Apple's record $81.4 billion Q3 obliterates Street expectations



  • Reply 61 of 79
    robabarobaba Posts: 228member
    jdw said:
    Lies beget ignorance.  Ignorance begets folly.  Folly begets failure.

    Why do you want our Democracy to fail?
  • Reply 62 of 79
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    jdw said:
    crowley said:

    Leave AppleInsider alone!  Leave people spreading lies alone!  It's called FREEDOM OF SPEECH, friend.  If some crazy wants to preach the world is FLAT, let them.  A few Jim Jones crazies will follow the lies, but most of the population will not be deceived.  The most worrisome thing these days isn't the crazies or lies.  It's suppression of speech in the name of the greater good.  Time to read George Orwell, friend.  I get much more of an eery feeling from those who wish to censor others than I do from the crazies who spread lies.
    Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from response, or freedom from being told to shut up by your peers.  I find it quite ironic that you're enjoying exercising your right to respond while getting stroppy about others exercising theirs.
    First, I never said "shut up" or even implied that.  You overstated to make a defense of your words, which is wrong.
    Strange, I never said or implied that you did say that. However, since you bring it up, you did say...
    jdw said:

    Leave AppleInsider alone!  Leave people spreading lies alone!  
    Which is very much tantamount to telling people to shut up.  Which is fine, go ahead, but whining about others doing the same is going to get you called on it.

    And when your argument is about freedom of speech and you invoke calling the cops then there is a very clear conflict with a comparison to AI. The cops are government, and they are limited by freedom of speech laws.  AI are not government, and are not so limited.  You say a lot of words but you fail to understand this fundamental fact.  AI can censor whatever they like.  The community can request AI to censor whatever they like.  AI can ignore them if they want.  You can like or dislike it, but you don't get any more or less of a say than any other average forum member in the matter.  

    And you can call everyone friend if you like, but it's not going to change any of that.
    edited July 2021 tmayrobaba
  • Reply 63 of 79
    hammeroftruthhammeroftruth Posts: 1,348member
    dewme said:
    Huge trading computers controlling huge amounts of money execute the majority of day to day trading. You don’t beat these computers and you shouldn’t even try. The day’s trading is a mish mosh of ups and downs pricing. Forget about that except for noticing it like you’d notice ballgame scores. They’re interesting but aren’t meaningful. What happened to Apple after hours from computer trading, mostly, means nothing unless you are a short term options trader or short swing trader. 
    Stocks like Apple are a longer term purchase. Buy it then don’t worry what happened today. A five minute chart tells you nothing about investing in Apple. You need to look at the daily chart over a year coupled with earnings results and growth. That’s the information you need to know. Then you can try to find an optimal entry point but that can also be difficult. The verified best time to purchase Apple is anytime if you’re going to hold it. 

    With that said, Luca stated part shortages may constrain IPhones and IPads sales. Also, the 30%+ growth of the last two quarters won’t be achieved because previous comps were easier. They also didn’t give full guidance except to say they expect to see double digit growth. Not comforting to options traders and swing traders and huge computer trading. Imho this sets up a price dip for potential sweet entry point. 135 is likelier target, maybe dips to bottom of long term channel at 131. That’s a forward PE of 22. For a company seeing double digit growth, revenue diversity and buying 4% shares back annually? That’s a buy (if it gets to these prices). 
    Wow, great post. 

    Putting the stock market talk aside and ignoring the way-off-topic rants, all I know is that today, as an Apple consumer, I cannot walk into any of the three (3) easily accessible Apple stores in my area and buy the new iMac 24” that I’ve already decided to purchase for my wife months ago. I can order one and wait several weeks and hope that the product I want to buy is going to be delivered per Apple’s estimate.

    This “less than ideal” and frustrating situation is tolerable of course, but in terms of customer experience it represents Friction. Friction is a force that inhibits movement, growth, and momentum. Friction is a force used to slow things down, create rashes, and slows progress. Apple’s entire sales and marketing channel is designed to minimize friction but they can never totally eliminate it entirely.

    The current friction around getting this one already announced and supposedly released product moving through the sales channels properly is not a good sign at all for Apple’s immediate future, especially if it spreads to other products in Apple’s portfolio. I could add to this frustration, at least for me personally, the lack of a suitable “future-proof,” as in Apple Silicon based, replacement for my nearly 10 year old iMac 27”, no modern replacement for my bloated and deceased iPad mini, and the lack of an Apple Silicon  Mac mini with a decent collection of built-in ports. In each of these cases, we have nothing in-store to actually buy, just a bunch of speculation and overly optimistic expectations of nirvana configurations that will ship “someday soon” while completely ignoring what all the predicted “magic” will actually cost.

