Mark Zuckerberg claims Apple's App Store charges 'monopoly rents,' stifles innovation



  • Reply 61 of 68
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    dysamoria said:
    dysamoria said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    chadbag said:
    esteban said:
    We knew this narrative would be coming because iOS will ding their ad revenue, as others pointed out.
    The timing however, seems deflection from FB's failure to apply their own standards, which helped lead to a 17 year old crossing state lines illegally with a rifle, and killing 2 and maiming 1, in Kenosha.
    Please keep your misinformation to yourself.  There is nothing illegal about crossing state lines with a rifle.  All evidence (and there is plenty of it in video, photos, and pre-incident interviews) to show the above to not be true.  He was there with a med kit and had been helping treat everyone including rioters.  He was interviewed that evening at least once.  He defended himself against rioters and vandals who were trying to kill him and he tried to avoid problems by retreating. He fell and the guy who was maimed assaulted him with a pistol in hand.  One of the guys killed chased him and assaulted him with a skateboard, which can kill the way it was used.   So please keep your misinformation to yourself.  

    My God, wasn’t it though? That kid was a massacre waiting to happen. 

    If Apple had put this feature in five years ago, Facebook would’ve found it harder to target the hard-of-thinking, and the US might not be the open-plan lunatic asylum it is today. 
    I liked your comment, but I don’t think the blame can be laid on Facebook quite that much (definitely some!!).

    Willful ignorance & self-delusion are an epidemic in the USA. It ties back to childhood indoctrination and lack of quality nurturing. No one is born a monster. No one is born destined to believe BS.

    The country needs critical thinking skills classes for all children, starting at year one of all schooling.

    Then there are the great many other issues, like poverty, malnutrition, psychological abuses (via family and/or peers, employers, etc), all the people who shouldn’t BE parenting (unwanted children, selfish adults, or just the unready and unprepared), and a general lack of agency felt by most (which is a specific generator of impotent rage).

    Our culture and economic system breeds crazies and rewards sociopaths. The internet just gives them a place to go to become radicalized by echo-chambers. Blaming this on Facebook is far too simplistic.

    That is all true.  Very true.   But it's only part of the truth.
    It ignores the impact of propaganda.   Organized, professionally produced propaganda meant to push an agenda and an ideology.

    I remember as a kid wondering how Hitler did it:   How did he persuade an entire nation, millions and millions of people, to not only support him and his evil but to fight and die for it?   It just made no sense to me.

    The answer is playing out in front of us here in the USA:   You divide the people into "Us" and "Them".   Then you use hate and fear to get "Us" to attack and oppress "Them".   And today we have a wanna-be dictator backed by a wide spread propaganda machine spreading and propagating that hate and fear.   And Facebook has become an integral part of that propaganda machine:   It enables the propagandists to target specific, narrow groups with tailored, specific propaganda that nobody else can see -- and therefor not contest or refute.   The unemployed, christian laborer in Chicago gets a different set of messages from the Detroit auto worker losing his job to Mexico -- but the messages to both serve the same purpose:   teach them that they have much to hate and fear from "the other"....  
    I do agree. Propaganda is very dangerous.

    So too is the notion that “all ideas deserve to be heard in the marketplace of ideas” or that “all speech should be free”. It’s just equally dangerous to start writing laws about what kinds of speech should be illegal. It’s hard enough to agree on what constitutes “speech which promotes violence”, especially when people feel confident in using the letter of the law to defeat the spirit of the law for their own ends (whether to promote or censor).

    Despite “honesty in advertising” laws, we see how much bold lying laissez-faire capitalism still does regularly... as well as shaky definitions for “studies” and “data” by entirely biased and corrupt corporate entities with every motive to lie with their “data”.

    i want to live in a world guided & shaped by demonstrable facts & scientific consensus, but there are so many people who are all too eager to defeat and destroy every and any rational system merely to further their own personal interests.

    Nazis attacked and attempted to discredit both Einstein and his theories because of his Jewish heritage.   It's not new.  But it is sad, despicable and dangerous
  • Reply 62 of 68
    mattinozmattinoz Posts: 2,446member
    Apple is stifling innovation?   Really?
    Wasn't it Zuckerberg who lobbied Trump to shut down social media platforms from China (like TikTok) that were overtaking Facebook?

    Zuckerberg needs to understand that if you have to use political means to stifle your competitors it means you can neither innovate nor compete.    It means you are weak.
    Same Zuck who buys any competitor he can and destroys their point of difference in short order.
  • Reply 63 of 68
    For this to be true, there has to be no viable market alternatives. Yet iOS is not the majority market share, as Android provides a wide open plain of alternatives -- multiple app stores, as well as side-loading. There is inarguably room there for this supposed stifled innovation to thrive. 

    Apple cannot have a monopoly on their own store, no more than McDonald's has a monopoly on their own store & menu by not allowing Whoppers, or sushi vendors, etc...
    well said ... someone who actually understands what a monopoly means.

    it's really no different than perdue selling chicken to price chopper, who then marks it up to sell to the end user. if you want to make more money on your app, charge more money. if you price yourself out of the market, lower your price. perdue depends on various grocery stores to sell their products the same as app developers rely on multiple app stores to sell their products.

    additionally, facebook's very existence stifles innovation, competition, intelligence and rational discourse and provides absolutely no discernible benefit.

    apple is by no means perfect nor are they a benevolent benefactor ... rather, they are a capitalist entity whose purpose is to provide a safe and usable product to their end users while satisfying their stockholders. given the tens of thousands of apps on the app store, the entry fee is obviously not onerous. and, if your app is really great and really useful, people will buy it regardless of the price.
  • Reply 64 of 68
    JinTechJinTech Posts: 1,053member
    I love how all these large multi-million and multi-billion dollar companies are the ones crying the loudest when indie developers are not making a sound. Indie developers, if successful, are making millions where as before they made nothing. Are there any info graphs to see which platforms make the most for developers?
    edited August 2020 GeorgeBMacdysamoriawatto_cobraDetnator
  • Reply 65 of 68
    johnbearjohnbear Posts: 160member
    No worries mark. The gov will step in and control you all next year
  • Reply 66 of 68
    Facebook is the monopoly to end all monopolies.  The entire world that is online has one choice for a general social network: Facebook.  Your other choice is bupkis and FB will not let anyone interface their social network to Facebook.
  • Reply 67 of 68
    ID0XID0X Posts: 8member
    Wasn't it Zuckerberg who lobbied Trump to shut down social media platforms from China (like TikTok) that were overtaking Facebook?
    Fakebook under thread = National security issue (Trump cant win the elections without Fakebook manipulations) 

  • Reply 68 of 68
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    johnbear said:
    No worries mark. The gov will step in and control you all next year

    It already is.   The government is deciding who we can sell to and who we can buy from.   It's partly why 180,000 Americans died.  We couldn't get test kits or PPE.  At this point, schools can't even get computers.
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