Meanwhile, Bradley Jackson (Reese Witherspoon, in a rare on-screen use of her Southern accent) is a small-time TV news reporter from Virginia who gets brought into the fold after her rant at a protest goes viral.

The first episode is clearly inspired by the firing of Matt Lauer from The Today Show in November 2017, a story that also broke in the middle of the night, and has been in the news of late due to revelations in a new book about complicity by NBC executives. Through Carell's character, the show dives deep into the question of what happens to famous men after they lose their careers to #MeToo scandals.

Trouble behind the scenes

The Morning Show, according to numerous media reports, has had nearly as much turmoil as its fictional counterpart. Creator Jay Carson was pushed out relatively early on, although he's still credited as creator and co-writer of the first episode.

Kerry Ehren, the other co-writer, following an arbitration, received a "developed by" credit, while Mimi Leder, the primary director of the HBO series The Leftovers, directed the first installment. Then, the Lauer scandal took place early on during The Morning Show's development, altering plans for the show.

There are also seven different credited executive producers, including both lead actresses.

Original reports about The Morning Show stated that it was inspired by CNN host Brian Stelter's book Top of the Morning, about the morning TV wars of about a decade ago. That book is not mentioned in the credits, although Stelter is credited as a consulting producer.

The Anti-Newsroom

The show The Morning Show most resembles, at least on the surface, is The Newsroom, Aaron Sorkin's HBO series from 2012 to 2014 which was also star-studded and also depicted life behind the scenes at a news show. The difference is, The Morning Show isn't nearly as smug, nor does its dialogue mostly serve as a mouthpiece for the views of a single behind-the-scenes creator.

The Morning Show, instead, has the opposite problem, as it seems to have no point of view at all.

In fact, after three episodes, it's not quite clear if the show is arguing for more objectivity in news, or less, or in favor of more hard news or less. When it does take stands -- such as a speech by Witherspoon in the third episode about the unfair standards for women in the news industry -- they're not exactly original ones. The show's #MeToo points are sort of undercut by the plot in which a woman is given a high-profile job without her permission or consent.

There is one aspect, however, that is particularly Sorkin-esque. It's that scene in the first episode when a protester confronts Witherspoon and calls her a "fake news bitch," at which point she responds with a long, impassioned speech that sounds nothing like anything any real human being would say.

This ridiculous speech, of course, goes viral and boosts her career, even though it's a reporter losing her cool and showing a lack of objectivity. It brings to mind CNN anchor Chris Cuomo's recent viral meltdown over being called "Fredo," which did not redound to Cuomo's benefit.

The show, also, like The Newsroom, doesn't seem to know or care much about the Internet, social media, and how they affect the news today. Strange, from a show produced by a tech company.

There are plenty of Apple products in the show, however, as you'd might expect. Everyone has iPhones and, one scene, an executive (Duplass) has a meeting with Witherspoon and is distracted throughout by his iPhone and MacBook. It can do that, as most of the other Apple TV+ shows aren't set in contemporary times.

The fired anchor speaks

Jennifer Aniston in "The Morning Show," premiering November 1 on Apple TV+. (Courtesy of Apple)

Carell is outstanding in what's essentially a villain role, of a disgraced celebrity who believes that he didn't anything wrong, besides have affairs with colleagues, and that he's a victim of an overzealous witch hunt. At one point, in a discussion with an also-accused movie director friend (Martin Short), he floats a documentary about the lives of famous men accused by #MeToo -- which is something that Charlie Rose once really did propose.

Yes, there's sexuality, and controversial and political subject matter. The show's "political" content seems to mostly involve repeatedly describing Witherspoon's character as a conservative, when we don't see much indication that she actually is.

The bottom line

The series is likely to appeal to those interested in media and celebrity gossip, as well as the many fans of the two main actresses. The best case scenario, for Apple, is if The Morning Show is its version of Big Little Lies, the HBO series that has essentially collected famous actresses -- including Witherspoon -- and ridden that to buzzy status.