    To Apple’s credit, they haven’t made and promises, but the clock is ticking louder every day and the glacial rollout and availability of already released products does not add to my confidence. Yeah, the M1 is a marvel, and sticking the M1 into existing products like the MacBook Air, MacBook Pro 13, and Mac mini is a great way to bridge the new technology into tried & true products, but these are all stopgap steps intended to smooth the transition.

    Putting the M1’s descendants into products designed from the ground-up for Apple Silicon is what will define Apple for the next decade. The M1 will be viewed as having been the 8088 of Apple Silicon technology in 5-10 years if Apple plays its cards right. But none of this will matter if Apple does not find ways to reduce the friction in their product delivery and sales channels, not only the friction that is related to suppliers, components, and staffing, but the friction that’s related to defining expectations, establishing a roadmap, and delivering on the promises within reasonable time frames. Being at a point where you know you are ready to move to the next step along the path, but having nowhere to plant your feet for the next step is disconcerting. My uneasiness about where Apple is going for my personal needs is very trivial compared to what business consumers of Apple’s products must be thinking right about now. Apple isn’t alone in this matter, but in terms of this discussion they are the only one that we care about.
    Your frustration is felt everywhere, and not just for Apple products. Pretty much everything that has electronics in it is being affected. Cars, air conditioners, anything with a microprocessor has constrained supplies. Even though Apple has tried to mitigate the drought of new products, they don’t have a good enough supply to fill the demand. They are doing better than a lot of car manufacturers, but still it is frustrating to play with iPads and Macs that you want and find out you can’t get them for a few months. 

    I can remember when I was a kid, video games were new and Atari and Mattel were the choices you had, until Coleco came out with the Colecovision videogame console. I coveted it and my Dad was going to buy it for my birthday. When we got to the store and asked to buy it, the salesperson laughed and pulled out a yellow pad that had pages of people waiting to buy it. It took 2 months to get it, and it was one of the most exciting things I ever had to wait for. 

    You’ll get your wife the iMac she wants and it will be something special when it arrives. 
  • Reply 64 of 79
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,528member
    jdw said:
    blastdoor said:
    AI is not “the cops”. It’s a privately owned website. The owners of the site can ban any of us at any time for any reason. It’s all perfectly legal and, in my opinion, appropriately so. 
    Friend, I disagree profoundly, for reasons I shall now explain. (And with that strong blast door of yours in place, you should be able to come through this unscathed.)

    Common sense and context dictates the meaning of the word "cops" in what I wrote.  Specifically, a "cop" is an "authority figure that enforces rules."  AI is an authority over this forum; and amusingly, you even stated that truth in subsequent sentences!  

    When someone in our forum exercises their free speech (e.g., normal speech that does not include death threats, kiddy porn, illegal activities, etc.) to call AppleInsider (i.e., "the cops") to suppress the free speech of others, that act of calling on AppleInsider is TANTAMOUNT to "calling the cops" on the people you disagree with, so as to suppress their speech in hopes of boosting the acceptance of YOUR speech.  (Interestingly enough, a lot of problems in our society today results from calling the cops, whether cops be interpreted as the police or forum owners.)

    My use of the "call the cops" phrase is no different than if I were to have said, "I give a green light to that," only for you to come along and say, "you have no such green light, and besides what do green lights have do with it?"  It is rather absurd for a native speaker of English to ignore rather obvious analogies and commonly used phrases which have more than just a literal meaning.

    Why in THE world I need to explain such basic and obvious things to native English speakers is beyond me!

    But the good news is, we all have the freedom to express ourselves in both meaningful and meaningless ways. That's all a part of free speech.  And because "lies" are not illegal, any calling on AppleInsider to selectively censor what some of you deem "lies" is not so much free speech as it is the censoring of it.  And I say this without defending those ridiculous lies in any way.  

    Again, you folks should know this.  Some of you live your entire lives in this forum, are emotionally on edge most of the time, and are just trying to argue with me for the sake of arguing.  But I will admit that even fiery discourse is a rather fun part of participating in forums. :-) 

    In the end, one thing rings true.  You aren't a true proponent of liberty until you afford your neighbor more liberty than you afford yourself.  I don't smoke or drink alcohol, but am I going to try to suppress your rights to put those poisons in your body? No, I am not.  That is my way of affording you more liberty than I afford to my own self.  As an American, everything cries out within me to preach on the topic of FREEDOM.  It's something so precious, yet under constant attack.  We need more Americans to step up with their Red, White and Blue intestinal fortitude to be FREEDOM advocates, not brow-beaters who censor anything they deem a lie or a viewpoint they disagree with.  If you encounter speech you dislike, live with it.  Turn the other cheek.  Move on with life.  Don't worry.  Be happy.

    Have a nice day!
    In American English, the phrase "cops" refers to the police. The police have the legal power to use violence to enforce the laws of the state. The rules governing the state and the police are importantly different from the rules governing a non-state entity such as AI. The first amendment to the US Constitution says that Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech. AI is not congress. AI can absolutely abridge your and my speech. And that's fine, because there are plenty of other ways to speak. AI does not have a monopoly on expression. But Congress does (or could), and so it makes sense that different rules apply. 

    Sorry if you can't understand that, but that's your problem not mine. 

  • Reply 65 of 79
    jdwjdw Posts: 1,417member
    robaba said:
    jdw said:
    Lies beget ignorance.  Ignorance begets folly.  Folly begets failure.

    Why do you want our Democracy to fail?
    You seem to be saying that "censorship" is required for our system to succeed.  In fact, our "Republic" is built on the foundation of individual liberty.  When liberty fails, including freedom of speech and expression, our democratically constructed Republic will fail with it. 

  • Reply 66 of 79
    jdwjdw Posts: 1,417member

    blastdoor said:

    In American English, the phrase "cops" refers to the police. The police have the legal power to use violence to enforce the laws of the state. The rules governing the state and the police are importantly different from the rules governing a non-state entity such as AI. The first amendment to the US Constitution says that Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech. AI is not congress. AI can absolutely abridge your and my speech. And that's fine, because there are plenty of other ways to speak. AI does not have a monopoly on expression. But Congress does (or could), and so it makes sense that different rules apply. 

    Sorry if you can't understand that, but that's your problem not mine. 

    In ANY English, analogous comparisons are common, even when using words like "cops."  I cannot help but feel you chose to make that one word an issue simply because you disagreed with me on another point.  But my use of "cops" is a non-issue, even if you choose to define that term in the most narrow sense possible. That's because I've already explained how I used the word.  (Most people won't require such an explanation though, except possibly those who share your disagreement with me about free speech and censorship.)

    Saying "that's your problem not mine" does not necessarily harmonize with "have a nice day!" But I shall have one nonetheless. :-) 

    No need to get agitated about your fellow forum members speaking so freely.  We have the nicest of days when we can calmly, and without anger, have a conversation, agreed to disagree, and leave it at that.  I personally have nothing against you, nor do I harbor any ill will.  Amazing but true, we can profoundly disagree without being overtaken by emotion.

    Let freedom reign.

  • Reply 67 of 79
    Feel free to delete this. Just doing some math in my head:

    - US population - 332 million on latest census.
    - Vaccinated - 160 million which leaves 172 million unvaccinated.
    - Of that 172 million we can eliminate 50 million for being 12 and under with no required vaccine. That brings us down to 122 million.
    - Of that 122 there are about 25 million that are under 18. That brings us down to 97 million adults 18+ that aren't vaccinated yet.

    That 97 million is made up of White, Hispanic, Black, Asian and every other race we have in this country. And guess what? They vote for both parties. I believe if we really looked at that number the unvaccinated Hispanic and Black population would be around 60 million based on everything I've seen. We know what party they vote for overwhelmingly. I guess what I'm saying is that it isn't just White Trump supporters/Fox News watchers out there not getting vaccinated. I'm sure most of you realize this but thought it needed to be pointed out.

    We should also look at how many people are not going to get vaccinated because they had Covid already and have strong antibodies. That number is likely in the 10's of millions. 

    Finally, I suppose, if any source of news tells you that only 50% of the country has been vaccinated....that is misinformation. Unless you believe every single person in the country should be vaccinated.

    I hope this makes sense but I feel like I rambled a bit.

