Peter Arnette should be tried for treason.



  • Reply 21 of 56
    fellowshipfellowship Posts: 5,038member
    I will not miss this guy. He reminds me of my "There is no God" "I am a socialist" college professors of olden days. You have seen these kinds of folks. They always lose their hair in a bad way. They live in a liberal utopian la la land. They Hate and I repeat Hate anyone who takes a position that is considered the "right" thing to do in a moral context. Remember secular humanist socialist bald bitter old liberals do not believe in morality. Of course these types say Free Tibet. But that is just symbolic as in fact they HATE for any one person or group to take the high moral ground. These types think all roads are good roads.

    Saddam has people cut up in 100 pieces and sent to the family. That is just as acceptable as any other lifestyle. Saddam has women raped and people shot. No big deal.

    I ignore these nutjobs who ignore all of reality.

  • Reply 22 of 56
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member

    Originally posted by FellowshipChurch iBook

    They always lose their hair in a bad way.


    Remember secular humanist socialist bald bitter old liberals do not believe in morality.

    I'd never heard that one before - are liberals and atheists really more likely to be bald?

  • Reply 23 of 56
    sammi josammi jo Posts: 4,634member

    Originally posted by bunge

    What on earth gave you the impression that I think we're 'losing' the war?

    The Coalition will eventually win the war involving big bangs, gunfire, smoke and bodycounts. Thats a given. How can you lose it when you fire your biggest weapons from places the adversary cannot engage you...namely 1000 miles away on ships in the Mediterranean, or from 7 miles up in the atmosphere?

    It's the next battle thats going to be the real tough, and lengthy one: regaining the good will that the rest of the world showed to America post 9-11. Most of the planet despises us right now...that is so fvcking sad.
  • Reply 24 of 56
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by SDW2001


    Give me a break. You cannot possibly be stupid enough to believe we are actually losing the war. You link to an article in The New Yorker? Please.

    Your opinion is 100%, completely unjustified. Jesus H. Christ, someone prints something in the NYT or LAT and you believe it. But I's SDW who cannot think for himself, right?

    Fran, I didn't know Arnett wasn't a US citizen. He's a punk without a job nonetheless.

    Now we see what SDW's strategy is for staying "right-wing." Discount anything, no matter how factual, that doesn't jive with his imaginary 'stance.' Or maybe the real world is just too complicated for little SDW. There's nothing right or left about realizing that Rumsfeld has been making mistakes. I'm sure there are plenty of right-wing republicans that are pissed at him, too. Hell, I'd be surprised if most of the sources for that article weren't republican. But for Joe "SDW" Six-Pack, that's would make life a little too complicated. Hopefully your circuits won't fry too much when you finally realize that your black and white world-view doesn't fly even with the people you pretend to identify with.
  • Reply 25 of 56
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member

    Originally posted by bunge

    OK, but what about his quote? Is he wrong for speaking the truth?

    His opinions are fine IMO. The stupid thing was being a tool for Iraqi propoganda. Duh, what a dumb thing to do; he should have the foresight to think about who he's giving his opinion to. If he said this on MSNBC [edit: or even Al Jazeera], it would not have been a big deal given of course that some people will invariably get bent out of shape because it differs from their opinions.
  • Reply 26 of 56
    Those damn bald liberal socialist
  • Reply 27 of 56
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Wow, so a journalist isn't even allowed to have an opinion any more. This nonsense about aiding the propaganda machine is just nuts, wow, this is the first time I've been impressed by the very narrow focus of some people posting here. Propaganda machine? If you think about that for just one second, Oi, do you realize what you're saying? ANything could aid the propaganda machine, unless this guy took money to make an infomercial, there's no sane metric you can apple that leads you to the conclusion that a journalist engaging in a debate and voicing an opinion or two are somehow treasonous, especially since he in no way revealed any sort of sensitive information, they were dealing strictly in opinion and common knowledge. Patriots, get a grip already.

