Apple employees threaten to quit as company takes hard line stance on remote work



  • Reply 21 of 139
    MicDorseyMicDorsey Posts: 100member
    JWSC said:
    MicDorsey said:
    fumi said:
    Lots of woke Snowflakes at Apple and all these tech companies. They need to see what other people have to endure to make a living.
    The entitled of today don't seem to be able to look beyond their own little selves, and for that I pity them. 

    I suppose this is what you get when a generation or two have been deprived of exposure to world history, not to mention the concept of gratitude.
    To a large degree I think you are right on.  With apologies to the many history teachers out there who try their best, world history as it is taught in American public schools has been an abomination and an afterthought for decades.  We are now reaping the fruits of the woeful ignorance of the younger generation in the work force.  Spoiled from childhood, they have no concept of the struggles of previous generations and what they had to do to put food on the table.

    Most of our history lessons, however, are learned through life experience.  And these young individuals at Apple are about to experience, as they say, a “teachable moment.“  Good luck to them.
    Can you imagine if today's generation were thrust back into WWII, risking their lives under the most trying, miserable circumstances? An Axis victory would have been assured.

    It's doubtful today's entitled generation could even imagine such sacrifice, let alone understand how their abundant freedoms come directly from all that sacrifice made not so long ago.
    Fidonet127red oakspock1234
  • Reply 22 of 139
    9secondkox29secondkox2 Posts: 2,896member
    Then quit. There are many who’d love to replace you. 

    Complaining about going to work at one of the greatest companies in existence. 

    lancelot232genovellered oakspock1234
  • Reply 23 of 139
    mubailimubaili Posts: 454member
    argue your case, and if it doesn’t go anywhere, then either quit or do the hybrid. Keep arguing the case is not helping anyone. 
  • Reply 24 of 139
    marc gmarc g Posts: 65member
    Don’t be an @$$. You have no idea what this person’s disability is or how it impacts their life. Perhaps whatever it is could change people’s opinions of this person. 

    red oak said:
    So, they want an exemption to work full time from home due to medical reasons... but don't want to offer any proof?   Did I get that right?  

    This will be a great opportunity to cull some of the deadweight that has attached itself to the ship over the last five years

    "...or legal action."   LOL.   Go ahead!  

  • Reply 25 of 139
    dysamoria said:
    The anti-worker hostility shown here is callous, presumptuous, and generally appalling. None of you have any idea what any of these employees’ lives are like.

    The reason Apple wants to force every worker into being on site for a certain percentage of time probably has a lot more to do with making sure their insanely expensive building/campus isn’t sitting empty, because that would be embarrassing for a company that cares a lot about their image.

    It’s been noted that people don’t like working there. Open floor plans and glass walls/doors suck for actual humans and productivity. The main building is like the Powermac G4 cube and the trashcan Mac Pro: all form; poorly-considered function.

    Then there’s the basic fact that the 40-hour workweek and officespace culture is just plain unhealthy.

    Instead of being bitter about what you see as “entitled” employees who should get shit on just the same as you do, maybe think about trying to raise the bar for EVERYONE (which includes yourselves). Stop licking the corporate boot and acting like you’re living vicariously through the boot wearers.
    Presumably, these workers were hired to work in the office. Apple made temporary accommodations during the pandemic so they could work remotely.

    Now those temporary accommodations are coming to an end. Apple wants the people that they hired to be in the office back in the office.

    The workers don’t want to come back into the office. They are certainly entitled to request that they can work remotely, but that doesn’t mean Apple has to accommodate that, since they weren’t hired with that stipulation.
  • Reply 26 of 139
    libertyforalllibertyforall Posts: 1,418member
    So let them quit.  Companies decide how they run their operations, people can vote with their feet!  

    On the flips-side, companies really should consider having some flexibility baked-in for at least partial remote work periodically...  Some jobs will never lend themselves to remote work, however...  This is hybrid, and more than accommodating!  
    edited July 2021 michael potterred oakspock1234
  • Reply 27 of 139
    so Apple employees are going to give up their benefits (they are great), their Employee Stock Purchase Plan (15% off the low every 6 months) and yearly RSUs (restricted stock grants} to works at home, yeah. No. 
    15 years working in Apple retail stores made me a million $ just through stock benefits. Those working for corporate in Coop, Austin, San Diego or Seattle I assume are doing a lot better than that.
    randominternetpersondewmemarc gred oakpatchythepiratespock1234FileMakerFeller
  • Reply 28 of 139
    Sounds like some whining babies. Why is AppleInsider even reporting on this? It is an insignificant story. Poor journalism.
  • Reply 29 of 139
    DAalsethDAalseth Posts: 2,846member
    After Covid there's going to be a lot of highly skilled people that realize that they can get as much or more work done from home without a lot of the stress or the hassle. A lot of smart companies are going to realize they can get some really talented people by going along with it, and saving costs by not having to pay for expensive offices. Is Apple one of those smart companies? Time will tell. 
  • Reply 30 of 139
    MicDorsey said:
    fumi said:
    Lots of woke Snowflakes at Apple and all these tech companies. They need to see what other people have to endure to make a living.
    The entitled of today don't seem to be able to look beyond their own little selves, and for that I pity them. 

