Spotify says Apple One bundle is a 'threat to collective freedom' [u]



  • Reply 21 of 54
    Since when did businesses becomes cry babies? 
    Since Wall Street got its bailout and left Main Street holding the bag?
  • Reply 22 of 54
    It may not be a popular opinion here, but I like Spotify better than Apple Music.  Like so many others have said, Spotify has better playlists and I prefer their interface to Apple's.

    I don't own a HomePod or anything that ties me to AM, so I choose Spotify.  
    edited September 2020 cy_starkmanleehericksmuthuk_vanalingamwilliamlondon
  • Reply 23 of 54
    I guess they’ve somehow missed a product called "Amazon Prime" then, idiots.
  • Reply 24 of 54
    Is this satire? It’s like Sony complaining that Microsoft are releasing games on their own console.

    Dominant market position? How exactly? Spotify have more customers across a wider pool of devices. iOS is the minority operating system.

    The entire thing is laughable self-victimisation from a company that has shown that it will pull any lever possible rather than actually compete fairly.

    Also offering bundles is not illegal. One needs to have a significant, competition-denying monopoly for leverage to be considered anticompetitive.

    StrangeDaysBeatslolliverp-dogBart Yviclauyycpscooter63watto_cobrajony0
  • Reply 25 of 54
    One needs to have a significant, competition-denying monopoly for leverage to be considered anticompetitive.
    And the US Supreme Court has ruled that entertainment monopolies (like baseball, in particular) are 100% legal. As far as I can tell, music is 100% entertainment. The big US baseball league, I forget their name, used very nasty anti-competitive techniques to put a competing baseball league out of business, and the US Supreme Court actually said, "We don't care, it's only entertainment." Sounds like a joke, but it's not.
  • Reply 26 of 54
    what. the F. seriously... what is stopping Spotify from releasing a cloud based storage service and bundling that? 
    BeatslolliverBart Ywilliamlondonwatto_cobra
  • Reply 27 of 54
    ITGUYINSD said:
    It may not be a popular opinion here, but I like Spotify better than Apple Music.  Like so many others have said, Spotify has better playlists and I prefer their interface to Apple's.

    I don't own a HomePod or anything that ties me to AM, so I choose Spotify.  
    A HomePod doesn’t tie you to AM whatsoever. It’s functioned as a standard AirPlay speaker from Day 1, and soon will offer voice commands to third-party apps...tho I rarely use voice music commands and actually prefer it as an AirPlay endpoint from my devices and Apple TV, which itself supports third-part apps like Sirius XM. 
    edited September 2020 ronnlolliverwilliamlondonwatto_cobra
  • Reply 28 of 54
    Spotify Saïd:
    “....and threaten our collective freedoms to listen, learn, create, and connect.”

    What for a nonsense is that?

    Collective and freedom are in contradiction. You can never be absolutely free 
    in a collective,  because collective means there are more than one person.
    So you need to compromise and you need ruls.
    Thus, no freedom.
    Thus, I see panic in the actions of Spotify.
    Bart YJapheyviclauyycwatto_cobra
  • Reply 29 of 54
    larryjwlarryjw Posts: 1,036member
    Just another onerous bundling scheme. Cable TV used to bundle, what?, 260 channels?. 

    And there are all these packages "for a low, low price of ....". 

  • Reply 30 of 54
    Whut? Apple reducing the prices of their services by bundling them together "will cause irreparable harm to the developer community"?! How?

    If I already have those services, how can saving me $25 a month hurt other developers? If anything, it means Apple are willingly taking $25 less from me each month, and leaves me $25 extra to spend with other developers.

    I guess what they're trying to say is that if I don't currently have Apple Music, but I do have 2TB iCloud storage and News+ and Apple Arcade etc., then I might be in the market for a music subscription service, and if Apple Music is only an extra $2/month then I'd be more likely to go for that as part of the Apple One bundle than Spotify at $10/month. Fair enough, but that seems to be an argument to race to the bottom.

    If Apple Music is only $2/month why should I, as a consumer, be forced to pay $10/month? Why don't Spotify compete at $2/month? Or $1.49, or $0, and then everyone will use them! Because Spotify would quickly go out of business. Apple is able to charge only $2/month because the total cost of all the services in the bundle still provides them with profit, making it a profitable option. Spotify cannot drop their price because they need it as it is. This just smacks of Spotify's management being d!cks.
  • Reply 31 of 54
    In other breaking news: more than one company is in a dominant market position because of its size. Also: not every market is profitable.
  • Reply 32 of 54
    BeatsBeats Posts: 3,073member
    darkpaw said:
    Whut? Apple reducing the prices of their services by bundling them together "will cause irreparable harm to the developer community"?! How?

    If I already have those services, how can saving me $25 a month hurt other developers? If anything, it means Apple are willingly taking $25 less from me each month, and leaves me $25 extra to spend with other developers.

    I guess what they're trying to say is that if I don't currently have Apple Music, but I do have 2TB iCloud storage and News+ and Apple Arcade etc., then I might be in the market for a music subscription service, and if Apple Music is only an extra $2/month then I'd be more likely to go for that as part of the Apple One bundle than Spotify at $10/month. Fair enough, but that seems to be an argument to race to the bottom.

