At last Apple is dumping those pointless, wasteful stickers

in iPad

Starting with the new iPads, Apple has finally stopped including the stickers and it is a relief.

A car covered in multiple apple-shaped stickers with a person visible through the window, parked beside a yellow vehicle.
Not my car.

Okay, it's partly a relief just for me because I happen to have papyrophobia -- I am a writer who is afraid of paper. It's like an OCD thing and I'm fine with US Letter or A4 scripts. If those are torn, or if you give me a Post-It Note, I am in trouble.

Consequently, every single time I've bought a new Mac, or an iPhone, or an iPad, there has been a moment of wincing distaste as I hide the stickers back in the box. But I have also never had a moment's desire to slap any sticker of any kind on anything -- and especially not a device I've just spent at least a thousand on.

I mean, I'm not Justin Trudeau. I don't need you to somehow think I'm cool or down with the kids, using a Mac when actually I've just borrowed a PC.

It's not Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's MacBook Pro. But then it isn't anyone's MacBook Pro, it's a Windows HP laptop
It's not Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's MacBook Pro. But then it isn't anyone's MacBook Pro, it's a Windows HP laptop

There is the idea that this is all fantastic marketing by Apple, and free marketing at that, since users put the Apple logo on their devices or their bags. If I somehow needed, really needed you to know I'm using an Apple device, if I really think you are someone who could possibly care, then waving the device in your face would do it.

And if I want to tell the world I have an expensive iPad in that deliberately nondescript-looking bag, sure, yeah, I'm going to slap a sticker on there.

Stickers work for Apple as advertising, and they are apparently supposed to work for us because they are a way of personalizing the devices we've bought. They don't personalize them, they sully them.

When you see a MacBook Pro on a TV show and it's got a huge, bland sticker on the back, it isn't personalization, you know it's a television company not wanting to advertise Apple for free. In a true Streisand effect kind of way, they do call attention to this thing that only someone buying a Mac would notice anyway.

Or when you see a PC on TV -- no, actually, when you see a PC anywhere you see stickers. I can't type on a PC that has "Intel Inside" stickers because they are always right on the palmrest and I can't touch them without shaking.

Which is why I had a bit of a dry-mouthed fear back in the 2000s when Apple announced that it was moving to Intel processors. Back then, every PC was required to include an "Intel Inside" sticker on the case, just as they were all required to play that four-bong Intel music sting on every TV ad.

There's clearly no benefit to the user of having a sticker reminding them every day that they bought a computer with an Intel processor, it's not as if they need whatever reassurance that could give them. And clearly no PC user has ever willingly stuck an Intel sticker onto anything, where Apple users have.

So "Intel Inside" is a contractual sullying of the industrial design of a computer, and it exists only so that next time you buy a PC, everyone expects to see Intel tarnishing it.

Laptop with a video conference on the screen showing four smiling people, logo of Intel inside on the front.
How the first-ever Intel-based MacBook Pro could have looked

It was contractually ubiquitous for computer manufacturers to have this Intel Inside sticker, so everyone did expect to see the same thing on Macs once the transition to Intel had been announced. Ken Segall, at the time working on marketing for Apple, even feared it.

"I approached [Steve Jobs] with my biggest concern," wrote Segall in a 2017 blog post about it. "'Please tell me we won't have to put the Intel Inside logo on our Macs.'"

"With a big grin," continues Segall's blog, "Steve looked me in the eye and said, 'Trust me, I made sure that's in the contract.'"

So we can thank Steve Jobs that no MacBook Pro ever had its palm rests sullied with stickers.

Yet we probably have to blame him for how every MacBook Pro -- and every Mac, every iPhone, every iPad -- did have stickers. Typically two of them, printed in colors to match whatever device they shipped with.

It's a decent bet that Apple has surely sold over 100 million Macs since the original, and every Mac had two stickers. In 2021, AppleInsider reported that Apple had then sold two billion iPhones.

So that's now at least 2.1 billion Apple devices, just of the Mac and the iPhone, each shipped with two stickers.

Two Apple logo stickers with a silver gradient, one larger than the other, on a pale surface.
Looking at this image is difficult for me, let alone having had to take the photo

Granted, the number of people with papyrophobia is rather small, but out of over two billion stickers shipped, it's not like everyone else slaps those on their devices. Consequently, much as I could be alone on thinking stickers sully devices, as much as I am quite surely close to alone in my paper phobia, I cannot be alone in seeing what an incredible waste those unused, unwanted stickers are.

Apparently that's what's changed Apple's mind. As well as killing off all plastic packaging by the end of 2024, Apple has now decided not to include stickers in the box for the new iPad Air and iPad Pro models that it just announced.

As first spotted by 9to5Mac, Apple has informed Apple Store staff of the change, but said it will be sending a limited supply of stickers that can be given out on demand.

Yeah, let me rush to that.

