Is this a hoax?
See for yourself:
<a href=" wTutorial=0&ed=1020723326&indexURL=0&rd=1" target="_blank"> wTutorial=0&ed=1020723326&indexURL=0&rd=1</a>
<a href=" wTutorial=0&ed=1020723326&indexURL=0&rd=1" target="_blank"> wTutorial=0&ed=1020723326&indexURL=0&rd=1</a>
But Apple definitely wouldn't give new, unannounnced hardware to someone who couldn't be trusted to not try and sell it on eBay.
DDR RAM? Apple would want the world to know, and there's been no announcement.
just a thought.
Apple has never had 5 PCI slots and 4 ram slots on the same machine and that pic looks legit..... i dono
1)it lists alot of things that the CPU has on it, but has no CPU/daughtercard to go with.
2) advertises that it'll work with current CPU's , but current CPU's can't work w/DDR
3)mentions that altivec can handle DP FP calculations, but the current G4+ does SP
4)those are DDR slots
as far as I know the last Apple mobo that was red was for the Kanga g3 laptop
It's possible that an enterprising (but not to bright) youngster decided to sell some beta equipment without thinking whether it was actually released yet or not? errr... But I think that there would only be product like that floating around if some kind of release or at least official announcement was imminent. When was that WWDC mixer again???
OTOH, it could just be a guy having a little fun with us.
[ 05-02-2002: Message edited by: Matsu ]</p>
4 PCI slots
4 RAM slots
2 Firewire
1 Ethernet
My guesses...
Is that a modem port next to the ethernet port? (cant tell clearly)
Are there 2 ATA connectors in the top right?
No clue...
No idea whether the RAM slots are DDR. He just states that.
The specifications section is dubious across any number of issues.
Where is the CPU connector?
<strong>over @ #mac, we've noted the following:
3)mentions that altivec can handle DP FP calculations, but the current G4+ does SP
The ad makes no mention of Altivec handling DP, only "Powerful floating-point unit supporting single-cycle, double-precision calculations ", which describes all G4's FPU.
A small question - are all the new mobo's red? small detail really.. I just think it looks really sweet. The ad says it's not a current board though..
[ 05-02-2002: Message edited by: Burn ]</p>
Also where the power connector (next to the two IDE Ports) is along with the connector for what you would think would be the front power/ program switch panel would plug in that the unit would have a hinge running long the right side of the board as shown. This would keep the cable length under control.
This would also give more air flow to the processor if they use a case like the Quicksilver ones in use now.
Any other thoughts?
Later Steve
[ 05-02-2002: Message edited by: ssmurphy ]</p>
<strong>What is with the jumper block next to the two IDE drive connectors. Also look at the single port next to the firewire ones. Could that be a FireWire or USB 2 connector?
[ 05-02-2002: Message edited by: ssmurphy ]</strong><hr></blockquote>
Looks like a firewire2 connector:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<strong>As river-wind already stated, those are DDR ram slots.. (easiest way to tell is that SDRAM has two notches along the row where the ram fits into the slot. DDR has 1) I can't really tell, but I would assume the 'opposite orientation' of connectors is simply a result of someone switching the horizontal orientation of the image.
A small question - are all the new mobo's red? small detail really.. I just think it looks really sweet. The ad says it's not a current board though..
[ 05-02-2002: Message edited by: Burn ]</strong><hr></blockquote>
apple's prototype motherboards are red and I believe they use different colors for different stages. I know the boards they seed are usually red.
definitely interesting and looks legit. it resembles what an apple motherboard would look like for the most part.
Doesn't look like there is a modem (of course the G4s did have a modem up above the board attached to the back wall), but the little square-ish connector between the Ethernet and FireWire *could* be FireWire 2.
And remember the mobo may not be going into a current G4 case. It looks like it *will* be vertically mounted (the opening in the middle of the board look like holding clip clearance) however just not in a standard G4-esque case. The board is very oddly shaped, irregular. Must be designed around something internal to the chasis - new door opening mechanism perhaps?
Hopefully they will replace the aging design of the tower with one that allows for more useful internal space/front mounted drives. Of course knowing Apple (Steve Jobs) you wont be able to put anything in the front at all beyond the SuperDrive. <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />