Nvidia is reportedly in 'advanced talks' to acquire Arm Holdings



  • Reply 21 of 96
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    tmay said:
    civa said:
    viclauyyc said:
    Just the wait time of approval from various government will likely kill the deal. 

    We can only hope. 

    As I said before, this is not only a mistake, putting control of the ARM architecture directly in the hands of China (NVIDIA is Intel, and Intel is pretty much China), but it's going in the exact direction I expected it to go. 

    I called this when it was first reported, and everyone said I was being Chicken Little. 

    What now, brown cow? 
    Taiwan is not the People's Republic of China, though China continues to push that they "own" Taiwan. Another way of looking at it, is the smaller, more successful and democratic Taiwan should be running Mainland China.

    The world knows that Taiwan is part of China.   The right wingers are trying to reshape the world the way their skewed alternative reality sees it.
  • Reply 22 of 96
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    We just listened to an afternoon of hearings on real and potential damage monopolies can do to society and to competition.

    The potential harm to competition and, through that, to society far out weighs any potential benefits from this merger.

    But, neither country involved in this has a stellar track record on protecting competition.  So that is a worry.
    The offset is that neither company has a bad reputation and tend to operate honestly and above board.

    I wonder if other countries could weigh in on this?
    edited July 2020
  • Reply 23 of 96
    KITAKITA Posts: 409member
    mjtomlin said:

    Splitting hairs, but despite their logo, they refer to themselves as NVIDIA.
  • Reply 24 of 96
    canukstormcanukstorm Posts: 2,727member
    We just listened to an afternoon of hearings on real and potential damage monopolies can do to society and to competition.

    The potential harm to competition and, through that, to society far out weighs any potential benefits from this merger.

    But, neither country involved in this has a stellar track record on protecting competition.  So that is a worry.
    The offset is that neither company has a bad reputation and tend to operate honestly and above board.

    I wonder if other countries could weigh in on this?
    100% agreed with this.
  • Reply 25 of 96
    elijahgelijahg Posts: 2,784member
    tmay said:
    civa said:
    viclauyyc said:
    Just the wait time of approval from various government will likely kill the deal. 

    We can only hope. 

    As I said before, this is not only a mistake, putting control of the ARM architecture directly in the hands of China (NVIDIA is Intel, and Intel is pretty much China), but it's going in the exact direction I expected it to go. 

    I called this when it was first reported, and everyone said I was being Chicken Little. 

    What now, brown cow? 
    Taiwan is not the People's Republic of China, though China continues to push that they "own" Taiwan. Another way of looking at it, is the smaller, more successful and democratic Taiwan should be running Mainland China.

    The world knows that Taiwan is part of China.   The right wingers are trying to reshape the world the way their skewed alternative reality sees it.
    So all the countries that have split in two in the last 50 years don’t actually exist as separate countries and are in fact still part of their “parent” country? Right. Also what has left/right got to do with it? I can only assume you’re so far left that any suggestion that the PRC is an evil abusive dictatorship harms your idea of a far left socialist utopia present in China today? 

    The people of Taiwan are a fully self governing people, they’re recognised by many but only informally for fear of pissing off China. The left is always pushing for more liberation and recognition of minorities and disadvantaged people, so why is it different for Taiwan?

    Anyway. Existing licenses of ARM tech might be perpetual, but any further licensing may become a bit awkward for the likes of Apple after they’ve been so belligerent toward Nvidia.
    edited July 2020 tmay
  • Reply 26 of 96
    canukstormcanukstorm Posts: 2,727member
    elijahg said:
    tmay said:
    civa said:
    viclauyyc said:
    Just the wait time of approval from various government will likely kill the deal. 

    We can only hope. 

    As I said before, this is not only a mistake, putting control of the ARM architecture directly in the hands of China (NVIDIA is Intel, and Intel is pretty much China), but it's going in the exact direction I expected it to go. 

    I called this when it was first reported, and everyone said I was being Chicken Little. 