    I suppose this is what you get when a generation or two have been deprived of exposure to world history, not to mention the concept of gratitude.
    Where does it indicate that the employees protesting are of a particular generation?
    marc gemig647nadrieltyler82dysamoria
  • Reply 31 of 139
    dysamoria said:
    fumi said:
    Lots of woke Snowflakes at Apple and all these tech companies. They need to see what other people have to endure to make a living.
    FFS, stop throwing around the word “woke” when it has absolutely no contextual relevance (or meaning) to the subject matter.
    I’m so tired of hearing that word. It reminds me of groupthink in Nineteen Eighty-Four.
    Japheydewmemarc gemig647Rayz2016nadrieltyler82kiltedgreenDetnator
  • Reply 32 of 139
    M68000M68000 Posts: 780member
    techsavvy said:
    Sounds like some whining babies. Why is AppleInsider even reporting on this? It is an insignificant story. Poor journalism.
    I disagree,  it’s actually a very interesting and timely story.   The morale at a company affects quality and employee turnover.  I side with Apple that they should go back to the office,  if Apple is indeed offering some  hybrid option it is more than generous.  Regarding the comments about the employee with ADA requirements,  that is troubling if they are not treated correctly.  Possible lawsuit waiting to happen.
    edited July 2021 marc gchemengin1dysamoria
  • Reply 33 of 139
    genovellegenovelle Posts: 1,481member
    mobird said:
    In my neck of the woods-
    Don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you...
    George Jefferson 
  • Reply 34 of 139
    genovellegenovelle Posts: 1,481member
    dysamoria said:
    Also: the claim of the corporate culture being one of interaction and accidental connections is pretty disingenuous when it’s been repeatedly brought to light that Apple’s internal efficacy suffers from obsessive security and silo-ing of projects and teams.
    But there are lots of people working on the same parts of projects. 
  • Reply 35 of 139
    genovellegenovelle Posts: 1,481member
    So let them quit.  Companies decide how they run their operations, people can vote with their feet!  

    On the flips-side, companies really should consider having some flexibility baked-in for at least partial remote work periodically...  Some jobs will never lend themselves to remote work, however...  This is hybrid, and more than accommodating!  
  • Reply 36 of 139
    JinTechJinTech Posts: 1,041member
    California is an "at-will" employer state meaning your manager can pretty much fire you for any or no reason at all so these ten people have no leg to stand on....
  • Reply 37 of 139
    nicoteonicoteo Posts: 8member
    So, I have lots of work experience with this stuff. They are not required to turn over medical records. Apple doesn't need their records or diagnosis unless the employee chooses to share it. What employees DO need to do is have their doctor fill out paperwork outlining what accommodations are needed based on the individual job description which HR would provide for this purpose. The employer DOESN'T need to agree to them for every job. For example, if someone is hired specifically to drive a fork-lift and their accommodations prevent them from reasonably being able to do the duties of the job (i.e. they cannot operate machinery for more than 15 minutes at a time or something), the employer can say no, sorry, you can no longer do the job you were hired for. At that point the employer will engage in a process to figure out another suitable position for the employee so that the accommodations can be followed. Pay may or may not be the same.  If none, then the employee is out of luck and often at that point should be considering the type of work they are trying to do. Perhaps disability or another type of job is better with the change in abilities.

     I went through this myself and chose to start my own business instead of trying to make my employer work around my ever-increasing needs. I am ALL for employee rights...but nobody is entitled to keep a job they can no longer reasonably do without undue hardship on the company they are working for and its needs. For clarity I'm focusing most on the employee with ADA accommodations that they think will be later denied). Most employers will allow accommodations that are temporary in nature (during an accident recovery for example). If the accommodation is permanent, they're going to have to prove it as well as prove they can still complete the job they were hired for. Working from home is a very tricky one because there is so much liability. For example, if you're working using your dining room chair and your back becomes hurt, is it worker's comp? Is it your own personal injury? Most companies want to avoid this kind of stuff if possible because what happens is so many people try to take advantage. At the same time, I expect Apple to be open-minded and at the forefront of a healthier work/life balance for employees. If the employees can reasonably work from home and complete their jobs, Apple could easily work with their legal department to facilitate the process. It really all comes down to what jobs these people are doing and if Apple has reasonably tried to accommodate needs.
    edited July 2021 riverkorandominternetpersonIreneWdewmeforegoneconclusionred oaknadrielJWSCdysamoriaspock1234
  • Reply 38 of 139
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,926member
    Then quit, you spoiled little brats. 
    red oak
  • Reply 39 of 139
    This is such a non-story! 10 employees are going to quit. Uh oh, Apple may have to shut down. SMH
  • Reply 40 of 139
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,926member
    dysamoria said:
    The anti-worker hostility shown here is callous, presumptuous, and generally appalling. None of you have any idea what any of these employees’ lives are like.

    The reason Apple wants to force every worker into being on site for a certain percentage of time probably has a lot more to do with making sure their insanely expensive building/campus isn’t sitting empty, because that would be embarrassing for a company that cares a lot about their image.

    It’s been noted that people don’t like working there. Open floor plans and glass walls/doors suck for actual humans and productivity. The main building is like the Powermac G4 cube and the trashcan Mac Pro: all form; poorly-considered function.

    Then there’s the basic fact that the 40-hour workweek and officespace culture is just plain unhealthy.

    Instead of being bitter about what you see as “entitled” employees who should get shit on just the same as you do, maybe think about trying to raise the bar for EVERYONE (which includes yourselves). Stop licking the corporate boot and acting like you’re living vicariously through the boot wearers.
    I bet many or most of these workers were hired pre-pandemic so they would’ve have been at the office jobs since WFH wasn’t an option. If so, they knew what they’re getting into. 

    I wished I could WFH daily like I have for the last 16 months but we are returning to the office 3 days a week. 
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