Apple's record $81.4 billion Q3 obliterates Street expectations



  • Reply 41 of 79
    Marvellous cult mentality on display across the board here, and blasphemy laws broken all around. Bravo. 
  • Reply 42 of 79
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,677member
    Huge trading computers controlling huge amounts of money execute the majority of day to day trading. You don’t beat these computers and you shouldn’t even try. The day’s trading is a mish mosh of ups and downs pricing. Forget about that except for noticing it like you’d notice ballgame scores. They’re interesting but aren’t meaningful. What happened to Apple after hours from computer trading, mostly, means nothing unless you are a short term options trader or short swing trader. 
    Stocks like Apple are a longer term purchase. Buy it then don’t worry what happened today. A five minute chart tells you nothing about investing in Apple. You need to look at the daily chart over a year coupled with earnings results and growth. That’s the information you need to know. Then you can try to find an optimal entry point but that can also be difficult. The verified best time to purchase Apple is anytime if you’re going to hold it. 

    With that said, Luca stated part shortages may constrain IPhones and IPads sales. Also, the 30%+ growth of the last two quarters won’t be achieved because previous comps were easier. They also didn’t give full guidance except to say they expect to see double digit growth. Not comforting to options traders and swing traders and huge computer trading. Imho this sets up a price dip for potential sweet entry point. 135 is likelier target, maybe dips to bottom of long term channel at 131. That’s a forward PE of 22. For a company seeing double digit growth, revenue diversity and buying 4% shares back annually? That’s a buy (if it gets to these prices). 
    Wow, great post. 

    Putting the stock market talk aside and ignoring the way-off-topic rants, all I know is that today, as an Apple consumer, I cannot walk into any of the three (3) easily accessible Apple stores in my area and buy the new iMac 24” that I’ve already decided to purchase for my wife months ago. I can order one and wait several weeks and hope that the product I want to buy is going to be delivered per Apple’s estimate.

    This “less than ideal” and frustrating situation is tolerable of course, but in terms of customer experience it represents Friction. Friction is a force that inhibits movement, growth, and momentum. Friction is a force used to slow things down, create rashes, and slows progress. Apple’s entire sales and marketing channel is designed to minimize friction but they can never totally eliminate it entirely.

    The current friction around getting this one already announced and supposedly released product moving through the sales channels properly is not a good sign at all for Apple’s immediate future, especially if it spreads to other products in Apple’s portfolio. I could add to this frustration, at least for me personally, the lack of a suitable “future-proof,” as in Apple Silicon based, replacement for my nearly 10 year old iMac 27”, no modern replacement for my bloated and deceased iPad mini, and the lack of an Apple Silicon  Mac mini with a decent collection of built-in ports. In each of these cases, we have nothing in-store to actually buy, just a bunch of speculation and overly optimistic expectations of nirvana configurations that will ship “someday soon” while completely ignoring what all the predicted “magic” will actually cost.

    To Apple’s credit, they haven’t made and promises, but the clock is ticking louder every day and the glacial rollout and availability of already released products does not add to my confidence. Yeah, the M1 is a marvel, and sticking the M1 into existing products like the MacBook Air, MacBook Pro 13, and Mac mini is a great way to bridge the new technology into tried & true products, but these are all stopgap steps intended to smooth the transition.

