Tim Cook may have met with Trump during WWDC to discuss second term priorities



  • Reply 41 of 70
    ilarynxilarynx Posts: 120member
    red oak said:
    The 2017 tax cuts that CEOs used for stock buybacks are due to expire. These are the same tax cuts that the Fed predicted would increase inflation. Go figure…
    Federal tax receipts have soared since the 2017 tax plan.  It is spending that is completely could of control that has caused the huge deficits and inflation 

    That false narrative is one that is promoted by Fox propaganda, but unsurprisingly, reality paints a different picture. The numbers show that tax revenues were basically flat (falling compared to GDP) in the years following the 2017 tax scheme. The “soaring” increase in revenues did not occur until the subsequent administration implemented new fiscal policies that included a stimulus package. 

    The false narrative that spending is THE cause of deficits and inflation is another fantasy.  



    The truth is usually a little more complicated than the bumpersticker slogans touted by propaganda outlets. I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised to see the same groups who deny science are often the ones incapable of comprehending math as well. 

  • Reply 42 of 70
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    Pema said:
    Xed said:
    Trump winning its a given at this point.

    The world needs it.
    The world needs a felon with 34 criminal convictions who is incapable of stringing two sentences together in charge of the US? I don't think so.
    Not that Biden is dong any better with speaking these days, but at the end of the day I'm going to vote for the person who actually believes in a democracy, not a fascist and wannabe dictator.
    Neither are you mate. Dong? What is dong? It would appear that you are as bad as Biden.
    Who is Ronny Johnson, Mr. Trump's good friend, among his most faithful supporters, and personal White House doctor? The answer is he doesn't exist. Trump got it wrong when making an attempt to make fun of Biden, which may also be evidence of Trump's cognitive decline. Both candidates are simply too old to have faith in as President four years from now, IMO. But only one of them tends to bully his way forward, not something I want my President doing in a moment of rage. Sad that we're not offered any good alternatives. 
    edited June 16 tmaymuthuk_vanalingambaconstangshrave109secondkox2
  • Reply 43 of 70
    XedXed Posts: 2,814member
    Pema said:
    Xed said:
    Trump winning its a given at this point.

    The world needs it.
    The world needs a felon with 34 criminal convictions who is incapable of stringing two sentences together in charge of the US? I don't think so.
    Not that Biden is dong any better with speaking these days, but at the end of the day I'm going to vote for the person who actually believes in a democracy, not a fascist and wannabe dictator.
    Neither are you mate. Dong? What is dong? It would appear that you are as bad as Biden.
    1) I absolutely did make a typo or had an autocorrect issue on a public tech forum. I didn't proofread. It happens.

    2) Since you wrote, "What is dong?" it indicate that you understand that the word intended to spelling was doingI find it concerning that you didn't understand the context of the sentence as stated. I'd argue that reading comprehension is more concerning than a simple typographical error.

    3) If you are going to attack someone for a typo, you probably should check your own grammar and punctuation before you hit submit, mate.
    edited June 16 muthuk_vanalingamilarynxwilliamlondonspheric9secondkox2watto_cobrabaconstang
  • Reply 44 of 70
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,907member
    Trump is the unsurprising result of concepts and rhetoric that were started by Reagan. He used his phony, homespun speaking style to convince people that it was okay to dislike your government. It was okay to disassemble your government because "big" was bad. It was okay to think that helping people in need was an intolerable expense. While Reagan is not so popular with young extremist conservatives now, he and his goals were worshipped by Republicans for a couple decades. During that time you can see how each wave of conservative victories at the national level led to incrementally more extreme positions. Newt Gingrich, Lee Atwater, Karl Rove, GW Bush, neo cons, the Tea Party and now the most extreme - MAGA. Reagan started the ball rolling and Trump is the result anyone paying even slight attention should have expected was coming.
    edited June 16 ronnilarynxspheric9secondkox2watto_cobra
  • Reply 45 of 70
    ilarynxilarynx Posts: 120member
    welshdog said:
    Trump is the unsurprising result of concepts and rhetoric that were started by Reagan. He used his phony, homespun speaking style to convince people that it was okay to dislike your government. It was okay to disassemble your government because "big" was bad. It was okay to think that helping people in need was an intolerable expense. While Reagan is not so popular with young extremist conservatives now, he and his goals were worshipped by Republicans for a couple decades. During that time you can see how each wave of conservative victories at the national level led to incrementally more extreme positions. Newt Gingrich, Lee Atwater, Karl Rove, GW Bush, neo cons, the Tea Party and now the most extreme - MAGA. Reagan started the ball rolling and Trump is the result anyone paying even slight attention should have expected was coming.

