Apple Intelligence impresses now, and it's still very early



  • Reply 21 of 30
    No wonder Apple has no AI (Artificial Intelligence). A Taiwan friend told me that Apple refused / reluctant to decouple with China and thus Apple could only choose supply chain suppliers who did not use AI. Now Apple must totally decouple with China and rebuild its AI supply chain. It can be light years behind. 
  • Reply 22 of 30
    No wonder Apple has no AI (Artificial Intelligence). A Taiwan friend told me that Apple refused / reluctant to decouple with China and thus Apple could only choose supply chain suppliers who did not use AI. Now Apple must totally decouple with China and rebuild its AI supply chain. It can be light years behind. 
    Hear that fellas? Jellyapple’s *Taiwanese* friend heard a rumor, Apple is DOOOOOOOOMED! Michael Dell was right, sell sell sell!
    edited June 20 ihatescreennameswilliamlondonwatto_cobra
  • Reply 23 of 30
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,573member
    No wonder Apple has no AI (Artificial Intelligence). A Taiwan friend told me that Apple refused / reluctant to decouple with China and thus Apple could only choose supply chain suppliers who did not use AI. Now Apple must totally decouple with China and rebuild its AI supply chain. It can be light years behind. 
    Wrong. Apple does understand their home-grown AI might not entirely pass muster, and ChatGPT definitely won't. Private Cloud Compute won't be allowed either from what I can determine. But Apple will still offer a form of "Apple Intelligence" using Chinese AI providers for the backbone. 

    Markets require Apple to be malleable with privacy, but won't preclude selling in challenging countries. 
    edited June 20
  • Reply 24 of 30
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Will ChatGP ultimately end up being 'Sherlocked'...?
    It wouldn’t surprise me in the least to find that Apple is working on their own solution with the intention of no longer needing to use ChatGPT or some other third-party. 
    I am not so sure. It seems more like the way that Apple offers Google search as an option. Apple decided not to get into search too deeply, preferring to leave that to third parties. I suspect Apple's AI will focus on the user and keep the options for ChatGPT, Gemini, and others as the equivalent of search options as they do now.

    Then again, one could say the same for Maps; Apple did jump in, so it's anyone's guess.  I don't see the need as of yet.  Maybe in the future, though. Seeing just how bad ChatGPT and Gemini are for so many things thus far, I hope they either improve drastically or Apple does, as you suspect.
    edited June 20 watto_cobra
  • Reply 25 of 30
    DAalsethDAalseth Posts: 2,956member
    I am nowhere as enthralled or optimistic as many of the rest of you are. I looked down my notes from the WWDC presentation and under the AI features what did I have?
    ”F* No”
    ”Absolutely Not”

    Let’s take them in the order you have in the article. First the writing tools. I would like an improved spell checker. The ones available have gotten progressively worse over the years. Now they not only don’t suggest the word I’m trying to spell, they suggest words that don’t fit, and make no sense in context. Sometimes they aren’t even words. But given the history of them over the last twenty years I am not holding my breath. Same with Grammar checkers. 

    As far as using the tools to change the writing style, the voice of what I write, Hard No. I am a writer. I have crafted my style, my voice over decades and hundreds if not thousands of projects. The last thing I will EVER do is use a robot to make me sound like every other person using a robot to write because THEY never learned how. When I write something I want people to know that I, me, a real human being wrote it. To do that it sometimes means bending the rules. That’s what you get from experience.

    The ability to clean up images would be nice. The ability to create images is a hard no. I am an artist. I have spent the last five decades, first with pencil in sketchbooks, then pen and ink on vellum, then oil paints, then computer painting tools, honing my craft, developing my style. I am not going to use a robot to make my art look just like everyone else who uses a robot because they don’t know how to do it. 

    Those who can, do. Those who can’t use AI.

    An improved Siri might be nice. To be honest though, right now it does what I want it to. It answers my questions. Transcription is actually quite good and I use it often. I don’t see how AI could make Siri more useful. I do see though the distinct possibility that it might make it less so. I will be watching this.

    Lastly, we come to ChatGPT. What is the best way to put this? 