    Putting the M1’s descendants into products designed from the ground-up for Apple Silicon is what will define Apple for the next decade. The M1 will be viewed as having been the 8088 of Apple Silicon technology in 5-10 years if Apple plays its cards right. But none of this will matter if Apple does not find ways to reduce the friction in their product delivery and sales channels, not only the friction that is related to suppliers, components, and staffing, but the friction that’s related to defining expectations, establishing a roadmap, and delivering on the promises within reasonable time frames. Being at a point where you know you are ready to move to the next step along the path, but having nowhere to plant your feet for the next step is disconcerting. My uneasiness about where Apple is going for my personal needs is very trivial compared to what business consumers of Apple’s products must be thinking right about now. Apple isn’t alone in this matter, but in terms of this discussion they are the only one that we care about.
  • Reply 43 of 79
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    gbdoc said:
    M68000 said:
    lkrupp said:
    fallenjt said:
    And AAPL after hour trading drops over 1%. What kind of WS bullshit is that?
    As always, Wall Street doesn’t care about what you did today, it’s about what it thinks you will do in the future. And the Covid-19 delta variant has thrown a monkey wrench into the financial crystal ball, all because 50% of the population are dumb, ignorant morons. There’s also a study out that reveals 1-in-5 believe the vaccines contain microchips. That means 20% of the population are certified idiots.
    Hey hotshot,  you do know that these “vaccines” are experimental and rushed out to the public with no data on long term side effects.   Do you think 50% of the population are morons because they are concerned about such things?  They dare to question about rushing to use such things instead of not even thinking about it?  That makes them morons??  2 of these so called vaccines are not even real vaccines.  There are a number of doctors who have gone public about their concerns and what they have seen going on.  I guess they are morons too?   Sadly,  there is however data on bad reactions and lingering problems after getting these vaccines.

    Aside from being clearly OT, your post simply spreads ignorant misinformation, half-truths and untruths. This isn’t the place to go into detail, but it’s worth noting that over 90% of covid patients in the hospital, some of whom die, weren't vaccinated.

    Hey AppleInsider, social media sites are removing disinformation, lies, and conspiracy theories about Covid-19 and the vaccines. Why aren’t you doing the same? There are now a number of these bullshit posts from that crowd in this thread. Do your duty to protect the truth.
  • Reply 44 of 79
    linkmanlinkman Posts: 1,046member
    lkrupp said:
    fallenjt said:
    And AAPL after hour trading drops over 1%. What kind of WS bullshit is that?
    As always, Wall Street doesn’t care about what you did today, it’s about what it thinks you will do in the future. And the Covid-19 delta variant has thrown a monkey wrench into the financial crystal ball, all because 50% of the population are dumb, ignorant morons. There’s also a study out that reveals 1-in-5 believe the vaccines contain microchips. That means 20% of the population are certified idiots.
    You would think Wall Street would get a clue:

    Q1 ridiculous profits announced, stock dips immediately, "Apple can't do that again"
    Q2 ridiculous profits announced, stock dips immediately, "Apple can't do that again"
    Q3 ridiculous profits announced, stock dips immediately, "Apple can't do that again"
    Q4 ridiculous profits announced, stock dips immediately, "Apple can't do that again"

    Seems like the thinking is that next time "Really, really, Apple is going to tank." As for me, I'll take advantage of the dip in stock price to buy a lot more shares and go long.
  • Reply 45 of 79
    DAalsethDAalseth Posts: 2,972member
    Japhey said:
    DAalseth said:
    Japhey said:
    sunman42 said:
    fallenjt said:
    And AAPL after hour trading drops over 1%. What kind of WS bullshit is that?
    Please. Apple has been on a tear the last few trading days, presumably because most investors figured they'd see another band-up quarter — and they did. Then some of them decided to "profit take," and cash in. It's all part of the capitalist game.
    You mean traders. Otherwise, spot on. 
    How about speculators?
    How about them? Investors and traders are both speculators. One is concerned with long term profit, and the other with profit through short term price fluctuations. I don’t understand the question…
    Speculator carries for me more of a connotation of someone gambling. Someone that jumps in and out based on rumour and, well, speculation, rather than facts. Someone who does not invest and hold. An amateur. 
  • Reply 46 of 79
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    linkman said:
    lkrupp said:
    fallenjt said:
    And AAPL after hour trading drops over 1%. What kind of WS bullshit is that?
    As always, Wall Street doesn’t care about what you did today, it’s about what it thinks you will do in the future. And the Covid-19 delta variant has thrown a monkey wrench into the financial crystal ball, all because 50% of the population are dumb, ignorant morons. There’s also a study out that reveals 1-in-5 believe the vaccines contain microchips. That means 20% of the population are certified idiots.
    You would think Wall Street would get a clue:

