Compare the specs and prices of the 14" iBook and the 12" PB. The new 14" iBook is bigger, faster and CHEAPER!!! I know its a G3 and I know that the video card isn't as good, but as a consumer it is a tough choice. Does this signal an upgrade is due for the 12" PB?
-Dual 867
Faster? I'm sure the G4/867 will outperform a G3/900 at non-altivec tasks (and then there are altivec tasks). And, uh, video card not as good.
Then there is the case/keyboard/speakers/appearance difference.
I think the current 12" PB is only on its first third of its life.
1. I think that a 900 G3 is as good if not better than a 867 G4 at non-Altivec (ie. most) applications and the "public" certainly won't see much difference.
2. Even at the same resolution, 14" is bigger. I would rather have a larger screen than a smaller one at the same resolution.
3. There appears to be some debate between the ATI and Nvidia video cards.
The kicker is the iBook is $300 less expensive.
In order to keep the iBook from canabalizing the 12" PB Apple may have to update the PB.
What are your thoughts?
Originally posted by Leonis
Don't forget the PB does allow dual display
Not only that but you can run it with the clamshell closed. Can't do that with the iBook.
33 mhz bump on an inferior chip isn't going to make the 12" powerbooks need a bump. Remember when the iBook SE (Graphite) was at 466 mhz with the SAME CHIP as the 400/500 mhz Pismos?
The original 500 mhz iBook and the 400/500 TiBooks?
Incremental bumps of this sort mean next to nothing.
That's the problem with the 12" PB with it's current specs and why it will have to upgraded sooner rather than later.