The worst case is probably that it resembles the fate of The Newsroom itself, which was pitched directly to media elite types who turned against the show nearly immediately, leading to it only lasting three seasons.

The Morning Show has already been renewed for a second season, which will give it plenty of time to find its voice. But through the first three episodes, it certainly hasn't yet.


  • Reply 1 of 25
    Renewed already before 1st episode airs? LOL!
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 2 of 25
    Thrashmanthrashman Posts: 22unconfirmed, member
    No shock here.   

    Steve Carell isn’t even in season two.  (Maybe he will be replaced with Oprah:)

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  • Reply 3 of 25
    badmonkbadmonk Posts: 1,342member
    Yeah, the problem I think we are going to see with AppleTV+ is that most ground-breaking TV is not done by A-listers in committee but by people who are not as well known but superbly talented (GOT in the beginning, Breaking Bad, the Wire, Sopranos, Stranger Things, etc etc).  The problem with A-listers is that they lack the singularity of focus to hold a TV show together and they are too complacent.

    As an example look at GOT in the beginning to GOT at the end after they became A-listers.

    The best media requires integrity of vision and focus.  It is not necessarily something you can buy with exorbitant salaries, compromise and the scuttling of courage because of a fear to offend.
     7Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 4 of 25
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,674member
    Bummer -- this was the one I hoped would be good, given the talent. 
     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 5 of 25
    MacPromacpro Posts: 19,865member
    So, has anyone else who has purchased some qualifying Apple hardware since the free year of Apple TV + offer had any notification or acknowledgment regarding this?  I haven't heard anything.
     1Like 0Dislikes 1Informative
  • Reply 6 of 25
    AB101ab101 Posts: 27member
    Another bomba.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 7 of 25
    AppleExposedappleexposed Posts: 1,805unconfirmed, member
    When I read #Metoo I knew it was a terrible idea.

    Shame I initially thought it was an actual live morning show with stars and comedy thrown in.
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 8 of 25
    badmonk said:
    Yeah, the problem I think we are going to see with AppleTV+ is that most ground-breaking TV is not done by A-listers in committee but by people who are not as well known but superbly talented (GOT in the beginning, Breaking Bad, the Wire, Sopranos, Stranger Things, etc etc).  The problem with A-listers is that they lack the singularity of focus to hold a TV show together and they are too complacent.

    As an example look at GOT in the beginning to GOT at the end after they became A-listers.

    The best media requires integrity of vision and focus.  It is not necessarily something you can buy with exorbitant salaries, compromise and the scuttling of courage because of a fear to offend.
    Exactly! It’s about being hungry and taking creative risks. I fear too many of these “A Lister” projects are a bit tired and safe. They saw Apple coming with loads of cash and... oh well you get the picture.
     4Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 9 of 25
    bigtdsbigtds Posts: 167member
    Sounds like a flopula.
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 10 of 25
    MacPro said:
    So, has anyone else who has purchased some qualifying Apple hardware since the free year of Apple TV + offer had any notification or acknowledgment regarding this?  I haven't heard anything.
    You activate it in the TV+ app (at least on ATV) where you are offered to start your 1 year free subscription. - Meaning you can postpone the activation for later (or so it seems).
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 11 of 25
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,875member
    badmonk said:
    Yeah, the problem I think we are going to see with AppleTV+ is that most ground-breaking TV is not done by A-listers in committee but by people who are not as well known but superbly talented (GOT in the beginning, Breaking Bad, the Wire, Sopranos, Stranger Things, etc etc).  The problem with A-listers is that they lack the singularity of focus to hold a TV show together and they are too complacent.

    As an example look at GOT in the beginning to GOT at the end after they became A-listers.

