And you thought Fran had it bad, check this out!



  • Reply 21 of 76
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by Matsu

    Xserves are not being adopted at a respectable rate

    Quit while you're behind, pixel-boy.
  • Reply 22 of 76
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member

    Originally posted by Eugene

    Quit while you're behind, pixel-boy.

    OK, lets say they aren't setting the market on fire. I think it's a good product, but it's the kind of thing that needs time to be established (service and support) an entrenched base, yadda yadda... That their uptake is slow is a valid point, that this means Apple is somehow doomed in that space is perhaps not. Like I said, I'm pretty sure Apple expected that it would take some time to penetrate that market regardless of the quality (or price) of their product, and has planned for this. A slow loyal build up, that meets a significant boost with 970's and an increasing move towards farms/blades/clusters of thin machines rather than BIG iron per se. But, it isn't really something that's contributing to the bottom line ATM, that's all I meant.
  • Reply 23 of 76
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    Matsu you should know better than to align yourself with a fool. I'm disappointed in you.


    Actually, I'm just enjoying the show, and I thought to bring it here for a little fun, even a 12"PB can't erase my fondness for off the mark anti-Apple tirades. iDunno, there's just something cathartic about it, even if it is off the mark.
  • Reply 24 of 76
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Watching Manzione writhe in anguished pain IS kind of Morbidly Amusing.

    Come on John...let ALL that hate out.
  • Reply 25 of 76
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Support is excellent. They flew my iBook to Texas and back in 2 days and fixed the combo drive which died, and since I'd taken the iBook apart they fixed numerous other things too. And even loosened a screw so I could put RAM in! I would say Apple support is first class. Certainly better than any other company.
  • Reply 26 of 76
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member

    Originally posted by Matsu

    Xserves are not being adopted at a respectable rate (though I'm sure Apple never suspected they would, and this is part of a long term strategy to build a new market for themselves)

    Do we know that? The only numbers I've seen was from the first three months after the release.

    Regarding the article:

    He compares them to home build Linux servers? Apple isn't competing with them.

    I know six year olds that are more mature than him.
  • Reply 27 of 76
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    Manzione has always struck me as manic-depressive. On one day, Apple can do no wrong, the next, Apple is doomed! I've always had excellent support from Apple and the local specialist, they've bent the rules for me before. I know that isn't always the case, and I'm sure this is a real problem for him (edit: I meant to say that he's had real problems]. I just don't know whether all the excitement is really deserved or whether it's just him. Take the case of whats-his-name from Railhead Design when he had problems with his Apple display. He was too accomodating (sent it back three times, but nary a word against the fruit company). There must be some cosmic balance between the two.
  • Reply 28 of 76
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    HEHEHE, Manic-dpressive! HAHHAHA

    I want to kill myself , wait, I mean

    Or, he may be the Mac Web version of our favorite flame baiter, Mr Dvorak. It would be good to have one of our own. Funny thing, this might, as much as it destroys his cred, make him more popular than ever! Nothing like page hits to keep the adverts happy!

    In which case, a hearty apology from me for aiding and abetting.
  • Reply 29 of 76
    gizzmonicgizzmonic Posts: 511member
    Yeah, as someone wiser than me once said on this board,

    "You know it's gonna suck when it begins with, 'I've been a Mac user since XXXX'".

    This is no different that countless "I've bought every Mac since 1984, I named my kids Steve, Steve, and Steve, why have you betrayed me Apple?" letters that take up space on message boards everywhere.

    The biggest fanatics take the hardest falls. I think it's a certain personality type, but whatever it is, they always take the largest offense at something when they notice any type of flaw the Apple has, real or perceived.

    Once they've "lost faith" in Apple, they let loose on a self-indulgent tirade, and then what happens to them? Most of the time, they shut up and keeping using their Macs like good little soldiers. Or they go over to Windows and find something else to hate.

    Why don't we ever see any letters like "Dear Hewlett-Packard, I've bought all your calculators since the H-84..."
  • Reply 30 of 76
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    good. john is ****ing asshole.

    glad to see this happen to him and i hope apple spits in his face
  • Reply 31 of 76
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member

    Originally posted by Gizzmonic

    Yeah, as someone wiser than me once said on this board,

    "You know it's gonna suck when it begins with, 'I've been a Mac user since XXXX'".

    Also look for my two favorite endings to these rants/open letters:

    "FIX THIS APPLE!" (Psst... they're not reading this.)

    and the ultimate slam:

    " bad as Windows." (Anything less than miraculous gets lumped in.)
  • Reply 32 of 76
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member

    Originally posted by Aquatic

    Support is excellent. They flew my iBook to Texas and back in 2 days and fixed the combo drive which died, and since I'd taken the iBook apart they fixed numerous other things too. And even loosened a screw so I could put RAM in! I would say Apple support is first class. Certainly better than any other company.

