Apple to buy Vivendi ?



  • Reply 61 of 143
    low-filow-fi Posts: 357member
    If this deal has anything to do with stock price, then I am not sure that Apple will be too happy with the near 10% drop in price that the stock has seen today.

  • Reply 62 of 143
    jaredjared Posts: 639member

    Originally posted by bunge

    I've been wondering about that too. I'm sure something could be worked out though, since UMG probably wouldn't change names. The iPod is already in 'music' territory and it didn't infringe so I'm hopeful.

    I would think it would be Apple Music Group. Apple already took care of Apple Records a while ago. It is my understanding that Apple Records is not really releasing new music (anything besides back catalog stuff) so I do not see it to much of an issue.

    If Apple Records were in such hot persuit, they would have gone after the iPod and iTunes long ago.
  • Reply 63 of 143
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member

    Originally posted by Bodhi

    No one knows one way or another if it will work or not. Being that I work for one of the majors it is seen as a very high possibility that it will happen if the finances can be sorted out. Do not underestimate Fred Anderson.

    What I heard did not sound optimistic, but it also came out of left field in such a way that really had nothing to do with Apple. So being the ultimate AI geek that I am, my ears perked right up: amid the intellectual property and society discussion I came within earshot of "Apple trying to buy a major." But nobody thought it would work, though the guys talking about it all had to have heard this second hand, and are all luddites who act optomistic about the future but really think that tech is creating a cult of consumer nihilism and destroying intellectual property along the way. Whatever hush hush mojo Jobs and vivendi were working obviously wasn't so hush hush that there wasn't at least some buzz (that made it all the way to academe through a chain at least a few times removed before it got to moi)
  • Reply 64 of 143
    bodhibodhi Posts: 1,424member
    I can tell you from inside experience that the whole RIAA and label bitching that has been coming out about how pirated CD's etc are killing the industry is a bunch of BS. The problem lies with the greed of the labels. I work in production, I am directly involved in the process of the manufacturing of, costs of, and labor costs of releasing an album. I also have a very close friend who works in royalties. It's sick how the music companies operate and the fact that sales are down is there own damn fault and not because people are ripping music. It's because CD's are still being priced at $17.98. The movie studios were brilliant when DVD's came out cause they priced them very very well and they are flying off of shelves. Wanna know how much it costs to release a CD? Keep in mind that all the majors own their own distribution. Hell, my label owns the printer that prints the graphics, the plant that manufactures it and the distrubutor.

    Burn master to glass

    Duplicate CD's

    Single Disc

    Artwork on the disc 4-color

    Jewel Case

    Clear Tray

    12 page book 4-color

    Inlay card



    Spine sticker on the top of the jewel case


    Carton for the cd's to ship in

    $1.10 (roughly, give or take some cents)

    Um...the artist doesn't get $16.88 in royalties. Actually with royalties and marketing included it's still under $3. THAT is what is wrong with the music business.
  • Reply 65 of 143
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    so what does neworder think of this new rumor??

  • Reply 66 of 143
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member

    Boy, I'd like those economies of scale. We paid a lot more than $1.10 per copy of our CD; but then, we did kind of splurge.

    </shameless plug>
  • Reply 67 of 143
    algolalgol Posts: 833member
    OMG!!!!!! This could be the best thing in the world for Apple. Of course if it doesn't work there very well may not be anymore Apple. I can see it working, however, Steve would be taking a huge risk. One thing I would be worried about would be a buy out. After all if apple buys Universal and their stock drops way down someone like Microsoft could come along and get both companies. Apple better start buying up their own stock and be sure they own 51%.

    If the deals works, and apple starts bringing in a lot of money, it could allow them to compete with Microsoft on a higher level. I have always wanted a easy way to down load the music I want. Apple could even give you something like 20 free songs of your choice when you buy an iMac. MMMMM... It's risky but all good things are. Steve better not f*ck it up if he goes through with this!!!!!!!!! I don't want to be forced into buying a PC if apple goes belly up!!!!!!
  • Reply 68 of 143
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    cool amorph...ever hear of the handsome family?

    love their stuff....gothic this quote on their website:


    . The CD was recorded in their livingroom and all sounds were captured on a Macintosh G3 (No tape!).

    makes me love them more....especially since they moved to albuquerque a year or so ago....

  • Reply 69 of 143
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    Wow, this is getting LOTS of attention.

    It's a yahoo headline now......
  • Reply 70 of 143
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    yep...front of too...

  • Reply 71 of 143
    jaredjared Posts: 639member

    Originally posted by Bodhi

    I can tell you from inside experience that the whole RIAA and label bitching that has been coming out about how pirated CD's etc are killing the industry is a bunch of BS. The problem lies with the greed of the labels. I work in production, I am directly involved in the process of the manufacturing of, costs of, and labor costs of releasing an album. I also have a very close friend who works in royalties. It's sick how the music companies operate and the fact that sales are down is there own damn fault and not because people are ripping music. It's because CD's are still being priced at $17.98. The movie studios were brilliant when DVD's came out cause they priced them very very well and they are flying off of shelves. Wanna know how much it costs to release a CD? Keep in mind that all the majors own their own distribution. Hell, my label owns the printer that prints the graphics, the plant that manufactures it and the distrubutor.

