School Shooting in PA



  • Reply 21 of 54
    argentoargento Posts: 483member

    Originally posted by alcimedes

    dude, he was being funny, right..........?

    God willing, yes.
  • Reply 22 of 54
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by BR

    You are so insane.

    No i am the only one who is insane here.

    A shooting in school every three years, is not really as much in a pure statistical point of vue, but it's the sign of an increase of the average level of violence.

    Wheter you like it or not, there is lot of schools (at least in Europe), where there is more violence than twenty years ago. The adults are no more better, anyway than teens, but their violence is more hidden in general.

    I don't have answer to explain the augmentation of this level of violence. People try to explain it, by checking what's new in this last years. As the video is new, and as the average level of violence of movie is increasing, it's easy to make a connection. The industrie involved replie that if video and movies are more violent it's because the world is more violent. May be, and i don't think that media are the root of violence, but i think they are co-factors and that they help producing a vicious circle.
  • Reply 23 of 54

    Originally posted by Eugene

    Somehow, some way, GWB is responsible...just like how he blew up Columbia, right SPJ?

    Grow up. I was wrong about that. You're wrong to put it my face every time you say something to me.

    Let it go.
  • Reply 24 of 54
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    Goddam PacMan started it all back in 1979.
  • Reply 25 of 54
    I'd like to read some research on some of the potential causes here. Anyone read anything about it?
  • Reply 26 of 54
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    12 million students (or more) at any given time. if one in 10 million is nuts, you have a shooting. if it's a 1 in a million chance, you'll have 10 a year.

    'course, media covers it like mad now......

    perception is reality.
  • Reply 27 of 54
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by ShawnPatrickJoyce

    Grow up. I was wrong about that. You're wrong to put it my face every time you say something to me.

    Let it go.

    If I let it go, the chip on my brainstem will turn my cerebrum into mush.
  • Reply 28 of 54
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    Shawn. Just cool it dude. I know it's not couth to do this, but you need to realize that you're not the most intelligent guy in the world. Smarter people than you run corporations and have their own kids. Sometimes the best answer is one you can't think of, or even one that involves you doing nothing.

    You also need to get a name that's not 2/3 female. Sorry there, but it's just so damn hippie that it annoys me.

    As for guns, I liked guns at 14. I had guns at that age too. Never shot anything except rodents and birds though.
  • Reply 29 of 54
    der kopfder kopf Posts: 2,275member

    Originally posted by Splinemodel

    As for guns, I liked guns at 14. I had guns at that age too. Never shot anything except rodents and birds though.

    I'd label that as part of the problem. Although many young kids in Europe might crave to blow their classmates away, they can't do it, because they don't have a gun, and cannot possibly get one.

    Pray tell, what does a 14 year old need a gun for?

    I feel, moreover, that the biggest guilt lays with the parents and direct environment of these kids, nothing to do with movies/video games. I think it's only delusional schizoids can't distinguish between life and fiction. The trouble begins, however, when there's no "strict" guidance, telling these kids what's expected of them in the real world.
  • Reply 30 of 54

    Originally posted by alcimedes

    12 million students (or more) at any given time. if one in 10 million is nuts, you have a shooting. if it's a 1 in a million chance, you'll have 10 a year.

    'course, media covers it like mad now......

    perception is reality.

    Someone explain to me again how a total ban on handguns won't make it harder for this kind of thing to happen?
  • Reply 31 of 54
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by Hassan i Sabbah

    Someone explain to me again how a total ban on handguns won't make it harder for this kind of thing to happen?

    I'd like to think it would work, but I don't think it would be much more effective than the ban on hardcore narcotics. Gun availability is one part of the problem, but letting the kid reach the breaking point where he desires to murder his principal is another.
  • Reply 32 of 54
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    This is defintiely one of those "if it can happen here, it can happen anywhere" things.

    I've been to this school district for various things. It is sort of a middle class community. Definitely some red neck areas. Overall, a semi-rural area.

    Sad. As a teacher, I think about the family of the principal. Here is a guy who it is said was well-liked, probably a few year away froma nice retirement package. Horrible. He gets up to go to work, kisses his wife goodbye, and that's it. Ugghhh.
  • Reply 33 of 54

    Originally posted by Splinemodel

    Shawn. Just cool it dude. I know it's not couth to do this, but you need to realize that you're not the most intelligent guy in the world. Smarter people than you run corporations and have their own kids. Sometimes the best answer is one you can't think of, or even one that involves you doing nothing.

    You also need to get a name that's not 2/3 female. Sorry there, but it's just so damn hippie that it annoys me.

    As for guns, I liked guns at 14. I had guns at that age too. Never shot anything except rodents and birds though.

    True. You and I are just in college. But that doesn't exclude us from voicing opinions- sure doesn't stop me! The presence of more intelligent people in the world shouldn't stop anyone from determining whether something should be occurring. This is the same you-have-no-experience argument that's just pretty damn ridiculous. So give it up. Give me some time and I'm sure I'll bring down at least one evil corporation in my chosen profession.

    Ask sc_markt, powerdoc, hassan, xionja, der kopf.

    They'll tell you pretty much the same thing as me(with only a few exceptions)

    So I'm certainly not alone on this one. But it is kinda funny to see the reactions from people here:

    "You're gonna take away MY guns?"

