Apple's new iCloud website design is beautiful

in General Discussion edited October 2022
The desktop iCloud website is undergoing some changes as a beta version shows new customizable widgets and interfaces.

iCloud website beta has customizable design
iCloud website beta has customizable design

Apple's desktop website for iCloud is available to anyone with a web browser, and it has gone through multiple overhauls over the years. The latest version, currently in beta, has an all-new interface with app widgets and a customizable interface.

When a user logs in to the new website for the first time, they are greeted with a set of basic widgets that show information about their iCloud profile, Apple Mail, Photos, and iCloud Drive. A large button at the bottom lets the user add, remove, or rearrange widgets based on other iCloud services like Notes or iWork.

Clicking on a widget will take the user to the respective app's web app. The page with widgets is called the iCloud Home Page and can be reached at any time from the app menu or by tapping the Apple logo in the top left corner.

The new design can be viewed from The beta is open to anyone with an Apple ID.

Read on AppleInsider


  • Reply 1 of 6
    jabohnjabohn Posts: 593member
    Only the home page etc. appears to have changed. None of the tools are any different (Mail, Calendar etc). Mail still has lots of problems that came with the lsat overhaul. Still no dark mode.
  • Reply 2 of 6
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    Interesting.  Not super useful unless Apple opens iCloud for hosted web apps that could do more functional things on the dashboard.  I've almost given up hope on that front though.
  • Reply 3 of 6
    iCloud is stilling needing base storage upgrade to at least 10-15GB and end to end encryption as option at least 
  • Reply 4 of 6
    mattinozmattinoz Posts: 2,527member
    Just needs 3rd party apps and Small business accounts
  • Reply 5 of 6
    geekmeegeekmee Posts: 647member
    Apple is late to the Web app party, but it is still in beta. 
    We eagerly await what Apple design ability late… Will bring.
    (The Web app is free, so if nothing else, this shows they have their priorities in line.)
  • Reply 6 of 6
    RleyRley Posts: 3member
    Devices no longer appear in th new beta version
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