    Hard no. F* no. Absolutely not. I don’t want the option to approve each query or not. I want that abomination built on intellectual property theft from writers and artists like ME off of my systems. I want it killed with fire. I want the company sued into oblivion, and the founders bankrupted for their crimes. I will not use it and I do not want its data stealing code anywhere near me and my work. This is not negotiable. 

    edited June 20 williamlondonwatto_cobra
  • Reply 26 of 30
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    AppleZulu said:
    melgross said:

    Will ChatGP ultimately end up being 'Sherlocked'...?
    It wouldn’t surprise me in the least to find that Apple is working on their own solution with the intention of no longer needing to use ChatGPT or some other third-party. 
    Apple doesn't have talent to "Sherlock" ChatGPT, if they could they'd already have their own service instead of outsourcing to get it.
    What I do see Apple doing is trying to pass all this off as their own doing to the unaware masses who don't know. 
    That’s ridiculous. I mean, totally ridiculous.  You really need to know something before posting nonsense. Apple has been doing this well before anyone else. They call it by its proper term; machine learning. Artificial intelligence is just a term dreamed up a time ago to sound more exciting for the masses.

    if you look at what Apple us doing here, you’d see that they’ve been working on nit for years. But Apple has learned from the Maps fiasco to not introduce a major initiative before it’s ready. Look at what Microsoft and Google did with theirs. Both companies had to withdraw their LLMs shortly after introducing them because of major problems. Google’s engineers even wrote a letter to management n telling to not bring it out because it wasn’t ready and there would be problems. They’ve now withdrawn AI search until they fix it. Microsoft has withdrawn the latest Windows 11 update because of a security nightmare and there’s no information as to when Recall will come out, if it ever will, which is what some people in the industry believe.

    so Apple doesn’t have the talent? Really, that’s garbage.
    I agree with your conclusion that Apple has the capacity to impact this field, and even that in recent times the term Artificial Intelligence has been over-hyped. That said, the term itself has been in use since at least 1956 and probably earlier, so the term is not a new thing. 
    I never said it was a new thing. Computer scientists, back in the early 1950s thought AI would be easy and they predicted it would be available in a few years. I even have an article that stated, in the early 1960s I think it was, that it would require a computer the size of the Empire State Building and have to be powered by Niagara Falls. They had a drawing of the two next to each other. 
  • Reply 27 of 30
    CheeseFreezeCheeseFreeze Posts: 1,326member
    Bit of a heave handed article. What is demonstrated is typical LLM performance and behavior. 
  • Reply 28 of 30
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,450member
    DAalseth said:
    I am nowhere as enthralled or optimistic as many of the rest of you are. I looked down my notes from the WWDC presentation and under the AI features what did I have?


    An improved Siri might be nice. To be honest though, right now it does what I want it to. It answers my questions. Transcription is actually quite good and I use it often. I don’t see how AI could make Siri more useful. I do see though the distinct possibility that it might make it less so. I will be watching this.
    Well, for one you could have Apple Intelligence summarize the keynote for you, because you sure aren't good at taking notes if you missed all the useful enhancements coming to Siri that were outlined.

    Lastly, we come to ChatGPT. What is the best way to put this? Hard no. F* no. Absolutely not. I don’t want the option to approve each query or not.
    You can turn it off, in fact I think it may be off by default. Calm down.
  • Reply 29 of 30
    DAalsethDAalseth Posts: 2,956member
    DAalseth said:
    I am nowhere as enthralled or optimistic as many of the rest of you are. I looked down my notes from the WWDC presentation and under the AI features what did I have?


    An improved Siri might be nice. To be honest though, right now it does what I want it to. It answers my questions. Transcription is actually quite good and I use it often. I don’t see how AI could make Siri more useful. I do see though the distinct possibility that it might make it less so. I will be watching this.
    Well, for one you could have Apple Intelligence summarize the keynote for you, because you sure aren't good at taking notes if you missed all the useful enhancements coming to Siri that were outlined.

    Lastly, we come to ChatGPT. What is the best way to put this? Hard no. F* no. Absolutely not. I don’t want the option to approve each query or not.
    You can turn it off, in fact I think it may be off by default. Calm down.
    I am very aware of the improvements that are coming to Siri, both from the keynote and other reports. I am however skeptical until I see the finished product. Right now I don’t have any problems with Siri. It does what I want. Setting aside the WWDC sales pitch, will it still when iOS 18 rolls out. Only time will tell.

    As far as ChatGPT, yes I know you can turn it off and reports are it will be off by default. That only means that it won’t respond to my queries. OpenAI has a history of lying about what they are scraping to train their systems. They have been caught multiple times accessing data that they had no right to touch. Excuse me for not trusting them. It would not surprise me at all if they lied to Apple and are later caught mining our devices for data. 
  • Reply 30 of 30
    “… and create any image you can image.”
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