    If Apple Music is only $2/month why should I, as a consumer, be forced to pay $10/month? Why don't Spotify compete at $2/month? Or $1.49, or $0, and then everyone will use them! Because Spotify would quickly go out of business. Apple is able to charge only $2/month because the total cost of all the services in the bundle still provides them with profit, making it a profitable option. Spotify cannot drop their price because they need it as it is. This just smacks of Spotify's management being d!cks.

    Spotify does do $0 a month which hurts Apple and artists. Except Apple isn't crying about it.
    edited September 2020 yoyo2222lolliverronnviclauyycpscooter63watto_cobra
  • Reply 33 of 54
    BeatsBeats Posts: 3,073member
    Didn't Spotify complain about in-app-subscriptions and get their way with external payments? Now they don't want Apple to bundle software? How much power over Apple does Spotify want?
  • Reply 34 of 54
    Even if I was interested in Spotify, this constant whining is a total turn off. they sound like a three year old that lost a toy. "It's not fair."
    I can't say I'm typical, but if I'm not alone in feeling like this Spotify's continual whining might be costing them customers.
    BeatsronnBart Yviclauyycpscooter63watto_cobra
  • Reply 35 of 54
    When Spotify treats their musicians like human beings, then maybe they will have a valid basis on which to talk about how other companies are bad.
    lolliverBeatsBart Yviclauyycpscooter63watto_cobra
  • Reply 36 of 54
    p-dogp-dog Posts: 136member
    xyzzy01 said:
    tshapi said:
    Apple releases a bundle to attract more customers. Oh my God! It’s the end of Spotify were to greedy to lower or prices in competition!  

    Given the state of Spotify profits, saying they are greedy would be pushing it... Most of their costs are licensing costs to the music industry (around 75%), so they're not free to lower it either.

    Using a dominant position in one market to gain market share in another is usually considered bad - in particular, I guess bundling it with iCloud storage. If they just bundled it with AppleTV+ I don't think Spotify (or customers) would care.
    Spotify can suck it! They actively fought against a legal agreement to pay artists more per stream, an agreement Apple supported. To this day, Apple pays artists significantly more per stream than Spotify does. Apple’s new bundles are going to save me a TON of money per year and I couldn’t be more excited. Spotify can take their anti-consumer behavior and shove it!
    BeatsBart Yviclauyycwatto_cobra
  • Reply 37 of 54
    p-dogp-dog Posts: 136member
    qwerty52 said:

    What for a nonsense is that?

    That’s an odd syntax in English. „Was für einen Quatsch ist das?”

    Das hat mir sofort ein bisschen komisch geklungen.
    edited September 2020
  • Reply 38 of 54
    Spotify's gripes are mostly about having to pay 30%/15% of its subscription income to Apple for new and continuing members.

    After opting out of Apple payments for acquiring new members in 2016 Spotify can only sign them up outside the Apple ecosystem (there is only a tiny share of continuing members who signed up before 2016 where Spotify pays the 15% fee to Apple). This probably puts Spotify at a disadvantage compared to Apple Music.

    Spotify's complaint is the strongest pending anti-trust issue against the app store: should Apple be allowed to compete with services where they can charge their competitors up to 30%? Spotify has a much stronger case than Epic/Fortnite.

    Arguably Apple One amplifies Apple's advantage - you can get storage from Dropbox and music from Spotify but in all those cases Dropbox/Spotify either have to pay a share to Apple or consumers have to figue out how to subscribe outside the app store (while not being given any hints within the iOS apps on how to accomplish this due to Apple's rules).

    It will be interesting how Spotify's complaints play out in the EU and US but they do have a fairly good case (as far as anti-trust complaints go).

    edited September 2020
  • Reply 39 of 54
    xyzzy01 said:
    tshapi said:
    Apple releases a bundle to attract more customers. Oh my God! It’s the end of Spotify were to greedy to lower or prices in competition!  

    Given the state of Spotify profits, saying they are greedy would be pushing it... Most of their costs are licensing costs to the music industry (around 75%), so they're not free to lower it either.

    Using a dominant position in one market to gain market share in another is usually considered bad - in particular, I guess bundling it with iCloud storage. If they just bundled it with AppleTV+ I don't think Spotify (or customers) would care.
    Apple offering a bundle of its services for its appliance. It’s a win for Apple customers. It’s easy to manage. I buy an Apple device. Then I get Apple One. Now I can save on the cloud, listen to music, play games, watch new stuff from Apple. This is the digital service to easily make the iPhone and iPad(and Mac) more enjoyable. I’m in!
    BeatsBart Ywatto_cobra
  • Reply 40 of 54
    Bart YBart Y Posts: 68unconfirmed, member
    ITGUYINSD said:
    It may not be a popular opinion here, but I like Spotify better than Apple Music.  Like so many others have said, Spotify has better playlists and I prefer their interface to Apple's.

    I don't own a HomePod or anything that ties me to AM, so I choose Spotify.  
    Exactly!  It’s a choice, choice involves competition and Spotify is there competing against all comers including Apple Music.  Some will choose and some will stay with what they like.  Spotify need to learn how to truly compete rather than cry to regulators “to protect” them and their profits.  HEY EU, try making a technology platform so that Spotify can dominate.  
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