    What now, brown cow? 
    Taiwan is not the People's Republic of China, though China continues to push that they "own" Taiwan. Another way of looking at it, is the smaller, more successful and democratic Taiwan should be running Mainland China.

    The world knows that Taiwan is part of China.   The right wingers are trying to reshape the world the way their skewed alternative reality sees it.
    So all the countries that have split in two in the last 50 years don’t actually exist as separate countries and are in fact still part of their “parent” country? Right. Also what has left/right got to do with it? I can only assume you’re so far left that any suggestion that the PRC is an evil abusive dictatorship harms your idea of a far left socialist utopia present in China today? 

    The people of Taiwan are a fully self governing people, they’re recognised by many but only informally for fear of pissing off China. The left is always pushing for more liberation and recognition of minorities and disadvantaged people, so why is it different for Taiwan?

    Anyway. Existing licenses of ARM tech might be perpetual, but any further licensing may become a bit awkward for the likes of Apple after they’ve been so belligerent toward Nvidia.
    That belligerence is a two-way street. 
  • Reply 27 of 96
    civa said:
    viclauyyc said:
    Just the wait time of approval from various government will likely kill the deal. 

    We can only hope. 

    As I said before, this is not only a mistake, putting control of the ARM architecture directly in the hands of China (NVIDIA is Intel, and Intel is pretty much China), but it's going in the exact direction I expected it to go. 

    I called this when it was first reported, and everyone said I was being Chicken Little. 

    What now, brown cow? 
    "NVIDIA is Intel, and Intel is pretty much China"

    Intel has no significant discernible stake in NVIDIA and Intel is majority owned by institutional investors, the two biggest by far being Vanguard and Blackrock - both 

  • Reply 28 of 96
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,447member
    civa said:
    viclauyyc said:
    Just the wait time of approval from various government will likely kill the deal. 

    We can only hope. 

    As I said before, this is not only a mistake, putting control of the ARM architecture directly in the hands of China (NVIDIA is Intel, and Intel is pretty much China), but it's going in the exact direction I expected it to go. 

    I called this when it was first reported, and everyone said I was being Chicken Little. 

    What now, brown cow? 
    There's something brown here, and it aint no cow — but it certainly comes from one.
    edited July 2020 GeorgeBMacwilliamlondon
  • Reply 29 of 96
    civa said:
    Beijing isn't Taiwan. Intel is located in Beijing. Intel owns Nvidia. 
    Are you stupid or do you take pride in being wrong on things that are so clearly disprovable?
  • Reply 30 of 96
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    civa said:
    viclauyyc said:
    Just the wait time of approval from various government will likely kill the deal. 

    We can only hope. 

    As I said before, this is not only a mistake, putting control of the ARM architecture directly in the hands of China (NVIDIA is Intel, and Intel is pretty much China), but it's going in the exact direction I expected it to go. 

    I called this when it was first reported, and everyone said I was being Chicken Little. 

    What now, brown cow? 

    Well, the reason folk said you were panicking for no reason still stand I'm afraid.

    The only thing that Apple gets from ARM is a perpetual access to a spec and test suite to prove that the instruction set they're using is compatible with ARM chips.

    Any buyout of ARM will not affect this.
  • Reply 31 of 96
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    mcdave said:
    Apple should have gone 1st-party with the CPU ISA like the rest of the SoC. 

    They did.

  • Reply 32 of 96
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    I hope that Apple has a Plan 'B'? What if Nvidia start messing with Arm License terms and want a load more $$$$? Apple and Nvidia are not exactly good friends.
    Apple should make sure that this can't happen or move to plan B, a different CPU architecture?

    I really don't understand why people aren't getting this, so I think it might be a good time to speculate on some worst case scenarios.

    Nvidia changing the license to the CPU architecture will not affect Apple because Apple licenses the instruction set spec and ARM compatibility tests, not the reference designs for the chips.