    And you, Mr iBook Church. WTF do secular humanists have to do with anything? If you're just trying to get a rise out of SJO, hey, that's pretty funny, OK. But humanists are hardly the problem in your cosmological framework. All humanists are implicitly religious whether they wish to acknowledge it or not, the catechism might use different terms, but it's exactly like religion otherwise.

    Are you upset with post moderns? These then become a problem, but as always not for any of the reasons of which you're cognizant. hmmm...

    Wow is this muddled, SJO's worried about post war good will, iBook believes Bush is God's own vassal, SDW thinks journalistic opinion rises to the level of treason, funny how the extreme left and right tend to agree on a whole lot. The Soviets and the Chinese used to (and do) think that very same thing. HAHA...

    Wow, so many people thinking without thinking.

    Am I the only person that's for protecting the Kurds, and controlling the proliferation of nuclear weapons, or that remembers what the Arabs were up to before 1948 (regarding those pesky Jews?). If I cared, it might actually be hard not to get mired in the ridiculousness of opinions on AI. Leftists, rightists, and paranoiacs. You people need to slow down and consider things more carefully. War is not right or wrong for any of the reasons kicking around this place.
  • Reply 28 of 56 guys shouldn't be surprise by Peter Arnett's behavior - he has done this kind of screw-up before. He was once a great reporter for CNN until the Tailwind controversy (does any of you remember this?).
  • Reply 29 of 56
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member
    I think it should be pointed out that it was FOX NEWS that was running this story ALL NIGHT! They were even asking their own reporters in the field about it and they were defending him! The anchors were arguing with these reporters in the field that were defending him, and they were trying to demonize Arnette.

    I think Fox was just trying to undermine MSNBC, a major competitor, by portraying their reporter as biased. I saw the interview many times. Fox News anchors were twisting what he said to make it appear worse.

    When I was watching it, I was very offended that they were assuming their viewers were that stupid. But then I realized, right as I was typing into my browser, that someone here would buy into this. I guess they really haven't underestimated their viewers; they are that stupid.

    Has Fox even reported yet that their own reporter, GERLADO, was booted by the US MILITARY for giving away TROOP MOVEMENTS?!?! I sure don't see it on their website.

    Fair and balanced.
  • Reply 30 of 56
    newnew Posts: 3,244member

    Originally posted by Matsu

    Am I the only person (...) that remembers what the Arabs were up to before 1948 (regarding those pesky Jews?).

    Remind me again, what were they up to?
  • Reply 31 of 56
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Allow me to chime in that Geraldo is also an idiot. I saw his report to Sean and Alan on Friday's "Hannity & Colmes" and I was AMAZED that the first thing out of Geraldo's mouth, after Hannity welcomed him to the show was this:

    "Thanks, Sean. First, let me tell you where we are. We're about 122 miles sou..."

    Idiot. Current OR future locations/movements are NOT the things these "embedded" goons should be saying. About the ONLY thing The Moustache That Ate Cleveland should say in regards to their location is "we're somewhere in Iraq" and leave it at that.

    I hope he gets fired just on grounds of grandstanding and stupidity. It's always about him, isn't it? What HE'S eating, what HE'S wearing, how HE'S dealing with the elements, etc.

    Pinhead. I can't stand Rivera. Today has been a good day for some of us: that asshole Arnett gets fired and Geraldo gets his silly ass booted.

    Am I dreaming?
  • Reply 32 of 56
    whisperwhisper Posts: 735member

    Originally posted by pscates

    Allow me to chime in that Geraldo is also an idiot. I saw his report to Sean and Alan on Friday's "Hannity & Colmes" and I was AMAZED that the first thing out of Geraldo's mouth, after Hannity welcomed him to the show was this:

    "Thanks, Sean. First, let me tell you where we are. We're about 122 miles sou..."

    Idiot. Current OR future locations/movements are NOT the things these "embedded" goons should be saying. About the ONLY thing The Moustache That Ate Cleveland should say in regards to their location is "we're somewhere in Iraq" and leave it at that.