    “The biggest threat to America today is not communism, it’s moving America toward a fascist theocracy, and everything that’s happened in the Reagan administration is steering us right down that pipe.” 

    - Frank Zappa, 1986

  • Reply 46 of 70
    Trump winning its a given at this point.

    The world needs it.
    I hope he hangs in there #piazzaleloreto #sicsempertyrannis
  • Reply 47 of 70
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,666member
    Trump winning its a given at this point.

    The world needs it.
    I hope he hangs in there #piazzaleloreto #sicsempertyrannis

    "Mango Mussolini".
  • Reply 48 of 70
    ilarynx said:
    welshdog said:
    Trump is the unsurprising result of concepts and rhetoric that were started by Reagan. He used his phony, homespun speaking style to convince people that it was okay to dislike your government. It was okay to disassemble your government because "big" was bad. It was okay to think that helping people in need was an intolerable expense. While Reagan is not so popular with young extremist conservatives now, he and his goals were worshipped by Republicans for a couple decades. During that time you can see how each wave of conservative victories at the national level led to incrementally more extreme positions. Newt Gingrich, Lee Atwater, Karl Rove, GW Bush, neo cons, the Tea Party and now the most extreme - MAGA. Reagan started the ball rolling and Trump is the result anyone paying even slight attention should have expected was coming.

    “The biggest threat to America today is not communism, it’s moving America toward a fascist theocracy, and everything that’s happened in the Reagan administration is steering us right down that pipe.” 

    - Frank Zappa, 1986

    To be fair, FDR is the one who really kick-started the trend towards fascism in the U.S., though there were arguably hints of it even before then.
  • Reply 49 of 70
    ilarynxilarynx Posts: 120member
    ilarynx said:
    welshdog said:
    Trump is the unsurprising result of concepts and rhetoric that were started by Reagan. He used his phony, homespun speaking style to convince people that it was okay to dislike your government. It was okay to disassemble your government because "big" was bad. It was okay to think that helping people in need was an intolerable expense. While Reagan is not so popular with young extremist conservatives now, he and his goals were worshipped by Republicans for a couple decades. During that time you can see how each wave of conservative victories at the national level led to incrementally more extreme positions. Newt Gingrich, Lee Atwater, Karl Rove, GW Bush, neo cons, the Tea Party and now the most extreme - MAGA. Reagan started the ball rolling and Trump is the result anyone paying even slight attention should have expected was coming.

    “The biggest threat to America today is not communism, it’s moving America toward a fascist theocracy, and everything that’s happened in the Reagan administration is steering us right down that pipe.” 

    - Frank Zappa, 1986

    To be fair, FDR is the one who really kick-started the trend towards fascism in the U.S., though there were arguably hints of it even before then.
    Only when you replace "fair" with "stupid" in that sentence does it become accurate. 

    However, it does provide lots of laughs when you run across someone whose lessons in "history" have come from sources such as the Daily Caller and Info Wars. On even numbered days the wing-nuts declare FDR the biggest socialist on the planet, and on odd numbered days apparently he's declared the biggest fascist on the planet. Such ahistorical declarations can be quite hilarious, and equally pathetic. 

    To paraphrase an old adage, "Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to be laughed at."

  • Reply 50 of 70
    ilarynx said:
    ilarynx said:
    welshdog said:
    Trump is the unsurprising result of concepts and rhetoric that were started by Reagan. He used his phony, homespun speaking style to convince people that it was okay to dislike your government. It was okay to disassemble your government because "big" was bad. It was okay to think that helping people in need was an intolerable expense. While Reagan is not so popular with young extremist conservatives now, he and his goals were worshipped by Republicans for a couple decades. During that time you can see how each wave of conservative victories at the national level led to incrementally more extreme positions. Newt Gingrich, Lee Atwater, Karl Rove, GW Bush, neo cons, the Tea Party and now the most extreme - MAGA. Reagan started the ball rolling and Trump is the result anyone paying even slight attention should have expected was coming.

    “The biggest threat to America today is not communism, it’s moving America toward a fascist theocracy, and everything that’s happened in the Reagan administration is steering us right down that pipe.” 

    - Frank Zappa, 1986

    To be fair, FDR is the one who really kick-started the trend towards fascism in the U.S., though there were arguably hints of it even before then.
    Only when you replace "fair" with "stupid" in that sentence does it become accurate. 

    However, it does provide lots of laughs when you run across someone whose lessons in "history" have come from sources such as the Daily Caller and Info Wars. On even numbered days the wing-nuts declare FDR the biggest socialist on the planet, and on odd numbered days apparently he's declared the biggest fascist on the planet. Such ahistorical declarations can be quite hilarious, and equally pathetic. 