    Apple chips aren't actually ARM chips; they're Apple chips that just happen to share the same (though I reckon Apple has modified it) instruction set.  Apple has effectively bought the instruction set and are free to change it however they want, regardless of who owns ARM. All they need from ARM is the compatibility tests.

    So what is the worst case scenario?

    Nvidia buys ARM and immediately decides they're going to cause mass panic throughout the industry by telling Apple they have to pay more money for ongoing access to the compatibility suite. 

    Apple says, "You sure about that?"

    "Hell, yeah,' says NVidia, "and we're going to tie you up in court to destroy confidence in your ASi programme."

    "Okey Dokey," says Apple.

    Other companies, meanwhile, see how this is going to play out in their future and immediately start looking at ways of getting out from under Nvidia.

    Later that year, Apple makes an announcement at the WWDC: 

    ASi has been a game-changer, so much so that they want to take it further: In order to further optimise what they can do with their architecture, the next generation of ASi chips will be using AIS – the Apple Instruction Set. Developers outside the app store will need to recompile their code; those on the app store won't need to do anything as the final stage compilation (when users buy an app) will take care of this. There will be an emulator (Rosetta3) based on the instruction set that Apple has been using.
    Apple will be working with outfits that rely on the lower level stuff (virtualisation software) to make the transition (This is much the same as they are doing now with the likes of Docker).

    ARM realises that they've been played, and in a moment of stupidity, decides to change the ARM instruction set to spite Apple. Without access to the new compatibility tests, Apple will not be able to verify that Rosetta3 will run the new ARM code.

    From Apple's point of view, the situation is annoying.
    For the rest of the industry, now having to deal with testing code to make sure runs on  old ARM and new ARM, the situation is more than annoying; it's a disaster.

    The reason I mention this is because somewhere in Apple's chip design house, a group of men and women are sitting around a table, weighing the advantages/disadvantages of creating their own instruction set tailored for the Apple platform.

    They'll probably decide there isn't any real advantage, since they can do whatever they want with the one they've got.

  • Reply 33 of 96
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    One other thing:

    The worst buyer for ARM would be Apple.

    They have no interest in improving the ARM designs since they have no interest in selling chips to other companies.
  • Reply 34 of 96
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    elijahg said:
    tmay said:
    civa said:
    viclauyyc said:
    Just the wait time of approval from various government will likely kill the deal. 

    We can only hope. 

    As I said before, this is not only a mistake, putting control of the ARM architecture directly in the hands of China (NVIDIA is Intel, and Intel is pretty much China), but it's going in the exact direction I expected it to go. 

    I called this when it was first reported, and everyone said I was being Chicken Little. 

    What now, brown cow? 
    Taiwan is not the People's Republic of China, though China continues to push that they "own" Taiwan. Another way of looking at it, is the smaller, more successful and democratic Taiwan should be running Mainland China.

    The world knows that Taiwan is part of China.   The right wingers are trying to reshape the world the way their skewed alternative reality sees it.
    So all the countries that have split in two in the last 50 years don’t actually exist as separate countries and are in fact still part of their “parent” country? Right. Also what has left/right got to do with it? I can only assume you’re so far left that any suggestion that the PRC is an evil abusive dictatorship harms your idea of a far left socialist utopia present in China today? 

    The people of Taiwan are a fully self governing people, they’re recognised by many but only informally for fear of pissing off China. The left is always pushing for more liberation and recognition of minorities and disadvantaged people, so why is it different for Taiwan?

    Anyway. Existing licenses of ARM tech might be perpetual, but any further licensing may become a bit awkward for the likes of Apple after they’ve been so belligerent toward Nvidia.

    LOL...  The cold war with China originated and is fueled by right wing crazies (like Trump and the crazies who advise him -- likely as a distraction from his buddy Vladimir and his own failures to lead).   And there is a reason why virtually every major country in the world does not recognize Taiwan as a separate country -- because it isn't.   It's like the U.S. South in the 1860's and, like the south will be taken back.