    Q1 ridiculous profits announced, stock dips immediately, "Apple can't do that again"
    Q2 ridiculous profits announced, stock dips immediately, "Apple can't do that again"
    Q3 ridiculous profits announced, stock dips immediately, "Apple can't do that again"
    Q4 ridiculous profits announced, stock dips immediately, "Apple can't do that again"

    Seems like the thinking is that next time "Really, really, Apple is going to tank." As for me, I'll take advantage of the dip in stock price to buy a lot more shares and go long.
    The dip is tiny.  One month ago this dipped stock price was the all time record.  This is just a pretty standard correction.
  • Reply 47 of 79
    tyler82tyler82 Posts: 1,109member
    As much as conservatives complain about big tech (where were they when the Bush administration expanded big tech spying powers???), Silicon Valley was the only industry keeping the American economy afloat the past year and a half. 
  • Reply 48 of 79
    polymniapolymnia Posts: 1,080member
    Japhey said:
    polymnia said:
    Not paying much attention to the content of the vaccine discussion, but trying to reel this discussion back on topic:

    lately my most successful  individual stock purchases have been BNTX & MRNA (BioNTech & Moderna). MRNA technology has been in development for a long time and COVID has been it’s coming out party. For a version 1.0 product (or as discussed above, maybe a Beta product) it has been quite successful. These companies are delivering their first high-profile products based on this tech. The scientists think this tech has many other health applications that are not well served by traditional med tech. 

    Reminds me of a certain fruit company and it’s disruption of the PC industry. 
    Haha, it definitely came off the rails quickly on this thread. From quarterly earnings to vaccine passports in the blink of an eye. Anyway, thanks for trying to bring us back on topic. And cheers to you…you’re having a pretty nice month, yes? Those are some good looking ascending triangles you’re holding there. 
    It has been been a nice ride. Fortunately for me, I was rolling over an old 401(k) account this year just as I realized the most successful COVID vaccines had been made (or designed in BioNTech/Pfiizer's case) by virtual start-ups with, presumably, a lot of growth potential. 🤞🏼
  • Reply 49 of 79
    polymniapolymnia Posts: 1,080member
    polymnia said:
    polymnia said:
    lkrupp said:
    fallenjt said:
    And AAPL after hour trading drops over 1%. What kind of WS bullshit is that?
    As always, Wall Street doesn’t care about what you did today, it’s about what it thinks you will do in the future. And the Covid-19 delta variant has thrown a monkey wrench into the financial crystal ball, all because 50% of the population are dumb, ignorant morons. There’s also a study out that reveals 1-in-5 believe the vaccines contain microchips. That means 20% of the population are certified idiots.
    I'm long into AAPL since 2011. This dip happens more often than not after earnings. I'm happy to see the earning reaction dip is smaller than it usually is.

    I see nothing in this report to make me reconsider my long position in AAPL. Except that my Financial Advisor tells me I own too much AAPL. It's not my fault it has 20x-ed while the rest of my portfolio has plodded along at more or less average returns. Probably should rebalance my holdings one day, but my Spidey sense says today is not that day.
    Some of us since 1998 :D
    Or at least early 2009, only 50.5x here.
    Out of curiosity, what does that do to your portfolio? Do you sell periodically to keep your speculative AAPL holdings within a particular % of your portfolio? I haven’t sold yet, but my advisor has brought it up. 
    AAPL makes up more than 40% of all liquid assets.  The other 60% is very well diversified.  I make my own investment decisions, so no one is pressuring me to sell.
    @greginprague Thanks for the response. I was wondering, specifically, have you ever sold any of that AAPL to keep your AAPL holdings at 40% (or some other target)? Or have you let it organically expand its % of your portfolio due to its inherently faster value growth? I'm at ~20+% AAPL now. I have an advisor, but make my own decisions and operate my portfolio directly, so he truly "advises" and I have thus far ignored his AAPL advice and continue to hold a disproportionately large amount of AAPL.

