Is Cinema HD indication of new TiBook Display?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
I certainly hope it is.


  • Reply 1 of 11
    cliveclive Posts: 720member
    [quote]Originally posted by PookJP:

    <strong>I certainly hope it is.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    If you mean higher-res, probably, if you mean 1920*1200 - almost definitely not.
  • Reply 2 of 11
    I could see the TiBook at 1600x1024, however, I don't think I could read anything on the TiBooks screen if it were 1920x1200
  • Reply 3 of 11
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    I'm betting on 1440x960 for the next PB screen update. Not too big, not too small, not too big. Will need more video memory (and 7500M or Nv17) to keep decent performance though.
  • Reply 4 of 11
    carbon3carbon3 Posts: 34member
    According to MOSR sources:

    "The resolution of the new PowerBook must be 1536x1024 because of the 3:2 aspect ratio. Changing it would either mean changing the casing or stretching pixels, neither of which Apple wants to do right now. (1600x1024 is a 16:10 aspect ratio.) Although Apple could increase the width and make room for a different slot loading drive, battery, etc., this idea was cut down because the PowerBook's current footprint is already quite wide."

    More information concerning TiBook updates (as well as the full text) can be read <a href=""; target="_blank">here</a>. It's near the top of the page under February 19.
  • Reply 5 of 11
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Are you meader? Don't believe the BULLSH!T you read at MOSR. 1440x960, 1532x1024, 1620x1080 are all 3:2 aspect ratios that could be cooked up by cutting available glass a little differently. Also, if you care to recall the life of Wallstreet, Lombard, and Pismo, the current Ti is almost due for a similar looking, but differently proportioned redesign. Personally, I think they're probably going to keep the same aspect ratio, and even the resolution (for at least a few more months.)
  • Reply 6 of 11
    carbon3carbon3 Posts: 34member
    I doubt that the resolution will be 1620x1080. It would be too straining on the eyes to have pixels that small ? there's a guy at my school who has a 15" Dell with 1600x1200 resolution, and trying to work with those tiny pixels is really straining and annoying. As for 1440x960 and 1532x1024, they both seem to be believeable resolutions.
  • Reply 7 of 11
    [quote]Originally posted by PookJP:

    <strong>Author \tTopic: Is Cinema HD indication of new TiBook Display? </strong><hr></blockquote>

    It's the TiPortfolio!

    You too can carry 23" of Love under your arm! Watch the Dell and Compaq laptops quiver in fear (a bit like a Palm locked in a closet with a Newton Messagepad 2100)!

    Tis' a fun thought
  • Reply 8 of 11
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member
    [quote]Originally posted by Carbon3:

    <strong>I doubt that the resolution will be 1620x1080. It would be too straining on the eyes to have pixels that small ? there's a guy at my school who has a 15" Dell with 1600x1200 resolution, and trying to work with those tiny pixels is really straining and annoying. As for 1440x960 and 1532x1024, they both seem to be believeable resolutions.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    There was a vendor at MWT showing off a large LCD with amazing resolution. It was a 22 inch display with something like 3000 dots horizontal resolution (and something close to 2000 vertical). They were displaying a map and and a magnifying glass in front so you could read the fine print.

    For the main text they set the display font size quite large then it was quite usable.
  • Reply 9 of 11
    spartspart Posts: 2,060member
    [quote]Originally posted by Matsu:

    <strong>Are you meader? Don't believe the BULLSH!T you read at MOSR. 1440x960, 1532x1024, 1620x1080 are all 3:2 aspect ratios that could be cooked up by cutting available glass a little differently. Also, if you care to recall the life of Wallstreet, Lombard, and Pismo, the current Ti is almost due for a similar looking, but differently proportioned redesign. Personally, I think they're probably going to keep the same aspect ratio, and even the resolution (for at least a few more months.)</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I will be amazed if they are right...1536x1024 does seem a bit odd.
  • Reply 10 of 11
    jasonppjasonpp Posts: 308member
    I thought 1600x1200 on a 15" lcd would be too small as well. the I saw it under Win XP and it looked fine. You can scale everything in XP and give it whatever style or colour you want. You can even give it OS X skin (if you liked working with crayons). You cannot see individual pixles unless you use a magnifying glass, it's like magic paper, and that's a great thing. I'm saving my $$$ until July and then we'll see if it's a Toshiba Satellite 5000 or a Powerbook.. it's up to Apple now.
  • Reply 11 of 11
    pookjppookjp Posts: 280member
    Cheers to that, Jason, only I won't buy an Toshiba. I'll just wait until Apple offers what the rest of the computing world knows they should.

    Hello? Consumer book has better PPI than Professional? Huh?!
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