Best alternatives to Apple TV's Siri Remote



  • Reply 21 of 37
    elijahg said: I immediately know the orientation of any other remote as soon as you pick it up. 
    Not "any" other remote. There are a lot of remotes out there that are uniform in width and depth. I've got a Samsung Blu-ray remote like that and I've owned Sony remotes like that in the past. 
  • Reply 22 of 37
    d_2d_2 Posts: 120member
    This works comsistently well with plenty of ATv and TV control, and is backlit and cheap, just no Siri or swipe scrolling:

  • Reply 23 of 37
    BeatsBeats Posts: 3,073member
    No Switch controller support. What a bummer.

    I do think it's time for a Siri Remote overhaul. I'd like to see a Find My functionality with audible tones and M processor in the controller for fitness and games among other things.

    I customized my remote with a piece of bicycle inner tube and some yellow electrical tape, and it made a huge difference. I can tell which way is up at a glance, even in a dark room, and by touch. It even keeps it from sliding off smooth surfaces, like the arm of an upholstered sofa.

    If this is the problem we've solved this years ago with $2 cases.

    They add bulk, grip, direction, a wrist strap and protection. Some even glow in the dark!

    Other cases include magnets to strap the remote on the side of your TV and speakers to allow a "Find My" type feature with included app.
  • Reply 24 of 37
    jrcjrc Posts: 817member
    As the first registered AI forum account, THIS TOPIC has me doing a rare login and comment.
    Just give me a regular old remote control with simple/rubber buttons that fits well in the hand.
    I would LOVE old-timey-VCR jog/shuttle dials, but I will not get my hopes up.
    Jony Ive did not help me, personally, to realize efficient use of the amazing solutions that Apple hardware/software teams have dreamed up. 

    "Back, pre-blackout, the oldest registration date on anyone's profile was JRC, who was signed up (I believe) in November 1998."
  • Reply 25 of 37
    gbsims said:
    I use the Harmony Remote you demoed in the video. It works very well, with the exception of voice control. Apple's voice control is excellent, so have to keep the Apple TV remote at hand for that. Speaking of the Harmony Remote, I am currently running one MacBook Pro computer on the old operating system because Harmony never came up with a 64 bit app for changing settings on the remote. If anyone knows a work around, I would sure like to know? Harmony promised an update, but have never delivered it, at least to my knowledge.
    Actually they did see the middle of the page for download:

    EDIT: sorry click link, then scroll to bottom of page and click ir remote, the. Click myharmony and then link in middle of page
    edited April 2020
  • Reply 26 of 37
    A couple principles I wish remote designers would incorporate: 1) remote orientation should be instantly understood by the user due to its feeling in the hand. Apple, Sevenhugs and Harmony all basically fail at this simple benefit. 2) use in the dark should be assumed - ideally the user shouldn't even have to glance at the remote, but if they need to, a dim eye-pleasing soft glow should indicate the buttons. This would diminish battery life a bit, but a larger battery isn't a big deal in a remote, and additional heft may me nice for hand-feel anyway.
    edited April 2020 elijahg
  • Reply 27 of 37
    davgregdavgreg Posts: 1,039member
    emoeller said:
    I must be at the far end of the long tail, because I really like the remote. 

    I knew there had to be one guy who liked that POS.

    The cure to the Apple TV Remote problem is to get rid of the TV. I rarely watch the LR TV unless there are people over to watch something.

    My dektop 32" LG 4k Monitor does a good job with Hulu w/Live TV and the other streaming services I use (PBS Passport, Criterion, Amazon Prime,Bloomberg Digital).

    I have pretty much given up on Apple as it has been steadily downhill with them and media- I hate rental music and have never used any of the Apple TV+ that I qualify for (Desktop Mac, Laptop Mac, iPhone Pro). The TV app is a waste of time on all devices and the Apple TV interface is still a dumpster fire- you should not have to exit a program to adjust a setting, for example.

  • Reply 28 of 37
    retrogustoretrogusto Posts: 1,121member
    jrc said:
    Just give me a regular old remote control with simple/rubber buttons that fits well in the hand.
    I would LOVE old-timey-VCR jog/shuttle dials, but I will not get my hopes up.
    Jog/Shuttle would be amazing. I know Apple is unlikely to do anything with a manual wheel at this point, just out of principle (or “courage”), but if somebody like Sony made a nice compatible remote like that and sold it for ~$69, I would buy it in a heartbeat. If they throw in backlit buttons and a headphone jack that gets audio from the Apple TV over Bluetooth, they could charge even more. 
  • Reply 29 of 37
    I don’t know if we can buy one of these alternative Apple TV remotes that are provided to Swiss Fiber TV Service ’Salt’ customers?
  • Reply 30 of 37
    “Certain level disdain for the AppleTV remote.”

    No, I think the word you’re looking for is ‘disgust.’
  • Reply 31 of 37
    adept1adept1 Posts: 10member
    I don't love it either, but a silicone case (especially not black) helps with the feel and orientation problem, and also protects it from being dropped. You can get unbranded ones for about $5 or less, or name brand ones for about $10+
    edited April 2020
  • Reply 32 of 37
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    An elastic band costs pennies, in the unlikely event that you don't own one already.  Why buy a ugly silicone wraparound when you can just snap an elastic band round the lower end of the control to give tactile feedback about which way up it is?

    Thanks to earlier posters for the tip about Sony remotes, tried mine out (never even thought of trying it before) and it works with no setup required.  Will probably be using the Siri Remote as a power on button and nothing else from now on.
  • Reply 33 of 37
    revenantrevenant Posts: 621member
    not sure the high replacement cost as a reason when what you show as alternatives are more expensive. the other reasons make sense.
  • Reply 34 of 37
    laytechlaytech Posts: 339member
    Remote for Apple TV is glitchy and disappointing. I hope the next Apple TV has a far better remote and one that will allow pinch to zoom to be able to zoom in your pictures.
  • Reply 35 of 37
    steveausteveau Posts: 301member
    I customized my remote with a piece of bicycle inner tube and some yellow electrical tape, and it made a huge difference. I can tell which way is up at a glance, even in a dark room, and by touch. It even keeps it from sliding off smooth surfaces, like the arm of an upholstered sofa.
    Being less of a handyman I spent about $10 on what Amazon now lists as a "A1513 A1962 Case Apple Siri TV 4th Generation 4 Gen Remote Control Slim New K US". The hand strap performs the same visual orienting function as reflective tape, with the added bonus that I can pick up the remote with my big toe - when my GF isn't around. That simple addition makes this the best remote possible (although you do have to learn a few "hidden" moves).
  • Reply 36 of 37
    I just found out that Channelmaster has a Apple remote coming! @$25
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