    I have a financial adviser story that put me off of advisors entirely until recently: Around 2002 I had a very small 401(k) rollover which a different advisor helped me with. The iPod was just taking off and as a longtime Mac using graphic designer, I was already a believer. I got a sense that Apple might be at the beginning of something big. I asked her about investing some of the rollover into AAPL and she said she could do that but that it was a crazy idea. I followed her advice. Then I watched my crumby IRA limp along while AAPL skyrocketed.

    With some perspective after managing my own portfolio for a couple of decades, I've come to realize an advisor is a great asset, but that I am the captain of my financial ship and the advisor is my helmsman: I say where I want to go, he suggests a course, I might change some details, maybe even grab the wheel myself for some critical maneuvers, but in the end, I still get value from the suggestions even if I don't use all of them.

    edited July 2021 DoctorQ
  • Reply 50 of 79
    wood1208wood1208 Posts: 2,924member
    Apple is under promising it's next 2 quarters guidance. Basically tempering Wall street's over enthusiasm. At the end, Apple will do what it does best. Better than expected earning.
  • Reply 51 of 79
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,528member
    lkrupp said:
    gbdoc said:
    M68000 said:
    lkrupp said:
    fallenjt said:
    And AAPL after hour trading drops over 1%. What kind of WS bullshit is that?
    As always, Wall Street doesn’t care about what you did today, it’s about what it thinks you will do in the future. And the Covid-19 delta variant has thrown a monkey wrench into the financial crystal ball, all because 50% of the population are dumb, ignorant morons. There’s also a study out that reveals 1-in-5 believe the vaccines contain microchips. That means 20% of the population are certified idiots.
    Hey hotshot,  you do know that these “vaccines” are experimental and rushed out to the public with no data on long term side effects.   Do you think 50% of the population are morons because they are concerned about such things?  They dare to question about rushing to use such things instead of not even thinking about it?  That makes them morons??  2 of these so called vaccines are not even real vaccines.  There are a number of doctors who have gone public about their concerns and what they have seen going on.  I guess they are morons too?   Sadly,  there is however data on bad reactions and lingering problems after getting these vaccines.

    Aside from being clearly OT, your post simply spreads ignorant misinformation, half-truths and untruths. This isn’t the place to go into detail, but it’s worth noting that over 90% of covid patients in the hospital, some of whom die, weren't vaccinated.

    Hey AppleInsider, social media sites are removing disinformation, lies, and conspiracy theories about Covid-19 and the vaccines. Why aren’t you doing the same? There are now a number of these bullshit posts from that crowd in this thread. Do your duty to protect the truth.
    Oh, I don't know... very often, there is little to no penalty for stupidity. With no penalty for stupidity, stupidity flourishes. But in this case, there's actually a pretty severe penalty for stupidity. So I wonder if these folks should be given as much rope as they need to hang themselves. The end result might be a more evolved human race. 
  • Reply 52 of 79
    justanagjustanag Posts: 15member
    polymnia said:
    lkrupp said:
    fallenjt said:
    And AAPL after hour trading drops over 1%. What kind of WS bullshit is that?
    As always, Wall Street doesn’t care about what you did today, it’s about what it thinks you will do in the future. And the Covid-19 delta variant has thrown a monkey wrench into the financial crystal ball, all because 50% of the population are dumb, ignorant morons. There’s also a study out that reveals 1-in-5 believe the vaccines contain microchips. That means 20% of the population are certified idiots.
    I'm long into AAPL since 2011. This dip happens more often than not after earnings. I'm happy to see the earning reaction dip is smaller than it usually is.