    Sorry, I know that doesn't jive with your alternative reality.  
  • Reply 35 of 96
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    skingers said:
    civa said:
    viclauyyc said:
    Just the wait time of approval from various government will likely kill the deal. 

    We can only hope. 

    As I said before, this is not only a mistake, putting control of the ARM architecture directly in the hands of China (NVIDIA is Intel, and Intel is pretty much China), but it's going in the exact direction I expected it to go. 

    I called this when it was first reported, and everyone said I was being Chicken Little. 

    What now, brown cow? 
    "NVIDIA is Intel, and Intel is pretty much China"

    Intel has no significant discernible stake in NVIDIA and Intel is majority owned by institutional investors, the two biggest by far being Vanguard and Blackrock - both 

    The right's fear of China knows no boundaries in reality.
  • Reply 36 of 96
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,867member
    Let's not forget RISC-V options.

    nVIDIA and Western Digital have been using RISC-V open hardware designs for years. Huawei is a premium member and there has been talk of market opportunities for CPUs in autonomous vehicles. 

  • Reply 37 of 96
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,430member
    skingers said:
    civa said:
    viclauyyc said:
    Just the wait time of approval from various government will likely kill the deal. 

    We can only hope. 

    As I said before, this is not only a mistake, putting control of the ARM architecture directly in the hands of China (NVIDIA is Intel, and Intel is pretty much China), but it's going in the exact direction I expected it to go. 

    I called this when it was first reported, and everyone said I was being Chicken Little. 

    What now, brown cow? 
    "NVIDIA is Intel, and Intel is pretty much China"

    Intel has no significant discernible stake in NVIDIA and Intel is majority owned by institutional investors, the two biggest by far being Vanguard and Blackrock - both American.

    The right's fear of China knows no boundaries in reality.
    Nor does your posturing, which is no-nothing, if not entirely supportive of the CCP.

    Here's a long video on 5G, global competition:


    and here's a country, not the U.S., that is reevaluating its relationship with China.


    I think that New Zealand has had enough of Chinese Influence operations in New Zealand, as have many other countries, including Australia and the U.S.

    As for Taiwan, no it doesn't belong to China, no matter how much the CCP state so, and though China will ultimately weigh having to invade Taiwan, most Western countries support Taiwan's right to exist independently of Mainland China. The question will be, whether those Western Nations will support Taiwan militarily. 

    Maybe, just maybe, Mainland China belongs to the democracy that we know as Taiwan.

    edited August 2020 watto_cobraciva
  • Reply 38 of 96
    dysamoriadysamoria Posts: 3,430member
    mjtomlin said:
    I hope that Apple has a Plan 'B'? What if Nvidia start messing with Arm License terms and want a load more $$$$? Apple and Nvidia are not exactly good friends.
    Apple should make sure that this can't happen or move to plan B, a different CPU architecture?

    Licensing terms are already set and Apple has an architectural license which is a perpetual license.

    1. ARM would not sell without ensuring that all current licensees are safe.
    2. No government would allow the sale unless nVIDIA guaranteed to continue to design and license IP under fair terms.
    I’m sure someone said that existing Mac OS licensors agreements were safe when Apple stopped licensing Mac OS...
  • Reply 39 of 96
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    tmay said:
    skingers said:
    civa said:
    viclauyyc said:
    Just the wait time of approval from various government will likely kill the deal. 

    We can only hope. 

    As I said before, this is not only a mistake, putting control of the ARM architecture directly in the hands of China (NVIDIA is Intel, and Intel is pretty much China), but it's going in the exact direction I expected it to go. 

    I called this when it was first reported, and everyone said I was being Chicken Little. 

    What now, brown cow? 
    "NVIDIA is Intel, and Intel is pretty much China"

    Intel has no significant discernible stake in NVIDIA and Intel is majority owned by institutional investors, the two biggest by far being Vanguard and Blackrock - both American.

    The right's fear of China knows no boundaries in reality.
    Nor does your posturing, which is no-nothing, if not entirely supportive of the CCP.

