Apple CEO Tim Cook personally invested $1 million in Trump's inauguration



  • Reply 121 of 123
    jdwjdw Posts: 1,469member
    mattinoz said:
    Total votes 152,319,830
    population  346,388,480 people 

    So more than half didn’t vote for anyone.
    they each got more than a 1/5 but less than a 1/4.

    Sure a 1/3 are generally underage or otherwise in capable.
    still at 80mill non voters are still the next biggest group after the young. 
    I think it's best to flesh out the numbers a bit more when engaging in these numerical discussions..

    As of January 1, 2025, the population of the United States was 341,145,670, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. So it's clear the number depends on your source.  But both your number and mine aren't too terrible different.

    Total number of votes cast as of today seems to be 155,211,283 as per this source. But counting is still ongoing.

    Voting Age population has been estimated by one source to be 78%, which is roughly: 266,092,623 people.
    So based on that number, if accurate, the turnout rate for the Nov. '24 election would be 

    Other estimates of the number of 18 and older people in the US peg it at 
    260,046,087 people.
    If that number is accurate, then the turnout rate for the Presidential election would be 59.7%.

    The turnout rate among eligible voters according to BallotPedia was 63.7%.

    To dive deeper into the numbers, you'd need to consider the mentally ill, physically ill and those otherwise incapable of voting, subtracting them from the 18 and older group, then recalculate the figures.  For example, ChatGPT estimates 5 to 7% of the 18-and-older population may be incapable of voting at all, which if true would be 
    15,602,765 people. Recalculating the Turnout Rate among the general population shows the number in that case to be 63.5%.

    What that tells me is that a very significant and sizable percentage of the US population able to vote did in fact vote.

    Not that any of that really matters too much in terms of what Tim Cook PERSONALLY did in terms of making a monetary contribution to President-elect Trump.
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  • Reply 122 of 123
    Xedxed Posts: 2,966member
    Now I understand why Cook "donated" $1M to Trump. Apple always donates to disasters... even dumpster fires.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
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