    To paraphrase an old adage, "Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to be laughed at."


    Imprisoning an entire race of people based on their heritage, without any kind of due process, seems pretty fascist to me.

    Transferring all the monetary gold in the country to the government, without any kind of due process, seems pretty fascist to me.
  • Reply 51 of 70
    cincyteecincytee Posts: 419member
    ... in what has been described as a meandering discussion.
    What other kind would it be with Trump?
  • Reply 52 of 70
    9secondkox29secondkox2 Posts: 3,015member
    Looks like folks have had enough experimentation gone wrong snd want a proven leader again, so good move by cook. 

    Still love this photo of Cook doing his best Squidward impression. 
  • Reply 53 of 70
    Steve HumistonSteve Humiston Posts: 22unconfirmed, member
    People who barely made it through HS: "WE WANT TRUMP"

    People with advanced education degrees: "WE WANT BIDEN (or something that leans more left)"

    In the end, that's the nutshell of our issues in the US. The uneducated refuse to shut up and listen. And since it failed at it, even in HS, they won't learn anything so it's pointless to try to lead them out of their "anti-science", "fake news", "lack of critical thought", and "indoctrinated ways". They are told things and if it aligns with how they actually feel, they believe it.

    That's it, there is nothing more.
  • Reply 54 of 70
    ilarynxilarynx Posts: 120member
    ilarynx said:
    ilarynx said:
    welshdog said:
    Trump is the unsurprising result of concepts and rhetoric that were started by Reagan. He used his phony, homespun speaking style to convince people that it was okay to dislike your government. It was okay to disassemble your government because "big" was bad. It was okay to think that helping people in need was an intolerable expense. While Reagan is not so popular with young extremist conservatives now, he and his goals were worshipped by Republicans for a couple decades. During that time you can see how each wave of conservative victories at the national level led to incrementally more extreme positions. Newt Gingrich, Lee Atwater, Karl Rove, GW Bush, neo cons, the Tea Party and now the most extreme - MAGA. Reagan started the ball rolling and Trump is the result anyone paying even slight attention should have expected was coming.

    “The biggest threat to America today is not communism, it’s moving America toward a fascist theocracy, and everything that’s happened in the Reagan administration is steering us right down that pipe.” 

    - Frank Zappa, 1986

    To be fair, FDR is the one who really kick-started the trend towards fascism in the U.S., though there were arguably hints of it even before then.
    Only when you replace "fair" with "stupid" in that sentence does it become accurate. 

    However, it does provide lots of laughs when you run across someone whose lessons in "history" have come from sources such as the Daily Caller and Info Wars. On even numbered days the wing-nuts declare FDR the biggest socialist on the planet, and on odd numbered days apparently he's declared the biggest fascist on the planet. Such ahistorical declarations can be quite hilarious, and equally pathetic. 

    To paraphrase an old adage, "Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to be laughed at."


    Imprisoning an entire race of people based on their heritage, without any kind of due process, seems pretty fascist to me.

    Transferring all the monetary gold in the country to the government, without any kind of due process, seems pretty fascist to me.

    There is a tendency these days to throw the word “fascist” at anything one disagrees with, or just unpleasant or unsavory actions. 

    The internment of US citizens of Japanese descent after the declaration of war that resulted from Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor, was certainly racist and against the spirit of American ideals, but whether it fits the definition of fascism is a different question. 

    A formal declaration of war puts enormous power into the Executive branch. As for “due process” the SCOTUS at the time ruled in the Korematsu case that FDR’s actions were Constitutional. 

    I agree with you and with most people today that the Korematsu decision was horribly flawed, but the case did go through the process at the time. 

    As for the transfer of gold, that was the result of flawed monetary system tied to gold.

    I guess Nixon’s Wage & Price Freeze was also fascistic “as you see it.” But “wrong”, “flawed”, “dumb”, even “illegal” do not necessarily equate to “fascistic.” 

  • Reply 55 of 70
    ilarynxilarynx Posts: 120member
    Looks like folks have had enough experimentation gone wrong snd want a proven leader again, so good move by cook. 

    Still love this photo of Cook doing his best Squidward impression. 
    Ha! That's a good one! Some kindergarteners see Barney as a "proven leader." Likewise, some chronological adults perceive "leadership" in much the same way. 

    Tim Apple Cook, as the head of the most valuable company in the country, is nigh on obliged to meet with the heads of both parties, lest he be perceived as showing partiality. 

    The Pied Piper was also a "leader". 


  • Reply 56 of 70
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Trump winning its a given at this point.