    As for the stock - I'm disappointed but know that it will fly at some point.
    edited July 2021
  • Reply 68 of 79
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    jdw said:

    blastdoor said:

    In American English, the phrase "cops" refers to the police. The police have the legal power to use violence to enforce the laws of the state. The rules governing the state and the police are importantly different from the rules governing a non-state entity such as AI. The first amendment to the US Constitution says that Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech. AI is not congress. AI can absolutely abridge your and my speech. And that's fine, because there are plenty of other ways to speak. AI does not have a monopoly on expression. But Congress does (or could), and so it makes sense that different rules apply. 

    Sorry if you can't understand that, but that's your problem not mine. 

    In ANY English, analogous comparisons are common, even when using words like "cops."  I cannot help but feel you chose to make that one word an issue simply because you disagreed with me on another point.  But my use of "cops" is a non-issue, even if you choose to define that term in the most narrow sense possible. That's because I've already explained how I used the word.  (Most people won't require such an explanation though, except possibly those who share your disagreement with me about free speech and censorship.)

    Saying "that's your problem not mine" does not necessarily harmonize with "have a nice day!" But I shall have one nonetheless. :-) 

    No need to get agitated about your fellow forum members speaking so freely.  We have the nicest of days when we can calmly, and without anger, have a conversation, agreed to disagree, and leave it at that.  I personally have nothing against you, nor do I harbor any ill will.  Amazing but true, we can profoundly disagree without being overtaken by emotion.

    Let freedom reign.

    I have no use for your emotionless, passive, passionless, concept of "free speech". What a waste of intellect.

    The report references a March study from the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) that found a small group of accounts – known as the “dirty dozen” – is responsible for more than 73% of anti-vaccine content across social media platforms, including Facebook. That report recently drew attention from the White House, and Joe Biden has condemned Facebookand other tech companies for failing to take action.
    If you don't use speech, if you don't test the world with it, then it is nothing but words on a piece of paper. Misinformation is not protected speech.
    edited July 2021 StrangeDaysrobaba
  • Reply 69 of 79
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,528member
    Feel free to delete this. Just doing some math in my head:

    - US population - 332 million on latest census.
    - Vaccinated - 160 million which leaves 172 million unvaccinated.
    - Of that 172 million we can eliminate 50 million for being 12 and under with no required vaccine. That brings us down to 122 million.
    - Of that 122 there are about 25 million that are under 18. That brings us down to 97 million adults 18+ that aren't vaccinated yet.

    That 97 million is made up of White, Hispanic, Black, Asian and every other race we have in this country. And guess what? They vote for both parties. I believe if we really looked at that number the unvaccinated Hispanic and Black population would be around 60 million based on everything I've seen. We know what party they vote for overwhelmingly. I guess what I'm saying is that it isn't just White Trump supporters/Fox News watchers out there not getting vaccinated. I'm sure most of you realize this but thought it needed to be pointed out.

    We should also look at how many people are not going to get vaccinated because they had Covid already and have strong antibodies. That number is likely in the 10's of millions. 

    Finally, I suppose, if any source of news tells you that only 50% of the country has been vaccinated....that is misinformation. Unless you believe every single person in the country should be vaccinated.

    I hope this makes sense but I feel like I rambled a bit.

    As for the stock - I'm disappointed but know that it will fly at some point.
    No need to try and figure this out so indirectly. This has been directly investigated:

    “The poll found that while 86% of Democrats have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine shot, only 45% of Republicans have.“

    So I have no interest in convincing people to get vaccinated who don’t want to. Do what you want — it serves evolution.
  • Reply 70 of 79
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,055member
    So many people fail to understand the right to free speech, and the rights of private property… Private platforms are not relevant to the topic of the right to free speech. You can’t walk into someone’s home and demand they listen to you, publish you, rebroadcast you, etc…
  • Reply 71 of 79
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,528member
    So many people fail to understand the right to free speech, and the rights of private property… Private platforms are not relevant to the topic of the right to free speech. You can’t walk into someone’s home and demand they listen to you, publish you, rebroadcast you, etc…
    I hope the illustration helps folks struggling with this concept! 