    I see nothing in this report to make me reconsider my long position in AAPL. Except that my Financial Advisor tells me I own too much AAPL. It's not my fault it has 20x-ed while the rest of my portfolio has plodded along at more or less average returns. Probably should rebalance my holdings one day, but my Spidey sense says today is not that day.
    Some of us since 1998 :D
    Me since 1994! My Financial Advisors have given up telling me that I own too much AAPL because they now know that I won't listen. My portfolio has skyrocketed exponentially from NOT following their advice!
  • Reply 52 of 79
    ramanpfafframanpfaff Posts: 140member
    polymnia said:
    lkrupp said:
    fallenjt said:
    And AAPL after hour trading drops over 1%. What kind of WS bullshit is that?
    As always, Wall Street doesn’t care about what you did today, it’s about what it thinks you will do in the future. And the Covid-19 delta variant has thrown a monkey wrench into the financial crystal ball, all because 50% of the population are dumb, ignorant morons. There’s also a study out that reveals 1-in-5 believe the vaccines contain microchips. That means 20% of the population are certified idiots.
    I'm long into AAPL since 2011. This dip happens more often than not after earnings. I'm happy to see the earning reaction dip is smaller than it usually is.

    I see nothing in this report to make me reconsider my long position in AAPL. Except that my Financial Advisor tells me I own too much AAPL. It's not my fault it has 20x-ed while the rest of my portfolio has plodded along at more or less average returns. Probably should rebalance my holdings one day, but my Spidey sense says today is not that day.
    Some of us since 1998 :D
    I'm in between at 2004. Gotta love it.
  • Reply 54 of 79
    JapheyJaphey Posts: 1,772member
    DAalseth said:
    Japhey said:
    DAalseth said:
    Japhey said:
    sunman42 said:
    fallenjt said:
    And AAPL after hour trading drops over 1%. What kind of WS bullshit is that?
    Please. Apple has been on a tear the last few trading days, presumably because most investors figured they'd see another band-up quarter — and they did. Then some of them decided to "profit take," and cash in. It's all part of the capitalist game.
    You mean traders. Otherwise, spot on. 
    How about speculators?
    How about them? Investors and traders are both speculators. One is concerned with long term profit, and the other with profit through short term price fluctuations. I don’t understand the question…
    Speculator carries for me more of a connotation of someone gambling. Someone that jumps in and out based on rumour and, well, speculation, rather than facts. Someone who does not invest and hold. An amateur. 
    Yeah, this is all wrong, but that’s ok. Both are speculating…And there are plenty of professional traders, and plenty of amateur investors. 
  • Reply 55 of 79
    flydogflydog Posts: 1,139member
    Aaaaaand stock tanks. Go figure.
    What matters is the guidance and earnings call with analysts. 
    And the fact that the blowout quarter was no surprise, and already priced into the stock.
  • Reply 56 of 79
    jdwjdw Posts: 1,417member
    lkrupp said:
    Hey AppleInsider, social media sites are removing disinformation, lies, and conspiracy theories about Covid-19 and the vaccines. Why aren’t you doing the same? There are now a number of these bullshit posts from that crowd in this thread. Do your duty to protect the truth.
    Leave AppleInsider alone!  Leave people spreading lies alone!  It's called FREEDOM OF SPEECH, friend.  If some crazy wants to preach the world is FLAT, let them.  A few Jim Jones crazies will follow the lies, but most of the population will not be deceived.  The most worrisome thing these days isn't the crazies or lies.  It's suppression of speech in the name of the greater good.  Time to read George Orwell, friend.  I get much more of an eery feeling from those who wish to censor others than I do from the crazies who spread lies.

    I don't believe lies.  I've finally had my first COVID injection only recently, since Japan has long dragged it's feet on allowing my age-50 age group to get vaccinated.  My daughter had to fly to the US to get her Moderna vaccine.  It's nuts.  Even more nuts is the fact Japan doesn't even recognize the vaccine at all, as per their nutty 14-day stay-at-home rules upon returning to Japan (in a society that won't let me work from home), whereby they put an app on your phone (or force you to rent a phone), and then demand you check in multiple times per day so they know you are at home -- all under threat of deportation.  AND, they do that even to their own citizens, AND even to fully vaccinated people too.  It's bad enough Japan is slow to vaccinate, but these crazy rules offer no incentive for people to want to be vaccinated.  We need vaccine passports and other benefits to encourage the population to get vaccinated.  Being too cautious about the Delta variant is only working to increase the nutty anti-vax sentiment.  Governments are our biggest problem.  If I am fully vaccinated, I should be allowed to fly out and back in, without any crazy stay-at-home rules.  Even the strict Blue state of CA, in LA county, allows for that.  But not Japan!