    I hope he gets fired just on grounds of grandstanding and stupidity. It's always about him, isn't it? What HE'S eating, what HE'S wearing, how HE'S dealing with the elements, etc.

    Pinhead. I can't stand Rivera. Today has been a good day for some of us: that asshole Arnett gets fired and Geraldo gets his silly ass booted.

    Am I dreaming?

    I never really liked the guy either. I heard that one of CNN's reporters did the same thing. Does anyone know anything about that?

    {edit: forgot a word}
  • Reply 33 of 56
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member

    Originally posted by /mandolux/ guys shouldn't be surprise by Peter Arnett's behavior - he has done this kind of screw-up before. He was once a great reporter for CNN until the Tailwind controversy (does any of you remember this?).

    I certainly don't know about the great reporter part, but I do remember the Tailwind controversy. My father's unit was among those accused of dropping the nerve agents. Since they had no equipment whatsoever for properly handling any of the materials that they were accused of dropping, the story is either completely false, or my father is dead. (Here's a hint, dad's not dead.)

    As a broadcasting student, I can assure you that had any of my classmates tried to pull something like that, they would've received an F at the least, and been expelled for academic dishonesty at the worst.

    In the days of journalistic integrity he never would've worked in mass communications again, but ratings rule all now and he managed to scrape together a second or third chance.

    I can only hope that this is the final nail in the coffin of his career, leaving the broadcasting world a little cleaner, and a little more credible.

    Now... Geraldo... well that's 2 down.
  • Reply 34 of 56
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    News flash y'all ... Arnett is a US citizen.
  • Reply 35 of 56
    newnew Posts: 3,244member

    Originally posted by Scott

    News flash y'all ... Arnett is a US citizen.

    cool, put him on trial and loose your last remaining decency...
  • Reply 36 of 56
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member

    Originally posted by Scott

    News flash y'all ... Arnett is a US citizen.

    Is he? Well, this means that he can be charged with treason. Even though I'm quite happy with the impression that his career is over, I don't think this qualifies as treason. It's not as if he's posing with an Iraqi anti-aircraft crew or giving notes to Iraqi guards that had been entrusted to him by our POWs to take home. Now THAT would be treason.

    (Bonus points for the first person to figure out who I'm talking about as an example of truly treasonous behaviour.)
  • Reply 37 of 56
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    Oh man. You know in these times I think the actions of that woman are beyond reproach. She should be tried for treason. There's no time limitation on that, right?
  • Reply 38 of 56
    This marine says it best:


    This is, really, war. It's not a turkey-shoot. It's not some misadventure. And we're not at the two week mark yet.

    Can we stop the postmortems already? Peter Arnett is already declaring this thing a failure on Iraqi television. And that's a damn shame, because I live my life in constant need of approval from Peter Arnett...

    Arnett is a fool and he deserves to be unemployed. MSNBC put him in front of a camera and he used that opportunity to run his mouth about that which he has absolutely no knowledge. I hate it when people climb up on a perfectly good soapbox and then waste my time.
  • Reply 39 of 56
    newnew Posts: 3,244member

    Originally posted by zaphod_beeblebrox

    This marine says it best:

    Arnett is a fool and he deserves to be unemployed. MSNBC put him in front of a camera and he used that opportunity to run his mouth about that which he has absolutely no knowledge. I hate it when people climb up on a perfectly good soapbox and then waste my time.

    he might be a fool, he is also a pullitzer prize winner. For another "liberation" he covered. Remeber that quote about having to "bomb the whole village to liberate it"?
  • Reply 40 of 56

    Originally posted by New

    he might be a fool, he is also a pullitzer prize winner. For another "liberation" he covered. Remeber that quote about having to "bomb the whole village to liberate it"?

    So? Comparing his Vietnam work to this latest controversy only invites the suspicion that even then he was simply presenting a personal, biased perspective. It may have served him well then (even a blind squirrel finds some nuts) but it has led him astray since. And it's NOT journalism.
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