    Burn master to glass

    Duplicate CD's

    Single Disc

    Artwork on the disc 4-color

    Jewel Case

    Clear Tray

    12 page book 4-color

    Inlay card



    Spine sticker on the top of the jewel case


    Carton for the cd's to ship in

    $1.10 (roughly, give or take some cents)

    Um...the artist doesn't get $16.88 in royalties. Actually with royalties and marketing included it's still under $3. THAT is what is wrong with the music business.

    I posted the question but I did not get much of a you think, if Apple does indeed buy Universal Records, Apple would lower the cost of CDs. I know Apple like the back of my hand but I do not know the music industry and the logistics of current CD prices except for pure greed...
  • Reply 72 of 143
    bodhibodhi Posts: 1,424member
    It would make sense but I have a feeling that if it goes through along side lowering CD prices they may go the pure digital route...downloads baby.
  • Reply 73 of 143
    jante99jante99 Posts: 539member

    Originally posted by Jared

    I posted the question but I did not get much of a you think, if Apple does indeed buy Universal Records, Apple would lower the cost of CDs. I know Apple like the back of my hand but I do not know the music industry and the logistics of current CD prices except for pure greed...

    I believe they are required to sell CDs at a certain price by the stores that actually sell CDs and the independent producers who actually create albums for the record labels. This is one of the reasons that online music must cost atleast 10 cents a song ==> any cheaper and the record stores get mad.
  • Reply 74 of 143
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    thegelding: Yes, I've heard of them. Can't say that I've heard them, though, and I've been looking to remedy that.

    I've got another CD by local artist Dave Olsen that was recorded in his basement. I just love the fact that you can get an impressive recording, editing, mixing and mastering in the comfort of your home for so litle money (especially if you already have the equipment). Sure, it's not going to sound like a million-dollar production, but it'll be plenty good enough for sale, and for airplay.

    Much of Camper Van Beethoven's Cigarettes and Carrot Juice anthology was remastered on an iBook. So was Tusk?! In fact, I saw that iBook, because it was on stage at First Avenue in Minneapolis when I went to see them.


    Originally posted by Bodhi

    It would make sense but I have a feeling that if it goes through along side lowering CD prices they may go the pure digital route...downloads baby.

    These two things are not mutually exclusive. Apple is setting up those kiosks that allow you to buy software electronically. They're downloaded and published on demand, right in the store. There's no reason in the world they couldn't do that with their service. Imagine "Rip. Mix. Burn." only without the need to Rip, with the full quality of AAC and with whatever packaging the label offers, and with a 10-cent charge per song. Or, if you prefer, you can just buy an album, wholesale. If Apple could use something a little more long-lasting than your average CD-R, that would be great. But even if not, the potential is amazing. That would cut out a lot of middlemen. I just hope you wouldn't be one of them. \
  • Reply 75 of 143
    bodhibodhi Posts: 1,424member

    Originally posted by jante99

    I believe they are required to sell CDs at a certain price by the stores that actually sell CDs and the independent producers who actually create albums for the record labels. This is one of the reasons that online music must cost atleast 10 cents a song ==> any cheaper and the record stores get mad.

    No it is the other way around. The labels keep the retailers from selling them BELOW a certain price. Best Buy caught a lot of flack from the labels a while back for selling cd's below MSRP. Producers have absolutely nothing to do with the retail price of a CD. Nothing.
  • Reply 76 of 143
    jaredjared Posts: 639member

    Originally posted by Bodhi

    It would make sense but I have a feeling that if it goes through along side lowering CD prices they may go the pure digital route...downloads baby.

    Oh I know they would go digital but you and I both know they would not abandon CDs. All of that manufactoring equipment would go to waste and that stuff is a lot of money.

    Not to mention music stores would go out of business, and that would not help the economy in states that have sales tax.

    So CDs will be around for a lot longer I think. I personally love owning CDs, and all of my CDs are on an external drive so I no longer play the actual CD. I love reading lyrics, looking at the pictures in the booklets and actually having something in my hand...
  • Reply 77 of 143
    jaredjared Posts: 639member

    Originally posted by Bodhi

    No it is the other way around. The labels keep the retailers from selling them BELOW a certain price. Best Buy caught a lot of flack from the labels a while back for selling cd's below MSRP. Producers have absolutely nothing to do with the retail price of a CD. Nothing.

    Exactly, just like how Apple is with sell below cost and we slit your throat...okay more like fine you for a lot of money
  • Reply 78 of 143
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    So now tis big news? doubt my scoopage will ya, HA!
  • Reply 79 of 143
    bodhibodhi Posts: 1,424member

    Originally posted by Matsu

    So now tis big news? doubt my scoopage will ya, HA!

    Anyone care to translate?
  • Reply 80 of 143
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by Bodhi

    Anyone care to translate?

    Matsu's source says the deal is going to fall out from under Apple, surprising even Apple.
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