    Saying this in another way, the biggest problem with COVID-19 isn't COVID-19 but rather the human response to it.  Our human response to the virus is causing the parts shortages, which in turn are what impact Apple's projections, which in turn affects AAPL stock.

    I've been invested in AAPL since 1999, ignoring financial advisory advice all through the years.  I don't listen to all the fancy talk about "PE" and such because it's all over my head and doesn't matter to me.  I pick good stocks and hold them for years.  Don't sell when the price falls.  You only potentially lose money when you sell, but not when you hold.

    Buy-and-hold made less sense in the past when AAPL didn't pay a dividend, but I happily held it nonetheless.  These days, it literally does pay to buy and the "hold."

    After having read all the posts in this thread, it would be interesting to know this:

    1. How many posters in this thread have been vaccinated or want to be (assuming your government even allows you to be)?
    2. How many posters actually own AAPL stock to make their comments about it have some level of merit?
    3. How many posters understand that being an advocate of freedom means affording your neighbor more freedom than you afford yourself?

    At the end of the day, none of our dialog here matters because it won't change the world.  What you personally do with all this information matters most.

    Get vaccinated.
    Advocate for FREEDOM.
    Buy AAPL and hold it.
    Have a nice day!
  • Reply 57 of 79
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    jdw said:
    lkrupp said:
    Hey AppleInsider, social media sites are removing disinformation, lies, and conspiracy theories about Covid-19 and the vaccines. Why aren’t you doing the same? There are now a number of these bullshit posts from that crowd in this thread. Do your duty to protect the truth.
    Leave AppleInsider alone!  Leave people spreading lies alone!  It's called FREEDOM OF SPEECH, friend.  If some crazy wants to preach the world is FLAT, let them.  A few Jim Jones crazies will follow the lies, but most of the population will not be deceived.  The most worrisome thing these days isn't the crazies or lies.  It's suppression of speech in the name of the greater good.  Time to read George Orwell, friend.  I get much more of an eery feeling from those who wish to censor others than I do from the crazies who spread lies.
    Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from response, or freedom from being told to shut up by your peers.  I find it quite ironic that you're enjoying exercising your right to respond while getting stroppy about others exercising theirs.
  • Reply 58 of 79
    jdwjdw Posts: 1,417member
    crowley said:

    Leave AppleInsider alone!  Leave people spreading lies alone!  It's called FREEDOM OF SPEECH, friend.  If some crazy wants to preach the world is FLAT, let them.  A few Jim Jones crazies will follow the lies, but most of the population will not be deceived.  The most worrisome thing these days isn't the crazies or lies.  It's suppression of speech in the name of the greater good.  Time to read George Orwell, friend.  I get much more of an eery feeling from those who wish to censor others than I do from the crazies who spread lies.
    Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from response, or freedom from being told to shut up by your peers.  I find it quite ironic that you're enjoying exercising your right to respond while getting stroppy about others exercising theirs.
    First, I never said "shut up" or even implied that.  You overstated to make a defense of your words, which is wrong.

    Next, he has the freedom to spout off, just like you do, and just like I do.  As such, there is no irony at all here.  

    There's a fundamental difference between you and I disagreeing in this forum as compared to someone in the forum trying to call the cops (i.e., AppleInsider in this case) to suppress speech.  Friend, you should know that!

    Celebrate speech.  I do.  Even your speech.  Even when it seeks to come after me on an individual basis.  And even when it claims I said "shut up" when in fact I did not.

