Boy petitions Apple to change 'nerd face' emoji



  • Reply 21 of 29
    Let’s be honest. This article is a bit mean spirited, $hitty, and inaccurate. It punches down implying the 10 yr old boy and his teacher don’t understand how emoji work, and then goes on to mansplain how they are correct in their assertions
     that apple could change their depiction of this emoji. 

    I’m not saying Apple should change it, but this article did not do the topic justice.
    edited November 2023 ronnAlex1NHonkerswilliamlondon
  • Reply 22 of 29
    I was bespectacled from fourth grade until my late twenties.  One word, little chap: LASIK.  It will change your life, you're welcome.
    I looked into that once but the doctor told me that even though I wouldn’t need glasses to see things far away that I wouldn’t be able to see things up close without reading glasses.
    You must be old (45? 50?). The downside of age is your lenses stiffen and the muscles that control them weaken and LASIK comes with those trade offs. Not an issue for the young. Get LASIK while you're still young kids!
    I’m over 50.
  • Reply 23 of 29
    Hey Nerd Boy, that's not Apple's emoji on the page you're holding up. That is the TWITTER version. It is easy to tell them apart, Apple uses 3D visual cues, the Twitter version is completely flat colors:

  • Reply 24 of 29
    If an emoticon makes you “sad and upset”, then the real problem is that you allow insignificant things to change your state — not good.

    That being said, the fact that there is an emoticon that depicts this is ridiculous.  I use maybe 2-3 different ones on a regular basis — most are bizarre to me, including the one this kid is pointing out.  But call it out for what it is — what exactly is it trying to communicate?
  • Reply 25 of 29
    JapheyJaphey Posts: 1,772member
  • Reply 26 of 29
    jimh2jimh2 Posts: 656member
    Another thing done by someone to self-promote. The emoji fits every nerd I know. He needs a reality check as his life is going to be miserable as he gets older. 
  • Reply 27 of 29
    XedXed Posts: 2,820member
    jimh2 said:
    Another thing done by someone to self-promote. The emoji fits every nerd I know. He needs a reality check as his life is going to be miserable as he gets older. 
    That 10yo is self-promoting eh? 🙄
  • Reply 28 of 29
    jimh2 said:
    ...He needs a reality check as his life is going to be miserable as he gets older. 
    Have you seen Michael Gove?

    Profile picture
  • Reply 29 of 29
    davidwdavidw Posts: 2,100member
    This 10 year old kid shouldn't be concern that he has a strong resemblance to the current emojis, of what most would instantly say are images of a "nerd".  What he should maybe be concern about is that he has a strong resemblance to "nerd" emojis that what most would say are images of a nerd  ..... for over fifty years before he was born.

    But then again, he's in good company.

    Maybe when we call up the list of emojis, it should have a disclaimer like the one in the end credits of nearly every movie ..........

    "The emojis depicted here are fictitious. Any similarity to any person living or dead is merely coincidental."

    Then maybe people won't take it personally or litigiously, when they happen to look like an emoji.

    edited December 2023
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