Samsung considering copying Apple's AC charger removal despite mocking ads



  • Reply 21 of 34
    BeatsBeats Posts: 3,073member
    FoodLover said:
    @appleinsider: your heading states:
    "Samsung considering copying Apple's AC charger removal despite mocking ads"

    I know that this site is very Aple-centric, but you should report correctly:
    - Samsung removed the headphones from the package of Note 20 series first
    - Apple COPIED Samsung and went one step further by removing the charger, too
    - By removing the charger Samsung would just follow itself

    One important difference:
    - Samsung offers all Note 20 buyers a free of charge headphone if they wanted it.
    - This means unlike Apple Samsung is not ripping off their customers

    You're a moron if you think Apple copied Samsung by removing the earbuds. This was an old rumor that Samsung wanted to copy.

    Apple invented all their products. Keep moving the goalposts bud.

    You forgot to mention Samsung is selling knockoff iPhones, that rips off ALL their customers especially since their moronic customers are paying Apple prices! For a freaking knockoff!!
  • Reply 22 of 34
    BeatsBeats Posts: 3,073member
    This time Samsung is copying for the sake of copying. Samsung never gave a sh** about the environment.
  • Reply 23 of 34
    BeatsBeats Posts: 3,073member
    FoodLover said:
    @appleinsider: your heading states:
    "Samsung considering copying Apple's AC charger removal despite mocking ads"

    I know that this site is very Aple-centric, but you should report correctly:
    - Samsung removed the headphones from the package of Note 20 series first
    - Apple COPIED Samsung and went one step further by removing the charger, too
    - By removing the charger Samsung would just follow itself

    One important difference:
    - Samsung offers all Note 20 buyers a free of charge headphone if they wanted it.
    - This means unlike Apple Samsung is not ripping off their customers

    Here in Sweden you got headphones in the package when buying Samsung Note 20. So, no, Apple didn't copy Samsung.

    Only a moron would think Apple copied that "then went a step further".

    No, moron, everyone knew Apple was gonna remove these things before hand, including Samesong.
  • Reply 24 of 34
    Oh, Samscum. Classy. 
  • Reply 25 of 34
    For all the talk that ‘the future is in Asia’ we have Case Number 104,385,287 of Asia looking to the US (and EU/AU/Canada to lesser extents) for ideas and initiatives.  And the knee jerk initial mocking just makes them look all the more ridiculous. 

    One thing I think everyone can agree Asia Tech firms haven’t copied from Apple: Steve Jobs’ ‘hire smart people and let them do their job, don’t tell them what to do.’ 
  • Reply 26 of 34
    And who on Earth is seriously surprised? 🥱
  • Reply 27 of 34
    linkmanlinkman Posts: 1,046member
    Same old Samsung behavior. One would think they would learn to not mock Apple because in a few months they are going to copy Apple. Anyone remember the ads mocking the notch on the iPhone?
  • Reply 28 of 34
    wood1208wood1208 Posts: 2,920member
    FoodLover said:
    @appleinsider: your heading states:
    "Samsung considering copying Apple's AC charger removal despite mocking ads"

    I know that this site is very Aple-centric, but you should report correctly:
    - Samsung removed the headphones from the package of Note 20 series first
    - Apple COPIED Samsung and went one step further by removing the charger, too
    - By removing the charger Samsung would just follow itself

    One important difference:
    - Samsung offers all Note 20 buyers a free of charge headphone if they wanted it.
    - This means unlike Apple Samsung is not ripping off their customers

    Note 20 series was announced on August 5, 2020 and iPhone 12 not bundling headphone in package rumor started way before that.
  • Reply 29 of 34
    Who cares about Samsung anyway? Here at least 
    edited October 2020
  • Reply 30 of 34
    Unfortunately 2–0 to Sammie against Apple again.

    First they get to mock Apple, and then they get to save money by copying Apple's model. A clear pattern of a crappy inventor who lacks forward vision.
    "Haha, they don't even offer a 3.5 mm headphone connector. Haha!"
    "Haha, they have a notch on their phone. Haha!"
    edited October 2020 watto_cobra
  • Reply 31 of 34
    omasouomasou Posts: 611member
    Picking up my iPhone this year, I realized that removing the headphones and 5W charger brick is NOT about the cost of those items. Then also not forgetting that Tim Cook was previously Apple's COO...

    It's easy to see that it is instead about creating a thinner and lighter iPhone box. Allowing Apple to ship more iPhones per platte, which improves Apple's ability to meet market demand by shipping more iPhones per shipment.

    The logistics saving must dwarf any hardware savings.
    edited October 2020 watto_cobraDetnator
  • Reply 32 of 34
    I think it is ironic how Samsung likes to poke fun of Apple in how they do their business, but also relies on their business to keep making profits. 

    There really hasn’t been an uproar of people upset that they don’t get a charger or headphones.  I haven’t heard of anyone returning their phone because it’s missing these items. 

    Samsung has an opportunity to turn around people’s negative perception of them for whoever takes the helm of the company. 

    [Deleted User]watto_cobraDetnator
  • Reply 33 of 34
    And none of it matters, people will keep buying Apple and people will keep buying Samsung.
    [Deleted User]watto_cobra
  • Reply 34 of 34
    FoodLover said:
    MacPro said:
    Was there any doubt?  Imagine what computing would look like today if there had never been Apple.
    You have already posted more than 19000 times on this page. If you just read from time to time also other sites, you would have known that this time Apple copied Samsung. But I accept that in your case it is simply too late to convince you from anything.
    Meanwhile, you post over and over and over again how Apple is ripping off their customers by not including a power brick or headphones in the package, that many Apple customers have no desire or need for.

    Let's look at some actual logic and facts: 

    1. Do you have even the remotest understanding of all the new advancements in these newest iPhones not the least of which is the 5G which is significantly more expensive than LTE, yet Apple kept the prices of these iPhones more or less the same as the previous generation.  This is partly possible because of offsetting some of that extra cost with removal of the headphones and power brick, which many users have an abundance of already.  Therefore this is SAVING customers money.  How is it not BETTER for end users to have the choice to NOT pay for these extras that most of us don't need.

    2. Are you trying to argue Samsung's ability to ship the headphones to customers who want them as some magnanimous charitable offering?  No. Nothing in business is free and you're an ignorant fool if you think it is. Those "free" headphones are being paid for by the customers one way or another. How? The "free" headphones are baked into the price of the device and the users who aren't choosing to take them are paying for them anyway. So who exactly is ripping off its customers?

    3. Additionally, you're trying to argue that Apple copied Samsung leaving the headphones out of the box?  The Note 20 range was released in August 2020 two months before the iPhone 12 range.  You really believe Apple THEN said "Crap, that's a good idea, let's change all our packaging that we've spent the last two years designing and the last 6 months implementing before we release these new iPhones in two months from now" -- and then pulled that off?  No. Apple decided over a year ago they weren't including the headphones and power brick in the iPhone 12 range.

    4. All of this plus the fact that Samsung has a proven history of copying Apple's decisions -- right after mocking Apple for them. I'm sure you're aware of the timing of each company's decision to remove the headphone jack.

    Get over yourself, troll.
    edited December 2020
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