    Again, have a great day!
  • Reply 59 of 79
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,528member
    jdw said:
    crowley said:

    Leave AppleInsider alone!  Leave people spreading lies alone!  It's called FREEDOM OF SPEECH, friend.  If some crazy wants to preach the world is FLAT, let them.  A few Jim Jones crazies will follow the lies, but most of the population will not be deceived.  The most worrisome thing these days isn't the crazies or lies.  It's suppression of speech in the name of the greater good.  Time to read George Orwell, friend.  I get much more of an eery feeling from those who wish to censor others than I do from the crazies who spread lies.
    Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from response, or freedom from being told to shut up by your peers.  I find it quite ironic that you're enjoying exercising your right to respond while getting stroppy about others exercising theirs.
    First, I never said "shut up" or even implied that.  You overstated to make a defense of your words, which is wrong.

    Next, he has the freedom to spout off, just like you do, and just like I do.  As such, there is no irony at all here.  

    There's a fundamental difference between you and I disagreeing in this forum as compared to someone in the forum trying to call the cops (i.e., AppleInsider in this case) to suppress speech.  Friend, you should know that!

    Celebrate speech.  I do.  Even your speech.  Even when it seeks to come after me on an individual basis.  And even when it claims I said "shut up" when in fact I did not.

    Again, have a great day!
    AI is not “the cops”. It’s a privately owned website. The owners of the site can ban any of us at any time for any reason. It’s all perfectly legal and, in my opinion, appropriately so. 
  • Reply 60 of 79
    jdwjdw Posts: 1,417member
    blastdoor said:
    AI is not “the cops”. It’s a privately owned website. The owners of the site can ban any of us at any time for any reason. It’s all perfectly legal and, in my opinion, appropriately so. 
    Friend, I disagree profoundly, for reasons I shall now explain. (And with that strong blast door of yours in place, you should be able to come through this unscathed.)

    Common sense and context dictates the meaning of the word "cops" in what I wrote.  Specifically, a "cop" is an "authority figure that enforces rules."  AI is an authority over this forum; and amusingly, you even stated that truth in subsequent sentences!  

    When someone in our forum exercises their free speech (e.g., normal speech that does not include death threats, kiddy porn, illegal activities, etc.) to call AppleInsider (i.e., "the cops") to suppress the free speech of others, that act of calling on AppleInsider is TANTAMOUNT to "calling the cops" on the people you disagree with, so as to suppress their speech in hopes of boosting the acceptance of YOUR speech.  (Interestingly enough, a lot of problems in our society today results from calling the cops, whether cops be interpreted as the police or forum owners.)

    My use of the "call the cops" phrase is no different than if I were to have said, "I give a green light to that," only for you to come along and say, "you have no such green light, and besides what do green lights have do with it?"  It is rather absurd for a native speaker of English to ignore rather obvious analogies and commonly used phrases which have more than just a literal meaning.

    Why in THE world I need to explain such basic and obvious things to native English speakers is beyond me!

    But the good news is, we all have the freedom to express ourselves in both meaningful and meaningless ways. That's all a part of free speech.  And because "lies" are not illegal, any calling on AppleInsider to selectively censor what some of you deem "lies" is not so much free speech as it is the censoring of it.  And I say this without defending those ridiculous lies in any way.  

    Again, you folks should know this.  Some of you live your entire lives in this forum, are emotionally on edge most of the time, and are just trying to argue with me for the sake of arguing.  But I will admit that even fiery discourse is a rather fun part of participating in forums. :-) 

    In the end, one thing rings true.  You aren't a true proponent of liberty until you afford your neighbor more liberty than you afford yourself.  I don't smoke or drink alcohol, but am I going to try to suppress your rights to put those poisons in your body? No, I am not.  That is my way of affording you more liberty than I afford to my own self.  As an American, everything cries out within me to preach on the topic of FREEDOM.  It's something so precious, yet under constant attack.  We need more Americans to step up with their Red, White and Blue intestinal fortitude to be FREEDOM advocates, not brow-beaters who censor anything they deem a lie or a viewpoint they disagree with.  If you encounter speech you dislike, live with it.  Turn the other cheek.  Move on with life.  Don't worry.  Be happy.

    Have a nice day!
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