    I wouldn't call it excellent. Sure, the few problems I have had with my computer have been fixed expeditiously... but problems like this happen... and there is no reason for it... im sure that the problems that Manzione have had over the years have been exaggerated, but the point is, simple problems should not be happening. While you may not be experiencing them, they DO exist, can be easily avoided and only create bad sentiment, which is not a good thing...
  • Reply 33 of 76
    1337_5l4xx0r1337_5l4xx0r Posts: 1,558member
    I am not taking sides on this issue. However, I'm curious:

    How could he know the screen flashing issue on his towers was a software driver issue? Is it unreasonable to think it is a hardware issue?

    How could he be at fault for a non-functional fan resulting in a smoking motherboard on a TiBook? Loose battery (known issue)? Etc. This is not carelesness.

    Have you seen a rev. A TiBook? My classmates had numerous issues... paint, video, etc.

    The lack of objectivity in here is stooping to Manzione levels.
  • Reply 34 of 76
    matthwumatthwu Posts: 6member
    Actually, I'm pretty sure you're all just complaining because he's the only Mac fanatic to have balls and tell the truth for once. Sorry, but when you live a lie in your 100% Mac-biased worlds, and you rip on one of your own for saying anything but good about an Apple product, then you're a damn sad person.
  • Reply 35 of 76
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member

    Actually, I'm pretty sure you're all just complaining because he's the only Mac fanatic to have balls and tell the truth for once. Sorry, but when you live a lie in your 100% Mac-biased worlds, and you rip on one of your own for saying anything but good about an Apple product, then you're a damn sad person.

    it has more to do with reality. i order a LOT of PC and Mac hardware every year. even at these high volumes, i've never had a fraction of the problems this guy has.

    combine that with the fact that those who've met him say he's slime, and i don't trust his claims at face value. if you'll only believe the worst about a company in spite of logic, isn't that just as bad as only believing the best?
  • Reply 36 of 76
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member

    Originally posted by MattHWU

    Actually, I'm pretty sure you're all just complaining because he's the only Mac fanatic to have balls and tell the truth for once. Sorry, but when you live a lie in your 100% Mac-biased worlds, and you rip on one of your own for saying anything but good about an Apple product, then you're a damn sad person.

    Muahahahahah you registered to write this? Your writing is as idiotic as manzione's. Who's "truth" is he telling? We don't know the man from a can of paint but lets just say Kosmos's reputation as a buffoon is well noted.
  • Reply 37 of 76
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by MattHWU

    Actually, I'm pretty sure you're all just complaining because he's the only Mac fanatic to have balls and tell the truth for once. Sorry, but when you live a lie in your 100% Mac-biased worlds, and you rip on one of your own for saying anything but good about an Apple product, then you're a damn sad person.

    Funny, because I have been a witness to numerous examples of what I consider criminal behavior on John Manzione's part.

    100% Mac world indeed...

    No...a sad person misthandles his own computer and creates a fictional account about how he's been anguished and wronged...x100. He's done this so man times's getting old...and now he goes off on a tirade about everything Apple.

    He's a a dishonest little kid.
  • Reply 38 of 76
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    I just sampled some of Matt's writing. Man this kids is a Rhodes Scholar!


    You know, I find it funny how all of you blind Mac users call Winodws (or "Lindows, or "Wintel", as Windows is also reffered to, by the way, Lindows is a Linux OS, so you probably shouldn't call Windows that as it isn't the same thing) the "dark side". What's so dark about it? Sorry, but Microsoft has some of the best customer support you will ever find, makes a damn stable OS, and has some excellent products. It's called the truth, look into it.

    ???? this is incomprehensible Matt


    As you may have realized, I am a PC user, but I am not just an ordinary ignorant PC user, I'm a computer hardware enthusiast.

    Ahhhh so you're a hardware enthusiast who's NOT ignorant. Guess that explains the Pulitzer Class writing of yours huh?


    The latest G4, the 1.42GHz has a Front Side Bus of only 167MHz, while using up to PC2700 (DDR333) RAM. The RAM runs nearly twice the speed of the FSB, which limits the performance of Mac systems tremendously

    You're almost there. You screwed up on the "RAM being twice as fast" I think what you mean to say is the FSB not being DDR limits the overall maximum throughput for data that must traverse the FSB. However Apple's system controller allows DMA access to memory at full memory bandwidth for plenty of items. See image.

    Thanks Matt but we're all very aware of our own platform.