    I wonder if you could also come up with an illustration of the idea that individual freedom is not unlimited for people living in a society, because individual freedoms come in conflict and must be balanced. For example, Bill's freedom to throw punches comes in conflict with Bob's freedom to place his face wherever he wants. 

    edit: maybe this does it? 
    edited July 2021
  • Reply 72 of 79
    blastdoor said:
    Feel free to delete this. Just doing some math in my head:

    - US population - 332 million on latest census.
    - Vaccinated - 160 million which leaves 172 million unvaccinated.
    - Of that 172 million we can eliminate 50 million for being 12 and under with no required vaccine. That brings us down to 122 million.
    - Of that 122 there are about 25 million that are under 18. That brings us down to 97 million adults 18+ that aren't vaccinated yet.

    That 97 million is made up of White, Hispanic, Black, Asian and every other race we have in this country. And guess what? They vote for both parties. I believe if we really looked at that number the unvaccinated Hispanic and Black population would be around 60 million based on everything I've seen. We know what party they vote for overwhelmingly. I guess what I'm saying is that it isn't just White Trump supporters/Fox News watchers out there not getting vaccinated. I'm sure most of you realize this but thought it needed to be pointed out.

    We should also look at how many people are not going to get vaccinated because they had Covid already and have strong antibodies. That number is likely in the 10's of millions. 

    Finally, I suppose, if any source of news tells you that only 50% of the country has been vaccinated....that is misinformation. Unless you believe every single person in the country should be vaccinated.

    I hope this makes sense but I feel like I rambled a bit.

    As for the stock - I'm disappointed but know that it will fly at some point.
    No need to try and figure this out so indirectly. This has been directly investigated:

    “The poll found that while 86% of Democrats have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine shot, only 45% of Republicans have.“

    So I have no interest in convincing people to get vaccinated who don’t want to. Do what you want — it serves evolution.
    LOL at a poll.  The numbers are easy to find and I assure you they aren't even close to the numbers in that poll.
  • Reply 73 of 79
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    blastdoor said:
    Feel free to delete this. Just doing some math in my head:

    - US population - 332 million on latest census.
    - Vaccinated - 160 million which leaves 172 million unvaccinated.
    - Of that 172 million we can eliminate 50 million for being 12 and under with no required vaccine. That brings us down to 122 million.
    - Of that 122 there are about 25 million that are under 18. That brings us down to 97 million adults 18+ that aren't vaccinated yet.

    That 97 million is made up of White, Hispanic, Black, Asian and every other race we have in this country. And guess what? They vote for both parties. I believe if we really looked at that number the unvaccinated Hispanic and Black population would be around 60 million based on everything I've seen. We know what party they vote for overwhelmingly. I guess what I'm saying is that it isn't just White Trump supporters/Fox News watchers out there not getting vaccinated. I'm sure most of you realize this but thought it needed to be pointed out.

    We should also look at how many people are not going to get vaccinated because they had Covid already and have strong antibodies. That number is likely in the 10's of millions. 

    Finally, I suppose, if any source of news tells you that only 50% of the country has been vaccinated....that is misinformation. Unless you believe every single person in the country should be vaccinated.

    I hope this makes sense but I feel like I rambled a bit.

    As for the stock - I'm disappointed but know that it will fly at some point.
    No need to try and figure this out so indirectly. This has been directly investigated:

    “The poll found that while 86% of Democrats have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine shot, only 45% of Republicans have.“

    So I have no interest in convincing people to get vaccinated who don’t want to. Do what you want — it serves evolution.
    LOL at a poll.  The numbers are easy to find and I assure you they aren't even close to the numbers in that poll.
    The source for VOANews data;

    That poll actually shows 51% of Republicans and 86% of Democrats have been vaccinated, so not that different from blastdoors statement.

  • Reply 74 of 79
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,528member
    tmay said:
    blastdoor said:
    Feel free to delete this. Just doing some math in my head:

    - US population - 332 million on latest census.
    - Vaccinated - 160 million which leaves 172 million unvaccinated.
    - Of that 172 million we can eliminate 50 million for being 12 and under with no required vaccine. That brings us down to 122 million.
    - Of that 122 there are about 25 million that are under 18. That brings us down to 97 million adults 18+ that aren't vaccinated yet.

    That 97 million is made up of White, Hispanic, Black, Asian and every other race we have in this country. And guess what? They vote for both parties. I believe if we really looked at that number the unvaccinated Hispanic and Black population would be around 60 million based on everything I've seen. We know what party they vote for overwhelmingly. I guess what I'm saying is that it isn't just White Trump supporters/Fox News watchers out there not getting vaccinated. I'm sure most of you realize this but thought it needed to be pointed out.