    "You're gonna take away MY violent entertainment?"

    "You're gonna ask corporations who profit from guns and violent entertainment to have a bit of responsibility?"


    Plain and Simple.
  • Reply 34 of 54
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by Hassan i Sabbah

    Someone explain to me again how a total ban on handguns won't make it harder for this kind of thing to happen?

    Hello?!?! Someone posted a link just in this thread alone where a group fo teens beat a man to death with absolutely no guns involved.

    Though it did start with an egg being thrown so perhaps we should ban all eggs.

    If people want to kill, they will find a way.

  • Reply 35 of 54
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    A total ban on guns would probably stop **this** crime from happening because the kid stole his dads guns. However the overwhelming majority of gun crime carried out with illegal (unregistered) weapons would not be affected one whiff. Except mebbe that law abiding people wouldn't have their guns anymore, and that is actually a more important right than anti-gun lobby would have you believe.

    That said, there needs to be a better though out gun policy in the US
  • Reply 36 of 54
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    Female bullies

    He was probably being bullied by a bunch of girls at school. They likely were torturing him socially. He reported it to his female teachers who ignored it because men can never been the victims of mental or physical cruelty from a woman since they can only be potential rapists and oppressors.

    He then likely tried as a last ditch effort, an attempt to tell his principal about his problems. He thought perhaps his principal would be sympathetic to his problems. His principal, simply mouthing the societal expectations that men are disposable and uncared for told him that his feelings were not valid. Because although studies have shown repeatedly that men and women express the same amount of anxiety and fear regarding situations, men are not allowed to express their emotions.

    The boy was also likely counselled that it was his fault his female accusers sought to destroy his reputation with false accusations and even his fault that they took any action at all. Women are always victims and even when they do something wrong, society teaches us that they only do it because they were compelled to by a man. That is why the prison population is 80%+ male. D.A.'s often reduce or remove sentences for women arrested in conjunction with men for the same crime by getting them to turn states evidence against the man and send him to jail.

    Thus realizing his full societal role as a man, that he is only disposable and never allowed, to feel, to love, or be empowered, he did what a man is 5 times more likely to do than a woman and that is commit suicide. He is 8 times more likely to die by a firearm.

    Likewise it seems it is always young men with whom these things are occuring. Does anyone seriously doubt that if groups of women were bring driven to suicidal or homicidal intentions nationwide we would consider it a national crisis and have large numbers or programs attemping to deal with it. It is a national crisis if women don't want to take a math class yet not if boys are committing suicide.

    Then look at Shawn Patrick, being the house slave and mouthing the brainwashing he has been indoctrinated with. He is the one who would have been saying the woman deserved to be raped based off their attired in another time. Now since he has been properly brainwashed he accusing the boy himself instead of the society and expectations that crushed him.

    Instead of simply seeking the removal of these violent videogames he should ask why young men feel compelled to play them. I would say it is societies way of preparing these men for their own truly disposable and unloved nature. Being able to kill without feelings will properly prepare these men for having their children, homes and earnings stripped away from in divorce proceedings. It will prepare them to trudge off to jobs where they may have put their lives and limbs at stake under fear of jail time. They will be prepared to be shoved into these jobs as former jobs are taken by women who chase them out with charges of insensitivity, sexism, and harassment.

    It fits my beliefs and the statistics, so it must be true, right?


    P.S. I hope you will all support my new documentary. It is called Potential Rapists in P.A. I am sure the Academy Award Committee will just love it.
  • Reply 37 of 54
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member

    You're gonna ask corporations who profit from guns and violent entertainment to have a bit of responsibility

    the underlying problem, IMO, is that parents aren't spending anywhere near enough time with their kids, and their kids know it. so they feel like shit. kid goes nuts one day and shoots their fellow students, and everyone wants to point the finger at big, bad entertainment.

    the reason they're so strung up on this concept is that they don't want to admit to themselves that it is likely their parenting that's the problem.

    reminds me of the enviornment complaints against big companies. at this point in time (IIRC) the biggest pollutors are the people living in a community, not the businesses there. they toss paint down the drain, pour motor oil in the sewer etc, but it's easier to point to a company and blame them for pollution that be willing to change your lifestyle.

    let's face it, kids raised on TV aren't well adjusted. but i don't think that's TV's fault, it's because they weren't raised by their parents.

    some kids raised on nothing but seasme street and Mr. Rogers would probably be insane too. kids need a loving, caring enviornment.
  • Reply 38 of 54

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Female bullies

    He was probably being bullied by a bunch of girls at school.

    Where did you get this from? What gives you this idea? This school shooting hasn't been reported here in the UK so tell the facts.
  • Reply 39 of 54
    I just re-read the thingie and I can't see anything about girls getting shot or bullying or anything.
  • Reply 40 of 54
    Isn't it just as likely that he comes from a home where his dad beat his mum and he learned that the best way to resolve issues was with an outburst of violence? He had his dad's guns to hand and so he took them to school to exact some revenge on the teacher who took him to task for his anti-social behaviour, and the little selfish wiener habituated to rage rather than the traditionally feminine trait of 'talking things through' bucked him down before turning the gun on himself?

    How is that any more or less likely than the scenario you describe?
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