Apple's Mac Pro wheels cost $699, and the feet run $299
New kits from Apple let users swap Mac Pro feet for wheels, or vice versa, but at much greater cost than if bought when originally ordering the Mac.

New Mac Pro wheels kit (top) and feet kit (bottom)
Users who bought a Mac Pro with feet, can now separately order a set of wheels, or vice versa. Months after the Mac Pro shipped, Apple has launched two kits to allow buyers to change their mind -- but it is not a cheap choice.
An Apple Mac Pro Feet Kit, consisting of four stainless steel feet, sells for $299. Whereas the new Apple Mac Pro Wheels Kit, also with four fittings, is $699. That's the cost of an iPhone 11, and it is also much more than Apple charges when buying a Mac Pro with build to order options.
In that case, a Mac Pro of any configuration comes with feet included in the price. Wheels are an option which retail for $400 at time of purchase.
The increased price for buying wheels or feet after the fact may not be all users have to spend, either. For Apple also notes that while it provides a 1/4-inch to 4mm hex bit, "additional tools are necessary." It does not specify what those are and they are not available from Apple.
Both kits do include an installation guide, however, and at time of writing, delivery is expected to take between one and two days. By comparison, a new Mac Pro is currently taking around 10 days to ship.

New Mac Pro wheels kit (top) and feet kit (bottom)
Users who bought a Mac Pro with feet, can now separately order a set of wheels, or vice versa. Months after the Mac Pro shipped, Apple has launched two kits to allow buyers to change their mind -- but it is not a cheap choice.
An Apple Mac Pro Feet Kit, consisting of four stainless steel feet, sells for $299. Whereas the new Apple Mac Pro Wheels Kit, also with four fittings, is $699. That's the cost of an iPhone 11, and it is also much more than Apple charges when buying a Mac Pro with build to order options.
In that case, a Mac Pro of any configuration comes with feet included in the price. Wheels are an option which retail for $400 at time of purchase.
The increased price for buying wheels or feet after the fact may not be all users have to spend, either. For Apple also notes that while it provides a 1/4-inch to 4mm hex bit, "additional tools are necessary." It does not specify what those are and they are not available from Apple.
Both kits do include an installation guide, however, and at time of writing, delivery is expected to take between one and two days. By comparison, a new Mac Pro is currently taking around 10 days to ship.
Option 1: Buy Mac Pro with feet = Included in cost, so $0 extra
Option 2: Buy Mac Pro with feet ($0), buy wheels later = $699 extra ==> $0 + $699 = $699
Option 3: Buy Mac Pro with wheels = $400 extra
Option 4: Buy Mac Pro with wheels ($400), buy feet later = $299 extra, so $400 + $299 = $699
How is it more expensive to buy either kit afterwards?