Chinese video platforms reportedly axe Apple's 'Hi, Speed' livestream



  • Reply 21 of 26
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,397member
    The 5G iPhone would be a better choice in China than anyplace else at the moment.  Only 13% of smartphones shipped in H1 2020 were 5G-capable, and 78% of those were shipped in China. 

    That country is ahead of others in 5G deployment so that's where I'd expect Apple to focus marketing. Not having the live event feed broadcast won't help do that. 
  • Reply 22 of 26
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,397member
    Another fun fact:

    China has long been the world’s largest smartphone market by volume, but Q2 2020, China overtook the US to be the largest market for premium smartphones above US$600.” 
    edited October 2020 muthuk_vanalingamjony0
  • Reply 23 of 26
    JWSCJWSC Posts: 1,203member
    gatorguy said:
    The 5G iPhone would be a better choice in China than anyplace else at the moment.  Only 13% of smartphones shipped in H1 2020 were 5G-capable, and 78% of those were shipped in China. 

    That country is ahead of others in 5G deployment so that's where I'd expect Apple to focus marketing. Not having the live event feed broadcast won't help do that. 
    What you’ve left unsaid is that China is ahead in 5G because many parts of the country lacked basic infrastructure a few years ago. And now that China is finally filling out that infrastructure they will use the latest available technologies.

    In countries with deep infrastructure, companies are somewhat slower to upend their multi billion dollar network investments on the whims of each latest and greatest technology push.  Understandably, they want payback on their investments before any major upgrade begins.
  • Reply 24 of 26
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,111member
    jcs2305 said:
    Well said.. It has become a habit for people to mix these two things together when defending China. Chinese citizens are not the problem in this situation.

    I've been complaining about China's hostile practices for literally decades.  China is banking that the rest of the world want their cheap $50 microwave ovens and flat-screen TV that it will turn a blind-eye to what wretched and damaging things the Chinese government is doing to everyone.  I have quite a few friends that live in China, and it's interesting that when they're here in the U.S. (visiting), it's all chatty, and non-stop social-media.  They go back to China and they go instantly dark for months (years) because China has all non-Chinese social-media companies blocked from the country.  My friends will occasionally have a VPN that can punch through the great firewall, and complain about it... but the fact it's even happening and the Chinese people tolerate all the draconian things their government does to them just boggles my mind.

    When the U.S. recently tried to block TikTok (being Chinese owned), we revolted, and the Chinese government (via TikTok) had the nerve to claim that banning TikTok runs foul of violating free speech, hence - our Constitution.  The Chinese government, master of cracking down on free speech, used that against us and we didn't blink an eye.  Hypocrites.

    Screw the Chinese government.  The best day for the world will be when the Chinese people finally say "enough is enough" and brings down that evil regime.

  • Reply 25 of 26
    mcdave said:
    Alger said:
    tommikele said:
    JWSC said:
    That’s it China.  Just keep going.  Just keep giving Apple more reasons to diversify manufacturing out of your country.  The sooner, the better.  And good riddance.

    The Chinese are the ones who are in a position to say good riddance to Apple and not the other way around as you claim.

    You don't know too much about business, do you?
    Apple is the smartest, most valuable company on Earth.  China has a ruthless, repressive, totalitarian, imperial government and their society has no regard for pluralism or diversity in any political or cultural aspect of its society.  Its leaders are utterly unaccountable to the people they supposedly serve.  Chinese "business" is all about the Communist Party in corrupt sweetheart deals with ruthless, robber-baron, nepotistic capitalists.  Chinese despise foreigners at home and treat hosts in other countries like garbage. I'd gladly pay a couple dollars more for a phone than have any piece of it made in China.
    Apple users used to be able to smell propaganda but maybe not any more. The China you’re describing isn’t the one my sister has lived in for the last 10 years.
    Maybe you should ask yourself why we’re demonising a country/ideology - just like we did before we started our Islamic holocaust.
    The China he described IS the China that my mother-in-law, sister-in-law and brother-in-law has lived all their lives. 
  • Reply 26 of 26
    123Go123Go Posts: 19member
    I suspect the reason is that the Chinese government is very upset over the banning of Huawei from being involved in the American and other western countries' roll of their 5G networks. This might be a signal they are thinking of banning the iPhone 12. They probably would not ban it outright but delay it with red tape etc.
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