First Apple came for our Lightning connector and we shrugged. Then they came for our headphone jack and we were briefly bothered. Finally they've come for those wretched stickers and it's a relief.

Read on AppleInsider



  • Reply 1 of 43
    I’m with you, William. Never needed or wanted the stickers.
  • Reply 2 of 43
    dennyc69dennyc69 Posts: 30member
    Keep your opinion to yourself.
  • Reply 3 of 43
    XedXed Posts: 2,816member
    1) And here I thought I was alone with hating all those stickers.

    2) I don't think getting Intel to agree to not having a sticker on the laptop was a hard get so long as Intel was the only CPU allowed in Macs. As in, no AMD. Apple using Intel would become known and it would bring more free advertising to Intel than some silly sticker.
  • Reply 4 of 43
    MplsPMplsP Posts: 3,997member
    They switched from leather to an inferior fabric for their cases out of ‘environmental concerns’ but kept including the useless stickers. There’s backwards logic for you.
  • Reply 5 of 43
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Lately I often think the staff of AppleInsider might be happier writing about some other company.
  • Reply 6 of 43
    Did I just read a hit piece on stickers? If you don’t want those stickers then send them over, i have been expecting a sticker from every Apple product. With that being said at least they still include a charger and cable in the iPads.
  • Reply 7 of 43
    iOS_Guy80iOS_Guy80 Posts: 881member
    The stickers that are in gift cards are quite colorful.
  • Reply 8 of 43
    XedXed Posts: 2,816member
    MplsP said:
    They switched from leather to an inferior fabric for their cases out of ‘environmental concerns’ but kept including the useless stickers. There’s backwards logic for you.
    I think it's clear that those stickers affect the environment a lot less than the leather and you know they did both within a year, right? Not exactly the "backwards logic" you claim it to be.
  • Reply 9 of 43
    XedXed Posts: 2,816member
    Did I just read a hit piece on stickers? If you don’t want those stickers then send them over, i have been expecting a sticker from every Apple product. With that being said at least they still include a charger and cable in the iPads.
    This wasn't a soapbox article requesting that Apple remove the stickers, but simply letting you know that they've been removed.

  • Reply 10 of 43
    entropysentropys Posts: 4,262member
    A victory for the oppressed victims of oppressor Apple punching down with its white stickers!
  • Reply 11 of 43
    The stickers were perfect when owning a Mac was borderline countercultural and assisted in finding the like-minded. (They were generally affixed to items other than the computer.) That purpose ebbed around 2007. 
  • Reply 12 of 43
    DoodpantsDoodpants Posts: 53member
    Discontinuing the stickers? This would never have happened under Steve Jobs!
  • Reply 13 of 43
    XedXed Posts: 2,816member
    While I, for one, am glad the stickers are gone, but I do think it would've been funny if Apple succumbed to shrinkflation tactics by making the Apple logo stickers smaller and smaller. 
    edited May 8 retrogustoStrangeDaysAlex1N
  • Reply 14 of 43
    M68000M68000 Posts: 846member
    Doodpants said:
    Discontinuing the stickers? This would never have happened under Steve Jobs!
    My guess is this is cost cutting going on.
  • Reply 15 of 43
    mikethemartianmikethemartian Posts: 1,470member
    From now on you will have to buy the stickers. :-)
  • Reply 16 of 43
    I’m sort of the opposite to William. I work at an Apple reseller, and every time a customer didn’t want their stickers, or when we sometimes took in a trade-in with the original box and that still had the stickers, I felt compelled to keep them rather than throw them away. I must have hundreds of stickers at home by now, most of them white, but a few in other colors. I haven’t used many of them; back when I owned a car I put a few on that, I have a few on my mountain bike, and on an external USB drive. The rest is just in case I need some in the future. :blush: I think I have 2 of the original multi-colored ones from the 1980s, those I don’t want to use, just save.
    But still, I’m glad they stopped including them for environmental reasons. Every little step is good.
    edited May 8 ronnlolliverAlex1NFileMakerFellerwatto_cobraking editor the grate
  • Reply 17 of 43
    timpetustimpetus Posts: 53member
    I still have some of the rainbow Apple stickers. They are among my favorite collectibles. I'll miss the stickers being included with Apple products; some of them get replaced at about the same rate as my cars, and I almost always put a sticker on my car. I imagine the stickers will become more valuable if Apple stops including them with everything from now on.
    eriamjhAlex1Nwatto_cobraking editor the grate
  • Reply 18 of 43
    eriamjheriamjh Posts: 1,725member
    I never expected stickers to be so controversial.
  • Reply 19 of 43
    AppleishAppleish Posts: 705member
    I have enough for number of cars remaining in my life, so...
  • Reply 20 of 43
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,525member
    I'm looking forward to reading about things on the author's lawn that he wishes to be immediately removed. 
    ilarynxAlex1Nwatto_cobraking editor the grate
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