Insultingly, Facebook continues to try to convince users that privacy-violating targeted a...



  • Reply 21 of 30
    Facebook is like that nice friendly person you meet in a park that then follows you home and then tries to call you and leaves creepy messages and then your pet goes missing ...

  • Reply 22 of 30
    Why is anyone still on Facebook?

    Gab, Telegram and MeWe are awesome and don't use ads.
    edited February 2021 watto_cobra
  • Reply 23 of 30
    mike54 said:
    Facebook needs to go and the world doesn't need Zuckerberg to appear in anything else.

    Unfortunately, clubs, community organisations, governments use Facebook to for organising and disseminating information. These need to find an alternative, and there are many out there.
    Completely agree with this, so many clubs and community groups use Fb and nothing else.  Really frustrating.

    William, great piece.  Thanks for the write up.  
  • Reply 24 of 30
    Facebook is like the Face Hugger in Alien/Aliens movies. I tried combining those two words and curiously got an offensive word so I am unable to use it.
  • Reply 25 of 30
    mjtomlinmjtomlin Posts: 2,686member
    pujones1 said:
    iamihome said:
    Time for an Apple social media app?

    iLife with bells on.
    I think they tried it somewhat. Anyone remember Ping? 

    Maybe it was too soon or Apple just didn’t put a full push behind it like they don’t do for Apple TV and Apple TV+ now. 


    Ping failed because Appel made it part of iTunes rather than its own thing. It was never meant to be a replacement for Facebook, it was meant to be a place where people could talk about and share music. At the time Facebook would not allow iTunes links to music to be posted in their service - that was a main reason Apple made Ping. Unfortunately it was labeled as a Facebook competitor by everyone else, so it never took off.
  • Reply 26 of 30
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    I can’t remember many threads on this site where 100% of the participants are in agreement. 
  • Reply 27 of 30
    elijahgelijahg Posts: 2,825member
    Rayz2016 said:
    I can’t remember many threads on this site where 100% of the participants are in agreement. 
    I think the majority of the world hates Facebook. I don't know anyone who actually likes it. Zuck has insulated himself so much that he is completely oblivious to the fact that he and it are intensely disliked, and that it is used only because everyone else uses it. 
  • Reply 28 of 30
    peteo said:
    I agree 100% with Apple blocking Facebook tracking. I do find it ironic that Apple insider blocks users from commenting when they are using an AD blocker in safari. Had to launch chrome to comment.
    Using an add blocker (1Blocker) & Safari, on a Mac - no trouble posting this comment.

    By just opening Chrome, you probably blew any semblance of privacy...
  • Reply 29 of 30
    peteo said:
    I agree 100% with Apple blocking Facebook tracking. 

    Well, of course Apple isn't 'blocking Facebook'.... it's giving USERS a choice of whether THEY want to be tracked across the web or not. In other words, it'll be users that will choose to block Facebook.

    Personally, I abandoned Facebook back in '08 after reading some early reports of how much information they gathered.... and even then, I felt uncomfortable about it. It reminded me of Special Branch* wiretapping my phone to find out what I was up to back in the late 70's [being the socialist subversive I was back then].

    *Brits will know the reference.

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