    The only reason Apple has a 5% market is because 80% of their customers are schools, and because Microsoft has given them millions of dollars in financial support (to risk loosing the company as a competitor, and thus being claimed as a monopoly). Now I'll admit, the money part is a bit wrong, at least the reasoning behind it is, but hey, I never said I liked Bill Gates.

    Phew glad you came back partially to your senses. You were sounding like Manzione Jr for a minute there. FYI Dell now has more of the Edu market according to statistics. However you readily admitted that you've written wrong info so we'll let that oversight slide.


    I find it enjoyable, as do the hundreds of thousands of other OCers out there like myself. I enjoy pushing my hardware to the max, to the get the last MHz out of my CPU, to get the last 3DMark out of my video card, to get the last framerate out of my game, and I will be doing this all on my "evil Microsoft OS". I must mention, in the 2 years of using XP, it has only crashed twice on me.

    Bingo Matt! That is the difference between a Mac user and Peecee user. While you're tweaking your Bios, adding plexiglass and neon lights to your ATX Box....Mac users are getting REAL work done.'ve summed it up very succinctly. I'm indebted to you.
  • Reply 39 of 76
    netromacnetromac Posts: 863member

    Originally posted by MattHWU

    Sorry, but when you live a lie in your 100% Mac-biased worlds, and you rip on one of your own for saying anything but good about an Apple product, then you're a damn sad person.

    Thanks for sharing your taughts with us . I for one don't live in a 100% "mac-biased" world. I use both macs and pc's regularly, own both a mac and a pc (in fact, I'm writing this on my XP-box right now because my girlfriend is doing some presentation work on my QS ), and have to say that I never had any big problems with none of them. I simply prefer the mac. This is because of many reasons, some are obvious, like the slick user interface, the numerous little touches, the stability, while some are a little harder to lay a hand on. It has some undefined quality about it. And it gets work done, it never fails - at least - on me. Thats important. XP is good - by far the best os from MS - and seldom causes any troubles, but it simply doesn't attract me so much. Win-XP is "fast", the machines are cheap and get the work done, but they simply doesn't have that little extra that does the mac so much fun.

    My point is - finally - that if you have been reading these boards for a while you would have seen that we have a fair amount of nuanced discussion about the mac vs the pc. A lot of people here have been criticizing the speed of Apples computers in the last few years, not entirely Apples fault but still a big problem. We have been discussing the OS, it's faults and failures, bugs and problems, but in a constructive manner, and if Apple is reading these boards they would probably have gotten a few ideas for improvements to various parts of the system and computer (or am I wrong ). Some of us have had problems with our computers, but in my experience Apple has been very helpful and my problems (had to replace my performa 5200 mother board) were fixed without much hassle.

    So whats up with this manzione guy. He seems to have had an extensive amout of problems with his computers. Is it his fault, I don't know, but he would have been much smarter to deal with this in a subtler way. He sure isn't making Apple happy and forthcoming with this behaviour. Claiming that Apple by will have damaged his computer. How likely is that The best way to deal with companies in my opinion (and experience), is to talk to them in calm and respectful manner, be nice - and the person in the other end is more likely to be nice and forthcoming too. And if you look at how he's handling his PB, my god, it's not so strange that it broke. Look at the screen, how much force must you apply to make such damage. If I couldn't open my PB in a normal way, I would probably take it to the nearest retailer and have it looked at.

    I have to say, that if there are someone thats qualified to have an opinion on the quality of macintoshes it must be the combined forces of these boars. Now we're close to 9000 members and a lot more macs. A lot of us have had problems, but have managed to work them out in better way than this manzione guy.

    So the final word is, and I have probably said far too much already to answer your unfounded and immature post, that we welcome criticism that is well founded and discussed in a polite and constructive manner. Such criticism is only going to make the mac a better place to be in the coming years. Rants on the other hand are not constructive or very helpful, and I would place your post in that category. So Matt, if you have something constructive to say, go on, or else GO AWAY.
  • Reply 40 of 76
    matrixxxmatrixxx Posts: 1member
    You Mac People Make Me Laugh Because You think Your so high and migthy with your overpriced hardware and software which You use just to be part of a exclusive club.... but its okay when you bash Wintel Machines and M$, but when a man like John who uses Macs has something bad to say about them then Holy$hit you get upinarms and start calling him a lier because he may be telling the truth but you're too blind to see that your just like lemmings and following Your Leader Steve Jobs and his great plans for the future... well continue your puny little existance as Mac Zealots while the rest of the world keeps using M$ products.

    P.S Keep Up the critisicm on all of M$ products its only helping it get better!
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