    We should also look at how many people are not going to get vaccinated because they had Covid already and have strong antibodies. That number is likely in the 10's of millions. 

    Finally, I suppose, if any source of news tells you that only 50% of the country has been vaccinated....that is misinformation. Unless you believe every single person in the country should be vaccinated.

    I hope this makes sense but I feel like I rambled a bit.

    As for the stock - I'm disappointed but know that it will fly at some point.
    No need to try and figure this out so indirectly. This has been directly investigated:

    “The poll found that while 86% of Democrats have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine shot, only 45% of Republicans have.“

    So I have no interest in convincing people to get vaccinated who don’t want to. Do what you want — it serves evolution.
    LOL at a poll.  The numbers are easy to find and I assure you they aren't even close to the numbers in that poll.
    The source for VOANews data;

    That poll actually shows 51% of Republicans and 86% of Democrats have been vaccinated, so not that different from blastdoors statement.

    The funny part is that all of these conspiracy theories are a conspiracy to stop republicans from getting vaccinated. The plot was hatched by Nancy and Hillary over pizza one day. What makes it so diabolically effective is that bill gates implanted a chip in half of Republicans that makes it impossible for them to believe real conspiracies, only fake ones. I’d tell you more but there are some guys at the door in suits with sunglasses 
  • Reply 75 of 79
    Non poll data from the same kff site. You might see it differently but the numbers are really bad for Black and Hispanic.
    edited July 2021
  • Reply 76 of 79
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    Non poll data from the same kff site. You might see it differently but the numbers are really bad for Black and Hispanic.
    Republicans; 23% have no interest in vaccination.

    Democrats; 2% have no interest in vaccination.

    I might see it differently, but the numbers are bad for Republicans. I'm guessing "owning the Libs" is worth giving your life.
  • Reply 77 of 79
    robabarobaba Posts: 228member
    jdw said:
    robaba said:
    jdw said:
    Lies beget ignorance.  Ignorance begets folly.  Folly begets failure.

    Why do you want our Democracy to fail?
    You seem to be saying that "censorship" is required for our system to succeed.  In fact, our "Republic" is built on the foundation of individual liberty.  When liberty fails, including freedom of speech and expression, our democratically constructed Republic will fail with it. 

    Obviously not, since the government is explicitly forbidden from surpassing (or making compulsory) speech of any sort.  But that does not prevent citizens from demanding truth from fellow citizens.  We have libel and slander laws for that reason no?  In fact, early in our nation’s history duels were fought over the meaning of “truth”.  Would you be willing to die to continue to spread known falsehoods?
  • Reply 78 of 79
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,528member
    Non poll data from the same kff site. You might see it differently but the numbers are really bad for Black and Hispanic.
    Yes, but that doesn't contradict the poll data. You see, not all Democrats are blacks and hispanics. Put all the numbers together and what it means is that virtually all white Democrats are vaccinated. 

    I suspect Blacks and Hispanics are different from Republicans in their reasons for not getting vaccinated, and that they are more likely to ultimately get there. 
  • Reply 79 of 79
    dewme said:
    Huge trading computers controlling huge amounts of money execute the majority of day to day trading. You don’t beat these computers and you shouldn’t even try. The day’s trading is a mish mosh of ups and downs pricing. Forget about that except for noticing it like you’d notice ballgame scores. They’re interesting but aren’t meaningful. What happened to Apple after hours from computer trading, mostly, means nothing unless you are a short term options trader or short swing trader. 
    Stocks like Apple are a longer term purchase. Buy it then don’t worry what happened today. A five minute chart tells you nothing about investing in Apple. You need to look at the daily chart over a year coupled with earnings results and growth. That’s the information you need to know. Then you can try to find an optimal entry point but that can also be difficult. The verified best time to purchase Apple is anytime if you’re going to hold it. 

    With that said, Luca stated part shortages may constrain IPhones and IPads sales. Also, the 30%+ growth of the last two quarters won’t be achieved because previous comps were easier. They also didn’t give full guidance except to say they expect to see double digit growth. Not comforting to options traders and swing traders and huge computer trading. Imho this sets up a price dip for potential sweet entry point. 135 is likelier target, maybe dips to bottom of long term channel at 131. That’s a forward PE of 22. For a company seeing double digit growth, revenue diversity and buying 4% shares back annually? That’s a buy (if it gets to these prices). 
    Wow, great post. 