    The best media requires integrity of vision and focus.  It is not necessarily something you can buy with exorbitant salaries, compromise and the scuttling of courage because of a fear to offend.
    Exactly! It’s about being hungry and taking creative risks. I fear too many of these “A Lister” projects are a bit tired and safe. They saw Apple coming with loads of cash and... oh well you get the picture.
    Yeah, way too formulaic with lots of fake teeth. Enough already. 
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 12 of 25
    I find it pretty good and interesting ... See, maybe not as good as I hoped.
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 13 of 25
    john f.john f. Posts: 112member
    I liked the first episode. I will watch some more.
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 14 of 25
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member
    I don’t understand the need to include the #metoo. Isn’t there enough of that in real life? We need to have more in our R&R time? No wonder people are so strung out anymore.
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  • Reply 15 of 25
    cescocesco Posts: 52member
    Jennifer Anniston. 'Nuff said
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  • Reply 16 of 25
    I haven't seen it, but there is a fundamental flaw here, I think -- they're taking material from fifteen years ago and adapting it to the present. That creates a disjunct. Times have changed. That's a problem. It's probably a surmountable problem, but it could take a while to come to terms with it.

    I mean, it goes beyond #metoo -- how do they adapt to the disinformation age? Does the show take place in an alternate universe where the status quo pre-2010 has continued on into the present?
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 17 of 25
    tubatuba Posts: 1member
    Based on seeing the first three episodes... I sincerely disagree with your assessment of the show. The show addresses the existence of grey area and nuance... demanding a firm stance one way or the other would not be a true and courageous representation of reality. It explores the grey area that exists in life, which is a very valid, thoughtful and intelligent perspective (and yes I understand it’s a limited perspective given it’s through the eyes of privileged celebrities living in a bubble but that’s the nature of TV). Based on your review, you are missing the entire point and direction of the show. What will be very interesting is if the show truly dives into the grey areas they have been presenting through the first three episodes. It’s our willingness to explore and discuss the grey areas that brings about meaningful perspectives not demanding a stance one way or the other at all times. I feel they have embarked on a very ambitious venture that covers a range of topics that has high risks as they will have to address what will be very controversial subjects (the only way the show flops is by not addressing the grey but everything points to them doing that through the first three episodes) - because in today’s world everyone is demanding an immediate stance rather than exploring the nuance.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 18 of 25
    kevin keekevin kee Posts: 1,289member
    It’s a slowburn. I finished all 3 episodes in 3 hours, the first one was kinda okay but no until the second one it started to be interesting and by the third, it’s actually GREAT.
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  • Reply 19 of 25
    tuba said:
    Based on seeing the first three episodes... I sincerely disagree with your assessment of the show. The show addresses the existence of grey area and nuance... demanding a firm stance one way or the other would not be a true and courageous representation of reality. It explores the grey area that exists in life, which is a very valid, thoughtful and intelligent perspective (and yes I understand it’s a limited perspective given it’s through the eyes of privileged celebrities living in a bubble but that’s the nature of TV). Based on your review, you are missing the entire point and direction of the show. What will be very interesting is if the show truly dives into the grey areas they have been presenting through the first three episodes. It’s our willingness to explore and discuss the grey areas that brings about meaningful perspectives not demanding a stance one way or the other at all times. I feel they have embarked on a very ambitious venture that covers a range of topics that has high risks as they will have to address what will be very controversial subjects (the only way the show flops is by not addressing the grey but everything points to them doing that through the first three episodes) - because in today’s world everyone is demanding an immediate stance rather than exploring the nuance.
    Exactly. I dread the #MeToo topic but it’s actually not that bad. It’s not black and white which I found interesting and will continue seeing. RW is great. 
    I guess you can’t hope for a tech website to be competent in reviewing films/shows?
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 20 of 25
    I didn't buy anything new this year, so I signed up for the annual subscription.  Free week + one year for $50 = 97 cents per week.  This from Apple, the company who will gladly sell me one episode of "The Good Place" for $2.99.  I figured I could squeeze 97 cents worth of value out of Apple TV+ per week.  Watched the first episode of "The Morning Show" last night.  So much for the charge that Apple's offerings would be sanitized for family viewing only.  One episode must have dropped the "F" bomb 25 or 30 times.  Apple TV+ is going to succeed.  And it seems as though there are a lot of folks who are not going to be happy with that.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
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