Widgets huh? Why not Dashboard?

in macOS edited October 2023
Desktop widgets seem to be a big idea in Mac OS Sonoma.  But why? I think the Dashboard introduced way back in Tiger was a way more elegant application of widgets. Instead of having them cluttering up the desktop, they were out of the way, easily summoned with a left-to-right swipe gesture. And you could clip any part of a webpage and make it an interactive widget. I clipped the local radar feed from a weather webpage, and the radar widget I created updated in real time. It was extremely useful. and completely out of the way when I didn't need it.

I may be in the minority, but I was sorry to see dashboard go. Now widgets are a big deal again, only not as well executed, imho. If we're going to have widgets again, Apple might as well bring back the Dashboard.



  • Reply 1 of 2
    Apple seems to be focused on the wrong things to fix or change. Most of us don't seem to place this much importance on Widgets, or Web Apps, and Dashboard was much more elegant and useful. They haven't even fixed Stage Manager.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    HonkersHonkers Posts: 156member
    Maybe if they allowed you to pin Widgets to a particular desktop, and then you could have a cleaner Desktop 2 in Spaces, which would (almost) replicate the Dashboard experience.
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