    Putting the stock market talk aside and ignoring the way-off-topic rants, all I know is that today, as an Apple consumer, I cannot walk into any of the three (3) easily accessible Apple stores in my area and buy the new iMac 24” that I’ve already decided to purchase for my wife months ago. I can order one and wait several weeks and hope that the product I want to buy is going to be delivered per Apple’s estimate.

    This “less than ideal” and frustrating situation is tolerable of course, but in terms of customer experience it represents Friction. Friction is a force that inhibits movement, growth, and momentum. Friction is a force used to slow things down, create rashes, and slows progress. Apple’s entire sales and marketing channel is designed to minimize friction but they can never totally eliminate it entirely.

    The current friction around getting this one already announced and supposedly released product moving through the sales channels properly is not a good sign at all for Apple’s immediate future, especially if it spreads to other products in Apple’s portfolio. I could add to this frustration, at least for me personally, the lack of a suitable “future-proof,” as in Apple Silicon based, replacement for my nearly 10 year old iMac 27”, no modern replacement for my bloated and deceased iPad mini, and the lack of an Apple Silicon  Mac mini with a decent collection of built-in ports. In each of these cases, we have nothing in-store to actually buy, just a bunch of speculation and overly optimistic expectations of nirvana configurations that will ship “someday soon” while completely ignoring what all the predicted “magic” will actually cost.

    To Apple’s credit, they haven’t made and promises, but the clock is ticking louder every day and the glacial rollout and availability of already released products does not add to my confidence. Yeah, the M1 is a marvel, and sticking the M1 into existing products like the MacBook Air, MacBook Pro 13, and Mac mini is a great way to bridge the new technology into tried & true products, but these are all stopgap steps intended to smooth the transition.

    Putting the M1’s descendants into products designed from the ground-up for Apple Silicon is what will define Apple for the next decade. The M1 will be viewed as having been the 8088 of Apple Silicon technology in 5-10 years if Apple plays its cards right. But none of this will matter if Apple does not find ways to reduce the friction in their product delivery and sales channels, not only the friction that is related to suppliers, components, and staffing, but the friction that’s related to defining expectations, establishing a roadmap, and delivering on the promises within reasonable time frames. Being at a point where you know you are ready to move to the next step along the path, but having nowhere to plant your feet for the next step is disconcerting. My uneasiness about where Apple is going for my personal needs is very trivial compared to what business consumers of Apple’s products must be thinking right about now. Apple isn’t alone in this matter, but in terms of this discussion they are the only one that we care about.

    I think that's well said though I think their immediate future is ok. While a delay in rolling out M1 will very likely hurt stock price (and the revenue total periphery), as a company their revenue is very diversified except iPhone. Ultimately missing, let's say for example a big 5%, on iPhone is the item that will put real hurt on revenue (and stock price) on a multi quarter basis. iPhone is the lynchpin of Apple. The metric I saw (take that FWIW) says for every 3 iPhones sold equals 2+ lifelong Apple customers that will be purchasing significant numbers of services, value adds and accessories. Other companies just do not have the retention->follow up value add/services/accessory purchases except Amazon (and that is a differing model). 
    But that definitely isn't to say Mac and iPad don't matter (they very much do). And M1 appears to be the main differentiator Apple is relying on for future revenue increase and market share growth/hold. While these two are more stand alone from iPhone (meaning an iPhone purchase doesn't equal a Mac or iPad purchase like other Apple items), these 2 alone equal a top 50 company in the United States, So Apple's ability to hold/capture more personal computing and handheld computing sales are significantly relying on M1 advancement and being ON TIME. Personally I'm looking forward to an M based bigger screen MBP. Probably will sell the MBA M1 13" for the bigger screen IF Apple delivers the goods. I'll cross that bridge if/when it happens. 

    On the sale experience issue, I feel the frustration. Took over 3 weeks to get my Watch S6 a few months ago. But on this one it's tough for Apple to do any better. Apple couldn't have foreseen this kind of growth. Couple that with the covid caused shortages and Apple wasn't prepared for the jump from 260 billion is revenue to 350 billion revenue in this short of a time span. For better or worse, my guess is this early holiday season coming could see extended wait times again. If someone wants an Apple product, some products may be long wait times.  So if you see something available you want, jump on it. For me, except for any potential large screen MBP M1 by Christmas, I'm set until I upgrade my 11 to the iPhone 13 at a discount next summer (I don't mind waiting and paying less). 
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