    Here's a long video on 5G, global competition:


    and here's a country, not the U.S., that is reevaluating its relationship with China.


    I think that New Zealand has had enough of Chinese Influence operations in New Zealand, as have many other countries, including Australia and the U.S.

    As for Taiwan, no it doesn't belong to China, no matter how much the CCP state so, and though China will ultimately weigh having to invade Taiwan, most Western countries support Taiwan's right to exist independently of Mainland China. The question will be, whether those Western Nations will support Taiwan militarily. 

    Maybe, just maybe, Mainland China belongs to the democracy that we know as Taiwan.

    LOL.... No.... 
    I'm not "pro-CCP" (Whatever the hell that is!)

    But I am against smear campaigns and wars fought to distract from internal abuses and deficiencies.

    China has been a boon to the U.S. consumer producing great, high quality, low cost products.   It's not their fault that U.S. industry lost its competitive edge.   If those industries hadn't moved to Japan, China and Korea it would have been other countries.

    And no, don't go there on Huawei:  that's 100% Trump smear campaign.   Even the UK admitted that Trump pressured them into (temporarily) pushing Huawei out.  It had nothing to do with Trump's claims -- which all proved to be bogus.
  • Reply 40 of 96
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,430member
    tmay said:
    skingers said:
    civa said:
    viclauyyc said:
    Just the wait time of approval from various government will likely kill the deal. 

    We can only hope. 

    As I said before, this is not only a mistake, putting control of the ARM architecture directly in the hands of China (NVIDIA is Intel, and Intel is pretty much China), but it's going in the exact direction I expected it to go. 

    I called this when it was first reported, and everyone said I was being Chicken Little. 

    What now, brown cow? 
    "NVIDIA is Intel, and Intel is pretty much China"

    Intel has no significant discernible stake in NVIDIA and Intel is majority owned by institutional investors, the two biggest by far being Vanguard and Blackrock - both American.

    The right's fear of China knows no boundaries in reality.
    Nor does your posturing, which is no-nothing, if not entirely supportive of the CCP.

    Here's a long video on 5G, global competition:


    and here's a country, not the U.S., that is reevaluating its relationship with China.


    I think that New Zealand has had enough of Chinese Influence operations in New Zealand, as have many other countries, including Australia and the U.S.

    As for Taiwan, no it doesn't belong to China, no matter how much the CCP state so, and though China will ultimately weigh having to invade Taiwan, most Western countries support Taiwan's right to exist independently of Mainland China. The question will be, whether those Western Nations will support Taiwan militarily. 

    Maybe, just maybe, Mainland China belongs to the democracy that we know as Taiwan.

    LOL.... No.... 
    I'm not "pro-CCP" (Whatever the hell that is!)

    But I am against smear campaigns and wars fought to distract from internal abuses and deficiencies.

    China has been a boon to the U.S. consumer producing great, high quality, low cost products.   It's not their fault that U.S. industry lost its competitive edge.   If those industries hadn't moved to Japan, China and Korea it would have been other countries.

    And no, don't go there on Huawei:  that's 100% Trump smear campaign.   Even the UK admitted that Trump pressured them into (temporarily) pushing Huawei out.  It had nothing to do with Trump's claims -- which all proved to be bogus.
    Huawei 5G is banned in the UK. All existing Huawei 4G must be removed by 2027.


    All of the Five Eyes countries excepting Canada now have Huawei bans in place. Canada is undecided, but will likely end up banning Huawei as well.

    I'm guessing that the PRC's recent Security Law for Hong Kong tipped the UK towards that ban. 


    Meng Wanzhou will be extradited to the U.S. to face trial.

    For the record;

    CCP is the Chinese Communist Party; they run Mainland China. If you are "pro" CCP, as it appears, then you are for the authoritarian government of China. PRC is the People's Republic of China; ie Mainland China, governed by the CCP.

    See how easy that was?

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