    The world needs it.
    Fortunately no. The world needs for him to be put in a home.
  • Reply 57 of 70
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member

    I don’t know how accurate this assessment is.  First off, Sorkin is no fan of Trump.  And what was the political affiliation of the CEOs that supposedly were “less predisposed” (whatever that means) after the meeting?
    The reports coming out of the meeting were that not only did he meander, but that a lot made no sense, was contradictory, and that he seemed to lose his place.
  • Reply 58 of 70
    9secondkox29secondkox2 Posts: 3,015member
    melgross said:
    Trump winning its a given at this point.

    The world needs it.
    Fortunately no. The world needs for him to be put in a home.

    It’s almost cruelty that Jill and co. Haven’t set up Joe in a nursing facility already. There has been FAR too much embarrassment from the guy. Not only can he not ambulate safely, but routinely spaces out and needs handholding and direction for the most basic things. Recently have you seen the looks on the Italian and Canadian prime ministers faces as Joe basically disappeared without going anywhere? The guy needs to retire and get consistent care. He may only be a little older than Trump, but he’s declined so much faster. Meanwhile trump is holding his own and then some with master manipulators and fast talkers like Logan Paul. 

    You may not like Trump, but he is clearly the far more sound candidate than Biden - and pretty much everyone else in that side of the aisle. 
  • Reply 59 of 70
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,666member
    melgross said:
    Trump winning its a given at this point.

    The world needs it.
    Fortunately no. The world needs for him to be put in a home.

    It’s almost cruelty that Jill and co. Haven’t set up Joe in a nursing facility already. There has been FAR too much embarrassment from the guy. Not only can he not ambulate safely, but routinely spaces out and needs handholding and direction for the most basic things. Recently have you seen the looks on the Italian and Canadian prime ministers faces as Joe basically disappeared without going anywhere? The guy needs to retire and get consistent care. He may only be a little older than Trump, but he’s declined so much faster. Meanwhile trump is holding his own and then some with master manipulators and fast talkers like Logan Paul. 

    You may not like Trump, but he is clearly the far more sound candidate than Biden - and pretty much everyone else in that side of the aisle. 
    "Religion is such a great thing it's so it keeps you know there's something to be good about you want to be good you wanna it's so important I don't know if it's explained right I don't know if I am explaining it right you know you want to be good you want to go to heaven when you have something like that you wanna go to heaven OK so you want to go to heaven so if we don't have heaven OK you almost say what's the reason why do I have to be good let's not be good what difference does it make"
    ~ Donald J. Trump~ June 2024
  • Reply 60 of 70
    9secondkox29secondkox2 Posts: 3,015member
    spheric said:
    melgross said:
    Trump winning its a given at this point.

    The world needs it.
    Fortunately no. The world needs for him to be put in a home.

    It’s almost cruelty that Jill and co. Haven’t set up Joe in a nursing facility already. There has been FAR too much embarrassment from the guy. Not only can he not ambulate safely, but routinely spaces out and needs handholding and direction for the most basic things. Recently have you seen the looks on the Italian and Canadian prime ministers faces as Joe basically disappeared without going anywhere? The guy needs to retire and get consistent care. He may only be a little older than Trump, but he’s declined so much faster. Meanwhile trump is holding his own and then some with master manipulators and fast talkers like Logan Paul. 

    You may not like Trump, but he is clearly the far more sound candidate than Biden - and pretty much everyone else in that side of the aisle. 
    "Religion is such a great thing it's so it keeps you know there's something to be good about you want to be good you wanna it's so important I don't know if it's explained right I don't know if I am explaining it right you know you want to be good you want to go to heaven when you have something like that you wanna go to heaven OK so you want to go to heaven so if we don't have heaven OK you almost say what's the reason why do I have to be good let's not be good what difference does it make"
    ~ Donald J. Trump~ June 2024
    Sounds like everyone else I’ve heard (Heck, I’ve heard actual pastors do a bad job explaining) except Joe:
    “I’m religious.” 

    Proceeds to enact rules and laws that violate major aspects of said religion. 

    *smiles blankly*

    -Joe Biden - 2021-2024. 

    Take the guy who gives a pathetic but possibly honest take on the fundamentals of basic religion or the guy who pretends to be religious yet is a complete hypocrite in everything he does. 

    I’ll take the honest guy. At least you know where he’s coming from. 

    And since I’m not electing either one as my pastor, I’ll take the guy who knows how to get things done, gets world leaders to toe the line, and cares about national security, economic strength, the tangible betterment of America and knows how to accomplish it over the demonstrably dangerously incompetent one. 
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